========================= TALIM - THE ARTFUL DODGER ========================= Soul Calibur 2 Character Analysis for PS2, Game Cube and XBox By: shauno (larshaun@yahoo.com) Version: 1.0 (10/27/03) Last Update: N/A * LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This guide can only be used with my written consent, and may only appear at www.gamefaqs.com and www.soulcalibur.com. =============================================================================== Sections: I) INTRODUCTION II) DODGING LEFT or RIGHT III) DODGING BACKWARDS IV) DODGING FORWARDS V) DODGING OVER VI) DODGINGUNDER VII) WRAP UP ============ INTRODUCTION ============ This FAQ was designed to focus on one aspect of Talim's abilities - dodging. An in-depth analysis on the quality of all of her moves' properties, along with detailed fighting tactics, would be much larger than this and is not what this FAQ is about. So if you think I left out some important info about a move, keep in mind that I wasn't trying to describe everything about each attack to begin with. Most of us Talim fans picked her up as a character for her unique fighting style, but I don't need to tell you, she ain't perfect. She has pitiful range, a lot of below average frame advantages, and she's pretty predictable at times. Because of this she does have some tough match-ups against knowledgeable, patient opponents. With that in mind, I try to play to her strengths as much as possible in a fight, instead of forcing her to do something she's not good at. To me that means using her evasion skills and attack speed in Range 0-2 as the primary tools she should work with in order to control the flow of a match. Attack speed tactics revolves a lot around pokes and custom strings in close, which is a full separate post that might be looked at later, so let's discuss her evasion options. If some of what I say sounds basic, it's because I'm assuming that more newbies will end up reading this stuff than the vets. It's a collection of things I mostly picked up on my own with additional info from some great players at soulcalibur.com, so hopefully you all find something useful. Personally, I try to hit the block button only as a last resort. Of course I still have to use it as a primary defense tool, but that doesn't stop me from looking and testing for even the smallest frame-friendly situations where she can slip herself out of danger and into a better attack position. The cool thing about Talim is that even though she is often at a frame disadvantage when blocked (or even if she connected a hit most times), you can frequently still keep flowing with your offense if you choose the right evading tactic instead of simply settling for guard 'n wait strategies. To help you apply her evasion options properly, keep in mind that she can dodge effectively in six different directions: LEFT or RIGHT (Laterally) BACKWARDS FORWARDS OVER UNDER It is in this way that I've organized this information. Scroll to the heading of the section you'd like to read up on, and then see if it helps you in the situation you're dealing with. Hopefully you'll learn that there are multiple answers to Talim's problems, given her wide array of talents. Another feature in this thread is that I acknowledge that there are options where she has control on how much distance she wants to evade. This simply means that she can cause the dodge to move a small distance away from the perceived danger, a normal distance, or as far away possible. This is important because while a certain incoming attack against her might easily be dodged by a big, slower sidestepping move that ends with her back turned, perhaps a quick- recovering, subtle sidestepping move that faces her forwards will offer more reliable/powerful follow-ups. Here's a (long) list of all of her important dodging arts with a bit of analysis. Some of them are actual attacks and some of them are not. If I forget one, I'll re-edit later. As I said before, rather than simply block everything, I try to use one of these to maintain the fighting flow, even when at a frame disadvantage. I'm still miffed at the poor Practice Mode in this game so I'm not claiming 100%, frame-perfect accuracy, but a lot of it works well enough for me. I'm assuming you understand the basics of the Soul Calibur system. If not, there are several other FAQs (or threads at soulcalibur.com) that will explain some of the common conventions you read here. Here's how to read my format. I'll first list the move's input command. This is followed by a notation for the general distance the dodge covers: S(ubtle), N(ormal), or L(arge) After that you'll notice a simple rating (based on my experiences) on how well it actually dodges what you want it to - how quickly a move jumps off the ground, or how instantly you step laterally after input, etc. The evasion rating for a move is either: P(oor), D(ecent) or E(xcellent). Remember that this is NOT a grade on the quality of the move itself - I'm not going much into details of general move quality at all. So when you see that her basic B attack has a poor rating on it's ability to go under high attacks, that ignores that the move itself is one of the best general fighting tools she has. Let's begin. ================== DODGING LEFT/RIGHT (primarily for evading vertical attacks) ================== *** 8_2B+K (including Wind Charmer 2 or WC2 strings) - L/E No surprise that this is her bread and butter dodging attack. Along with Yoshi's energy draining back slide, it's the best non-stance lateral evader in Soul Calibur because of the rather large single sidestep it moves her. It dodges verticals better than anything else she has, but also does well against many horizontals too. Another positive feature is that it moves Talim towards the opponent as well. It can't be used in all situations because smart players tend to look to control and punish this evade as a priority, but it will often be the best way out of a jam. WC2 works well because she takes a huge SS left or right, sometimes leaving her behind the opponent for free damage or mix-ups. Because the reliability of the dodge actually evading incoming attacks is almost instant (thus the Excellent rating), the applications of using this move are almost endless. As long as the opponent is not aggressively using their best tracking tactics against it, you will often maintain or regain attack initiative by inputting an 8_2B+K. Here are some situations in which a good Talim player will try to apply the WC2 dodge: - Poke, poke, WC2. Whether your quick pokes actually hit or not (particularly AB_BA), a WC2 dodge will often create more options for you to start another attack series. - Block, Block, WC2. Strongly consider finding holes in an opponent's multi-hit strings (canned or custom) where you can WC2 your way to safety, especially when a regular sidestep isn't good enough. For instance, if Talim blocks Yoshi's 1A series, she can WC2 almost anything he immediately attacks with (i.e. FC 3K_WS K) for free back and side damage. As a general rule, the bigger the opponent, the easier it is to WC2 their 2-3 hit strings in between attacks, but I've found that whenever a string for anyone has even the slightest pause in it, usually a WC2 dodge will put the flow back into Talim's hands (unless the next move tracks well). - Anti-okizeme. You can input a quick WC2 command when you're trying to get off the ground safely VERY often. This works only if you are lying on your back with feet towards the opponent, or on your stomach with your head towards him. Mixed with jumping tactics for lows 'n throws, you have a good chance of beating a lot of wake up attempts with Talim. Obviously some oki setups will stop even the quickest WC2 attempt, but it's best to try this tactic more often than not just to get the feel for when you can use it in a pinch. - Bait GIs. Players who GI a lot can be punished in many, many ways, so the motion of WC2 is as good of a GI bait as any other, especially as an aid to your custom poke assaults. A great BK mix-up is free if you WC2 a GI attempt. - Get in close to an opponent. See the "Dodging Forwards" section below for more details. - Full crouch dodging. When you are in full crouch due to executing one your moves (i.e. 1A), most Talim players will continue to attack if it hits (i.e. WS