+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | W I L L O W | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ GAME: WILLOW PLATFORM: ARCADE GENRE: ARCADE ACTION CREATOR: CAPCOM Copyright 1988 AUTHOR OF THIS FAQ: Kevin Butler AKA War Doc E-MAIL: kevinb(at)technologist(dot)com FAQ VERSION: 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS UNIT I: INTRODUCTION 1. Legal Stuff 2. Version Information 3. Acknowledgements 4. Welcome 5. Overview UNIT II: GAME INFORMATION 6. The Game 6.1 The Controls 6.2 The Playing Field 6.3 Scoring 6.4 Equipment/Items and Shops 6.5 The Bosses UNIT III: STRATEGIES 7. Playing the Game 7.1 I. Crossroad 7.2 II. Cherlindrea's Forest 7.3 III. Fin Raziel's Island 7.4 IV. Sorsha's Camp 7.5 V. Tir Asleen Castle 7.6 VI. Nockmaar Castle UNIT IV: CONCLUSION 8. Conclusion _______________________________________________________________________________ To find a particular chapter or subchapter do the following: 1. Highlight the chapter or subchapter name you wish to find. 2. Press CTRL-C 3. Press CTRL-F 4. Press CTRL-V 5. Press CTRL-F 5. You will arrive at the desired chapter or subchapter. _______________________________________________________________________________ ************** ********************************* U N I T I ********************************** ************** +=================+ | 1. LEGAL STUFF |============================================================ +=================+ This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advanced permission from the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or as part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All content in this guide is Copyright 2004 by Kevin Butler. Only the sites listed below have permission to publish this work or to display it: www.gamefaqs.com www.cheats.de faqs.ign.com If you wish to put this guide on your site, e-mail me and ask. Save yourself the headache of putting up with lawsuits and whatnot because you failed to ask a simple "Can I post your guide on ?". If you wish to use info in this guide, please acknowledge that you have done so. If I don't respond or I say no, accept it as fact. This especially goes out to Dave at www.cheatcc.com since he has a habit of taking guides without permission. In addition, do not modify this guide in any way whatsoever to suit your purposes. The latest version can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com. If you see this guide on any other site then the one listed above, please e-mail me. If you wish to ask questions or give input to this guide, please e-mail me. Just have Willow as the subject so I know it isn't another kooky vendor trying to sell me hair gel or another XXX site telling me I have new friends. +=========================+ | 2. VERSION INFORMATION |==================================================== +=========================+ Version 1.0 2/16/04: A guide is born. +======================+ | 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS |======================================================= +======================+ The following are a list of people or organizations that have made this FAQ possible: My wonderful family (who has had to put up with the tapping on the keyboard) Capcom for making a great arcade game GameFAQ's for putting up this FAQ +=============+ | 4. WELCOME |================================================================ +=============+ Welcome to my FAQ for Willow. Since the game is just a linear type of game, there is a general walkthrough provided. This walkthrough will be broken up into the game itself and strategies for survival. Input is appreciated along with constructive criticism. If you wish to e-mail me thoughts on this FAQ, better ways of doing things, other strategies, etc., feel free. Make sure you put Willow as the subject. If you don't, I'm liable to discard the e-mail as spam. +==============+ | 5. OVERVIEW |=============================================================== +==============+ Willow was created by a company that had just arrived into the video arcade arena in 1984. Capcom's first games weren't really memorable with the exception of 1942 and Ghosts 'n Goblins. By 1987, the video arcade market started its slow recovery from the arcade crash four years earlier. Capcom came out with more memorable games such as Bionic Commando, Willow, and 1943: The Battle of Midway. Although it wasn't a major force in the arcade world, Capcom still could hold its own against other companies such as Atari, Konami, Namco, and Sega who were also still putting out arcade machines. Capcom, though, is best remembered for putting out the Resident Evil games ten years down the road. Good luck at helping Willow rescue Elora Danan. *************** ******************************** U N I T II ********************************** *************** +==============+ | 6. THE GAME |=============================================================== +==============+ Willow is a two-dimensional, platform style game. The game is loosely based upon the movie of the same name. You play one of two characters: Willow Ufgood or Madmartigan. Your mission is to rescue the baby Elora Danan and bring her back safely. If you fail, then the evil queen Bavmorda will plunge the world into darkness and chaos. You