War : Final Assault -Mission FAQ v1.7 by Seven This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Seven . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where credit is due. War: Final Assault and all related characters are (c) Atari Games Corp. ============================================================================= Welcome Soldiers!!! ============================================================================= __________________________ 7 7 7 _____ _____ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7______ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7______ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ------------Contents----------- I. ----Intro-------------------------- II. ----Story-------------------------- III. ----Level-Keys-&-Boss-Strategies--- IV. ----Special-Thanks----------------- ================== I. Intro ================== For all the beginners out there (and possibly some that would like to be better at their current skill), I have compiled a rather complete guide for the location of all six PentaBolt Keys. Plus I felt generous enough to toss out some tips about the big bad bosses (the easiest and quickest ways to turn them inside-out). I haven't found much other War info out there, so I felt compelled to provide some War Master wisdom for any needing assistance. I will continue updating this as I see fit. Any and all questions or 'constructive' criticism is highly appreciated!:) ================== II. Story ================== The Russian Federation is in economic chaos. The Irkutsk Free Republic, a tiny nation in the Siberian Mountains, has declared its independence. The charismatic general Uri Alienov has rallied the populace to his cause with the credo "Prosperity Through Force." Republic armies wage open attack on surrounding Russian nations. Despite being hopelessly outnumbered, Republic forces win surprisingly easy victories. Reports of previously unknown technology - armored robots, laser strike technology, and other advances - send Russian and NATO advisors scrambling. The Russian Federation launches full-scale ground and air assaults only to be thrown back with ease. Satellite photos show nothing out of the ordinary. One surveillance plane manages to slip briefly through the Republic air defense, and the resulting images show a horrifying transformation. The once languid region is now filled with gigantic factories, laboring around the clock to produce the Republic's deadly new machines. Massive numbers of troops and armored vehicles indicate that Alienov is prepared to wage global war. Russian leaders agree that a preventative nuclear strike is needed. An attack is launched, but a strange electromagnetic counter-pulse causes the missiles to implode harmlessly. The situation looks desperate. You are a member of a crack team of mercenaries and military personnel assembled by the Russian Federation to infiltrate the Irkutsk base. Once you determine the source of the new technology, you are to eliminate Alienov. While you are a seasoned veteran, this will be your biggest job yet. If you are successful, you can name your own reward. But first you must survive. ================================= III. Level Keys & Boss Strategies ================================= ---- Key 1/Level 1 ---- From the beginning of the game, go through the first huge doors. Turn right and "shoot your enemies". Stay in that room and look left at the large stack of boxes at that wall. Jump up to the top and fall in the hole. This passage takes you straight to the first key. Ride the elevator back up. [Boss Strategy] Close to the end, there should be a red barrel all by itself in front of a wall of boxes, use it to jump onto the top. Drop down and fight two Orange Solders for the Grenade launcher. Use this big gun to destroy the sword- wielding freak and the smaller men with him. If you don't get the Grenade Launcher, or if you run out of ammo, just use the boxes in the corner to the left of the door as cover while you unload on him. His bullets almost never shoot over the boxes. Keep shooting and stay out of arms-reach and he should be absolutely no problem. ---- Key 2/Level 2 ---- From the start, fight your way through to the exit of the cave you're in. After destroying the 'Red Pod Robot', leap down onto the white ground. Shoot the first crater you come to (it should be smoking a bit). Hop in the hole, but watch out for the Black Soldiers and for anyone that might have followed you down. Continue on the path, destroy the Armored Turret, and don't deep-fry yourself in the radioactive sludge as you leap your way across. The second key should be just ahead. [Boss Strategy] Towards the end, there is a Missile Launcher hiding behind a group of boxes in a corner. Grab it and make your way for the boss. As soon as he appears, get a lock on him and fire 3 missiles, strafe to the side, move back to the center, fire 3 more, strafe to the opposite side, move back to the center...etc. Continue this until you run out of ammo, then just keep strafing and firing on him with your normal weapon. Ignore all Orange Soldiers, but keep moving to avoid their shots. Keep this up and you'll be on to the next stage... (You can grab his Missile Launcher and take it with you right after he dies if you're quick enough...) ---- Key 3/Level 3: The Arena ---- Make your way up the first flight of stairs, then the second, but instead of entering the door, look right. Jump up onto the banister of the stairs and run across the ledge in front of you. A secret door should open in the wall. Be cautious when you go for the third key; a few Black Soldiers will try to ambush you. [Boss Strategy] After killing the Green Soldier, take his Grenade Launcher with you into the door. Look right and start strafing left. As soon as you move directly in front of the tank, launch it. Keep strafing left and right after every shot it fires, only pausing to get rid of Soldiers that rush you. Move up on the tank slowly and keep firing Grenades. If you hit it with each shot, it should be destroyed by the last hit. ---- Key 4/Level 4: The Barracks ---- From the beginning, go either way you wish (but the right path has the Missile Launcher and Full-Health Powerup). A bit further into the level, you will come upon a wide hallway with boxes, and enemies galore. There should also be a Black Soldier carrying the Laser. When the room is cleared, move to the end of this hallway and turn right. There should be a door blocked by two red barrels and a couple of boxes. Blow up the barrels and enter the door. Getting the fourth key also sends an ambush of Black Soldiers to take you out, so be