Copyright 2005 Jose LLorin Fernandez Soul Calibur II is owned by Namco. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This work is a labor of love for this game and may not be reproduced for any monetary reason; nor distributed in any way that involves this FAQ with the transfer of monetary goods. It may be used and/or reproduced for personal and/or private use. It may not be placed on any distribution medium or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission outside of the owner's own distribution medium or the GameFAQ web site. Use, distribution, reproduction of this guide on any medium outside of the above clarifications is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright law. This FAQ started somewhere in/around 1999 or 2001. As of now it is finished. However, it is only 75%-80% of the of the completed worked I had. My final draft was lost and I was not able to recover 100% of my work. I can no longer work on this FAQ and must stand as is. The following is a majority list of discrepancies you may notice. 1. Contridictions, but they will be small or easily reasoned out using the rest of the information in this FAQ. 2. Mix-up section is not the best, since that is where I lost most of my work. The "Train your opponent to attack vertically or horizontally: medium range" section is less than clear and may not be worded correctly. However, I'm not deleting that section and will leave it as is. Also, all of you at that responded to my thread for mix-up stradgies; I'm sorry. I was not able to get to your responses in time and could not include it in my FAQ. 3. Some of the stance sections are missing frame data. 4. Some sections will have what look like annotations. They are annotations. I've left the annotations so that you the reader will know what I had wished to add, update, correct, or clarify. 5. Facts about moves that are steppable to the left or right, might be contadictory. Please see The DEALING WITH SIDE-STEPPERS section, since that is correct and current. 6. All discoveries made after June 2004 are not included here. 7. The Original Table of Contents are missing. The following is an outline of what's in this FAQ. CONVENTIOINS AND NOTATIONS NOTATION FOR FRAME DATA Normal Moves GI = Gaurd Impact Advancing Guard/Retreating Guard "THROW" TYPE ATTACK A TYPE ATTACKS B TYPE ATTACKS K TYPE ATTACKS DOUBLE BUTTON PRESS TYPE ATTACKS SPECIAL MOVES FULLY CROUCHED ATTACKS WHILE STANDING ATTACKS WJ (While Jumping) ATTACKS WL (While Landing) attacks WALL ATTACKS 8WR (11_22_33_44_55_66_77_88_99) MOVES BACK TURNED ATTACKS BT STUDY .... STANCES JFC MOUNTAIN DIVIDE THROW SOUL CHARGE ATTACKS BUFFERING moves MIX-UPS = MIND GAMES -BASIC MIX-UPS- Inner Short Range - (ISR) Short Range Outer Short range/Inner Medium Range - OSR/IMR Medium range mix-ups Long range mix-ups Okieme/wake-up FC 1BB mix-ups kB2 mix-ups The G-CANCEL mix-ups CD mix-ups MST mix-ups RLC mix-ups HMD mix-ups FMD mix-ups AIR COMBOS DEALING WITH SIDE-STEPPERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FAQ ON MITSURUGI HEISHIRO Version 1 Update 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is not a FAQ for advanced users. It is more of a reference for them. This is because the advanced topics in this FAQ were gleaned from other advanced Mitsu user in the Soul Calibur forums. So the more complicated aspects of Mitsurugi listed here will be common knowledge to them. My FAQ is more of a book report than anything else. Also note, that this FAQ is geared for games without much GI. GI/post GI war adds such a tremedous dimension to the game that I am unable to incorporate it into this FAQ except in isolated instances. I believe I would be unqualified and/or inadequate to introduce that element into this FAQ. My qualifications: I play on average about twice a week. At short range my mix-ups and stratedgy are good enough to go toe to toe with very good competition, but I tend to die out at medium range. My okieme is OK and my MST skills are fairly good, but I don't play enough to have mastered many of his more advanced stratedgies. I still haven't mastered MD throw, BT moves, FMD mix-ups, HMD mix-ups, CD mix-ups, RLC mix-ups, 66A mix-ups, and my usage of FC 1BB is weak. I am not a guru with Mitsu. I'm a mediore player at best. However, there are NO Mitsurugi FAQ's out there. Just movelists for him. Also, the forum's search just isn't any good. It neither allows for searchs with special characters (ie. _ or + ) nor does it allow searchs that have that have less than four characters in it. This is a problem because most threads don't mention move names. Moves are referred to by their inputs. For instance, you can't search for "8WR2_8_6A+B OR 1BB OR 11_77BAB. Not only that, but many people are reluctant to revive old threads and/or are hostile to mentioning things that were mentioned before. So only new posts have any voice in the forums. So, I decided to make my own FAQ. I needed something I could go to without having to browse thru tons of web pages to find what I was looking for. Also, I've been seeing quirks with Mitsu. Sometimes I'll be playing and my Mitsu performs a combo he could not or should not have been able to do. I'm of the firm belief that Mitsu has many more 1FS moves and quirks than have been found. My second hope is that this FAQ helps newer players get all the information they need so that they too can be curious and try to find newer tidbits for the Mitsurugi community. I give thanks to (in no special order): Halister : for being the inspiration for making this FAQ, you've gotta check out the Taki forum. WCMAXI : for being a great moderator/admin Ai_Uchi : for being a great Mitsu player and forum initiator Defec : for being a huge forum contributor Argentum : another huge forum contributor xSamuraix : another huge forum contributor Rugi Master : another huge forum contributor the Vagrant : for many times lending a calming voice to a thread kilikAbeast : another huge forum contributor Devil X : another huge forum contributor Tharon_Mortis : another huge forum contributor Youngworld : another huge forum contributor Note 1: huge forum contributors are the guys that keep the forum alive and kick-a$$. Note 2: Quotes listed as unknown are known, but I've lost the poster's name associated with the quote. If you are a major contributor that needs to be mentioned or feel a major contributor has been left out,my email is The list above reflects the names that have stuck out in my head during the course of my forum readings. Special thanks to Youngworld and Tharon_Mortis. These guys are hardcore and have been the prime movers for all things new and obscure in the Mitsurugi community. Special special thanks to Tharon_Mortis for undertaking the tedious task of finding frame data for all of Mitsurugi's moves. His work paved the way for finding frame data for the rest of Soul Calibur's cast. Actually it looks like he's doing all the work of finding frame data for the rest of the cast. So if you're going thru the forums at leave a Thank You in his "frame data" threads. The information here is from my own experiences and words of wisdom from the Soul Calibur II forums at the web site. Please remember, anything questionable in this FAQ is immediately recognized by the fact that I up front say I either don't know, am not sure, say "it seems, say "maybe", etc. Also, with regards to information about being able to step certain horizontal moves, when I mention they can be stepped, I am 100% sure they can, but not 100% sure from which side. Yes, I should test information I'm not sure of, but the only one I can test it on is against the computer on an arcade machine. So if I have incorrect or shakey information in this FAQ, correct me. But please, no flames. I will not respond to flames. With that said, if you're pretty good with Mitsu already, skip down to the MIX-UPS=MIND GAMES section and start reading from there. Everything before that section is mostly my own stuff and are things you probably already know. Its in MIX-UPS=MIND GAMES section and further that you really want want to read. Those sections mostly came from posters in the Soul Calibur forums. Also notice that the FAQ is not complete. It is as accurate as I could make it, but not complete because of time constraints, lack of access to Soul Calibur, and just because it is plain huge. Enjoy my FAQ. Mitsu is not a simple character like most players claim him to be. Yes, he is newbie friendly. His A, AA, B, BB, A+B, 22_88B, 33_99BB, 2KB, kB_kB2, 1K 66A+B, 4A_4A6 moves are easy to use, applicable to all situations and can be used to win against very good players. But since they are easy to use and win with, many people don't bother with his more advanced/complicated moves and stances. Those people have Mitsu's that are very predicatable and are easily countered by the more "complicated/advanced" characters like Vololdo, Yoshimitsu, Taki, etc. This FAQ will very much banish that MYTH. Just for an example, in a GI happy game where Mitsu's moves are well known, the following is a viable attack string for Mitsu. 66BB2_8~4A+B,B+K,B_A+B_aB_{ a:[ g ]A_B } The above is 66BB -> RLC -> {MST B}_{MST A+B}_{MST aB}_{MST jf throw} Looks complicated, doesn't it? It is. Not only because the button and direction sequences can be hard, but the pyschology to use it is god-awfully mind bending. At the higher levels of play, Mitsu's strength lies not with his moves or stances but with the player. You cannot win with Mitsu by whoring certain moves or techniques. Mitsu cannot win with just a small set of moves. You must contiually adapt to what the other player is doing and thinking. Mitsu's weakness is his predictability. His strength is to use that predictablity to be unpredictable. In nearly all advance discussions of Mitsu's gameplay you will hear mention of Mitsu's mix-ups or of being able to train your opponent. Though both topics are applicable to all the Soul Calibur characters, it is nearly imperative for a Mitsurugi player to master. ***************************************************************************** CONVENTIOINS AND NOTATIONS ***************************************************************************** I will be using the same notations and conventions laid out at the Guardimpact web site. These notations are the standard notations the Soul Calibur community as a whole agree upon. "Clean hit" = This was never clearly explained to me, but for the purposes of this FAQ a "clean hit will" be defined as a hit that occurs between Mitsurugi's nose and 1/4th the distance from his sword tip during his 6B move. A "clean hit" also only occurs directly in front of Mitsu. The only moves you have worry about a clean hit are MST B, A+K, B+K, and 1B. (and maybe 3B) Directional/Button conventions Player 1 side Player 2 side 7 8 9 9 8 7 4 5 6 6 5 4 1 2 3 3 2 1 G = Gaurd button B = verical slash button A = horizontal slash button 7 = up back direction 8 = up direction 9 = up forward direction 4 = back direction 5 = stick is in neautral position 6 = forward direction 1 = down back direction 2 = down direction 3 = down forward direction ( ) optional [ X ] hold button X , followed by ~ immediately after + at the same time _ or < optional delayed input * optional delayed input = next in sequence { } grouping of options : the next input is a 1fs and must be inputted exactly 1 frame later. xY see "~", roll from button X to button Y, ex. aB, kB, agA hold hold attack button for delay/etc. GC-l# guard crush on Soul Charge Level # (1-3) lever joystick movement possible -> denotes a stance shift... ie. 66A2_8~A = 66A2_8->HMD~A FC fully crouched WS while standing up 8WR 8 way run JF just frame SS side step SC soul charge 1FS 1 frame shift GI guard impact GC guard crush GB guard break (see GC) RC recover crouching - means the move will end with Mitsu in a crouched state. RCC recover crouching cancel - moves with RC can have their RC canceled iFC instant full-crouch iWS instant while-standing SP special movement NC natural combo FrC forced crouch FrCh forced crouch on hit SCC soul charge cancel BT back turned WL while landing from jump WJ while jumping BT your back facing the opponent OB forces opponent's back to face you OS forces opponent's side to face you OSB forces opponent's side to face you when blocked JG juggle starter RO move rings opponent out CH requires a counter hit AT attack throw (blockable throw) FrC forced crouch on block FrCh forced crouch on hit GI guard impact is possible GI-h guard impact - horizontal attacks GI-v guard impact - vertical attcks re-GI reverse GI, GI opponent's post-GI attack # see corresponding footnote c CH modifier (eg. BNc is a bounce juggle starter on counter hit) co crouching opponent modifier (eg. BNco) cco CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco) BN bound or bounce stun DOS double over stun uDOS unbreakable double over stun FS fall back stun LS lift stun HS hunch over stun, means hit stun for frame data only CS crumple stun CFS crumple fall stun TS thrust stun QS quake stun SPS spin stun THS toe hop stun BS block stagger, means block stun for frame data only GC guard crush GB guard break (see GC) l hits low m hits mid h hits high L hits low and grounded opponents M hits mid and grounded opponents H hits high and grounded opponents Sm hits special mid (can be blocked mid or low) UB-h unblockable high UB-m unblockable mid UB-M unblockable mid that hits grounded UB-l unblockable low UB-L unblockable low that hits grounded ----------------------- NOTATION FOR FRAME DATA ----------------------- Soul Calibur works on 60 frames per second Frame data for Hit stun/Block stun only applies to retaliation and blocking not movement or GI. In terms of notation. There is an already agreed upon notation for frame data. However, Tharon_Mortis does not use that notation in his frame data thread for Mitsu. So to keep people from getting confused I'm combining his notations and the notations that were already in place before he began his work. Keep this in mind, Hit stun/Block stun is not really a good word to describe what the frame data describes. HS/BS (as it was used before Tharon_Mortis is really about the RELATIVE RECOVERY time for the character (in this case Mitsu) relative to his opponents recovery after the character (in this case Mitsu) attacked. But HS/BS were "readable" and I guess easy terms to learn/understand at the time. They are terms that are stuck in the community's mind. On the other hand, Tharon_Mortis's notation is less "readable" but much more accurate. Hopefully my notation is a successful blending of the two. Note CH 3A produces a true hit stun -- a DOS, a stun that came from a hit. Other hit stuns are CFS and FS. Check the notations above for more. ~ denotes both a range of values or approximate values. This is how Tharon_Mortis uses ~ in his frame data study for Mitsu. iX X is the number in frames that the attack will hit in. ie. A has i10. That means that the A attack will can register a hit on the 10th frame (not before) and all frames after until the attack move is over. OC opponent is crouched, this notation will only be used in frame data "Relative recovery on hit" HS recovery time for Mitsu when he hits. This is the relative recovery for both attacking and blocking. "Relative Recovery on Block" BS recovery time for Mitsu if his attack was blocked. This is the relative recovery for both attacking and blocking HS/BS modifiers a recovery time for Mitsu undergoes before he can attack g recovery time for Mitsu undergoes before he can block s recovery when Mitsu produces an actual Hit Stun like CH 3A sb recovery when Mitsu produces an actual Hit Stun, but the opponent breaks the stun k recovery when Mitsu KD c recovery when Mitsu does a counter hit. d recovery when Mitsu attacks a crouched opponent r recovery when Mitsu attacks a rising opponent jr recovery when Mitsu launches and opponent rolls forward or back, if they roll left or right subtract 6 frames from HSjr jg recovery when Mitsu launches and opponent attempts an early GI or early block sl recovery when Mitsu hits an opponent who side steps to their left (Mitsu's right) sr recovery when Mitsu hits an opponent who side steps to their right (Mitsu's left) Note: Nearly all (except for maybe 3 numbers) frame data in this FAQ came from Tharon_Mortis's "Mitsurugi Heishiro: Frame Data" thread at the SoulCalibur forums at ***************************************************************************** Normal Moves ***************************************************************************** ----------------- GI = Gaurd Impact ----------------- 6G = Repel Mitsu stops their attack and sorta "pushes them" off balance. 1. This only affects HIGH and MID attacks. 4G = Parry Mitsu deflects their attack and pulls them to his left side. 1. This only affects LOW and MID attacks. -------------------------------- Advancing Guard/Retreating Guard -------------------------------- Quote unknown: I think it's WCMaxi By holding you can reduce the overall guard push a move induces. While effective in terms of single hits, it is most effective against strings since it cuts down the overall push of each hit of the string, vastly reducing the string’s overall push. By holding you can increases the overall push a move induces. Where this is most effective is against characters who’s attacks keep them close to you. If you want to turtle, this makes it much easier. Now, one may wonder what this means in terms of game-play. In essence, moves you once used to “space” can now be counter spaced to a certain degree. More importantly, moves that were once safe due to push, yet truly vulnerable by data, can now be punished. There’s a lot to explore in their field, but to give some initial direction: Using AG versus X’s AAB Yoshi can get a free 6B+KB. Using RG versus X’s 1kAA, the 3rd hit whiffs and everyone gets a free 3B. Using RG versus Taki’s 33ABBB, the 4th hit whiffs and everyone gets a free 3B. Anyway, this is very effective all over the place because it undoes the push element to a certain degree. Enjoy testing and post results. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Musourenka By the way, is there any way to affect push when guarding lows (for example, would 1G or 3G work)? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, you can move while blocking low. I think some characters move more distance than others. On the whole the movement is also reduced. . . ------------------- "THROW" TYPE ATTACK ------------------- Note: 1. Mitsurugi's throw animations are not throws. But we call them "throws" anyway because they are accessed by the designated buttons combinations for a throw in Soul Calibur 2. ie. A+G_B+G. Correction his left/right/back "throws" look like real throws. 2. All characters have a Throw Escape. By inputting an A or a B, it is possible to break free from a throw. Input an A to break an A+G throw. Input a B to break a B+G throw. The input must be done within a few frames of the beginning of the throw animation. In Mitsu's case hit A or B as soon as you see him tap your head up with his hilt. The window to break his throws are frames 1-13 of his throws. His attack throws can't be broken and his back throw can only be broken by Voldo and Astaroth. 3. Throw Escape Recovery(TER): All characters have what is called throw escape recovery. Input 3 after a throw escape and you will recover faster. Both the you and your opponent have that option. Inputting a 3 gives you +14 frames of advantage. If both you and your opponent input a 3 there will be 0 frames of advantage. If you input 3 and your opponent doesn't; A, AA, and 2A are guaranteed. Attack throws that can be broken give only the attacker the option to input 3. Mitsurugi's attack throws A+K and B+K, as far as I know, cannot be escaped. So throw escape recovery doesn't apply to them. 4. His throws are fast, but have very short range. At this point, saying throwing tracks is debatable. Some say it does, other say it doesn't. In some instances it seems to tracks, in other instances it clearly does not. One case that it does track is in the MD throw. 5. Always mix-up your throws. This means don't favor using A+G or B+G. Mitsu needs his throws. Mix them up so that they have less chance of being broken. One tip is to strart throwing with B+G, then mix it up from there. This is because most people try to break with the A button and most people try to attack with the A button. The index finger is the most reactive finger on your hand its hard-wired to act first. You'll find that usually people will tend to throw with A+G and break throws with A. A+G - Done from the front; hits high Mitsu hits the opponents head up by tapping their chin with his hilt. He step to their left side and throws them face first into the ground by hiting the back of their head with his hilt. He then attempts to cut the opponent in half or decapitate them. Of course, since this is a game and the machine NEEDS to be fed quarters, Mitsu's attempt fails and the victim rolls aways with a lot less life. i16?? ; HS +10 1. The opponent is left a considerable distance away from you. 2. This can RO, but seems conditional, since sometimes it will not. 3. Some options post throw: {66A+B_66A+BG}_1A2_1A_kB_kB2_{66BB2_8->HMD}_slide attack B+G - Done from the front; hits high Mitsu hits the opponents head up by tapping their chin with his hilt. Then in an amazing fete of EXTREME leg strength and acrobatics, jumps up while his sword cuts up along the victims body. The jump clears the victim head and he comes down behind the victim and attempts to eviserate the opponent with his sword. Obiviously, if this could actually happen a person with no armor would be cut in half. But the machine NEEDS to be fed quarters, so Mitsu's attempt fails and the opponent falls to the ground. i16??; HS +11 1. The opponent drops at a short distance from Mitsu. 