will travel through six different areas which represent certain scenes from the movie. You don't have to see the movie to enjoy the game, but it will give you a better idea and put the pieces of the game together for you. During your travels, you will encounter many different enemies. In addition to experience, you will also get gold. This gold, in turn, can be used to purchase healing magics, protections, and upgrades to your attacks. You are, though, basically on your own and very little outside help will be forthcoming. Sometimes it is better to be a live coward then a dead hero. ____________________ / 6.1 The Controls /__________________________________________________________ -------------------- The controls on this game are pretty easy. It may, though, take just a little bit of time to get used to them. - An eight-way joystick - A swing or fire button - A jump button __________________________ / 6.2 The Playing Fields /____________________________________________________ -------------------------- Willow involves going through different areas as you quest to save Elora Danan. The basic screen, though, remains the same. It is just whatever area that you are in that is different. I have included an example of what the playing screen looks like: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1UP HIGH SCORE | | | | YOUR VITALITY MONEY TIME LEFT #:## | | BOSSES VITALITY (WHEN YOU BATTLE A BOSS) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | @<-YOUR CHARACTER | | |\/ | | ___/ \____ ________ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | |______________ ______________| / | / | | \ / \ / \ / \ / | / | | \____/ \_________/ \__________/ \__/ \_/ | | | | | | | | | |___________________________________________________________________| |_____________________ | |YOUR ATTACK POWER ] ITEMS YOU CURRENTLY POSSESS | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ You control your character through the different screens. _______________ / 6.3 Scoring /_______________________________________________________________ --------------- Scoring in this game is relatively hard since there are a lot of things you can get points for. Also, you get money for many of the monsters you kill. This money, though, will only remain around for a couple of seconds so you have to be quick to pick it up. Here is the scoring table (GOLD is the amount of money normally received.): +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | MONSTER | POINTS | GOLD | SPECIAL ATTACKS | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | ARCHER | 50 | 10 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | AXE THROWER | 200 | 10 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | BAT | 200 | 10 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | DEVIL DOG | 100 | 10 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | EAGLE | 200 | 10 | DROP ROCKS | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | FISH | 200 | 200 | ATTACK FROM ABOVE AND | | | | | BELOW | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | PROJECTILE THROWER | 1,500 | 100 | CAN THROW BOMBS | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SNAKE | 50 | 10 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SNOWBALL | 100 | 0 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SOLDIER | 50 | 100 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SPEAR THROWER | 500 | 100 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | TROLL | 500 | 100 | NONE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | BOSSES (IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE) | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SORCERER | 500 | 200 | FIRE, LIGHTENING MAGIC | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | DEVIL DOG | 7,000 | 10,000 | FIRE BREATH, CLAWS | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SERGEANT CLAW | 2,100 | 400 | IMMUNE TO ATTACK WHILE | | | | | BEHIND SHIELD | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | WIZARD | 6,500 | 10,000 | SPELLS, FIRE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | DRAGON | 10,000 | 1000 | FLIGHT, BREATH WEAPON | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | SORSHA | 15,000 | 10,000 | SPEED, MOBILITY | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | TWO-HEADED DRAGON | 20,000 | 10,000 | FIRE, BITE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | KAEL | 10,000 | 10,000 | MOBILITY, LONG-RANGE | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ | BAVMORDA | NONE | NONE | MAGIC | +------------------------+---------+--------+------------------------+ In addition to the above, you can get money or items from the treasure chests. Attacking the chests is enough to open them. You will receive a bonus at the end of each stage. The bonus comes out to be: Time (in seconds) x 100 x Stage Number Life (in bars) x 100 x Stage Number So, for Stage 2 you had 1:31 in time left and three bars of life, your bonus would be: 91 seconds x 100 x 2 = 18,200 points for Time 3 bars x 100 x 2 = 600 points for Life Grand Total Bonus 18,800 points You start the game with 1, 2, 3, or 4 men. Your vitality, when you start, can be anywhere from 2 to 5 bars. You can purchase free men and vitality at the shops. When you run out of men, the game is over. You can continue the