carrying that Laser. [Boss Strategy] As you go up the final set of stairs, kill the Black Soldier at the top and take his Mine Launcher. Take it with you into the next area, but DO NOT fire it. Drop it and take out the enemies the 'hard' way, then pick it up, grab the Full-Health Powerup to the left and make your way to the boss. He's invinsible until he walks out in the center, so get behind him. When he starts firing with his Machine Gun, unload your Mine Launcher on him. Strafe hard to avoid his missiles and kill the Black Soldiers for their big guns. Just keep moving and cracking on him until he falls apart. ---- Key 5/Level 5: Factory Gates ---- In the courtyard, before the first tank sees you, look 90 degrees left and shoot the wall. Hurry inside and up the path. Following the path all the way will take you to the ledge with the Full-Health Powerup and maybe a couple more goodies. But about halfway up, shoot the left wall in this tunnel and it will open another entrance. From here, just kill the Black baddies, blow up the next tank, and keep moving. Take the elevator up, grab the fifth key, drop down the hole and you'll be back in the courtyard again. [Boss Strategy] Upon entering the final room, run to the far right door against the front wall. It will open and some Yellow Soldiers will scurry out. Kill them quick and position yourself to the right of this door with your right shoulder against the wall. Black Soldiers with special weapons will come out of the left door. Take their guns to use on the Clawed Orange Tank Robot. Anything that makes a big boom works best (Grenade Launcher, Mine Launcher). Just stay next to him against that wall and he should miss with his laser and other weapons every time. ---- Key 6/Level 6 ---- Just about the trickiest key to find: As you enter the Red area, you will come to a door on your right. Do NOT enter it. There should be a door around to the left. Enter that one. Going down the path will bring you to a green room with two huge radioactive 'cauldrons'. Kill the two frozen Yellow Workers, then make your way down the stairs and left. Jump up to the path in the far right corner. Turn right and run all the way up the stairs. Now jump to the edge of the first Green pit, then to the second. Fall INTO the second pit. Survive this ambush of Yellow Soldiers and finding the sixth key should be obvious. [Boss Strategy] After you get the 6th key, re-enter the green room and there should be a thin bridge that makes a 'T' over green waste. Make your way across this, but watch for the Black Soldier to the right with the Mine Launcher. Behind him is a very handy Missile Launcher. Saving the ammo for this will pay off against Alienov in his huge Tank. Unload it on him while hiding behind crates when the crossfire goes off. There are some goodies in the two nearest corners that should help a bit, as well as the Black Soldiers that carry weapons. Watch your sides and just keep shooting... {For a pretty freaky sight, go all the way against the left or right wall and turn your character with the joystick until you see 'through' the wall... You'll see an unbelievably funky picture of a man/woman/monkey. Shall we call it, the Manwomonkey? Or maybe the Monkeyman girl...? I would enjoy any emails with suggestions for the name of this fugly creature... (Seven_777_@hotmail.com)} ---- Level 7: Hive Ship ---- Beat all 6 levels and you'll follow Alienov into his ship. There are no more keys from here on, so do whatever it takes to survive. The worst enemies are the big ugly Aliens that really don't want to be your friend. The Purple ones fire deadly green shots at you, and are a bit tougher to kill. The Red ones don't shoot, and they only take a few hits to get rid of, but don't let them stampede you (one swing from that arm can land you flat on your back with more than a bruise). [Boss Strategy] There's 2 parts to General Alienov. The first is in his human form. He'll use just about any weapon against you. Then there is the Alien form... He's bigger, badder, and meaner in this transformation. Just about all of the big guns are available for the taking, so feel free to use whatever you want against him (if you can get close enough to get one). The best way to defeat him semi-quick and easy is to stay behind the far right pillar. Grab the Missile Launcher and strafe right, fire 3 missiles, hide, strafe right, fire 3 missiles, hide... Keep an eye on the Full-Health Powerup too. Grab it everytime you need it (don't worry, it respawns every 20 seconds or so...). When the spiders attack, drop your big gun and take them out with your normal weapon (they usually come in groups of 3). As for the 'blimp' aliens, take them out when you first see them high in the air (usually in groups of 2). A single missile does quite well on them. ---- Level 8 ---- Right... The LAST last level. If you follow directions well, you should have all 6 PentaBolt Keys. Now to follow Alienov into space. There's half the gravity, which makes jumping and falling last much longer. Just like the last level, no big keys or items here; just survive. [Boss Strategy] Back for more? Towards the end of the level, there are three holes to fall into. All three take you the final battle Alienov. He's just like the first one, so jump to those big guns and take his head off. The purple floor can hurt you a bit, but it's not anything to worry about. His purple tracking beam is his most painful attack. If you let him touch you with this, pray to live. There are two respawning Full-Health powerups, so leap for them when you're in the red.... ================== IV. Special Thanks ================== I would like to thank the following for making this FAQ possible: - Atari/Midway Games : Without you, what games would I be writing about...? - Brandi : The only female I've ever seen play this game. Thanks for your help on remembering most of this stuff... - Jack : The best competition I've seen, especially for his age. All that time at the arcades is bound to have an impact... - GameFAQs : Without you, how would people find this FAQ...? - You: For playing War and reading this FAQ... ============================================================================= |-------For more details, tips, and strategies on War: Final Assault,-------| |-----please view my DeathMatch FAQ, found at .----| ============================================================================= ============================================================================= +++It's War : Kill your friends for about a buck+++ ============================================================================= This document Copyright 1999 M.J.