B), but dodging is an option to keep in mind. Consider this simple custom string: 2A, 1K, WC2. Interrupting with a 2A can often lead to an uninterrupted 1K, but then following up with a WC2 avoids a possible GI as well as a lot of retaliations. It also allows you to see if they're starting to step. If you're the one forced into FC however (i.e. Asty's 4B), try regaining the attack initiative by inputting 8B+K, frame data permitting. You can RCC for a 2B+K, but I'm pretty comfortable with just dodging with '8' if I have to. Now if the opponent is forced into full crouch because of your attack, you'll have to simply test your dodge vs. the likely retaliation move that comes at you, but most WS moves are slow and linear. As an example, I've had much success doing a WC2 dodge after a blocked 44B, which, according to my tests, is Talim's quickest recovering forced FC attack on block. If frame data is not on your side (i.e. 3B6B recovers too poorly if only the second attack hits), many quick moves with decent tracking might always interrupt you. Test your strats against basic 2As, Voldo's WS A, etc. if you want to be sure. Check by dodging left AND right to be sure. Horizontal attacks often track less accurately against dodges going in the same direction they're traveling. - Attach it at the end of other dodges. Adding a WC2 at the end can extend moves that have special dodges built in. For example, try WC1, WC2 (mentioned below) or 6B+K~4, 8_2B+K. So a blocked (or whiffed) 8WR8_2(B_A)~8_2,WC2 not only keeps her fairly safe, but inches her closer into her ideal attack range as well. Also, you do not have to WC2 the same direction of your previous dodge, but if you dodge left and then come back to your right, you might cross into the path of the opponent's non-tracking attack. I tend to switch directions during multiple dodges if A) I either know which way to evade a possible move (Nighty's 66B), or B) to avoid moving in the same direction that would put me against the edge of the arena. Talim's various attack moves and strings that dodge with WC2 enders are somewhat less effective than the manual 8_2B+K version because of predictability. They are: BB~8_2 BBA~8_2 4B~8_2 Gale~8_2 (if opponent attacks) Test your opponent and if he shuts one down, look to Talim's other evasion or attack finishers to see if you are mixing things up enough. When you attempt a WC2 dodge from a string, the minimum results you need to be effective from BK is only a few frames. As long as she has a couple of frames to at least access to her BK auto-GIs or BK K, there's no reason for Talim to stop WC2 dodging. Once they stop attacking your back, you'll have many other tactics open up for you. So getting those few free frames to attack is key, and that's where varying your WC2 string finishers and (timing) come in to play. With BB alone, you can open up a safer WC2 dodge if you've been mixing in all the things she is able to end the string with, while paying attention as to whether the BBs hit them or not. Besides BB WC2 dodge you can BBA, BBA~dodge, BBK_4K. You can also BB and delay the 8_2 dodge, or even BB and wait to attack with a new move or string. Don't let the opponent remove a tactic from you without really making sure you've used other options for him to be aware of. *** 8WR8_2B+K (including Wind Charmer 1 or WC1 strings) - N/E Like WC2, Talim can dodge left or right with this command, so use it in some of the situations I listed above for WC2. However she only travels half as far, she doesn't move forward, and the input from standing positions requires a double tap. Interestingly enough, she recovers from the dodge faster than WC2, allowing her to buffer follow-up moves and attacks a few frames before the spin ends. The big benefit however, is that she recovers facing forwards, giving her access to more moves and tactics than WC2 does after a successful dodge. Possible follow-ups includes tacking on a 8_2B+K after it for an added big sidestep, or even several more WC2 spins in either direction. Multiple WC2s in particular can cause opponents to freeze I've noticed, and in Range 0-2, chaining WC2s together easily dodges quite a bit of incoming attacks. Chaining attacks like WC1, 8WR8_2A~8_2 or WC1, 8WR8_2K flows really well also (especially vs. characters with weak special mid interrupters), but remember that you have to throw in WC2~A as well to keep them on their toes. This isn't overly effective, so don't base too much of your game around it - just use these options enough to keep her assault varied and unpredictable. Like WC2, her WC1 strings are more predictable for interruption than the manual one. Here are your options: AA8_2 8WR7_1B~8_2 8WR8_2A~8_2 8WR8_2B~8_2 While the lateral WC1 spin can be interrupted, the last two strings here can be done out of 2A range, which makes them a lot safer to use. Even 2A can be dealt with in the AA series. You have access to a delay after AA, which is great. The delay allows you to try a delayed WC1 dodge, a ~B finish, or another quick poke string. BBs have more things to play with, but don't give up on using AA dodges, particularly if you actually connect the first two hits. The flying stab of 8WR7_1 has good uses discussed below, but as a WC1 dodge it has some issues. Even on hit the opponent can 2A interrupt it before you can do anything. If you are blocked and WC1 spin (or simply wait after impact with no WC1) the opponent gets free hits! Not a good thing unfortunately, but don't ignore it until you see them stop it. *** 8WR8_2A~8_2 - N/D This move isn't so much about dodging as it is about counter-hitting while Talim is on the move. Great priority once you enter the command at Range 1-3, and it gives you an option of a WC1 continuation. If you get the hit to connect, the WC1 dodge usually goes unchallenged. Switch between the second dodge and instant mix-ups as you see fit. *** 8WR8_2K - L/E This move dodges most verts and some horizontals pretty good because of the large cartwheel step she takes. Notice that this attack moves Talim forward as well, so toss it in at Range 2-3 if you like. It also interrupts attacks decently (and causes a side turn), but keep in mind it's a high attack and plan accordingly. I mainly use it offensively to track characters that have non- crouching, evasion attacks that avoid your Bs and break your As, like Xianghua's 8WR8_2B. Last point - I swear it has jumped over 2As for me before... but maybe it simply dodged it instead. *** 8_2 (simple sidestep) - N/E Not as great as some characters' basic step, but it'll do. Use 8_2~G to abuse her version of the dumb guard-step "feature" Namco left in the game. Sidesteps move her in close like WC2, but with a smaller evasion distance. It has an excellent rating because with very precise timing she can evade many things very well due to the game's built in "Avoid" feature (look for the dust that kick ups as she dodges). Outside of that the step isn't all that special compared to others. Use this basic step as bait for GI'ers, throwers and vert-interrupters. Once their move whiffs from your 8_2, go for a 3B combo as a fast and damaging punisher (up to 70+ points) or a throw mix-up. *** BK 8_2 (180 lateral spin from back turned) - S/D Here's a nifty little trick that all SC2 characters have, but is useful for Talim because of her many BK opportunities. By tapping 8_2 from BK, she spins around to face forward, but still does a slight sidestep. In the middle of custom strings that leave her with her back turned, it is nearly as quick as the BK~G discussed earlier with the added evading feature. The dodge doesn't take you far, but enough to avoid most verts, and even some As_2As if you are double dodging in the correct direction. Against the big and/or slow characters in particular, I've ended matches aggressively by connecting with custom strings like BB~8, BK~8, BBA~8, BK~8, etc. because of a double evasion that recovers. Now stuff like this isn't completely unpunishable, but it mostly works well mentally if your attacks are connecting (i.e. BB~ setups). By the time they realize how to interrupt it, that's when you mix in an alternative punishing ender. More info. You can also get 8WR attacks by holding the control in any direction. I'll let you work out what you like and when using this tactic, but dodging with