game for additional money. _________________________________ / 6.4 Equipment/Items and Shops /_____________________________________________ --------------------------------- You will come across gnomes, in your travels, which operate shops. If you have the money, there are quite a few items to make your journey easier. In addition, the cost will go up according to the quantity of a certain item you have already purchased. The screen is set up so you have six items to the left of the gnome and five items to the right. I have numbered the items like this: +----------------+ | 1 4 7 10 | | 2 5 8 11 | | 3 6 9 12 | +----------------+ Below are descriptions of the items. In addition, is the cost and the increase in cost every time you purchase said item. +--------------+ | 6.4.1 Magic | +--------------+ Only can be purchased when you are playing Willow. Moonlight Magic: 850G Tornado Magic : 2,000G Gold Magic : 4,500G Time Magic : 8,000G Explosive Magic: 10,000G +-------------------+ | 6.4.2 Holy Water | +-------------------+ Cost: 400G Heals one point of damage (restores one point of vitality). +----------------------+ | 6.4.3 Charm Pendant | +----------------------+ Cost: 500G Cost goes up 500G per pendant bought at next shop. For example, you buy a pendant at shop #1 for 500G. At shop #2, it costs 1,000G to buy another one and at shop #3, it costs 1,500G to buy another one and so on. This item absorbs one point of damage. +----------------+ | 6.4.4 Weapons | +----------------+ Only can be purchased when you are playing Madmartigan. Battle Sword : 2,000G Dragon Sword : 4,000G Battle Blade : 6,000G Ultimate Sword: 10,000G +--------------------+ | 6.4.5 Holy Liquor | +--------------------+ Cost: 800G Heals two points of damage (restores two points of vitality). +-------------------+ | 6.4.6 Charm Ring | +-------------------+ Cost: 1,000G Cost goes up 1,000G per ring bought at next shop. For example, you buy a pendant at shop #1 for 1,000G. At shop #2, it costs 2,000G to buy another one and at shop #3, it costs 3,000G to buy another one and so on. This item absorbs two points of damage. +----------------------+ | 6.4.7 Magic Bracelet | +----------------------+ Cost: 250G (can carry a maximum of 3) Cost goes up 250G per bracelet bought at next shop. For example, you buy three bracelets shop #1 for 750G. At shop #2, two bracelets will cost 1,500G to buy another one and at shop #3, it costs 2,000G to buy another one and so on. Absorbs one magic attack directed at your character. +------------------+ | 6.4.8 Life Pack | +------------------+ This item will add bars to your vitality. The price goes up dramatically for each Life Pack. Vitality + 1: 2,000G Vitality + 2: 5,000G Vitality + 3: 10,000G Vitality + 4 and beyond: 10,000G +-----------------+ | 6.4.9 Free Man | +-----------------+ Awards you a free man. Free Man + 1: 5,000G Free Man + 2: 25,000G Free Man + 3: 80,000G Free Man + 4 and beyond: 80,000G +------------------------+ | 6.4.10 Charm Bracelet | +------------------------+ Cost: 1,500G Cost goes up 1,500G per bracelet bought at next shop. For example, you buy a pendant at shop #1 for 1,500G. At shop #2, it costs 3,000G to buy another one and at shop #3, it costs 4,500G to buy another one and so on. This item absorbs three points of damage. Sometimes, the quest stone will be in this slot instead. It costs 500G and increases your luck. +---------------------+ | 6.4.11 Information | +---------------------+ Cost: 50G There are 12 gnomes spread out among the six stages. Each one of them can give you tidbits of information about your upcoming adventures. Use this in- formation in conjunction with the walkthrough in Chapter 7. I will have the gnomes listed in the order that you will encounter them: Stage I, Gnome 1: First, we must meet with the warrior. Stage I, Gnome 2: The Quest Stone is a legendary rock. The person that holds it will be blessed with good luck. Stage II, Gnome 1: This tavern is surrounded. You should get on the wagon and run away. Stage III, Gnome 1: The Sergeant of the Nockmaar troops will have unguarded moments when attacking. Stage III, Gnome 2: I have heard that a witch lives on Fin Raziel Island. Do you have the Magic Bracelet? Stage IV, Gnome 1: A dragon lives in the back of the cave. Beware of his flames. Stage IV, Gnome 2: Use a sled to go down the mountain. Avoid the boulder by jumping. Stage V, Gnome 1: Look for the Brownie. He should be a strong ally. Stage V, Gnome 2: The two-headed dragon is a fearful creature. Are you capable of Explosive Magic? Stage VI, Gnomes 1 & 2: The corridor is a maze. Look for the true door. Stage VI, Gnome 3: Beware of Bavmorda's magic. With her magic, she can also blow life into objects. +-------------+ | 6.4.12 Exit | +-------------+ Exit the shop __________________ / 6.5 The Bosses /____________________________________________________________ ------------------ There are nine bosses to deal with in this game. I will first list the bosses, then their vitality (if known), then a couple of tactics that you can use to de- feat them. Go to chapter 7 for the exact location of these bosses. Watch the Boss Vitality meter to see how much damage you are doing to them. As you damage them, they will lose a bar off the meter. +----------+ | SORCERER | +----------+ Vitality: Unknown - First, get off the bridge and onto the cliff. This will make the battle easier to fight. - Basically, just keep firing in his direction and jump to attack when needed. When he attacks, just jump over his spells. - This will take a while but keep pounding on him and you will send him back to school. +-----------+ | DEVIL DOG | +-----------+ Vitality: 4 At the end of Stage I, a sorcerer appears telling you to turn back. To prove his point, he magically makes a regular Devil Dog grow to huge proportions. - The main attacks the dog makes are its flame breath and claws. You must keep mobile at all times to avoid the effects of these. - When the dog crouches, it is read to release a hot-breath torrent. This is the time to jump up and make your shots count. The pooch will flash every time a hit is scored. - The fire rolls along the ground so you may have to jump a couple of times to avoid it. Don't get too close to the paws or the dog will claw you. - Continue to watch the dog crouch down and attack. Eventually, you will have housebroken the animal. +---------------+ | SERGEANT CLAW | +---------------+ Vitality: Unknown At the middle of Stage III, you will be on an island. Follow the gnome's advice regarding this boss. - When the Sergeant is standing up, none of your attacks will affect him. It is only when he is crouched down and attacked can you hit him. - You will have to power jump (diagonal + jump) over him to avoid his claw. - Continue to attack between his attacks when he is crouched down. Eventually, you will take him out. +--------+ | WIZARD | +--------+ Vitality: 10 This is the boss you have to deal with at the end of Stage III. - He has two major attacks. He will use fire demons and fire attacks on you. - The fire demons can be eliminated with regular attacks. You must, however, jump over the fire attacks which tend to cause a splash effect. - This boss spends most of his time in the air so you will have do power jumps in order to attack him. Just watch out for the fire demons he launches. - Continue this pattern and you will defeat the Wizard. +--------+ | DRAGON | +--------+ Vitality: Unknown This is the boss you deal with halfway through Stage IV. - This bosses main attack is its fire breath. It will either hover over your character or shoot flames from an angle. The object is to keep moving so you don't get toasted. - The Dragon tends to fly in a pattern. It will stay high for a while, then it will swoop down to attempt to claw your character. Use of the power jump is strongly recommended. - You can get in three to four hits between fire breaths if you time things right. In addition, if you are under the Dragon, you can get in an additional one or two hits. - Keep moving around and striking and this Dragon should be dinner before you know it. +--------+ | SORSHA | +--------+ Vitality: 12 This is the boss at the end of Stage IV. - Sorsha's main claim is that she is fast and she is very nimble on the jump. The best attack is to trap her on a side and go to work. - When you have Sorsha near a side, attack rapidly to prevent her from getting in an attack. After she loses a couple of bars of vitality, she will jump out of the way. - Pursue her and get her trapped again. Watch out for her counterattacks since they can be rather devastating. - Continue this pattern to finish her off. +-------------------+ | TWO-HEADED DRAGON | +-------------------+ Vitality: 16 per head This is the boss at the end of Stage V. - You will be on a wooden bridge while both heads assail you with their fiery breath. - The heads tend to fire at the same time. After they have fired, get up there and get in a few whacks. Because there are two heads, your hits will usually be spread out between them. Don't worry about going for a specific head right now. - The heads will bob back and forth. If you want to go after one head, then you must wait for the target head to be in front of the other one. - Power jumps will definitely save you on this one. Back up and when the heads fire, power jump over the rolling fire to get your attacks in. Watch out for the heads dropping suddenly since that usually means a bite attack. - Continue this pattern to finish the critter off. +------+ | KAEL | +------+ Vitality: 16 This is the boss near the end of Stage VI. - Kael is a very tough warrior. What he lacks in maneuverability he makes up in attack power. - As with Sorsha, try to corner him along the edges so you can pound on him. He does, though, have more of a tendency to jump straight up to another platform, then try to get behind you. Watch for when he jumps up. - Continue to move around and trap him on the edges and this powerful warrior will be sent packing. +-----------+ | BAUVMORDA | +-----------+ Vitality: 23 This boss is the final boss of the game. - This is probably one of the toughest bosses you will ever have to face. Bauvmorda has quite an arsenal of attacks that can devastate your character if you're not ready. Follow the gnome's advice regarding protection. - Bauvmorda has a variety of attacks, some of them are: - She attacks with little crystal-like objects that rotate around her. - She attacks from above with fire. - She animates a BBQ grill thing when she is down to about 10 vitality. This thing attacks in conjunction