Soul Calibur 2 Yoshimitsu Claiming Soul Techniques FAQ By Skyrax ( v0.1 -------------- UPDATE HISTORY -------------- 0.1: Initial draft -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Legend 3. Move List 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. Credits/ Legal Info -------------- 1.INTRODUCTION -------------- -Why write a Claiming Soul FAQ? Yoshimitsu's Claiming Soul is a move that many players stumble upon by accident or still do not understand. This FAQ aims to give the reader an idea of what can or can't be done in Claiming Soul. -What is Claiming Soul? Claiming Soul, also known as Soul Possession or Iron Fist Possession, is a state Yoshimitsu enters when he performs the grab Soul Siphon (6K+G from either front or back, or K+G when back is to opponent, or 6[A+B]). Yoshimitsu sticks out a hand and steals some of the opponent's energy. -Notes on Soul Siphon and Claiming Soul --------------------------------------- -This throw is not very powerful, ranking in at 30 pts of damage, making it weaker than Cervantes' Storm Generate (B2). Its immediate advantage is giving Yoshimitsu a little health back without exposing himself to the risk of meditating. -If Yoshimitsu connects with Soul Siphon, even if the opponent breaks the throw Yoshimitsu will enter Claiming Soul. -Yoshimitsu can only perform three K+G moves per Siphon. This is to say Yoshimitsu cannot store multiple Siphons and then unleash countless Claiming Soul Attacks. If Yoshimitsu does a Soul Siphon, then does a K+G move, then Soul Siphons again, he only gains back one K+G move for a total of three, not three for a total of five. -Claiming Soul lasts for the entire round. Once a new round begins, Yoshimitsu loses whatever moves he's stored. As long as the round is being fought, he sustains the mode, even if he is attacked. -Yoshimitsu also has access to another version of Claiming Soul. If Yoshimitsu Soul Charges, he can perform Claiming Soul Attacks as long as he is glowing. This one allows Yoshimitsu to perform the moves without the throw but suffer from the drawback of a short time period and the fact that if he is hit or connects with a move he will lose the Charge and thus the Claiming Soul State. -All moves performed in Claiming Soul are RANDOM. They do not occur in any order. - Greetings and Flop Spin, which can both be performed outside of a Claiming Soul State, can also be performed in the Soul Charge Claiming Soul State. -------- 2.LEGEND -------- You see your numeric pad often indicated on the right side of keyboard? Well if you cannot see your number for some reason, here is another way to know what I'm talking about. 7 8 9 7 = up+back 8 = up 9 = up+forward 4 5 6 4 = back 5 = neutral 6 = forward 1 2 3 1 = down+back 2 = down 3 = down+forward A = Horizontal B = Vertical K = Kick G = Guard INPUT METHODS WC/FC = while crouching / fully crouched WR/WS = while rising / while standing 8WR = 8-way Run + = simultaneous input (i.e. A+B, B+K) ~ = slide input (accompanied by small letters, a~B, b~B, a~K, etc.) ( ) = optional input [ ] = hold button * = can be delayed _ = OR (as in either this direction OR that direction). HIT CATEGORIES L = low attack M = mid attack H = high attack SM = special mid attack (can be blocked high or low) UB = unblockable attack GB = guard break GI = guard impact with types of attacks specified SCUB = unblockable upon full (blue) Soul Charge ------------------------ 3.CLAIMING SOUL MOVELIST ------------------------ Yoshimitsu has 13 moves available to him via K+G. All damage values are based on Yoshimitsu using his default weapon on an opponent using his default weapon. Depending on the weapons you or your opponents use the values will vary. a. Greetings! ------------- Yoshimitsu leans forward slightly and waves with his left hand, and shouts, "Well done!". This move is also performed by Ling Xiaoyu from the Tekken series. Damage: 0 Property: UB M Note: Can not be done when Yoshimitsu is in normal Claiming Soul State. Can however be performed in the Soul Charge Claiming Soul State. Can be G-cancelled halfway through. b. Flop Spin ------------ Yoshimitsu clasps his hands and spins three times quickly. Has no functional purpose in the game whatsoever. Damage: 0 Property: None Note: Can not be done when Yoshimitsu is in normal Claiming Soul State. Can however be performed in the Soul Charge Claiming Soul State. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following moves can only be done in either a normal or Soul Charge Claiming Soul State, but not normally. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c. Deadly Boomerang ------------------- Yoshimitsu sidesteps slightly then performs a jumping spinning high kick. This move is also performed by King from the Tekken series. Damage: 47 Property: H None: Knockdown on hit. Ends with Yoshimitsu face down. d. Double Slap -------------- Yoshimitsu steps forward and performs a slap with his left hand, then a backhanded slap with his left hand. This technique is also performed by Nina Williams of the Tekken series. Damage: 17, 22 Property: H,H Note: Press A for second hit. Second hit knocks opponent sideways. e. Drunken Master Walk ---------------------- Yoshimitsu stumbles about for a few seconds, in a seemingly drunk and unfocused manner. This stance is also used by Lei Wulong of the Tekken series. Damage: Depends on evade Property: GI Note: Cannot be G-cancelled. Performs singular Spinning Evade to evade vertical attacks, Deathcopter to evade horizontal attacks. f. Force: Jin ------------- Yoshimitsu takes a step forward and spreads his feet slightly apart, then spreads his forearms in a defensive position. This is also used by Jin Kazama of the Tekken series. Damage: 0 Property: GI Note: Will guard impact all attacks except unblockables. Will hit low if Yoshimitsu is standing close to opponent. g. Heaven Divide ---------------- Yoshimitsu spins round once and then vanishes. Almost instantly he appears above and comes crashing down with a sword slice. This move is also performed by Kunimitsu from the Tekken series. Damage: 38 Property: UB M Note: None h. Incomplete Somersault ------------------------ Yoshimitsu crouches and throws his arms up in impatience. Then he flips up and performs a somersault...well almost one because he lands on his face, saying "Ridiculous!" This is also performed by Paul Phoenix of the Tekken series. Damage: 25 Property: M Note: Press 8B+K to perform flip after taunt. i. Shadow Step -------------- Yoshimitsu takes a few steps back and to the right very quickly. This is a move that is also performed by Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken series. Damage: 0 Property: ? Note: Cannot be cancelled. Heihachi does not seem to have this move, which is probably for the best, as it would make him hard to hit. j. Burning Knuckle ------------------ Yoshimitsu jumps up REALLY high, clasps his fists together and comes crashing down on his opponent's head This move can also be performed by Armor King, Ogre and True Ogre from the Tekken series. Damage: 45 Property: UB M Note: Cannot be cancelled. Does not track if Yoshimitsu jumps over opponent. k. Blazing Kick --------------- Moving forward while low to the ground for a second, Yoshimitsu kicks straight up with his right leg, sending the opponent straight up into the air. This move is also performed by Lee Chaolan, Ogre and True Ogre from the Tekken series. This variation is the Lee version: the Ogre/True Ogre version sends the opponent rolling away as opposed to straight up. Damage: 22 Property: M Note: Yoshimitsu can crouch underneath high attacks during the first portion of this move. l. Lightning Uppercut --------------------- Yoshimitsu crouches low to the ground and starts spinning, then releases a mighty uppercut that knocks the opponent clear off the ground. This move is also performed by Kazuya Mishima and pre-Tekken 4 Jin Kazama of the Tekken series. Damage: 33 or 55 Property: UB M Note: There are two versions of the move, a short version and a long version. Hold K+G for the long version, simply press for the short one. Short version does 33 damage, long version does 55 damage. Yoshimitsu can duck underneath high attacks at the beginning of this move. m. Stone Breaker ---------------- Yoshimitsu crouches low and slides forward, then uppercuts with his right hand, sending the opponent flipping head over heels. This move is also performed by Paul Phoenix of the Tekken series. Damage: 20 Property: M Note: Yoshimitsu can crouch underneath high attacks during virtually the whole move. ======================================================================= FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======================================================================= Q: How do I perform (certain move) here on command? A: You can't. The idea of Claiming Soul is that it is RANDOM. I cannot stress this enough. You cannot perform any move whenever you want to, as in certain cases it would be annoying (Using Force on command would make Yoshimitsu an even harder person to beat). Q: Are these all the moves that Yoshimitsu can perform? A: As far as this game goes, yes. These are all his Claiming Soul Attacks. ======================================================================= CREDITS/LEGAL INFO ======================================================================= Copyright 2003 Skyrax (Team Sky City). This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronic, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely accessible, non-commercial web page in its original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ may only be hosted here, on GameFAQS, and cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Afolabiyi Okubanjo. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.