WC2~[3_9]A or WC2~[2_8]A_K are the three I use on occasion. *** 8WR789_123 (simple sidewalk) - N/D This is good for avoiding long attack strings or slow linear attacks. If they are open from a whiff long enough, try the 8WR 8_2B~6 combos and setups (found in another thread around here) for maximum punishment opportunities. Otherwise, 9_3B combos or throws are recommended if you're close enough. Of course the ultra-fantastic 8WR3_9A is her all-purpose option in most 8WR cases, so have it ready if it's all you can safely throw out. *** Gale 8_2 - L/E By far the most useful aspect of Gale is that it'll take a big WC2 sidestep the exact frame your opponent initiates an attack. Even when people recognize Gale setups, they're still useful to freeze them for a second while they think of a counter. Still, in the heat of battle even something like a 1B randomly thrown out will allow you to use it against someone too focused on his next attack. Once you've insta-dodged(tm), the follow-ups will be obvious. That's about it on this topic, a final note about left / light dodging before we move on to the next section. As light as she is, Talim has certain attacks that force the opponent to laterally move to one side on block. The theory goes that if the opponent is forced off axis in one direction (say to your right), you can magnify the poor tracking of their next attack by dodging or stepping in the opposite direction (to your left). The moves that force this situation on block for Talim are: 8WR3_9K - Forces opponent to your left 3A+B - Forces opponent to your right BK A+K - Forces opponent to your left WS A_2K WSA - Forces opponent to your left 66K - Forces opponent to your right As far as I can tell, none of these blocked attacks give you enough of a great advantage to dodge'n punish the opponent's next attack attempts like Cervy's {K}~sidestep 3B does. But still use them to "push" an opponent towards a more favorable ring position if you like. ================== DODGING BACKWARDS (primarily for evading short/medium ranged attacks) ================== *** 4A+B - N/E OK Talim players, meet the single most important move she has that you are likely NOT using enough (if at all). This move is easily one of her top 5 attacks, and is so important for her that it literally helps her compete better in certain difficult match ups than she otherwise would. This lengthy FAQ actually started to be solely about this move when I read about a player's Talim problems vs. Ivy at soulcalibur.com, but I eventually felt it more useful to detail all of her evasion strats (at least in the way I use 'em). Add this dodging attack to your game and you will see a whole bunch of opportunities open up that simply don't exist without it. For a single move, 4A+B has a lot of special properties, but the most important thing it gives you is near instant backward spacing. I mean once you get used to applying it properly, you'll be amazed at how many point-blank attacks will simply whiff after you enter the command. The cool thing is that after it retreats Talim to safety, you're still in a great position to control the next offensive action. Plus, attacks don't just whiff due to backwards spacing - 4A+B has a built in, small sidestep as well! I really love this move. The animation of 4A+B has Talim taking her two blades and swings them over her head in a big double-hitting arc down on the opponent's head. Several things take place when she does this: - She moves backwards almost instantly, away from throws, and short/medium ranged attacks. - The attack takes a subtle sidestep to her left, increasing the chance that simple verts will whiff. - Although it requires a 2x button input, it is considered a vert. This is cool because if she doesn't space a horizontal, she'll often end up breaking through it anyway. - Talim always recovers with her back turned. - There is a delay before the first of the two hits actually makes contact. This is great for your custom pokes because it will bait and punish instant GI's attempts when you anticipate one. - If the opponent was hit, you have a slight frame advantage. - It works well sometimes from full crouch as well as anti-okizeme from the ground on occassion. Now, if you review all of those special features, chances are that you can think of a few tough spots where this move can come in handy. For instance, characters like Yoshi, Mitsu, Maxi and Ivy love to interrupt Talim's flow with a quick 2A. If this happens to you way too much, 4A+B may be your antidote. As long as your frame disadvantage is no worse than -3 or so, it should work well for you, by either spacing it out or breaking it. So in essence you're throwing out an array of custom strings that are very difficult to offensively interrupt. Mainly it comes into play in my game after a long series of AA, BB, BA, and AB custom strings (with the various branch off points of course). I get blocked eventually (or simply anticipate an interruption), so I regain control with 4A+B. Here are a few examples of the many ways it's worked for me: - 2A (hits), FC 1K_WS K (blocked), 4A+B - AA (hits), BA (blocked), 4A+B - 88_22A (hits), ~8_2A (blocked), 4A+B - 3B6B (juggles and slams down), 44B (okizeme blocked), 4A+B - 4B~8_2 (hit), BK 2K (blocked), 4A+B Recall that the first custom string here has an alternate ender to the 2A, 1K, WC2 dodge I discussed above. That's how you use this stuff effectively. If, say, Xianghua attacks with AAB after the 1K hits (horizs), you can 4A+B through it. If she BBs instead (verts), the 4A+B will sidestep it and punish. The point is, don't block simply because you're blocked - find a way to dodge or fight through as many situations as you can. Another wonderful use of 4A+B is against incoming poke strings. There are several canned strings in the game where you simply need to block the first hit or two before 4A+B'ing the follow up. This is especially true if they have delays and no evasion built in. But you'll find even more possibilities as an interrupt to your opponent's custom poke strings. A lot of those little spots where your opponent's character gets a minor frame advantage on block (or hit sometimes) are negated by a well-timed 4A+B. I've seen this move dodge'n punish lots of attacks that you would think should dominate it, even some of the mid-range stuff from the likes of Nighty and Kilik. While it can work on the long ranged opponents, concentrate and using it most to stop those that tend to attack at Range 3 or less. Now for a disclaimer. this move isn't great in the same sense that Nighty's 3B or Talim's 8WR3_9A is great. You can't abuse it all round and it only does average damage. It is very easy to step and often gets punished by long distance attacks (Nighty's 3B) that it can't space out. It is also hit by moves that can track the subtle left sidestep. Range is important when you use it. For example, it will break and/or range Ivy's 2A, but it depends on the situation. Her 2A reaches rather long and will hit 4A+B if you're in Range 0 or 1 when you try it. In general I've noticed that 4A+B works best when a preceding block happens at the tip of Talim's attack, which basically means you'll get the best results when using it in Range 1-3. The custom poke examples I gave all end with moves that push Talim away from Range 0 on block, giving 4A+B a better chance to work for her. So don't think 4A+B as a major offensive move, but rather as an awesome defensive accessory. Its value to Talim's game is not as a single power move, but as a complementary part to an entire up-close assault series. If you play Talim, you have to be aggressive to win so it's not good when the opponent can easily interrupt your flow. In that sense, 4A+B is a transitional tool that safely links your custom attack strings from one set to the next. Punishing opponents with it enough will keep the them guessing about when and how to slow her down, and I promise that you'll find them hesitating just enough (when they learn to look for it) that you'll then find it easier to continue to be ultra- aggressive in your normal game. *** 7A - N/E Because the attack is high and does no damage really, it is used purely for defensive purposes only. As a jump, it goes over lows (her most instant anti- low move BTW). You can jump in any direction, but the 7A version will give you some breathing room fast when you need a little space. You end in Gale, which is a topic all by itself, but the negative is you can't instantly punish a move you've just avoided. 