3. Options post throw: 1A2_kB_kB2_slide attack_{8WR2_8B}_{8WR3_9[B]}_okieme game A+G_B+G - Done from the left/right side; hits high Left side throw: Mitsu taps the victim's chin up, steps a bit behind their left side and grabs around their shoulder, he rises up and sweeps their left leg and throws them face first to the ground. He follows their fall with the tip of his sword and stabs them in the back as they land. The victiim flails their arms in a futile attempt to escape. Mitsu then takes a step back to view his handi-work. Right side throw: Mitsu gets a little behind their right side and in a forceful spin Mitsu strikes behind their whole right side with his body causing Mitsu to be backed turned and causing the opponent to spin. While back turned Mitsu thrusts his sword behind him, impaling the opponent's stomache. Mitsu turns around while the victim staggers back and falls. i16??; left-HS=+10; right-HS=+14 1. Sorry I don't have many comments on this. 2. They do a little more damage than throws from the front. 3. You can more consistancely get side throws with 4A6 -> MST throw See 4A6 further below for more details. 4. Follow-ups are your okieme game. The left side throw may be better for okieme even though it has less HS. Side step to Mitsu's right to attempt the Left Side Throw. Side step to Mitsu's left for his Right Side Throw. 5. See also 4A6. A+G_B+G - Done from behind; hits high i16??; HS +11 1. Does more damage than his side throws. 2. Only Astaroth and Volodo can throw break this one. 3. Its hard to get this throw. About the only ways I know to have a chance to get it is after {WJ A} or after 2 CH with 22_88AA6. Other than that you just have to be good with side stepping twice. Once to side-step them. Twice to get behind them. 4. For the back throw, Mitsu puts the opponent on the ground similar to his side throws, but slashes down on the opponent's stomache when they are lying prone on the ground. 5. Out of all your throws, this probably gives you your best okieme options. -------------- A TYPE ATTACKS -------------- A - Horizontal Slash; Short Range; Hits high; i10~i11; HS +6~+7; BS -4~-3 Mitsu makes a fast horizontal slash going from his left to his right. 1. Mitsu's basic A attack interupter. Know and understand that i10 is the standard by which a move is considered fast. 2. It will hit side-steppers at short range. But be careful, it can be stepped to Mitsu's left. 3. Damage is relatively small. This is Mitsu's best short range poke attack. 4. oooooooooo wow a very fast, short range attack, LOW damage attack! Don't underestimate it's importance. Its importance is its speed. At short range it will out beat or clash most everyone else's attack. 5. Remember at close range your basic high/mid/low mix-up is A_6A/3A/1K. 6. Because of its speed. It can train opponents to duck or block more often when Mitsu gets close. This leads to in close mix-ups of AA_throw_2KB_3A_1K. The 1K can lead to the 1BB/throw/poke mix-up. If you don't understand why this single A causes an opponent to turtle just think of why your Mitsu begins to block a lot when faced by a good rush down Taki. 7. If your A is getting blocked a lot it means 3 things: a. You've conditioned your opponent to block high at short range. b. Your opponent is now suseptable to throwing, 1k, and even 2KB. c. You (can) own them at short range. 8. With HS=+6~+7 an immediate follow-up 2KB will be i11~i10 relative to the opponent. 9. On HIT with A here are some attacks to think about following up with A (i10) - Why not? covers side-step to Mitsu's right AA (i10) - Why not? covers side-stepping 1K (i12) - your low option K (i12) - Okay, I just happen to like this move. 33K (i13) - nice over all 6B9 (i14) - Frame trap 6A (i15) - on CH HS=+11~+12; covers side step to Mitsu's left 6K (i15) - on CH 6K blows them into medium range 236B (i16) - nice damage throw (i16) - for the turtle 2KB (i17) - oh yes, love that low. Careful very good comp have been known to block this on reaction. kB2 (i17) - very nice b6 (i17) - if you get the CH, I think 236B is guaranteed. Someone also said a buffered 22_88B might be guaranteed also. AA - 2 Horizontal slashes, both hit high i10~i11; HS +3~+4; BS -6~-5 Mitsu makes a fast horizontal slash going from his left to his right. He steps forward and makes a second horizontal slash going from his right to his left. 1. This a natural combo. If the first A hits the second A will hit also. 2. This is the the same as the A attack except the second A can push the opponent into Mitsu's medium attack range. 3. The last A will just miss an opponent in Mitsu's medium attack range. 4. Many times a Mitsu will not do AA, but do A,A. The difference is that two separate single A's won't push the opponent as much as the AA canned combo. Also, the single A has much better frame properties 5. Some moves to immediatly do after HITTING with AA are: 33K (i13) - for people who duck; nice overall 6B9 (i13) - for people back dashing; this is also his frame trap 6K (i15) - like 4A, but much faster; but less damage and less follow-up, you'll usually get the CH 6A+B - for people who turtle or GI 6B*3(i18) - your fastest low option 4A (i18) - for people side-stepping; can lead to more damage depending on your follow-up to 4A; can be a bit slow 6. Some things to think about after a blocked AA are(all are TC): iFC 1BB_1A+B 11_77BABG 1A2 But, it's safest to block. 6A - 1 Horizontal slash; Short range; hits high; i14~i15; HS +6~+7; HSc +11~+12; BS -6~-5 Mitsu steps forward and makes a horizontal slash going from his right to his left. 1. This is a bit like Mitsu's A attack, but it has a longer short range reach and is a tad bit slower. 2. It can be stepped to Mitsu's right. It covers stepping to Mitsu's left. 3. On CH an AA is guaranteed. So look for that red flash and keep a good distance. 4. On hit you have almost the same options as the A attack. However, 1K and 2KB will usually be out of reach. On counter hit you can go for more damaging attacks that are i20 or faster, but without a low attacking option, its best to just get the guaranteed damage. Unless you've been practicing 6B52. 5. Best (safest) range to use this is about the same range as 6K. 6AA - 2 Horizontal slashes; 1st is short range, 2nd hits just inside medium range; 1st hit is high, 2nd hits mid; 2nd hit DOSc i14~i15; HSg -11~-9, HSa -12~-10; HScs +19~21, HScsb -11~-9; BSg -20~-18, BSa -21~-19 1. 6AA is not as unsafe as the frame data implies because the 2nd A does push the opponent back a great deal, especially on hit. But if they AG you're screwed. 3. If the 2nd hit is a CH it produces a breakable DOS. 4. Depending on your competition, the 2nd A can be a gamble. 5. Tharon_Mortis broke down the pros and cons for using the 2nd A, but it all boiled down to "one thing" and two words, "Be careful." And the "one thing": The 2nd A is there to make the opponent fear to immediately attack after a blocked 6A. 3A - Hit to the gut; short range; hits mid; causes DOSc Mitsu hits the opponents gut with a left hook. i15; HS +2; HScs +31, HScsb +1; BS -7 1. This move has short range. Don't be fooled though, it's range is nearly the same as Mitsu's A. Its not as short ranged as it seems to be. 2. This move swings from left to right. Because of its trajectory, it can be stepped to Mitsu's left and right. So don't rely on it to much to stop side stepping. 3. On CH it causes a double over stun. The opponent will grab their stomache in pain and stand hunched over. The only way for the opponent to escape another attack is to shake their stick back and forth while pressing holding down G. If they can block you, it means you have trained the opponent to wiggle his stick and press G, post 3A. Now you can do the following basic mix-up post 3A: 3B/2KB/throw 4. If they don't know how to get out of the stun. You can have your way with your opponent (no fondling, please). Most people favor A+K6/3B/throw post 3A if the opponent doesn't know how to get out of stun. 5. Remember at close range your basic high/mid/low mix-up is {A_6A}_3A_1K_throw. 2A - 1 horizontal slash; short range; hits sM; TC and RC Mitsu kneels down and throws out a horizontal slash that goes left to right i11; HS +4~+5; BS -6~-5 1. Mitsu is tech crouched and recovers crouching. 2. Even though Mitsu goes down, this attack hits sMedium. Meaning it can be blocked high or low. 3. This is Mitsu's second fastest attack and his safest A attack because it will evade high horizontal attacks. Use it with no fear. 4. It stops short range side-stepping and can lead to Mitsu's punishing Fully Crouched attacks, since it recovers crouching. 5. Mix-ups after 2A are 2A, throw - for turtles 2A, 1K - for turtles 2A, 1BB - for duckers fearing 1K or the throw 2A, 1A+B - for people fearing to duck because of 1BB 2A, WS AA - for side steppers 2A, RCC 2KB - if you're skilled 2A, WS K - fastest rising attack 66AA series ----------- 66A - 1 Horizontal slashe; 1st hits in Medium range; hits high; i23 or i18; HS +5~7; BS -8~-6 With three steps forward Mitsu does two horizontal high slashes. 0. Don't use this at short range! You'll eat damage. 1. MEDIUM RANGE, MEDIUM RANGE, MEDIUM RANGE. 2. If you're already in 8WR, 66A is i18. 2. This should only (ideally) be used to stop MEDIUM/LONG range side-stepping and 8WR1_9_2_8 attacks (that you anticipate). If you attack with this and they attack at the same time you can be hit out of it by medium range B attacks and longer reaching A swings. Against the longer reaching A swings it's better to come in with CD, FC 1BB_1A+B. Against the B attacks 33_99BB is better. REDO THIS 6. Any and all of Mitsu's attacks can be seemlessly followed after the 1st A attack and the timing for the second attack is easy. What does this mean? It means mix-ups galore. Hold the 6 direction while doing the attack and Mitsu has just buffered in 8WR6. Change and hold to the 3 direction instead and you just buffered in 8WR3. You don't like the fact that the second A hits high? Then buffer in 8WR3 then hit A and you get his MID hitting 8WR A attack; hit 5, 2KB and put him on the floor; hit 5, 3B and launch him in the air; throw him. 66AA - 1 Horizontal slashe; 1st hits in Medium range, 2nd in long range; both hit high; i23 or i18; HS -5~-4; BS -9~-8 Mitsu goes Right to left then left to right and takes 3 steps to do. 1. About the same range as 33B 2. Both hits are high and the 2nd can be ducked. 3. The 2nd hit forces you to block afterwards. 4. There just aren't any follow-ups after the 2nd hit. Its much better to do 66A2_8->HMD ~A instead. 66A2_8 - This is the same as the first attack of 66AA. He then transitions into his Half Moon Death Stance. See Half Moon Death further below for more details. 1. This is could be the best way to transition into Half Moon Death. 2. 66A2_8->HMD~A is a natural combo. Exact notation is 66A2_8~A. 66A2_8->HMD~A 66A2_8~A - Mitsu does 66A then immediately follows up with HMD~A i23 or i18; HS +3; BS -7 1. On hit here are some follow ups to think about 6B9 - frame trap; fastest follow-up 6B - anti-duck option; easiest follow-up 4A - your anti-step option 44[A] - another anti-step option; potentially more damaging than 4A, but not as safe; takes care of TC attacks 6B2 - your low option; gotta have a low option; make sure you're coming out with the fast version 66AA series - 66A is there to cut off side-stepping when you rush in. But because of its iframe at i23 it isn't a move you'll find joy in using. 66AA cuts stepping even more. If it wasn't for the frame properties of 66A2_8, I'd probably never use this move. I use 66A as a stepping stone to get me closer to so I can hit with HMD~A and mix up from there. If they come to fear my HMD~A, I can start to mix in the full range of HMD mix-ups. Quote by Tharon_Mortis "I like 66A. 100% tracking when entering HMD. HMD ~A doesn't always reach though. Always hold 1P:2 to enter HMD, walks closer than 1P:8. In addition, at close range, after 1P:2, HMD ~A will score a sidehit, adding another point of damage to the combo and leaving opp. sideturned. +3 frames on hit = 1K uninterruptible, tdh with i10. Hard to step = almost guaranteed follow up. Total damage: 23 +25 +13 = 61 = 1/4 of lifebar" 4A - 1 horizontal slash; Medium range; hits high; OSc Mitzu turns 360 degrees to cover a little bit more than a 260 degree horizontal arc with his sword. The 20 degrees not covered is to Mitsu's immediate right. It starts from Mitsu's right and ends on his right side. If you understand what a properly executed Spinning Back Fist or Spinning Elbow is (the kind you would see in kick boxing fight), this is the same except with a sword. i18; HS +4~5; BS -4~-3; HSsl +5~7; BSsl -3~-1 1. Used ideally for Mitsu's medium range, but can be used in his short range. 2. This is a great tool to stop opponents medium range side-stepping and side-stepping attacks. Whore it, abuse it, love it tenderly. 3. This will step Mitsu forward. It's hard, but it can be stepped. I forget which side. I think its steppable to Mitsu's right. What ever side it is, its hard to step. Its possible for 44A to cover that side in a mix-up. 4. 4A can cover the side 44A can be stepped. 5. Though he has good recovery after 4A, there is no real "flow" into another attack except to switch into stance. 6. Follow-ups to think of ... well, that's my problem too. Why? Well, at about 4A's best usable distance your only low attacks to use are 1A2_iFC 1A+B_{11_77A}_6B2. All of them except 6B2 will get eaten by fast hitting B type attacks. A good opponent won't fear blocking high all the time after 4A. This is where you have to decide to do a rush down or wait for them to rush you. However, mixing in 4A6 and doing the MST throw helps to break a turtle. If you're in 2KB range, there's no problem breaking a turtle. 4A6 - This is the same as 4A except that after the 4A he immediately goes into his Mist stance. i18; HS +6~7; BS -2~-1 MST gA_B = i17 - fastest MST throw MST A+G_B+G = i20 - regular MST throw MST ~G = i29 - MST cancel MST ~G~A = i35 - MST cancel to A attack 1. This can make 4A frightening because this is probably the safest and easiest way to enter the Mist stance. See Mist further below. 2. On hit: MST A becomes uninterupptable; MST K will go underneath any high A attack and is i13; MST B is also i13; the Auto-GI for MST A+B is available for all high/mid attacks, but is a bit tricky. 3. On block; MST A_B_K are slowed by 2 frames; MST K will still TC any A attack; the MST A+B Auto-GI is available for all high/mid attacks and its GI window fits exactly over the iframes of i10 and i11 retaliation attacks. 4. Be careful, MST gets weak when they start stepping to Mitsu's left. 5. Discovered by Tharon_Mortis Use the following inputs to more reliably get side throws. 4A6~{gA_gB} = 4A6->MST gA_gB Quote by Tharon_Mortis " ... If 4A6 scores a regular sidehit in the opponents right side, i.e. after having stepped/evaded to your left, your adversary's left off-axis. Perhaps you did know that holding guard usually cancels this state and - unfortunately - makes it quite hard to connect sidethrows in similar situations... that's exactly the problem here. If you used the regular throws and they didn't move at all, it'd be the "opponents-left-side" throw. However, if they tap guard at any moment, regrettably, you'll just end up with the regular versions. Now, if you used gA / gB instead, even guarding at an early moment doesn't occur soon enough to cancel the sideturned-state. Therefore, a blocking opponent suffers either one of the side- or even a backthrow. ... ... I'd like to repeat a few things. This only works: - on a sidehit in the opponents right side (i.e. after having stepped to the left) - on a regular hit (CH pushes them farther off, which leads to a less reliable setup) - if you made use of the gA / gB throws (regular ones are slower to connect and don't allow for this) ..." -Jalf- For the newbie in you, you might be wondering why you can get the side throws more often with this. Well, because sooner or later your opponents will find that stepping to the right (to Mitsu's left) is a weakness of his. 4A6->MST gA_gB is a great way to punish that kind of thinking. 44A - 1 horizontal slash; Medium/long range; hits Mid; KDc Mitzu backs up a bit then while stepping forward, turns 360 degrees to cover a little bit more than a 360 degree horizontal arc with his sword. The 20 degrees not covered is to Mitsu's immediate left. It starts from Mitsu's left and ends on his left side. Though similiar looking, it is not the mirror image of 4A. It looks more like Kenshin's sword drawing technique from the anime Rouini Kenshin. i22; HS +2~5; HSck +24~27; BS -10~-7 1. Do not use this at Mitsu's short range. 2. This is ideally used at Mitsu's outer medium range or even long range. This is because he doesn't have great recovery and after 44A he steps closer and can be in danger of fast throw/low mix-ups. 3. This move is much harder to step and covers 4A's weak side. I believe its steppable to Mitsu's left. 4. On counter hit this move knocks back and knocks down the opponent. 5. If this were only i18 like 4A, this move would be so awesome. Shows you what a difference 4 frames can be to an attack. 6. I sometimes use it as a rush in (not rush down) tool because Mitsu can be so suseptable to side step and most of his other horizontals like 4A are duckable. 44A handles side step and ducking. It takes a bit of practice though because you want to attack at 44A's maximum range not any closer. 44[A] - is the same as 44A except that Mitsu transitions into RLC. i22; HS +6~9; HSck +28~31; BS -6~-3; i34 = ~G i44 = ~G~A 1. I really can't say much about this because I suck at using the full potential of Relic (mainly RLC A+B+K). See Relic further below. 2. Some top players say this move is great after a launcher like 3B because on okieme RLC A+B+K is easier to connect with A attacks, throws, kicks, and even a very few vertical B attacks. RLC B makes them fear blocking low and RLC A+B+K makes them fear doing an immediate attack. This makes RLC K safe? Somewhere in the forums quite a few people talk about okieme using Relic. You'll have to find it to get the real deal. 1A series --------- 1A - 1 Sweeping A attack; Long range; hits low and grounded; TC; KDc 1[A] i35~i36; HSk +30~31; BSg -17~-16, BSa -18~-17; HSSLk +32; BSSLg -15, BSSLa -16 Mitsurugi sweeps his sword low in an almost 360 arc around him. The swing starts from his left and ends to his right and behind him. 0. Because of the disavantages on block for this move, never use it. Instead use 1A2. 1. Execution is slow. Holding the A button will make it execute even slower. 2. It can be stepped to Mitsu's right side and his left too, so be aware. I no longer remember to which side 1A is weak toward stepping because I use 4A for anti-step. But I believe its steppable to his right as long as you keep stepping all the way to Mitsu's back. Its steppable to his left, but I'm not sure if the opponent has time to use it to their advantage. 3. Because of its slow speed you don't want to use it at any range except LONG range. However, if you expect a high horizontal attack, this move will duck under it and eat them alive. If you get the hit and manage to buffer in 1BB you'll shout Halleilulia! 4. In all FAQs 1A doesn't RC, but you can seemlessly pull off his FC attacks. 5. In the forums it was mentioned that there aren't any good mix-ups after a blocked 1A. At long range, though, you can try to buffer in: {66A+B_66A+BG}_FC 1BB_{FC 3B}_{11_77A}_{CD mix-ups}. Results can be mixed. 6. In the forums it was mentioned that 66A+B is probably the best choice because it leads to a G-Cancel mind game. 7. It is not a safe move to use except at LONG distance. 1A2 - This is the same as 1A except it is safer on block. i35~36; HSk +40~41; BS -8~-7; HSSLk +42; BSSL -6 1. People in the forums know this as 1A2, Tharon_Mortis lists it as 1A1. It's likely that they are the same. So don't get confused. I'd probably stick with 1A1 because Tharon_Mortis doesn't mention 1A2. Aris on the other hand talks of 1A2 as having a BS=-8. 2. Because of the better BS, 1A2 becomes usable at just about any distance. At short range its best used in anticipation of a High hitting attack. At medium range it can also be used as part of a Mid/Low mix-up. At long range you can just whip it out. Just be careful of B attacks; i35 is pretty slow. 3. Again, let me repeat NEVER USE 1A!!! 4. I don't know if its guaranteed but after hitting with 1A2, I've never missed with FC 2B. On block an immediate FC 2B becomes i21, but I still hit with the FC 2B or they block it. It shouldn't compare to a faster attack, but maybe because the 2 is buffered in ... i dunno 1A,B - Fake 1A to vertical slash; Medium range; GC At anytime before Mitsu is half-way thru the 1A animation hit the B button and Mitsu will bring his sword behind him, his sword will burst into flame and do an upward vertical slash with his sword upside down. i70~i71; HSjr +56~+58, HSjg +43~45; BSg=BSa=+36~38 1. Some say this is a good fake. Some say it isn't. I will not judge this move here. It is true to say this move should be used sparingly. 2. You can cancel this move any time before he begins to turn to face forward. Do not press the B button until the 1A animation is half way thru or else the fake wouldn't fool a grain of sand. 3. The attack guard crushes and does great damage. 66A+B is guaranteed
          if you get the GC instead of the hit.
      4.  Suggestion: If you use this, you have to train your opponent to
                      block on reaction to the 1A2 animation.
      5.  Quote: By Tharon_Mortis?
          "1A,B - B seems to take another 35 frames from moment of input. At
           a certain range, it can be used as evasive move. =) Check out B+K
           on hit, have a person roll back and attack while you're doing 1A,B.
           Many moves will whiff. Just to give you an idea of the distance."