with Bauvmorda's attacks. - During her crystal attacks, you will be doing a lot of power jumping. Try to get in shots where you can since there is little room to move between the crystals. - When Bauvmorda goes airborne, power jump up to attack her. Watch out for the objects that burst into flames. She will tend to go back and forth across the top. - When the BBQ grill gets animated, make sure you keep track of it since it is also attacking along with Bauvmorda. It takes too much time and firepower to destroy the grill. Time better spent tearing into Bauvmorda. - Continue with this pattern and the world will be safe again. **************** ******************************** U N I T III ********************************* **************** +======================+ | 7. PLAYING THE GAME |======================================================= +======================+ You will start the game at Stage I (unless you are continuing). You will only have a basic attack and your wits when you start the game. In addition, each stage is timed so you will not only have to beat your enemies, you will also have to beat the clock. The only good news is that if you die, you don't lose any items or upgrades either on your continues or next man. Listed below are the Stages. ___________________________ / 7.1 Stage I. Crossroad /___________________________________________________ --------------------------- Time: 3:00 Character: Willow - Head right until you get to the bridge. Climb up the cliff and cross the bridge. Go to the end and climb the cliff. - Open the treasure chest for 200G then head to the left. You will see a couple of stone pedestals and a treasure chest at the end. Go over and collect 100G, then head back to the right. - At the end of the cliff, drop off and you will be next to a gnome. Time to shop. After you exit the shop, go right across the bridge and you will have to tangle with the Sorcerer. - After that battle, go right to the treasure chest and collect the Holy Water. Then go down the mountain. - At the bottom, on a ledge is another gnome. Go chat with him. After you exit the shop, go to the right. Be quick since the rock will sink under your weight. - Keep going right and at the end you will have to deal with the Devil Dog. _______________________________________ / 7.2 Stage II. Cherlindrea's Forest /_______________________________________ --------------------------------------- Time: 3:30 Character: Madmartigan - Go right until you get under a balcony. Jump up and head to the left. Go all the way left to open the treasure chest and get the 200G. - Go back right and get onto the next balcony (3rd level). Go left to get the next treasure chest of 100G then head right again. - At the end of the walkway, fall off onto a ledge with a treasure chest to get 100G. Drop down to ground level and head right. - Enter the shop (press up on the joystick) to do your business. Then exit and head right. - Go up to the next level then power jump across the two sets of stairs. Continue to climb to the top and go right. - Jump off the balcony and onto the cart. Your job is to now defend against the soldiers, archers, devil dogs, and eagles dropping rocks. - After an adventuresome ride, the stage will end. _______________________________________ / 7.3 Stage III. Fin Raziel's Island /_______________________________________ --------------------------------------- Time: 4:30 Character: Willow - Go up the cliff and head to the top left to chat with the gnome. After you are done shopping, go back down the cliff and head right. - Upon the next two terraces are treasure chests. They each contain 100G. Finish climbing the mountain and to your right will be a series of stone pedestals. - You will have to cross eight pedestals, each at varying heights. In addition, eagles will be around to make your journey that much harder. - The second to last pedestal will sink down, make sure you jump off it to the next one. That one will sink also so quickly jump off it to the island. It's time to deal with Sergeant Claw. - After you take care of the good Sergeant, a stone platform will connect the island you're on to the next island to the right. Go all the way to the end and chat with the gnome. - Hop into the boat and cross the sea. Be ready for a hard fight with the soldiers, archers, and fish. - At the end, you will tangle with the Wizard. ________________________________ / 7.4 Stage IV. Sorsha's Camp /______________________________________________ -------------------------------- Time: 5:30 Character: Madmartigan - This stage starts with Madmartigan going up a hill. You will not only have to deal with the soldiers, but also snowballs that are rolling down the hill. At the top of the hill is a gnome. Heed his words about the dragon. - After chatting with the gnome, you will go downhill again. Open the treasure chest for 100G and proceed right into the cave. At the end is the Dragon. - After clearing out the dragon, jump up to the next platform and go left. Talk to the gnome. When you exit, continue to head right and jump up on the cave roof. Then power jump left and go to the end. - You will see a brownie suspended in mid-air. Go over and get him down. From now on, you have an ally who attacks whenever you change the direction you are facing. The