7A~Gale 4 might be your best bet to turtle when you're ahead with 5 seconds left. *** Gale 4 - L/D This move will distance Talim from her opponent farther than any other move she has, that is if the opponent attacks Gale and doesn't hit Talim as she leaps back. Keep it in mind that mid/long range attacks with decent speed will hit her when she tries it if you're too close during execution. Gale 4 has only two options after a successful evade - fly forward with a punch (Gale 4,B) or sit and wait. The flying punch should only be used when you are near-guaranteed a hit or a block (on hit a 44B is free). The block gives you a Guard Crush 2 option for "free" (but GI'able) hits like 3B, but that's not enough to use it because it is high and easily ducked on reflexes. I find that the only time I seem to get results is when the opponent whiffs a double attack (i.e. vertical BBs) that has some recovery. For the purpose of evading backwards, your strat to sit and wait shouldn't be used as a major tactic because Talim is not effective at all that far from the opponent. *** BK A+K - S/D I use this auto-GI attack primarily for stopping horizontals and throws, not for spacing. Still, it surprises me at times when she randomly edges back and dodges something before punishing the whiff for free. She rears backwards for a big right hook (avoiding some short range verts), but she also lifts back her front leg causing short ranged lows to miss as well. *** BB4K~4 (ends with a leaping backwards stomp) - N_L/E I can't get into this dodge. This whole section of moving backwards for the most part goes against the way I like to play her in matches, but this one in particular doesn't seem to offer much in terms of great follow ups, even if she's successful. After the flip kick of BB4K, Talim ends in BK and hops backwards away from the opponent. You have some control over how far you fly away, so if you want to be a bit closer (about Range 3) you can input BB4K~4~6. Leave the controls at neutral to fly the normal distance away, and continue to hold the ~4 to go a bit further. This actually would be good to use if the recovery on landing was better, but you aren't allowed to instantly access her most useful stuff. By the time you input what you want to use, even if it is just to turn around, your attack initiative has past. I'll keep working on implementing it, into my game, but for now I rarely do it. Oh, there is a special undocumented finisher for this string, (and all others that end with a BK WS), but I'll discuss that below in the 'Dodging Forwards' section. It's not overly useful with this string so I'll get to it later. *** BB4K~4 (or any WS), Just Frame 4_6 (Shadow or Fox Step) - S/P This move has a Fox Step built in, similar to the one Ling Xiaoyu can do in the Tekken series. Upon landing from the flip kick~4, a just-frame timed input of another 4 or 6 will cause her to take one extra hop away or towards the opponent. The time it takes for the hop to execute the animation vs. the rewards she gets for getting it to work as a BK dodge doesn't might not seem worth it when you can instantly attack instead, but you may find it useful. *** BK 4_{4} (backwards backdash) - S/P Tapping a 4 while in BK cause Talim to take a tiny step away from the opponent before turning around to execute forward facing moves if you want. Slightly holding 4 causes her to take two tiny steps away, before turning around to execute 8WR4 attacks if you want. In theory it sounds great - sidestep with 2_8B+K then input, say, a {4}B that will space an attack then punish the whiff with an overhead knockdown slice. However, while it is noticeable, the step is hardly effective for spacing many of the attacks that tend to interrupt her when she moves away. Still, here it is for you to mess with if you want. *** 214B (unblockable) - L/D This unblockable doesn't offer much in real competitions because it is so linear for the amount of frames it takes to animate. Still, you can use it similar to 4A+B to get some quick spacing as you hope the move that whiffs takes a long time to recover. If it looks unlikely, simply tap G to cancel the attack (takes awhile to recover however). Some of Ivy's whip attacks for instance leave her open almost long enough to try it if you step or space her with this move. Astaroth has a few attacks that recover poorly as well to try it against (block 1[A], attack the second ~B hit). Not a tactic to take seriously, but at least the 2B is free if it connects for about 100 points total damage. ================ DODGING FORWARDS (primarily for evasively moving towards the opponent) ================ While some of the moves you read here may also be addressed elsewhere in this post, I'll only be analyzing it if the move's primary use (in this case) is to evasively get Talim closer to her target so that she is able to attack in her ideal range (in front or behind them). If you see that the distance and evasive quality ratings are different than other places, it is not a mistake. I'm rating the move in each case based on the purpose it serves in the section it is listed in. For instance, WC2 is a great lateral evader in Range 0-2. However it only moves her forward an average amount with merely decent evasion abilities in Range 4+ against all of the keep out tactics from Mina, Kilik, Ivy, Asty, Berserker and Nightmare's that you'll face. For this section, I'm referring to this group of characters when I mention the "Rangers". *** 8_2~[G] - N/D Step guarding. I still hate it in SC2, but it is effective so here it is. If you step to Talim's left or right and immediately hold guard she'll complete her step by sliding to a halt. If you're attacked while the G is held, it'll be blocked. The sidestep itself will dodge steppable moves for you to punish. It's mentioned in this section because the G-step tactic moves her forwards as well as laterally. It's not a fast way to move in, but it's a safe way (until you're pushed back outta range again). *** 8_2B+K (or WC2 strings) - N/D One way to slowly move in on a turtling opponent playing keep out is to repeatedly WC2~G, as it dodges distant, linear pokes while inching you closer into Talim's best fighting range (0-2). For best results, combine WC2~G with other dodges to avoid being overly predictable. Abusing this too much allows timed attacks to hit her since she is vulnerable before the ~G guard or BK auto-GIs kick in (i.e. vs. Asty's Poseidon Tide). As you get in close, be sure to use the ~G with WC2. It'll recover Talim facing forward in a frame or two, allowing you to add even more evil setups to your offensive flow. As a matter of fact, connecting BB~8_2 and then inputting (for example) BK~G, 1A_3B looks surprisingly smooth and works pretty well. I even throw in 2Ks and A+B_B+K setups after WC2~G cancels to really keep her unpredictable. Once they try to attack the ~G stuff early, interrupt them with normal BK tactics or finish the BB string without the dodges. *** 6B+K (Wind Sault or WS) - N_L/D An Wind Sault involves Talim somersaulting in the air forwards (or backwards in one case) towards her opponent. As a signature "stance" for Talim, the Wind Sault isn't as useful for her as WC1&2 are due mainly because it takes awhile for it's first possible impact frame to hit. Not only that, her attack options here are pretty linear and easy to dodge, particularly during okizeme situations. As a "forward dodge" to get in close however, it has some uses. You do not have to attack while Wind Saulting, so simply inputting 6B+K is like taking a giant leap forward. Not knowing whether you plan to attack or not (WS A_B_K) may keep your opponent from swinging at you as you land. Unfortunately, landing with no attack keeps you from instantly doing anything (at least a 10+ frame delay), so you can't overuse it. The best time to try it is right after the Rangers whiff a slow, keep out attack that you can't reach to punish. There's no time for Asty's PT or Ivy's air grabbing whip Lick (hopefully =P), so like the WC2 cancels, you are trying to inch your way closer for more attack options. Like with the Wind Sault