1A series - From the 1A series, seriously, only 1A2 is useable.  If the
            opponet is unused to 1A,B you can get them, but probably only once
            in a match.  It doesn't take long to recognize the 1A,B animation.

A6 -   Horizontal Slash, Medium range, Auto-GI
       Mitsurugi will hold his glowing sheath horizontally before him then
       make a horizontal slash.
       i25; HSg -12~-10, HSa -13~-11; BSg -22~-20, BSa -23~-21
       0.  This is the Auto-GI partner to 4B+K.
       1.  This is the variant of 4A+K.
       2.  This move will GI ONLY DOWNWARD vertical slashes.  The GI occurs at
           the sheath.
       3.  The window for the GI is tight.  Somewhere around the 4th-9th
           frames of the move.  All Mitsurugi users comment that this GI is
           hard to use as a replacement for GI (4G_6G); near impossible for
           some.  I myself spent $30 on this move alone, before I perfected it.
           Three days of inactivity later I could no longer do it .
       4.  It's recovery is ugly to the bone.  I don't used this often, but I
           find it best to use at a medium to long range.  At short range, if
           you don't hit or don't GI, you'd better pray.  At long range, post
           block, you can still be in danger.  Even if you hit (without the GI
           and without CH) you can still be retaliated.  The recovery is that
           bad.  It's good that the move pushes the opponent back or you'd be
           really screwed.
       5.  In the forums (by Youngworld), it was suggested that 4A+K/A6/4B+K
           should be used as combo breakers.  Well, you've noticed the 3rd hit
           of any string for any character can be fairly anticipated.  Most
           people GI/duck/sidestep/block/etc. the 3rd hit.  Well, try Mitsu's
           Auto-GI instead.  Watching vids, I also saw that Mitsu can break
           the second attack of a combo.  That's powerful stuff.
       6.  In the forums it has also been said that Mitsu's Auto-GIs are
           excellent in post GI war or to fake out a GI whore because the
           glowing sheath looks like an attack.
       7.  With #5 and #6 said, don't use a6 like you would use GI (4G_6G).
           Use them only as combo breakers or post GI war.  However, I believe
           it was 4B+K that was recommended for post GI war, not A6 or its

Note: The GI windows for A6_4A+K had been listed as between the 4th and 9th
      frames of the move.  However, the GI window for MST A+B is also between
      the 4th and 9th frames of its move.  I and other players have a much
      easier time getting the Auto-GI from MST A+B than getting the Auto-GI
      from A6_4A+K.  So either the Auto-GI frame window for A6_4A+K is wrong
      or people have a pyschological problem getting the auto-GI with A6_4A+K.
      Or its just too damn hard to guess when a vertical versus a high attack
      is coming, unless its part of a known combo.  Hence its best use is as
      a combo breaker.