brownie's attacks can be quite devastating. - Go back right and follow along the path. You will pass many tents so be prepared for a big fight with soldiers, spear throwers, and archers. The brownie should greatly help you out. - Sorsha will be at the end waiting, take her down then jump on the sled with Willow. At the end of this track, make sure you jump to avoid the boulder. ___________________________________ / 7.5 Stage V. Tir Asleen Castle /___________________________________________ ----------------------------------- Time: 5:30 Character: Willow or Madmartigan (I prefer Willow due to distance attacks) - Head right until you get to the wall. Go up to the next level and get the Holy Water from the treasure chest. - Head left until you get to the gnome. After doing your shopping, head right again and climb up to the next level. - Go right to the door and press up to enter the next hallway. - The main danger here are the walls that drop and the soldiers pushing spiked blocks toward your character. You will need to be quick with the trigger finger to get through this hallway. - At the end of the path, cross the top platforms to reach the gnome in the upper, right corner. - Go down and around the spiked pits. You will be heading to your left. Collect the 100G from the treasure chest. At the bottom, head right. - Go across the wooden bridge to tangle with the Two-Headed Dragon. __________________________________ / 7.6 Stage VI. Nockmaar Castle /____________________________________________ ---------------------------------- Time: 2:00 for Mad Madmartigan part, 2:00 for Willow portion. - Head right. On the 2nd upper platform is a treasure chest containing 100G. Press up at the end of the walkway to enter the door. - Keep going right and you will encounter another gnome. After chatting with him, you are faced with a pit of spikes. To the right, you will see a small wooden ledge. Timing is the key to this part. You will have five seconds to jump to the next wood ledge to the right. Do this until your reach the other side. - Again, another bed of spikes awaits you. The ledges exist for about three seconds now. Cross over and you will be in front of two doors. This is the start of the maze. Going through the wrong door puts you at the beginning of the area it connects to. Go through the left door. The right door will put you back through this first area again. - In this area, you will be cross pits with spiked ceilings that will descend into them. Again, timing is crucial to prevent damage. You will cross over several of these before you reach three doors. Take the left door. The middle door puts you back into the first area and the right door will make you do the second area again. - The third area consists of two levels. Both are equally dangerous since you have the soldiers pushing the spiked blocks. Due to not have a ranged weapon, you may need to power jump over these guys. Continue to the right and you will encounter four doors. Two on the top and two on the bottom. Take the upper, right door. The upper, left door leads to the second area; the lower, left door leads to the first area; and the lower, right door leads back to the third area. - You will tangle with Kael to get through this area. Go through the door and you will change over to Willow. - Climb the platforms in front of you. You may have to power jump on a few since they are too high to just do a regular jump. Watch out for the projectile and axe throwers in this area. At the top platform, chat with the gnome to do your final stocking up. Then go in the door to deal with Bavmorda. After you take her down, the credits will roll and your game will be over. **************** ******************************** U N I T IV ********************************* **************** +================+ | 8. CONCLUSION |============================================================= +================+ This was one of the better "movie to video game" games that I had seen and played. The action was fast paced and the graphics were pretty sharp. In addition, I had seen the movie so that made the game that much more fun to play. It was definitely challenging and I seemed to be stuck forever at Stage II until I finally made it through the cart portion. Of course, the later bosses and enemies were still a challenge enough to make me part from my quarters just so I could finish the game. It took a while but when I did finally finish this game, it felt like a quest that had been completed. Un- fortunately, it is very rare to find this machine anywhere. However, through the miracle of emulation, a whole new generation is realizing what we "old" folks enjoyed those many years ago. In addition, www.shockwave.com is bringing many of these classic games back. Check out their site to see what ones are there. I hope this guide helps you in being able to get the most amount of gameplay for this game. If you do have other ideas or thoughts, please e-mail me and share them. Who knows, maybe I'll start a Q&A Chapter in this guide if enough people ask the same questions. Anyway, thank you again for reading this guide. To see other FAQ's I have written please go to: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/32691.html ~~~ No trees were harmed in the making of this FAQ ~~~