I described for BB4K~4, Talim has distance air control as she flies (not laterally). So, you can input 6B+K~4 to take a shorter hop that doesn't fly Talim forward as far. You'll spend less time in the air so perhaps your offense can begin earlier. Leave the controls neutral for a normal flight, and hold ~6 to travel as far as she can (not much further however). As a bonus, landing on the ground from a WS attempt is a stomp that hits grounded opponents if you use it to advance for okizeme. Perhaps it's the only attack in SC2 that doesn't hit high, mid, special mid, or low? I'm not sure. *** 8WR1_7B~6~K_4K (leaping stab into BK WS somersault kick) - N/E The initial attack of this move leaps forwards through the air, easily getting Talim closer to opponents with weaker keep-out abilities. However, the analysis and ratings I'm placing for this move is for the WS follow up. If the flying stab connects or is blocked, Talim will WS over the opponent with ~6, ending in a BK OB (Opponent's Back) situation. The opponent has to really focus on the perfect anti WS attack to stop it, otherwise you'll fly over them every time. Now if you've tried this tactic and gave up on it because of its slow recovery upon landing, here's a cool little bit of undocumented info I figured out. Anytime you WS (usually over their head) and end up with your back turned, input ~K_4K right before you land and you'll instantly execute her juggling, back-turned somersault kick (the ~4K version ends the kick with Talim in BK again). Because this kick goes under throws and some highs, and it goes over lows, it is tough to interrupt it. Most of the instant interrupt attempts they try won't work because the first attack before the WS begins (blocked or not) forces them into a Full Crouch (FC). If they try to attack her as she leaps and it whiffs, the instant BK K_4K is often free. I tend to use the 4K version because the BK BB almost always connects as hits. Until your opponent can stop it, use and abuse this tactic when you can. If they learn to wait the somersault kick out, you then might then have time to try some other BK tactic after you leap over them. Unfortunately no other BK attack will come out as fast, so keep that in mind as you play. As for using the somersault kick for BB4K~4 mentioned earlier (the one I don't like to use), you could possibly have some success by trying it this way: BB4K~4~6~4K. Still, even with the ~4~6~4K finish, Talim is often too far away to punish a whiff. It's best to go over their head to get this to work well. *** BBK~6~K_4K (ends with a flip kick stomp into BK WS somersault kick) - N/E Pretty similar in use as the 8WR7_1B WS string I just described above, except that this one allows you to use the overhead WS tactics in close. There are many, many tactics that one can employ from the BB starter series, so the usefulness of this one is based on your ability to mix it in with all of the rest of the BB mix ups that you throw out. Again this one works like the other one because the leaping kick stomp before the WS causes a FC whether it hits or not, preventing most conventional interruptions. Other than the starter, most of the stuff I posted above should work here as well. One interesting option, that serves little purpose is to WS and land in front of them instead of behind them: BBK~6~4. The recovery is too slow to do anything useful so ignore it. *** BBA~B+K (fake a low punch into WS) - N/P This one isn't all that useful for several reasons. Firstly, because the opponent wasn't forced into FC (or OB), as soon as they notice the fake low they find it easy to knock Talim out of the air. Also, the fact that they are often standing when she goes into WS seems to prevent her from landing behind them. More often than not, Talim jumps to their side (with poor landing recovery) instead of forward. She is off axis and too close for WS attacks (WS A_B_K) to be of any use, even air controlling doesn't help your situation. Scratch this string unless you find something I didn't. *** 8WR8_2B~6 (double slicing uppercut into forward leap) - N/P The leap after this attack is easy to interrupt because there's no FC or OB setup on block. You usually land with poor frame recovery in front of them because it might not leap over them while they're standing - don't use this string for evasion purposes. It's great for damage setups however =P. *** A+B~G (Guard Crushing, advancing step with 180 turn) - L/E This is one of her two basic attacks for creating a level 2 GC on block. It has some great crouching properties, which I'll describe in the last section, but I'm listing it here as a useful tool to mainly handle one specific character tactic: anti-Yoshimitsu Sword Flash. Very few characters are brave enough to go toe-to-toe with Talim in close because of her great speed and evasive talents. Yoshi however has the frame- friendly fighting skills to at least give it a good try. One thing he has in his favor is access to a 4-frame Range 0 attack in the Sword Flash. Similar to a GI in execution timing, the move will often damage the opponent, even if they do nothing more than dash into it. For this reason, many of Talim's normal set ups will be interrupted with a well timed Flash from Yoshi. The one exception I've found is to come at him with A+B~G. Talim advances with a giant step, but she pulls away from Flash danger at the same time, recovering in BK. No matter how deep you advance into Yoshi, the Flash will whiff and you have your choice of BK damage. If you're decent at avoiding and punishing GI- happy players attempting to stop your offensive flow, you'll have no problem doing the same vs. his Sword Flash. The fact that you're basically safe from highs and throws as well with A+B~G is just a bonus. BTW, I tried it with B+K~G but the Flash will shut it down with no problem. If you'd rather end facing forward after dodging a flash, recover from BK with 2_8_G. One more forward evasion application for A+B~G is to simply advance safely under under AAs and throw attempts. If successful, the opponent will likely freeze for the full A+B hit, giving you great BK or BK~G options. *** 66B (aerial flying punch) - L/D The problem with using her flying punch to advance forward while dodging lows is that you'll often evade the hit, but your high punch will whiff them in the process. Punishes throw attempts however, but this move isn't useful for this category. *** Gale 6 - L/P You'll fly right into the attack that provoked the leap. Uhm, no. ============ DODGING OVER (for going over the opponent's throws_low attacks) ============ *** 7_8_9A (hopping high slash into Gale) - S/E I start with this move because it is the quickest command she has to get into the air that has some decent use to it. Even a regular a simple jump - [G]7_8_9, is slower because the game system is designed to allow certain hop attacks execute faster than the hops themselves. This move does pitiful damage, and it attacks high, but it tracks and ends in Gale, allowing you to insta-dodge(tm) any retaliation attempts. If it wasn't for that (which still isn't much) I'd say don't bother with it. *** 7_8_9K (hopping mid kick) - S/E Ho-hum damage, it doesn't track, and has bad frame recovery on hit or block. A poor attack option, but it's as fast off the ground as 7_8_9A. *** 7_8_9B (leaping downward slash) - N/D Now this move doesn't leave the ground as instantly as the first two attacks, but it is still the better option when you have a choice. It covers more forward ground, it does more damage, it knocks down (recovering BK), it breaks horizontal attacks decently, and it forces a FC on block. As anti-okizeme vs. lows and throws, I'll often use this move. Against low attacks in the heat of battle, it has some interesting uses. Most times you'll be unable to get it to work against a quick 2A unless you have a few positive frames as an advantage, but you'll often be able to first block hits of a canned string, then 8B the low finisher. So for Asty's 3[A]A, block the first low and leap attack over the second (there's time to check for the mid B finisher). Against Maxi's FC 3AAA ankle attacks, block low until he stops and an 8B is free. When Nighty tries his WS A mix-ups on block, protect yourself with 8B in case the last low hit comes out. There are plenty of opportunities