BB series
B - Vertical Slash; Medium range; hits mid; fast speed; fast recovery
    Mitsu swings his sword down in a vertical slash.
    i13~i14; HS -4~-3; HSd -3; BS -8~-7
    1.  From the frame data, you can see that its much better to do BB instead
        of just B.  There's really no reason to just do a single B.  Unless
        you mix it up with B*B.
    2.  This one of is Mitsu's fastest medium range pokes.  The other is 6B8.
    3.  Damage is small.

BB - 2 Vertical slashes; Medium range; both hits are mid; fast speed;
     fast recovery
     Pretty much the same as B except the last B is an upward vertical and
     Mitsu steps forward on the second B.
     i13; HS +0; BS -10
     1.  Damage is not bad for poking.
     2.  BB will tend to keep opponents in Mitsu's optimal attack range.
     3.  It's range is just outside Taki and Talim's A attacks.  Use it to
         keep them away.  It's also fast enough for it to be hard to side
     4.  Not much else to say except that you can use it often.  Oh, its great
         as part of a mix-up with 4A.  4A covers step and BB covers ducking.
         Thanks KnightSpirit for putting up your vids and reminding the
         community of BBs usefulness!

BB6 - This is the same as BB except that Mitsu will transition into his Mist
      i13; HS +6; BS -4;

      i17 = MST {gA_B}_{A+G}_{B+G}
      i27 = MST ~G
      i33 = MST ~G~A

      1. On hit MST A is uninterupptable (at i6 it might be gauranteed).
         MST K will go underneath any horizontal and is i13.  MST B is also
         i13.  The MST A+B Auto-GI is available against all highs/mids, but is
         a bit tricky.
      2. On block, MST A_B become unuseable.  MST K can be hit by i10
         horizontals.  While MST A+B Auto-GI is perfect for catching all
         feared high/mid retaliation.
      3. If they catch on to the weaknesses of Mist, then on block BB6 becomes
         an unsafe move.

B*B - 1 Vertical slash, 1 delayed vertical slash; both hits are in medium
      Mitsu does what he does for BB except the 2nd B is delayed and more
      powerful looking.
      i13; HS +0~1; BSg -14~-13, BSa -15~-14
      1.  I just started using this.  This is the same as the BB
          except that the last B is delayed.  Just hit the B button about 1/2
          a second after the first and the delayed B slash comes out.  I
          didn't play with this much until I was fooling around in ultra hard
          training mode one day and just did B, BB, B*B.  I did the three
          randomly and got a perfect on computer Ivy without ever using any
          other attacks.  It can really fool the opponent because they really
          don't know what's coming next. Since, all these B attacks look
          almost exactly the same, it's hard to keep track of whether the next
          thing Mitsu will do is a regular B or a delayed B.
      2.  Really nice to add to your poke game.
      3.  I really couldn't find out if it tracked or not.  (I'm leaning
          toward, not.)
      3.  On block its horrible.  Read about B*B2_8

B*B2_8 - Same as B*B except Mitsu ends in HMD.
         i13; HS +2~3; BS -13~-12
         1. This is yet another way to get into HMD.
         2. Again BS is horrible, however, you can block in HMD by using 2G.
            See Half Moon Death for more details.  In practical play,
            depending on how skilled you are, it is very hard to block while
            in HMD (or any stance) stance.
         3. This is not his best way to enter HMD because of the BS, but
            it is an option when your opponent knows all your well used moves.

BB series - BB can be used in nearly all situations because of its speed.  Its
            variations are a mind game that lead to big damage, but high risk.
            A single B attack looks very lonely and is ripe for retaliation,
            but B*B and B*B->HMD will have the opponent thinking twice about
            retaliating.  BB can also look a bit lonely and vunerable.  But
            BB6 will keep them back.  However, on block these variations have
            serious weakness to retaliation.  Its a bit hard to react,
            according to whether or not Mitsu hits or is blocked.  You'll
            need a definite stratedgy to incorporate B*B_B*B->HMD and good
            skill to use BB6 when you get to harder competition.  Against
            mediocre players or players that aren't familiar with them,
            its pretty sweet. LOL

B2_8 will be listed in the STANCES section

B6 - 1 Overhead smash; Medium range; hits high; CSc
     Mitsu takes one huge lunge forward, sword above his head, and strikes his
     sword down on the opponent's head.  Like the over the head Kendo strikes
     you see in anime.
     i17; HS +0~2; HSck +53~55, HScs +16~18; BS -16~-14
     1.  Tharon_Mortis lists three numbers for HS.  One is a regular hit.  The
         other two have me confused.  Notation-wise one produces a KD, while
         the other produces a REAL Hit Stun.  As far as I know B6 doesn't
         produce a KD.  But I'll leave it as is.
     2.  On CH the opponent will crumple to the ground.  236B is guaranteed.
         It's been said 22_88B is also guaranteed.
     3.  You can buffer in 8WR moves easily after this attack if you held the
         6 direction.
     4.  See also the B-Step Study below.
     5.  Quote by ???
         "Well observed!
          I totally agree.
          b6, to a good part, was designed to be a punisher.
          There are quite a number of moves which leave the opponent at
          BS -16, yet are relatively safe because of the distance/push back.
          b6 often is the only move which is in range AND guaranteed."

6B series
6B - Sword thrust;  Hits Medium range; Hits mid;
     Mitsu shoots his sword forward, point first, straight ahead.
     i17; HS +5; BS -4
     1.  It's a fast medium range poke attack with a longer reach than B and
         could be his best medium range poke.
     2.  Pushes your opponent into your medium range.
     3.  This attack and 3K are similiar and can be used interchanably.
         However, I use 6B when I need longer reach and/or better damage.
     4.  Remember 6B_6B8_6B2 all have the same reach.  6B is a hits Mid.  6B8
         hits high, but is very fast.  6B2 (fast version) hits low and is
         slower than the other two.  Also 4A has the same range.  These four
         attacks should take care of your medium range poking needs.

6B8 - 1 Angled up forward thrust; Medium range attack; hits High;
6B*9  Mitsu thrusts forward with his sword tip angled up.
6B9   6B*9=i13, 6B9=i14; HS +8~9; BS +1~2
      1.  Movelists will say 6B8.  Mitsu's in the forums say 6B9 and frame
          data from Tharon_Mortis will only list 6B*9_6B9.  It can be done as
          6B8, but 6B9 is so much easier.  So for the casual readers I will
          refer to this move as 6B8.  Hardcore Mitsu users will know I'm
          talking about 6B*9_6B9.
      2.  This is one of your fastest B attacks.  The other is the simple B.
      3.  This is one of Mitsu's few frame traps.  On either hit or block
          Mitsu will have frame advantage.  Basically that means Mitsu is safe
          to keep attacking after this move.
      4.  Buffer in 8WR3_9K for a surprize knee.  It comes out seemlessly.
          (seen and copied from an Ai_Uchi Mitsu from a vid from the Soul
          Calibur archives)
      5.  Can't really recommend any follow-ups since I didn't know about this
          move until very late.  At the distance you'll probably be using this
          at, I'd say follow up with 99K_6A_4A_{11_77BA}_6B52.  On hit you
          can be more aggressive with {33_99B}_kB2_B6_44A.  On block can also
          go for TC moves like {11_77BA}_1A2_iFC 1BB to catch horizontal
          retaliation.  Oh, unless you practice, its a bit hard to go from 6B8
          to 6B52.

6B2    - 1 Angled down thrust; Medium range; hits low;
6B52   Mitsu pokes his sword into opponents foot.
       i18; HS -3; BSg -15, BSa -16
       1.  Movelists list this move as 6B2.  Tharon_Mortis lists it as 6B*3
       2.  This is Mitsu's only medium range low poke.  I don't use this much
           because I used to have a hard time pulling it out and now I just
           forget its there.  But don't you forget it.  It's Mitsu's only fast
           medium range low attack.
       3.  Tharon_Mortis only list one speed (i18) for this move.  There may
           be two.  Just make sure you input the 3 or the 2 as late as
           possible to get the fastest 6B2 variation.
       4.  In all moves list this will be listed as 6B2 and not 6B52 or 6B*3.
           Though the move can be done as 6B*3, I find the timing harder to do
           than 6B52 because I'm a hasty player.  I used to be a button
           masher.  Everytime I try 6B*3 I get 6B:3.  So to help me get the
           timing for 6B*3, I do 6B52 (if you're using a joy stick) or 6B2
           without going to true neutral.  I do it as 6B52 because in the heat
           of battle it's hard to slow down.  Practicing 6B52 does away with
           slowing down your hand movements.  Of course some of you with
           steadier hands will find 6B*3 much easier to do.
       5.  It fairly fast, but it is noticably slower than 6B.  It also
           telegraphs itself a bit.  So, it may be blockable on reaction if
           you start to abuse it.  I can't really tell how it good it is if it
           were heavily used, but so far so good.  Simply because at this
           move's best range, opponents don't expect a fast low to come out
           of Mitsu and if they aren't retaliating they are always blocking
       6.  Though the HS and BS don't look good, at a medium distance away its
           safe.  I haven't had trouble blocking afterwards.  Just don't
           use this up close.
       7.  Practice this move.  You'll find yourself in many situation where
           this would have been great to use.  Practice is needed for this
           move because its very easy to accidently do 6B:3 instead.
       8.  Oh, one really irritating flaw with this move is that occasionally
           the sword tip goes exactly between your opponent's legs; yep you
           guessed it ... it'll miss when it does that.  But that's not a
           problem so far.  The miss surprizes my opponent more than it does

6B2  - Angled down thrust; Medium range attack; hits low; THSc
6B:3   Mitsu does the same thing as 6B2, but MUCH slower and a CH will cause a
6B:2   toe-hop stun.  The hit causes extreme pain in the opponent's foot
       region causing undue anguish and mental instability.  The opponent will
       then grab their foot and begin to dance for your pleasure.
       i34~i35; HSk +56~58; BS -8~-6
       1.  Again movelists will only mention this as 6B2, but you know better.
       5.  This is the variation to 6B52.  This move is like 6B52 except that
           it is noticably MUCH slower and will produce a toe-hop stun.
       3.  This is Mitsu's only medium range low poke.  I don't use this much
           because it is slow.  You need to have a good understanding of your
           opponent to use this.
       6.  I'm not really sure what is really needed  to produce the toe-hop
           stun on a hit.  I believe a CH is needed though Tharon_Mortis
           frame data says a CH is not needed.  The frame data in this FAQ
           will reflect Tharon_Mortis's view.  Using a PS/2 I got mixed
           results when setting all hits to Attack Counter Hit.  In the
           arcade, it seems to produce a toe-hop stun on any hit.
       6.  While they are in toe-hop stun, someone said 66A+B is guaranteed.
           Sorry I can't verify that.  It was that or 22_88B.
       9.  Tracks well FIND THE POSTING OF TRACKS WELL

6B series - I don't think anyone sees this set of moves as being related to
            each other.  However, except for lack of anti-step all three
            complement each other as part of a mix-up.  6B is anti-duck; 6B52
            is anti-turtle; 6B9 is anti-attack.  Using this set as part of
            a mix-up is a bit hard though because 6B:3 isn't a very favorable
            move to use and is easy to accidently get if you're doing 6B2.
            Also 6B52 tends to end your attack flow.

2B - Crouching vertical slash; Medium range; hits Mid and grounded; TC; RC
     Mitsu crouches and slashes his sword vertically down.
     i14; HS +2~3; HSd +3; BS -8~-7; BSr -6
     1.  Use this as a very safe poke.  Since damage is small. I tend to favor
         6B, 3K, or 6K as a medium range poke because they have a longer reach
         and push back, and a faster recovery.  However, 2B has TC and RC.  So
         you can duck then access his FC attacks.
     2.  Also, I tend to favor 2A over 2B because it has better frame
         properties and 2A is an anti-step move.
     3.  Because it hits grounded, I mostly tend to use it as a quick all
         purpose no mind games involved attack after I ground someone.  It
         helps to condition your opponent to immediately block standing up
         after you ground them.