if you look for them. *** 66K (flying double kick) - N/D As an anti-low move, it'll work but not too reliably. The double tap and startup frames slow her down a bit, but it is still an overall decent move. Recovers BK on block *** WL K (hop that lands with a trip) - S/D WL stands for 'While Landing'. Hold 'G', hop into the air and press K on the way down. Because this ends with a trip, it's not a bad little move in rare situations. Post-GI or after blocking a heavy move would be likely scenarios, but it works ok against going over moves in Range 0-2 to punish the attacker. Most times, if you can anticipate a low coming in close, an 8B would be better due to it's breaking abilities. The trip won't reach if you're in Range 3 or more, so only try it when you're relatively close. *** WL B (hop that lands with mid slash) - S/D This move can be used with WL K for a minor mix-up. It doesn't knock down, doesn't track and it recovers pretty poorly on block. So why ever use it? Because for a single move, it inflicts some serious damage. If you're lucky enough to connect it on CH as an example, they'll lose nearly one-fourth of their health. *** WL A (hop that lands with a slash) - S/D Offers a low strike for average damage and great recovery. It tracks ok so choose this as the main WL attack so you can easily evade if you're blocked. *** WS A_B_K (Wind Sault with finishers) - L/E WS setups can often go over the opponent, which was described in the 'Dodging Forwards' section, but I'm now referring to using WS to dodge a low attack in order to get free punishment. Basically you're using WS to fly towards the opponent, using a high, mid, or low finisher as you land. I can't see any of the attack moves with an WS option being used for anti-low evasion; so we'll only assume you're trying 6B+K. The advantage WS has over other anti-low moves is that it has great range, so you can near-instantly get into the air and punish a slow recovery low if it is dodged. The only problem with the finishers is that they are very linear, but as an anti-low attack your opponent shouldn't be in a position to move once they whiff. Of your finishing choices, The mid B is the most damaging and breaks like 8B, forcing a FC on block. The weaker low A catches some off guard, and like 99% of her lows, it is safe on block. The K is high, and bounces you off on block for poor recovery, but it combos into a free WS B on hit, and becomes a ground hitting leg slam on whiff. The last choice is to land with a stomp (do nothing but WS), allowing you to attack face to face after some recovery. Let's say you can see something like Asty's 3A low sweep and you're halfway across the screen. A 6B+K A_B should be free for you. The problem with WS K is that most sweeps that you can see and punish from a distance will crouch under all high attacks. Another dodging option I love to do is against Voldo's ground body explosion after he MC bounces off of you. With timing, you can WS B him for free every time you see it. If he tries to explode closer to make you fly over him, you can WS K leg slam him on the ground instead. This tactic doesn't work on Xiangua's cry baby tactic however. She hits the WS options before you make impact. Kilik's anti-oki stances give mixed results as well. Unfortunately, using WS in an average match as an anti-low isn't as useful as it seems because it is only effective at Range 3 or more. Any closer and you tend to land off axis, causing the mix-ups to whiff. Air Control does work if you attack during WS, so get a feel for when it works well for you. *** BBK_4K (ends with a flip kick stomp) - S/E Sometimes opponents like to attack your BB string finishers with an instant 2A. Using the K_4K finisher as anti-2A in this case will at least make them try to time it with whatever else you want to try. Outside of punishing instant 2As, there's not much to expect from this string as it relates to evasion. *** BBA~B+K (ends with a fake low to forward flip) - N/D Because they aren't forced into FC and don't end with their back turned, even their whiffed 2A recovers fast enough for you not to have any advantage when you land. Avoid. *** BK K_4K (BK somersault kick) - S/D I've already detailed the special-ness of this move when used as a canned string finisher in BK. On it's own, it's a nifty BK option even though it is high. As an anti-low move you have only this attack if BK A+K doesn't space enough for a whiff, so use it generously. Even though it is high, I've seen it punish whiffed attacks that put the opponent in FC. Most times though, both players simply miss, so be prepared for your next move if that happens. *** 66B (aerial flying punch) - L/D Like I said above, it whiffs when it successfully dodges, so it isn't useful for this section. *** 8WR3_9KA (hopping roundhouse kick into two mini slashes) - S/D The actual hop of this move is comparable to 8B in startup frames, which is pretty good. However, it requires a double tap at an angle from stand still position, making it a poor choice for an instant aerial option. If you are already 8-way running however, particularly towards the opponent, try getting used to doing it on reaction to some of the slower lows that come at you. On CH the full string is free for three hits, and on block you are at a low disadvantage (try 8_2B+K or 4A+B!). Miscellaneous moves that cause Talim to get into the air aren't worth detailing for this section. 33_99A, 236B, her 44A 7-hit string, etc. will randomly go over low moves at some point, but you wouldn't try to set them up that way. As a final note, the nice thing about choosing an anti-low tactic is that you dodge throws from all but Astaroth as a free bonus. This is particularly important when you try to rise from the ground safely, but you may get lucky if you interrupt an incoming custom string that frequently ends with a throw/safe- low finish. I mention safe-low because if you can block and punish a low attack from FC with 1A+B, by all means use that as your first choice. Many lows however aren't that generous, so see if something like WL B_K gets their attention. Let's move on to the final section. ============= DODGING UNDER (For going under the opponent's throws / high attacks) ============= Ok, before I go into the various anti-high stuff that Talim has, let's first discuss how this category works. Major props to Aris, one of the top U.S. players, who came up with this theory on the tech-crouch and full-crouch system in SC2. I agree with him, as it explains a lot of confusion I had with SC2's engine coming from a Tekken background as I did. If I get the explanation wrong though, blame me not him =P. When I would complain about my anti-high FC 1A+Bs being interrupted by As or throws, I was told earlier that there are moves that tech crouch and full crouch. In Tekken, a throw or certain 'special high' attacks could beat some anti-high moves at times regardless of the frame data (i.e. second hit of Steve's 1,2,1). And usually, if a move was programmed to be anti-high, it always worked as soon as you input the move (i.e. most d/f+2 uppercuts). In SC2, what I now understand is that all moves that can go under highs and throws at some point will do so only during their "anti-high" frames. So if an anti-high move takes 18 frames to animate before it hits, it may only crouch during frames 10-16, being vulnerable if the opponent's high attack impacts during frames 1-9 and 17-18. While your defense may work in your head, it all depends on what the opponent attacks high with, and when he chooses to do it because his high might impact you at the wrong time. This is best illustrated in the differences between her non-charged Guard Crushes A+B and B+K. Check those write ups below for the comparisons. So obviously your best anti-high moves from standing position are those that will stay in full crouch (FC) for 100% of the animation frames before impact. For Talim that's pretty much 2A and 1K as far as I can tell, but you'll see she has many other choices for most of the situations out there. An incoming high move takes a minimum of 10 frames to impact you in open space, so if you're
attacking at the same time with a move that will impact in 18 frames, you're
safe to use it as long as its 'anti-high' frames of the animation occur at
least by frame #10.

If you both attacked with the same moves when you were at a -2 disadvantage,
your move will hit only if it is anti-high from at least frame #8. However,
even if you dodge one move, your attack might still be interruptible by the
next high hit of a string if it is vulnerable before it impacts. A 236B might
go under a single A attack, but before it can hit on the next try, it might be
stopped by the second hit of an AA attempt.

As you plot your next evasive move, its best to know that the earlier a move's
anti-high abilities kick in, plus how much of its frames stay in this full
crouch status before it impacts is what makes the move useful and dependable
for dodging highs. Go over all of this in your mind a few times and it should
make sense.

So with that in mind we have to rate these moves differently. Distance isn't an
issue, so the first rating letter will cover how much time it takes after
command input before the move becomes anti-high: S(oon), N(ormal), L(ong). The
next rating remains the same as before to describe how much of the animation
stays in the evasive, anti-high state before impact: P(oor), D(ecent), and
E(xcellent). Now let's get on to her choices:

*** 8WR 9_3A (uber-omnipotent super twirly thingy of death) - S/E
Hopefully I don't need to describe the incredible usefulness of this move. It
goes over moves, under moves, and being 8WR9_3, it also is used to go around
moves. It is safe on block, knocks down for decent damage on hit, and tracks
near 360 around her. When in doubt about what move of hers to use in almost any
situation, this is the move to do.