3B - 1 vertical slash; Medium range attack; hits mid and grounded; launches
     i19; HSjr +44~45, HSjg +31~32; HSdj +45, HSdj +32; BS -7~-6, BSr -6
     Mitsu will swing his sword like a golf club leaving a red trailing arc.
     1.  Unlike many of Mitsu's attacks he does not step forward.
     2.  On a hit it will launch the opponent into the air.  This is Mitsu's
         primary launcher.  Feel free to whip this out any time because it
         comes out fast and has great recovery.  This is an important move
         to use in all your stratedgies because it's your best launcher and
         its the best launcher for okieme/wake-up.
     3.  This move is the other half of Mitsu's standard MID/LOW mix-ups.
         See the Mix-ups/Mind games section below.
     4.  Its fast enough to use for retaliation in many ranges and situations.
     5.  Be careful because this move has no tracking and can be easily
     6.  I tend to favor using 33_99B instead because it tracks to Mitsu's
         left and though it seems slower, its has the same iframe.
     7.  It's been said that this move can catch an opponent stepping to
         Mitsu's right.  Reason I don't know personally is because most of my
         competition have always stepped to my left.

     Note: The other moves that put opponents into the air are 1B, Mist A+B,
     A+BG, SC2 8WR2_8BB, FC 1B, 1A~B8WR3_9B, and CH K6_{8WR3_6_9K}.  2K does
     put them in the air but doesn't launch them high enough to for you to
     capitolize on it.  However, 3B and 33_99B are your best launchers and 3B
     is Mitsu's best launcher for your okieme/wake-up game.

1B - 1 vertical slash; Medium range attack; hits mid and grounded; launches
     Mitsu will swing his sword like he's swinging for a home run deep into
     center field.
     i21; HSjr +38~39, HSjg +25~26; HSdjr +39~40, HSdjg +26~27;
          HScjr +46~47, HScjg +33~34; BSg -12~-11, BSa -13~-12
     1.  This move can be delayed by holding the B button.
     2.  At SC1 it has GC.
     3.  On a "clean hit" it launches.  It does not launch as high as 3B does
         also it launches the opponent further away from you.  Air juggle
         combo are fewer for this move than for 3B.  FIND THE GUARANTEED
     4.  This has more range than 3B.  Its reach almost goes into Mitsu's
         long range.  At a far enough distace this move will not launch.
     5.  This definitely pushes your opponent back.
     6.  I find that this move is best use as a retaliation tool.
     8.  It tracks a bit to Mitsu's right.

4B series
4B - Forward Thrust; Medium range; hits Mid; DOSc
     Mitsu steps back then thrusts forward with his sword.
     i31; HS +0~3; HScs +21~24, HScsb -9~-6; BSg -15~-12, BSa -16~-13
     1.  This is hard to time because Mitsu doesn't step back as fast as you'd
         like :^(.  And it's just slow enough that an experienced player can
         see it coming and SS the thrust.  At short range you can be hit out
         of it.  So be careful.  You have to space yourself with this move.
         I use it mainly in anticipation of an attack that would just hit me,
         but miss if I did 4B.  This move can be delayed by holding the B.
     2.  The stun is breakable.  When you see them double over, do your
         3B_2KB mix-up in case they can break the stun.
     3.  Though the BS on this sucks, the move produces a great deal of push
         back, so you're still fairly safe on block.
     4.  Has no tracking.

4[ B ] - Forward Thrust; Medium range; hits Mid; CFS; GC-SC1
         Mitsu steps back then thrusts forward with his sword.
         i49; HSk +62~64; BSg -13~-11, BSa -14~-12;
              at SC1, BS=+27~29
         1.  This is the delayed version of 4B.
         2.  On a hit it produces a crumple fall stun.  Line up a free
             anything when this hits.
         3.  When soul charged to level 1, this produces a guard crush.
         4.  Good luck hitting with this move because its slow and has no

4B6 - Mitsu steps back into MST
      1.  This looks just like 4B except that instead of going through with a
      thrust he settles into Mist.  It's very nice to use as a keep away tool
      and a great way to go into Mist stance.  Just be careful because it's
      just not as fast as you'd want it to be.  Don't try to replace back
      dashing with it.  A very good use for it also is as a mix-up between 4B
      and 4B6.  Keeps them guessing as to how to react to you when they see
      you rear back.

6B4 - Sword thrust to 4B attack; Medium range; both hits are mid; DOSc??
      Mitsu does his 6B attack, but then does does his 4B attack.
      i34; HSk +24~26; BSg -13~-11, BSa -14~-12
      1.  There is a difference in console and arcade versions of this move.In
          arcade 6B4 fakes a non-hitting 6B then follows up with a quick 4B.
          The console version (PS/2) of 6B4 does a 6B move that can hit then
          follows up with what looks like a delayed 4B.  Other than that I
          really don't know squat about this move.
      2.  The following discussion started by JustKill will tell you much more
          about 6B4.

          4B vs 6B4
          They're pretty similar, but at the same time there are quite a few
          differences. 4B is faster to execute, does less damage, gives a DOS
          on CH, can be delayed, does a GC at SClv1... uhh, oh yeah, crumple
          stun when fully charged. Also can be cancelled into Mist(4B6). 6B4,
          on the other hand, is a little bit slower, more damage, causes a big
          knockback on a normal hit(good for RO), and can't be delayed. Also,
          6B4 is a bit safer when blocked.

          both 4b and 6b4 have a bit delay.
          So those are not used easily.  it's better to use those techs safer.
          I think we must use those techs on timing mix-up, not ordinary

          why 4b is better than 6b4?
          Let's chect out some case.
          If 66a8a blocked ,Mits have no attack priority I know.(but you can
          block all attack.) and your opponent has little attack priority,
          either.  In this case, after 66a8a,Mits attack once again, almost
          Mits will be hit counter.but...

          1)66a8a - 6b (enemy has been hit counter or simultaneous attack
          2)66a8a - 4b (if enemy do any move-except 8WR almost 4b hit counter)
          3)66a8a - 6b4(count hit or you will be hit counter -_-

          4b - one step back attack.

          6b4 - one step back attack after "nomal 6b motion".

          Two techs have difference only one step, but this difference have
          a striking contrast.avoiding opponent's attack and counter hit or
          not- It means you are hit counter.

          Of course, 4b and 6b4 can be sucked-_- 8WR but in case 4b, it can
          be shifted MST.MST have ability that catch 8WR a little.
          Maybe you think 6b4 can trick,but that motion has too shot time to
          trick opponent. SO i think 4b is better than 6b4.
          Very good stuff. 4B under most circumstances, 6B4 for wall game/RO.

          -Jalf, Sorry I don't know who to attribute which lines, but I know
           JustKill said the first paragraph.  I believe it was a Korean that
           said much of the rest.

4B series - This series of moves is all about anticipation and spacing.
            Anticipate an attack that you know this series of move can just
            avoid.  The closer Mitsu is the greater the reward and the greater
            the risk.

44B - Downward vertical; Medium range; Hits Mid and ground; FrC
      i22~i23; HSk +42; HSdk +43; BS -4
      Mitsu rears back a bit, then steps forward with a downward vertical.
      1.  I'm starting to  use it often as its best application seems to be
          while retreating.  I've been retreating alot lately.  The best
          application is 4, G, 44B.  This quickly steps you back then lets
          you attack.  Don't try to back dash with 44, it isn't fast enough
          and in the heat of battle you'll accidently hit B and end up doing
          44B instead of retreating first, you'll get hit.  Don't be fooled
          44B has great range.  So back up first.
      2.  At 44B's optimal range 44B, BB works on block.  Its not a guaranteed
          combo, but 44B forces a crouch on block.  Your opponent needs a
          medium range WS/FC attack that is i17 to clash with your BB.  BB may
          be uninteruptable in many cases.  In practice, it works well.
      3.  Just using 44B to get the KD isn't very rewarding because 44B does
          very little damage and the okieme game afterward is not great,
          but if you find people tend to block your 44BB; doing 44B, BB tends
          to fake them out.

44BB - Downward then upward vertical slash; Medium range; Both hit mid, 1st
44B*B  hits grounded, 2nd hit is delayable and is GC at max delay; 2nd hit
       I think hits grounded also, you'll have to check
       Mitsu rears back a bit, then steps forward with a downward vertical.
       He then does an upward vertical.
       i22~i23; HSjr +22~23, HSjg +9~13; HSdjr +23~24, HSdjg +10~14
                HScjr +23~24, HScjg +10~14; BSg -15~-14, BSa -16~-15
          1.  A very good attack as you are retreating.  Unless you have
              steady hands I'd recommend retreating with with {4, G} not 44.
          2.  The second hit can be delayed.  At max. delay the 2nd hit will
              have GC properties.  Many have wiffed the 1st hit as bait for
              a delayed 2nd hit, ouch.
          3.  The first hit forces the opponent to crouch on block.
          4.  It has great range and does great damage.
          5.  This can be canceled FIND THE CANCEL.
          6.  The 2nd B has great push back properties.

66BBB series
66B   - One vertical; medium range; hits mid;
        Mitsu runs forward slashing his sword down.
        i19; HS +3~4; BS -6~-5
        1.  I can't really say much about this move because I tend to stay
            away from the whole 66BBB series.  But frame data wise, 66B isn't
            a bad move.  Damage is piddly small, but if you need poke with
            longer range than 6B but much faster than A+K; 66B fits pretty
            nice between the two.
        2.  66B does not track.
        3.  I don't think it hits grounded opponents.

66BB  - Two vertical slashes; long range; both hit mid, 2nd B hits ground also
        Mitsu runs forward slashing his sword down, then up, then pauses like
        an idiot.
        i19; HS +3~4; HSdg -12~-11, HSda -13~-12; BSg -21~-20, BSa -22~-21
        1.  Only the fear of getting hit by the 3rd hit of 66BBB makes people
            not attack you after 66BB.  If they're not afraid then you're
            screwed.  66BB is best used sparingly or if you use
            BB_44BB_B*B_B_66B_66BB2_8->HMD~A a lot.  You have to confuse them.
        2.  The 2nd B can hit a person stepping to Mitsu's left.  Zero for

66BBB - Three vertical slashes; long range; all hit mid; 3rd-FrC, 3rd-CFS
66BB*B  3rd(max delay)-GC
        Mitsu runs forward slashing his sword down, then up, then down again.
        i19; Hk +23~24; BSg -18~-17, BSa -19~-18;
             HSslk +24~25; BSslg -17~-16, BSsla -18~-17
        1.  This is best used sparingly.  The recovery on block is awful.  Of
            course since Mitsu only has two natural combo attacks 11_77BAB and
            66BBB that have a 3rd attack, you'll find many people don't expect
            the 3rd B, since most Mitsu's can't hit past their 2nd attack.
            You could say 66A2_8->HMD AA_BB is a 3 string natural combo, but
            I'm excluding that one.
        2.  If you hit with the last B your okieme options are near perfect.
            Because they fall right at your feet.  2KB becomes harder to avoid
            by rolling to Mitsu's left.
        3.  There are three delays.  The first delay held for less than 1
            second tracks even to behind Mitsu's back.  After one second it no
            longer tracks.  At the maximum delay Mitsu's sword is enveloped by
            flame and becomes a non-tracking GC.  Good luck hitting with the
            GC, you'll need it.
        4.  However, if the 2nd hit was a CH, the 3rd hit is guaranteed.  Hey,
            people say they can tell the difference and act accordingly.  So
            practice hard.  But if you're a mediore player, screw it. LOL

66BB2_8 - This is the same as 66BB except Mitsu goes immediately into HMD.
          i19; HS +10~11; BS -15~-14
          1.  The frame data is a bit better, but the BS still sucks.
          2.  Since you can block while in the HMD stance animation 66BB2_8 is
              theoretically safe.  In practice using 2G to block while in HMD
              requires more skill than the average player has.  See HMD
              further below.
          3.  If your HMD is feared, 66BB2_8 becomes easier to use.  Don't use
              66BB2_8 as your main HMD starter, though.

66BBB series - On the whole 66B has its uses, but its still just poke damage.
               66BB goads the opponent to attack.  66BB2_8 gives you HMD
               variation.  66BBB keeps the opponent fearful.  But because of
               the BS for {66BB_66BB2_8_66BBB} its all very risky!  The whole
               66BBB series is a gamble.  You need to know the flow of battle
               well to consider using this move.  Because all they have to do
               is block everything.  That's not as redundant as as it sounds.
               The key to this move is the 2nd B.  If they always block after
               the 2nd B; your 3rd B is easy to read and anticipate; your HMD
               variation is only good if the 2nd B hits; your throw option
               after the 2nd B is only good if the 2nd B hits; your low
               options of 6B52 is only good if the 2nd B hits; ...... Getting
               the idea?  You really have to train yourself to see if the 2nd
               B hit.  And if it doesn't, hit guard and pray, brush up on
               your GI skills, or take the gamble and go for the 3rd B.
               Again the 66BBB series is best used sparingly.  However, if you
               get your competition to fear your HMD, then 66BB2_8 becomes
               useable.  See also HMD below.

bA - 1 horizontal slash; Medium range; hits mid; KDc
     Mitsu forcefully steps forward and swings his sword fromm left to right
     with one hand.
     i20; HS +3~6; HSck +30~33; BS -19~-16
     2.  This is a good anti-stepper tool.  It does great damage and will
         stop side steppers cold, usually.  It can be stepped, but I'm not
         going to go into it because its a bit weird and varies with the
         distance of the opponent.  Also, I've forgotten how it's stepped.
         I believe it can be side-stepped to Mitsu's left and at near its
         maximum range, it can be stepped to his right.  I think this is
         right, but I'm not sure anymore.
     3.  On CH it knocks down.
     4.  On block, expect to eat some damage.  Recovery is ugly.  This is best
         used when you expect heavy stepping to Mitsu's right.
     7.  JustKill bA is TC in the beginning animations. may not put this

         also do Tharon's posting on his back dash afterward

     7.  See also MD Throw, Mountain Divide Throw and the B-Step study.
         further below.
     8.  Quote by Vagrant
         "BTW did you know that a french player has discovered that you can 2G
          very easily after bA6 ? this basically makes him have a stape mid
          antistep to one direction, and to both directions at range."
          -Jalf- Actually a French player didn't first discover that, but I
                 can't find the posting.


K - Kick to the head, Medium range attack, Hits High
    Mitsu will strike the side of the opponent's head with a round kick.  He
    looks like he is tapping the side of the opponents face with his foot.  He
    uses his left leg.  The swing does not go very far to the right.
    i12; HS +2; BS -5
    1. This is your fastest kick attack and is great for poking, but looks oh
       so lame.  Try this combo. A_6A, K, 6K. It does decent damage is very
       fast and doesn't look lame.  With this combo I usually get the CH with
       6K after the K and the opponent is blown away.  If they start to block
       or duck after the K use 6B52.
    2. Can possibly be stepped to Mitsu's right.  Something for you to check.
       It does have a horizontal component, but I've had it stepped to the
       left by the computer AI.  I think its because of its speed and small
       horizontal component that it can get steppers.  Since it doesn't go all
       the way to the right, it can be stepped to the right also.  I really
       don't know how good it is at containing step because I use A, AA, and
       2A for anit-step at short range.  I tend to use K as a step-up for 6K.

1K - Low Kick, short range attack, Hits Low, fast, fast recovery
     Mitsu squats down and sweeps his left foot forward and to his right side.
     He looks kinda silly :^) .
     i13; HS +2; BS -8
     3. Can be stepped to Mitsu's left and right, theoretically.  I don't know
        if this is considered a thrust attack or a horizontal attack.  In
        either case, I never missed with it and its never been stepped or
        evaded on me.  Again like K, this might be because of its speed and
        small horizontal component.
     2. Mitsu has only two safe low attacks.  This is one of them.  Its a
        short range low poke and could argueably be an 8WR stopper.
     5. It's not much of a move to look at unless you use it to set-up the
        following mix-ups:

        [1]KBB - second attack is a buffered FC 1BB
        [1]KA+B - second attack is a buffered FC 1A+B
        1K, {FC 1K}_{FC 1BB}_{1A+B}_{WS A+B}_WS AA_{WS K},

        Note:  I believe more people use 2A in the above mix-up because 2A
               is faster, looks COOLER, and has a longer reach.  However, I
               find 1K more effective because it hits low, while 2A hits sM
               and is many times blocked.  No lie, I've never missed a 1K
               attack (except when I was out of range, ).

6K - Wheel kick to the head; short/medium range attack; Hits High; KD on CH;
     I don't know why people call it a round house kick, but oh well.  The
     correct term for this type of kick is Wheel Kick, "Remember it!".  Mitsu
     performs a Wheel kick to the oppnent's head.
     i15; H +5~6; HSck +26~27; BSg -10~-9; BSa -11~-10
     1.  This a great 8WR stopper, but it doesn't do much damage except on CH.
     2.  Knocks down and away on counter hit.  This can be a terrifing move if
         your okieme or long range tatics are really good.  I use it as a
         safe medium range poke, to stop 8WR, and blow pesky bulldogs back
         into medium range.  Be carful of the range, it only just reaches into
         medium range.
     3.  The KD this produces can Ring Out.
     4.  It's variant is 8WR2_8K.
     5.  This can be stepped to Mitsu's left at very close range.  I'm really
         not sure if this can be stepped to Mitsu's right even though the move
         starts from the right.  At just outside short range, the computer AI
         can step forward and to Mitsu's left to avoid it.  Against human
         opponents I've never had this stepped.
     6.  This is a great move to use after hits that push your opponent back.
         Usually they'll think they're safe and start to retaliate or side
         step.  I tend to use it after AA_K_3K or as retaliation after I block
         the opponent's short range attack.
     7.  If your okieme/wake-up or your rush down stratedgy sucks, you might
         want to use 4A for anti-step, instead.

K6 - Forward jumping Knee; short range; Hits Mid; KDc
     Mitsu jumps forward with his left knee in front of him.
     i13??; HS +4; HSck +49; BS -9
     1   Tharon_Mortis only lists iframe data for 33K.
     2.  K6 can hit an opponent thats attack you just outside of short range.
     3.  There are 3 other versions of this move: 66K, 33_99K.  From the
         forums, 66K has the longest reach, while 33K is the fastest.
         66_33_99K can have a bit longer range.
     4.  This move looks unsafe, which is probably why many Mitsu's didn't
         use it often for a while.  But it is safe and is a great move.
     5.  If you get the CH, then 1B is guaranteed.  Practice doing the 1B
after the KD or else you'll hit yourself over the head over how many
         you missed great guaranteed damage with K6.
     6.  It's been said that it can hit a stepper going to Mitsu's left.  I
         can't confirm this, sorry.
     7.  Quote by Arvandor
         "I don't know if this has been mentioned before, and its hard to
          believe just from watching the move, but K6_66K_8wR3_9K tech
          crouches for a frame or two upon startup. Never noticed or heard of
          this untill i went under a Nighty 6A with it on accident"
     8.  Why is this a great move?  Because you'll be surprized by how many
         times you get the KD.  A KD means a 1B guaranteed hit.  That's a good
         chunk of damage.  Watch your damage rating soar!  Of course if you're
         not getting the KD or not practicing the 1B afterward, then this
         becomes only a good move.

66K - Forward jumping Knee; short/medium range; Hits Mid; KDc
      Mitsu jumps forward with his left knee in front of him.
      i13??; HS +4; HSck +49; BS -9
      1   Tharon_Mortis only lists iframe data for 33K.
      2.  There are 3 other versions of this move: K6, 33_99K.  From the
          forums, 66K has the longest reach, while 33K is the fastest.
      3.  See K6 above.

3K - Thrust forward kick, Medium range, Hit Medium,
     Mitsu thrusts his foot forward.  He stays in place with this move.  Its
     your basic karate type front kick.
     i14; HS +6; B -6
     1.  Pushes your opponent into your medium range.
     2.  This attack and 6B are very similar and can be used interchangeably.
         However, I use this attack over 6B when I need speed and great
         recovery.  Also it has a little less reach than 6B and does less
     3.  I use this successfully against steppers.  It's not supposed to, but
         I guess it's fast execution speed and attack frame beat out many
         SS situations.
     4.  This is a good poke for just outside your single A attack.  Your
         best follow-up afterward is 33K.  Mix in 2KB when they're always
         blocking your 33K.

4K - Thrust forward kick; Long range;Hits Mid; KD
     Mitsu will step forward thrusting his whole leg forward.  This is your
     basic Mua Thai front kick or "fireman's kick".
     i19; H k +27~29; BSg -12~-10; BSa -13~-11
     1. Always use 4KB instead of just 4K, unless your 4KB gets blocked alot.
        By just using 4K, if it gets blocked you have time while the opponent
        waits to block, GI, or SS the B attack that doesn't come.

4KB - Thrust forward kick then downward vertical slash; Long range;
      both Hits Mid; KD, FrC
      Mitsu will step forward thrusting his whole leg forward then immediately
      come down with a vertical slash.  This is your basic Mua Thai front
      kick or "fireman's kick".
      i19; HSk +27~29; BSg -12~-10; BSa -13~-11
      2.  This does great damage and has great range and okieme afterward is
          good too.
      3.  It doesn't have an overyly bad recovery time.  But don't abuse it.
          If the first hit is blocked the B attack can be easily timed for a
          GI by experienced players.  Also, until kb2 came along, it was his
          best and very anticipated retaliation long range move.  If you're
          SSed you're in a world of hurt.
      4.  Its good to use on a grounded opponents.  The kick can whiff, but
          the B attack seems to have priority on WS attacks.
      5.  On wake use it with 2KB.

      Note:  Keep in mind it is one of his 10 (not including FMD A or
             RLC A+B) long range attacks.  The others are kb_kb2, 1A_1A2,
             22_88_66A+B, MST A+B, with kb2 now being his best long
             range move. A+K maybe B+K also 66BBB and 11_77BAB also A+B

2K - Leg Sweep followed by vertical slash; Hits Low then Mid; Short range;
     i17; HSk +21; BS -29
     1.  I'm not sure what to make of the frame data for 2K and 2KB on hit.
         But on block you can see that 2K and 2KB are hazardous for your
     2.  Seems there's a lot of people who still don't know how bad of a
         disadvantage Mitsu is on block with this move.  This is probably
         because on block most people will wait for the B.  But when your
         opponents are skilled, you'll find yourself being attacked after
         a blocked 2K.
     3.  The only reason to just use 2K is because people do wait for the B.
         Just doing 2K tends to be safer to do.
     4.  If you find your opponent likes to immediately roll away after
         getting hit by 2K, buffer in 66A+B after your next 2K, its ugly.

2KB - Leg Sweep followed by vertical slash; Hits Low then Mid; Short range;
      i17; HSg -12, HSa -13; BSg -27, BSa -28
      Mitsu performs a leg sweep that launches the opponent just above the
      ground.  He then slashes upward as they fall.
      0.  This doesn't tech crouch!  It isn't a viable low attack for short
          range execpt in mix-up situtations or in situtations you know your
          opponent has been conditioned to expect a throw or BLOCK HIGH!  It
          is because of points 1-3 that 2KB is NOT ABUSABLE like it was in
      1.  If the K is blocked the B can be stepped or GI'ed.
      2.  All of 2KB can be stepped to Mitsu's left.
      3.  If both hits are blocked you should be ready for some retaliation
          from a very good player who knows that this move on block will
          eat serious retaliation.
      6.  Even with those above mentioned bad properties use it heavily on
          your Mid_low mix-ups.  For mix-up puposes, this is -- God's gift --
          Mitsu's primary low attack.  It is Mitsu's most damaging and feared
          low attack.  It is his only real low attack option in standard
          Mid_low mix-ups for Mitsu.  The standard mix-up is 3B_2KB.  When
          not used as in a mix-up it executes fairly fast and most average to
          good players don't know how bad a recovery it has on block.  Nor
          can most players block this on reaction.  Well, until they're used
          to it.
      8.  The first attack hits low and grounded opponents.
      9.  This can take down an opponent in Medium range if they are
          just starting to attack you or stepping forward.  You need a good
          eye and a good mind for anticipation to do this.
      10  Most players will opt to just use 2K when not doing mix-ups.  The
          recovery for 2K is not as bad and only does poke damage and many
          times you can get away with a blocked 2K.

      Note:  His other low hits are: FC 1A+B, FC K, 1A_1A2, 11_77A, 1K, MST K,
             RLC K, FMD K, HMD K, 6B52_6B:3.  At their best used ranges only
             1K and 6B52 are safe lows.  MST K is safe also, but players get
             used to the Mist stance in general and will start to step left.
             MST K then becomes less usable.

kB - Obediance Two downward vertical slashes;
     1st attack short/Medium range, 2nd attack is long range; 1st hits Mid,
     2nd attack hits mid and grounded; 2nd KND
     Mitsu strikes vertically downward while beginning a forward flip in the
     air and then strikes vertically down again as he finishes his flip to
     come down on this feet.
     i17; HSk +29~32; BS ???
     1.  At the time of writing for kB, Tharon_Mortis took down data for BS on
         kB.  However, I do know BS is at least -11.
     2.  can surprize an opponent at short range.
     3.  The 2nd vertical slash is gauranteed if the 1st is a CH.  However,
         the 2nd attack can always be blocked, stepped, or GIed if the first
         hit is not a CH.
     4.  This move can hit opponents above Mitsu.
     5.  Tracks to Mitsu's left.

kB2 - This is the variation of kB and looks almost exactly alike.  There are
      subtle differences.  This variation produces a KND that can RO, forces
      crouch on 2d hit, tracks to one side, and produces BS=+6~+8.
      This means that you can follow up nearly any attack after a blocked kB2
      and have it be UNINTERRUPTABLE.  33K or faster attacks are guarunteed
      to be UNINTERRUPTED by attack.  This doesn't mean you get a free hit.
      I will repeat that.  YOU DON'T GET A FREE HIT.  It means that there will
      be no attack post kB2 that will beat your 33K attack (or faster attack).
      i17; HSk +36~39 ; BS ???
      1.  At the time of writing for kB2, Tharon_Mortis took down data for BS
          on kB2.  The BS=+6 I think came from Tharon_Mortis, the BS=+8 came
          from someone else with a high reputation (I've lost the post).
          However, I do know BS is at least +4.  That's right +4.  33K is
          uninterupptable after kB2!
      2.  2nd hit does less damage than the 2nd hit of kB.
      3.  The 2 direction input can be inputted ANY time BEFORE the B attack
          animation.  What this means is that if you see the little red burst
          on your opponent (this means you hit on a counter hit) you can chose
          not to input the 2 direction and get the better kB damage.  If you
          don't see the little red burst hit the 2 direction and get your 33K
          in post block.  The implications of this are staggering because you
          can and people have done this (looking for the red burst - have to
          be really good tho).  This makes kB/kB2 a safe AND damageing move
          because your opponent has no time to know which one you used.  And
          so they won't retaliate fearing a 33K.
      4.  This move is not as broken as you think since just like any other
          vertical type move, the whole thing can be side-stepped, the first
          hit can be GIed, also after kB2, your 33K (or faster attack) can
          also be GI'ed or blocked.  DAMAGE is not guarunteed after kB2.  It
          does means Mitsu has mix-ups galore after a blocked kB2.
      5.  I won't go into the mix-ups for post kB2 because it involves so
          much and demands explanation.  I don't think I'm qualified to
          explain it.  Just think about it.  The mix-ups of course revolve
          around 33K.
      6.  The Block Stun is actually variable depending on how the opponent
          gaurds (ie, AG/RG).  FIND POSTING ON HOW AG/RG EFFECTS kB2
      7.  This move can hit opponents above Mitsu.