I won't waste time describing the obvious, but you can almost literally go to
almost anything I've suggested to this point, replace it with 99_33A and you'll
do just fine. Sure it's fun to go over, under, side-to-side with Talim,
confusing the opponent as you play, but this attack just plows THROUGH the
opponent in almost the exact same setups. The most effective thing you can do
to open up all of your other attacking tactics is to use this move to the point
where they don't want to aggressively go near you without a clear advantage. It
simply dodges or out-prioritizes to many things. The effects of it's anti-high
ability is near instant once you do it, but it requires a double-tap from
standstill which can slow you down a few frames as you input. Once it starts,
it is 100% anti-high until impact, so don't worry about interruptions.

Another consideration - as an A attack it can be broken (Xiang's 8WR8_2B). Also
it can be spaced out by turtles, so be careful. But in this section we're only
concerned about its anti-high abilities, and for that you can abuse this move
all day, including from full crouch.

*** 1A+B (upward thrust launcher) - N/E
This move is one of her best attacks, partly because it can also be done from
full crouch. It goes under highs, but not instantly. There are a number of
times when you execute this move simultaneously against an expected throw that
you'll be tossed. So I've trained myself to 1G the throw (or high attack)
first, then input the FC 1A+B when everything is all clear. If you're in FC and
want to punish a high attack instantly, I suggest FC 3BB instead of FC 1A+B.
They are her only anti-high WS moves from FC that can't be hit by attacks like
the launcher can.

Unfortunately, you can't use it as the instant anti-high you might want, but it
is still one of her best all-around punishers. Out of all of her evasions
attacks to go under highs and throws, this is the one I use to actually go
under some mids. It's not common, but it works 100% against Taki's WS K, and
I've aggressively been successful at times against Voldo's blocked 1B follow-
ups, and after being hit by Yoshi's 1A series. Randomly it works in other
instances as well, so give it a try in casual play.

*** 3B (uppercut) - N/D
There seems to only be a few active evasion frames because it gets hit by moves
at startup as well as before impact. Still, the potential for juggle damage
makes it worth using in close against your opponent, just don't overly depend
on it going under what you expect. The instant ~6B finish is always recommended
because it'll track a moving opponent pretty well (besides providing more
damage and okizeme on hit).

*** 236B (shoryukin!) - N/D_E
The ability to hold the button for a level 2 Guard Crush allows Talim to stay
in FC for a long time. Too bad this move is so super linear that'll likely
whiff the longer you wait to attack. As an instant anti-high punisher, it is
not too bad against quick As, but it gets hit before impact at the end of the
animation quite easily. It also travels forward a bit, but try to be at least
in Range 2 or closer to hit. 236B works best as a charge (hold B) and wait
move. Keep charging it up as you wait for an AA to whiff so the second hit
doesn't interrupt, then you can punish for free.

The juggle options after a launch is sad on normal hit, so I rarely if ever use
this move. However, under the super rare instance you play an Astaroth who'll
fall for this try this combo I made up:
4 hits, 113 damage: Soul Charge to Level 3, 236{B} (full charge for
unblockable), 4B+K

In most cases, this move doesn't have much that other attacks don't have. Feel
free to ignore.

*** A+B and B+K (advancing anti high Guard Crushers) - S/D and N/E
Sparkly, sparklies! (inside joke)
I have them together because as anti-high moves they pretty much serve the same
purpose. The difference between the two? A+B gives you an instant anti-high
state, but gets hit or thrown just before contact. The opposite happens for
B+K. That one easily gets hit early on, but is near unstoppable (by highs)
towards the end. They both are pretty safe in the middle of the animation, so
don't worry too much about being interrupted outside of what I've described.

Pick B+K if you're sure a high keep out move is coming at you at around Range 3
or more. I'll use it on Ivy for this purpose, but you get killed by 8WR and
step if you guess wrong. Pick A+B for in close brawling. Anticipate AA
interruptions and punish for free.

*** 8WR 8_2B (double uppercut juggler) - L/D
While it takes some time to actually evade, the damage you get from succeeding
makes this a move to set up. Mostly, only use as anti-high against slow high
attacks, but it's not worth trying to dodge anything else.

*** 1A (low ankle slice) - N/D
An awesome move that hits low and gives an advantage on hit. As a way to dodge
highs, it gets hit early in its frames too much to rely on (same with 4AA).

*** BB (the killer Bees) - S/P
As a high attack dodge, it has a few frames in the first B that actually go
under As. After that, it simply breaks an A in its way. No way to plan the
evasion to work, but enjoy using it when it happens.

*** 2K (low sweep with optional punch finish) - N/E
The low sweep is slow and linear, but since it was discovered that it's safe on
block (if you don't tack on the A_B ender), I try to still use it when I can.
If it connects, a FC 2K is free, but a FC 2B hits pretty often and does more

This may be one of her more reliable anti-high moves from Range 2 and 3. You
can use this to wait for an opponent attacks with a string out of range and
punish as they close in. works really well in close as a step punish for
stopping all types of linear attacks (i.e. 8, 2K).

*** 2A (standard quick special mid punch) - S/E
This is her most reliable anti-high move. Easy input and instant in it's attack
attempt. You have to be no further than Range 2 to possibly get it to connect,
but in A-attack wars against other speed demons (X, Taki, Yoshi, etc.) a 2A
will almost always beat out a standard A.

*** 1K_BK 2K (quick low kick) - S/E
This move works almost as well as 2A. Takes longer to get it to work by a few
frames or so, but it gives you a longer reach. The BK version seems to reward
you with a better frame data situation than 1K, but both are great in battles
that require a reliable, anti-high interrupt.


I need to add a comment about Talim's natural evasion ability - some attacks,
setups and combos that work against all other characters will often whiff
against only her. Maybe it's her small size, but I hear this a lot from many
experienced players that what normally works on other characters doesn't work
against her.

Yoshi has a juggle or two that misses her a lot, and if he sweeps her with FC
1K, she can make a follow-up sweep whiff if she stays still. I'll try to gather
info with other players to see if a full list can be compiled of when this

So that covers just about everything. If you look to combine the uses of all
these great dodging strats with speedy CH attacks, auto-GIs, and throws, you'll
have an evasive Talim that's effective on the move while being interesting to
play and watch. Have fun and let me know some of the stuff that works well in
your game. Thanks for reading.

- shauno