A+B - 2 Upward vertical slashes; both hit Mid; 1st at hits in medium range,
A+BG  the second hits in long range; the 1st hit launches and the second
      can be canceled.
      Mitsu, sweeps an upward vertical arc that starts on his left and ends
      on his right.  His 2nd slash starts from his right and ends on his left.
      i22~i23; HSjr +37~40, HSjg +24~28; BSg -13~-10, BSa -14~-11
           A+BG  i22; HSjr +34~37, HSjg +21~24; HSdjr +35~37, HSdjg +22~24
                      BSg -12~-9, BSa -14~-11
      1.  This is a slower move compared to many of his other verticals.
      2.  Damage is very nice.
      3.  Opponents that side-step to Mitsu's right can be hit by the first
          slash.  Opponents that side-step to Mitsu's left can be hit by the
          second slash.
      4.  You have to side-step to Mitsu's left then you have to side-step
          to Mitsu's right to completely side-step/evade it.  Or side-step
          twice to his left.  This move tracks, so to avoid the tracking go
          with the first side-step option.
      5.  As posted by Ai_Uchi in the forums, the first few frames of A+B has
          Mitsu is in tech crouch.  That means you can use it like a GI.  Only
          instead of a GI you duck under a fast horizontal.
      6.  On CH the 2nd hit is gauranteed. otherwise the 2nd hit can always be
      7.  The second slash can be G-Canceled.  The mix-ups post G-Cancel would
          be a throw/fast pokes.  The the G-Cancel is not the fastest cancel
          in the world, so be quick.
      8.  As slow as it relatively seems, it is effective at medium range,
      9.  On wake this is an excellent option on grounded opponents that like
          to wait on the ground.
      10. This is also effective in post GI war since the slower animation can
          fool a GI whore and induce them to whiff a GI.

      Note: I can't say much about whether A+B is good to use or not because
            I much prefer using 33_99BB for medium range.  However, because of
            the speed it had in SC1 I still use it on reaction and it doesn't
            fail me and I've found that on post block you and your opponent
            are on neutral footing and spaced a medium distance away.  I tend
            to shy away from A+B because it looks so slow, but I'm coming to
            believe that it is a safe move for medium range attack.

2A+B - 1 downward thrust; Hits Mid and Grounded; Short range;
       Mitsu thrusts his sword straight down in front of him.
       i20~i21; HS{1} +5~7, HS{2} +12~14; HSd +8; BS +0~2; BSr +3
       0.  This is one of Mitsu's few frame traps.
       1.  I don't understand the {1} and {2} Tharon_Mortis used for his HS,
           but I listed them both. HS{1} could be recovery against a standing
           opponent, while HS{2} could be recovery against an opponent on the
       2.  It stays in the ground for a short moment and opponents bumping
           into it register a hit.
       3.  From the forums, 2A+B has about BS +3~4, so you can get a gaurunteed
           A_2A attack after it's blocked.  It would have to be an attack with
           an i18 or less frame speed.  Note: the BS +3~4 may only apply to
           the following combo 33_99[ B ], B, 2A+B.  The HS {2} may also refer
           to that combo.
       4.  In terms of side-stepping, this is considered a vertical attack.
       5.  While, IMHO it was ment to be used on grounded opponents, there are
           strategies for using it on standing opponents.  I haven't found
           them because they are on Japonese sites (I can't read Japanese
           ).  However, threads that mention 2A+B, say 2A+B is a viable
           attack on a standing opponent because the BS is not negative.

66A+B - 1 big doward vertical slash - Pheonix Tail; long range; hits Mid and
        grounded; G-Cancelable; KD
        Mitsu while lunging forward comes from behind his back over his head
        and then comes down with this sword, leaving a red trail behind him.
        At least that's what it looks like.  He really ... while rearing back
        with his sword he lunges forward and when his sword is nearly above
        his head he spins then comes down with his sword.
        i29; HSk +36~37; BS -4~-3; BSr -2
        0.  In real life the spin can have resulted in a side stepping action
            that would have avoided vertical type attacks, depending on
            whether you spun left or right and whether or not you actually
            wished to go to one side or the the other.
        1.  Mitsu most damaging single non-stance/non-throw attack.
        2.  It's wind-up can be seen from miles away.
        3.  It will hit opponents directly above Mitsu.
        4.  Its reach will even surprize some Mitsurugi players.
        5.  You can cancel the attack with G anytime before his sword is
            directly over his head.  This leads to the standard mix-up of:
            66A+BG, 2KB_3B_throw.
            This mix-up is devastating because the G-cancel is so fast.  The
            opponent really won't know if you'll continue the devastating
            attack or go into a mix-up.  Experienced Mitsu players say you have
            enough time to see what the opponent will do before you G-Cancel.
        6.  If hit, the opponent falls where he stands.
        7.  If you hit the opponent, immediately execute 2A to make the
            opponent stand.  Hit them again before they realize they are
            standing and not laying on the ground.  Eg. 66A+B, 2A.  Unless
            they are instantly prepared, you get a mix-up after the 2A.
        8.  Suggested mix-ups: 2KB_3B_{BT FC 2A_2K}_throw
        8.  At SC3 this becomes SCUB.  G-Cancel is deadlier now because its
            harder to see because of the flames.  because it's now UB the
            opponent MUST side-step or GI.  Also, you can now introduce moves
            that have "on CH" properties into your mix-up and have the "on CH"
            property gaurunteed on hit. ie.:

            a.  {6A, AA}_bA_{22_88AA}_A+B_kB_4B_4A6_3A_{33_99A}_
            b.  B6_bA_                       CFS
            d.  {33_99A}                     CS
            e.  3A_4B                        DOS
            f.  {22_88BB}_1[B]_236[B]_4[B]   Soul Charged moves

            If you think your opponent will GI, make them whiff with the
            G-Cancel then do the standard 3B_2KB mix-up or chose from the
            lists in a, b, c, d, e.  If you think they'll side-step,
            G-Cancel and go for 2KB_{BT FC 2A_2K}.
        8.  You can do BT FC attacks after a 66A+B G-Cancel.  See also
            BT Study below.
        9.  This move can hit opponents above Mitsu.

A+K - 1 forward thrust; Long range; hits mid; AT, RO
      Mitsu thrusts his sword forward like his 6B attack.  However, this is
      slower, has a longer range, has a slower recovery, and if A+K hits
      deep(in close-medium to short range) it impales the opponent.
      Mitsu then kicks them off his sword.
      i21; A+K; HS{1}t +28, HS{2} -7; BSd -4; BSg -20, BSa -21
      0.  HS{1}t is probably the frame advantage for the AT.  HS{2} is
          probably frame advantage for a hit that does not throw/impale.
      1.  On a "clean hit" A+K, impales and can RO.
      2.  Also, it can be used while in 8WR.Eg. 8WR, A+K comes out flawlessly.
      3.  People on the forums say the impale comes on a clean hit.  I don't
          know what that means, but from my experience if A+K hits closer
          than half-way up his sword while fully extended in front of him,
          this move will impale.
      5.  As slow as it looks A+K can be used as a long range poke.  Except
          for MST B it is his only normal long range poke.  Don't be fooled.
          It can be an effective long range poke.
      6.  On block, this attack will push opponent back toward your long range

A+K6 - This is the same as A+K, except that Mitsu will turn 180 degrees during
       the impale so that when he pushes them off his sword, Mitsu and his
       opponent have switched positions on screen.  The opponent, however is
       at Mitsu's feet, ooooo nice okieme.
       i21; HS{1} t +10; HS{2} -7; BSd -4; BSg -20; BSa -21
       1.  This does leave the opponet on the ground closer to Mistu than in
           his regular A+K.  And it does a bit more damage than A+K.
       2.  Very nice to use when your back is to the edge, since you will
           switch positions.  Keep in mind, this switch is not a true 180
           degree switch like in a 2D fighter game.

B+K - 1 downward vertical slash; Long range; hit Mid. and grounded; AT, RO
      Mitsu comes behind and over this head then slashes down with his sword.
      It almost looks like his 66A+B animation.  If B+K hits in the same range
      as A+K's impale range, B+K impales also and Mitsu undergoes animation
      similiar to the A+K impale animation.
      i27~i26; HS{1}t +10, HS{2} -1; BSg -11~-9, BSa -12~-10
      1.  The impale is AT and it ROs.
      2.  This move telegraphs itself (at least I find it so).  I find it hard
          to apply in combat.  At long distance it does little damage and can
          be used as a poke.  However, A+K is better at that.
      3.  A very nice application of this is inputting B+K as an opponent is
          landing after being launched.  The hit does little damage, but once
          on the ground it will SOMETIMES impale them, ouch.  However, read
          the quotes in #4 and #5.
      4.  Quote by Jaeger
          "b+k->attack throw post launch is only garuanteed after 1a, b.. all
           other setups require an extra hit to push them high enough to make
           it land and thus can be air controlled.....
           About the b+k. No other launcher throws the opponent high enough
           for the b+k to hit in the air. ch 1b, 6b9, b+k is about the next
           best thing. If you were getting the attack throw on a launcher with
           no hit to make them go higher then they were trying to do something
           when they hit the ground."
      5.  Quote by Tharon_Mortis
          "B+K AT only occurs if opponent holds G or G+any direction
           while/shortly after being hit in the air. If they do nothing, they
           won't get eviscerated."

4A+K - Horizontal Slash; medium/long range; hits High; KNDc; Auto-GI
       Mitsurugi will hold his glowing sheath horizontally before him then
       make a glowing horizontal slash.
       i24; HSg -12~-10, HSa -13~-11; BSg -22~-20, HSa -23~-21
       0.  This is the Auto-GI partner to 4B+K.
       1.  This move will GI ANY vertical slashes.  The GI occurs at the
       2.  The window for the GI is tight.  Somewhere around the 4th-9th
           frames of the move.  All Mitsurugi users comment that this GI is
           hard to use.
       3.  It comes out fairly fast for its reach, but it's recovery is ugly
           to the bone.  I don't used this often, but I find it best to use at
           it maximum reach.  At short range, if you don't hit or don't get
           the GI, you'd better pray.  At long range, post block, you are
           still in danger.  Even if you hit you can still be retaliated.  The
           recovery is that bad.
       4.  In the forums (by Youngworld), it was suggested that 4A+K/A6/4B+K
           should be used as combo breakers.  eg.  The 3rd hit of any string
           can be either be GIed/ducked/sidestepped/blocked/etc.  Instead try
           Mitsu's Auto-GIs.  Note, there are vids that show that Mitsu can
           also combo break the 2nd hit of a natural combo.
       5.  In the forums it has been said that Mitsu's Auto-GIs are excellent
           in post GI war or to fake out a GI whore because the glowing sheath
           looks like an attack.
       6.  This is the variant of A6.  It will GI any vertical.  See also A6.

4B+K - Vertical Slash; medium/long range; hits Mid and grounded; KND; Auto-GI
       Mitsurugi will hold his glowing sheath vertically before him then make
       a glowing vertical slash.
       i31; HSk +41~43; HSdk +27~29; BSg -18~-16, BSa -19~-17
       0.  This is the Auto-GI partner to A6/4A+K.
       1.  This move will GI any horizontal slash.  The GI occurs at
           the sheath.
       2.  The window for the GI is tight.  All Mitsurugi users comment that
           this GI is, also, hard to use.  I've lost the frame data for the
           GI window, but I'll hazard a guess and say its probably around the
           4th-9th frames of the move, like 4A+K.
       3.  It comes out fairly fast, but it's recovery is ugly.  Not as bad
           as 4A+K, but still bad.  I have no recomendations to give on this
           except that players do use it.
       4.  In the forums (by Youngworld), it was suggested that 4A+K/A6/4B+K
           should be used as combo breakers.  eg.  The 3rd hit of any string
           can be either be GIed/ducked/sidestepped/blocked/etc.  Instead try
           Mitsu's Auto-GIs.
       5.  In the forums it has been said that Mitsu's Auto-GIs are excellent
           in post GI war or to fake out a GI whore because the glowing sheath
           looks like an attack.

Note: The GI windows for A6_4A+K had been listed as between the 4th and 9th
      frames of the move.  However, the GI window for MST A+B is also between
      the 4th and 9th frames of its move.  I and other players have a much
      easier time getting the Auto-GI from MST A+B than getting the Auto-GI
      from A6_4A+K.  So either the Auto-GI frame window for A6_4A+K is wrong
      or people have a pyschological problem getting the auto-GI with A6_4A+K.
      Or its just too damn hard to guess when a vertical versus a horizontal
      attack is coming, unless its part of a known combo.  Hence its best use
      is as a combo breaker.

      I believe the GI window for 4A+K is around the 4th and 9th frames of the
      move.  What was said above for 4A+K pretty much applies to 4B+K also.

236 - Crouch Dash = CD
      Mitsu will crouch down and dash forward.
      1.  During the whole animation Mitsu is tech crouched.  This mean all
          horizontal high attacks will wiff on him.
      2.  This move is safer than just tapping 6 to move forward.  This should
          be the prefered method of forward movement over a simple 66 or 6
          forward movement.
      3.  236B will have Mitsu come................
      4.  During CD you can buffer any move.  The most preferable ones are
          the FC moves................
      5.  Other preferred moves are 8WR and WS moves.
      6.  Normal moves can be accessed but require RCC.

**************************   DOES IT HAVE RC?   *****************************



FC 1_2_3K - Except for the frame data, this is the same as 1K;
            hits low and grounded; TC??; RC
            i13; HS +1; BS -9
            1.  See also 1K
            2.  iFC 2_3K = ???.  This data doesn't really matter
                because 1K = i12.  So you'd never use iFC 2_3K.

FC 1_2_3A - Except for the frame data, this is the same as 2A; hits sM;
            TC??; RC
            i12; HS +7; B -3
            iFC 1_3A = i18  Again, why use iFC 1_3A when 2A is faster and does
            the same thing.
            1.  See also 2A
            2.  With the HS at +7, learn RCC so you can add 2KB_3B mix-ups
                after this move.  Very sweet.
            3.  One useful application of this (stated by Mitsurugi-san) is
                CD, FC 2A.
            4.  Sorry I can't say much on this move.  HS for this move wasn't
                known until Tharon_Mortis put up frame data.  It was largely

FC 3B - Sword Thrust; Medium/Long range; hits mid; FSc??
        Mitsu rises on one knee and with his sword blade facing up, thrusts
        his sword point straight ahead.
        i16; HS +0~2; BS -10~-8
        iFC 3B=i22
        1.  Ever hated someone rolling away or back dashing away from your
            beuatiful FC position?  This will make them eat sword steel.

FC 2B - 1 vertical upward slash; medium range; hits mid and grounded; RC??
        Mitsu, while in a genuflected position makes an upward vertical slash
        i15 ; HS +0; BS -10
        iFC 2B = i21
        1.  I almost always use this after 1A2.  I used to use it alot after
            2A_1K, but FC 1BB does so much more damage.  Pretty much anytime
            you could do FC 2B, FC 1B will be better.
        2.  Pros and cons for this versus FC 1BB:
                 Pros: faster and safer
                 cons: less damage

FC 1B  - Upward vertical slash then downward vertical stab; Medium/long range;
         hits Mid and Grounded;
         From a crouch Mitsu rises with his sword upsidedown and swings it up
         with one hand vertically.
         i16; HSjr +33~34; HSjg +20~21; HSdjr +34~35, HSdjg +21~22; BS -10~-9
         iFC 1B = i22
         1.  If the first attack of FC 1BB is blocked/side stepped the second
             attack can be side stepped or GIed easily.  Well not easily, but
             because this move is so powerful after the 2nd attack, good
             players make it a point to be able to avoid that 2nd attack.  So
             just like in the case of 2KB many Mitsu players sometimes only do
             FC 1B.

FC 1BB - Upward vertical slash then downward vertical stab; Medium/long range;
         hits Mid and Grounded; GC on 2nd attack
         From a crouch Mitsu rises with his sword upsidedown and swings it up
         with one hand vertically then with both hands plunges his upside down
         sword into the ground and into the opponent.
         i16; HSk +20~22; HSdk +21~22; BS +29~30; BSr +31~32
         iFC 1B=i22

         FC 1B&B = G k +15 - I don't know what Tharon_Mortis is decribing
         here, but I'm listing it in case you figure it out.  G = Grounded
         I'm guessing there's two types of HS one that hits on the ground
         and one that hits when the opponent is standing.

         1.  On a "clean hit" the first attack launches.
         2.  About 95% of the time, the 2nd attack can't be avoided if the 1st
             attack launches.  For all practical purposes, the 2nd attack
             cannot be avoided.  The opponent will either get hit or get GCed.
         3.  The second attack Gaurd-crushes if they 4G on the ground.
         4.  If Mitsu gets the Gaurd-crush, 66A+B is gaurunteed.  Only a GI
             can save them from the 66A+B.
         5.  One of Mitsu's most feared moves because it comes from crouch,
             its fast, its easy to impliment, can do GREAT damage, and leads
             into his most feared cancel mix-up; {66A+B}_{66A+BG}
             The reason it is feared is because the mix-up is gauranteed if
             Mitsu hits with the GC.  If the hits with the GC an immediate
             66A+B is gauranteed to hit!  The only thing that will save the
             opponent is a GI.  Its a mix-up within a mix-up.  First is the
             G-cancel mix-up.  Then comes the anything goes mix-up.  The
             standard mix-up being 3B_2KB, which leads to Mitsu's powerful
             okieme game.  Opponent brain: "hmmm, should I GI and possibly
             whiff and get hit with something that puts me on the ground at
             Mitsu's feet or not GI and possibly get hit with an incredibly
             painful 66A+B."
         6.  Its been said that some players will chose to get hit by the 2nd
             attack rather than face the 66A+B_66A+BG mix-up.
             See the Mix-up Section below and or see 66A+B.
         7.  Two simple ways to lead into this move are 2A and 1K.
             2A, 1BB - 2A is faster
             [1]KBB - 1K hits low
                .... you decide which is better.  The simplest way is
                anticipating a high attack or a throw and then ducking with
                iFC 1BB.
         8.  Quote by unknown
             "if you land fc1bb on an opponent ANYWHERE on the screen, after
              theyre guard crushed, do 66a+B, if they dont gi, they get hit,
              and you do a 2a that combos after, and a free mix up . if they
              try to gi the 66a+b, you g cancel it at the last second and get
              anything you want while theyre stuck in the gi animation."

              -Jalf- The free mix-up after 2A comes because the 2A causes them
              to instantly stand.  Unless they are "instantly" prepared, you
              again have a 3B_2KB mix-up.

         9.  This move in conjunction with 66A+B is probably Mitsu's most
             devastating attack.  Just knowing this move is ready and waiting
             discourages opponents from using horizontal attacks or throws.

FC 1A+B - Horizontal low slash; Medium range; hits low and grounded; KND
         Mitsu crouches down then sweeps forward with his sword.
         i29; HSk +32~33; BSg -15~-14, BSa -16~-15
         iFC 1A+B=i34
         1.  Knocks down on hit.
         2.  It can be side-stepped to Mitsu's left.  And in certain
             situations to the right as well.
         3.  This is best used in mix-ups after a CD, FC mix-ups, as a TC, or
             from its maximum range.


WS K - KDc??
       i12; HS +5~7; BS -7~-5
       1.  I mostly use this after I get knocked down.  It very good to
           disrupt the opponent's okieme.

WS AA series
WS A -  1 horizontal slash; short range; hits mid; OSc
        i17; HS +1; BS -8
        iWS A = i23
        1.  About all I can say is that this is a pretty good WS attack.
        2.  NEED TO SAY MORE.

WS AA - 2 horizontal slashes; short range; hits mid then high;
        1st-OSc, 2nd OSc
        i17; HS +6~7; BS -3~-2
        iWS AA = i23
        1.  I usually use this or WS K after I'm knocked down.
        2.  Except for the first A that hits mid and the frame data, this move
            is exactly the same as 22_88AA.  See also 8WR2_8AA below.

WS AA series - This is pretty much the same as the 8WRAA series except that
               you don't have the MST stance shift.  However, unlike 22_88AA
               WS AA only goes in one direction.  It goes to Mitsu's right.
               This whole series may be steppable to Mitsu's left.
               By all indications the second A should whiff someone stepping
               to Mitsu's left, but I've never tested it so I'm not sure.
               However, I'm fairly sure that the second A of will interuppt
               anyone trying to attack after a side-step.

WS A+B - Looks the same as 1B
         i22; HSjr +38~39, HSjg +25~26; HSdjr +39~40, HSdjg +26~27
              HScjr +43~44, HScjg +30~31; BSg -12~-11, BSa -13~-12
         iWS A+B = i28
         1.  Great damage and launches, but why do it when you can do FC 1BB
             instead.  (KEEP THIS AS A MAYBE, Why? FC1B goes right to left
             and WS A+B goes left to right, I think.)

WS B -
       i15; HS +7; BS -4
       iWS B = i21
       1.  Sorry, I don't know what to say on this one.  I never knew it even

WJ (While Jumping) ATTACKS

7_8_9A -  Jumping horizontal attack; range ??; hits ??; OB
WJ A      Mitsu jumps up, spins a bit in the air, and comes out with a
          horizontal slash.
          i25; HS +8~9; BS -3~-2
          1.  This is a punishing move for jumping over low attacks.  Another
              use for this move is to use it post-GI because its a hard move
              to re-GI.
          2.  Quote unknown
              "Jumping A works great because the opponent ends in BT after a
               regular hit, just like in SC. I didn't work with this much, so
               I don't know if you can cancel into 8WR at all, but you can
               throw out of it, so if the opponent stands there it's very easy
               to achieve side throws."
          3.  Suggested mix-ups after 9A by Tharon_Mortis, and Youngworld
              2KB_3B_{6A+B~gA_gB}_4A6__33K_{bA MD throw}_236B_236[B]_4KB_33BB
              a.  the {6A+B~gA_gB}_4A6 options get you the sidethrows talked
                  about under 4A6.  In this case you get back throws instead
                  of side throws.  See also 4A6.
              b.  236B_236[B]_4KB_33BB are options for getting a backdasher?
              c.  2KB_3B is of course the standard Mid/low mix-up

              Youngworld's advise is that the 2KB_3B mix-up is most practical
              Tharon_Mortis's advise is to do what's remaining in the above
              mix-up because the 3B_2KB mix-up can be stepped to Mitsu's left
              or back dashed against and sometimes 2KB can be out of range

7_8_9B -  Jumping vertical slash; medium range?; hits mid, hits grounded?;
WJ B      KD,FrC
          Mitsu jumps up
          i24; HS +3~4; BS -7~-6
          1.  There are some strats for this, but I can't find them.

7_8_9K -  Jumping kick; range short; hits mid;
WJ K      i21; HS +3~4; BS -10~-9
          1.  Someone in the forums said, "The koreans make it look broken."
              If you look at some of the korean vids for Mitsu, they make
              WJ K look simple, fun, and easy to do.  However, it is harder
              than it seems.

[G]7_8_9A+B - Jumping Cartwheel; mediem range?; hits mid and grounded;
WJ A+B        SCUB,KD,FrC
              Mitsu flips high in a feat that would make him King of the
              Olympics of the Standing High Jump competitioin for the next
              Millenium.  He then comes down slashing straight down with his
              i56; HSk +37~39; BS -5~-3
              1.  At SC-3 this is SCUB.
              2.  I can't say much about this because I never saw much use to
                  it.  However, see BT Study below and read about Youngworld
                  use of it for terrain control.

WJ attacks - The WJ attacks have there place in your attack arsenal, don't
             ignore them. Why?
             1.  Because they jump over lows.
             2.  Also attacks that hit you in the air only do 70% of their
                 regular damage.
             3.  The jumping attacks can also be part of a good mix-up for
                 getting up off the ground after you have been knocked down.
             4.  Jumping in the 7 direction is both a retreat and an attack
                 at the same time and jumping is faster than back dashing.
             5.  Back jumping is faster than back dashing.  This was said by a
                 reputable source, but I'm not sure if that means that the
                 back jumping goes back faster than back dashing or that back
                 jumping occurs a few frames before back dashing.
             6.  Its a bit hard to GI these attacks.  So its good in GI war.

WL (While Landing) attacks
7_8_9+G, K - ??; ??; ??; ??
WL K         i34; HS +7; BS -3
             1.  ??

7_8_9+G, A - ??; ??; hits low; KD
WL A         i40; HS +0~3; BS -10~-7
             1.  There are strats out there for this move, but I can no longer
                 find them.

7_8_9+G, B - ??; ??; hits mid, hits grounded??; FrC, FC??, RC??
WL B         i40; HSk +35~37; HSdk +36~37; BS -7~-5
             1.  There are some very good strats out there for this, but I
                 can't find them.

WL attacks - The WL attacks have there place in your attack arsenal, don't
             ignore them. Why?
             1.  Because they jump over lows.
             2.  WL B gives immense frame advantage on hit.
             3.  WL A is a low attack.  So if the opponent is used to your
                 WJ attacks WL A will get them.
             4.  Also attacks that hit you in the air only do 70% of their
                 regular damage.
             5.  The jumping attacks can also be part of a good mix-up for
                 getting up off the ground after you have been knocked down.
             6.  Jumping in the 7 direction is both a retreat and an attack
                 at the same time
             7.  Back jumping is faster than back dashing.  This was said by a
                 reputable source, but I'm not sure if that means that the
                 back jumping goes back faster than back dashing or that back
                 jumping occurs a few frames before back dashing.
             8.  Its a bit hard to GI these attacks.  So its good in GI war.

By holding G when you touch the wall during a back jump will jump Mitsu off
the wall.  Press an attack button and you get a wall attack.  I don't know if
there are two types of wall attacks like there are two types of jumping
attacks (WJ/WL), so I'll be general.  Also, there's no frame data for these

WALL A - This is like WL A
WALL B - This is like WL B
WALL K - This is like WL K
WALL A+B - This is like [G]9A+B.  This is SCUB at SC-3

8WR (11_22_33_44_55_66_77_88_99) MOVES
The fastest way to enter 8WR is to double tap a direction.  To run forward
tap the 6 direction twice, quickly.  To run to the side input 22_88. Ect....
After you enter 8WR Mitsu will stay in 8WR until Mitsu stops moving.  Because
of this, the following is true.

  17896AA = 8896AA = 66AA = 8WRAA
  874123BB = 663BB = 33_99B = 8WR3_9BB

  It has been said that some players can hear joy stick movement.  Ya, sounds
  freaky, but at the highest level of play ... sometimes you never know.
  Anyway sometimes its easier to roll the joystick instead of double tapping

  However, remember that

  236_23 = CD
  6321a = HMD
  6321b = FMD

  So be aware of how you roll your inputs.

8WR6AA            Same as 66AA.  See 66AA

8WR1_7A           1 horizontal slash; Medium range; hits low; TC, RC
                  Mitsu moves a bit to the side and back then kneels down
                  and does a low horizontal slash that goes from his right to
                  his left.
                  i31~i32; HSk +32~33; BSg -12~-10, BSa -11~-9
                  1.  It's recovery isn't at short range.  At your medium
                      range its not unsafe and you can block just about all
                  2.  Its steppable to his right.  It can be stepped to his
                      his left, also, because Mitsu doesn't swing his sword
                      completely to his left.
                  3.  This seems to have TC only toward the end of the move's
                      execution.  This means you'll only go under horizontals
                      if the horizontal is slow enough.  This is mainly for
                      TCing under long/medium range horizontals.
                  4.  Best used as a surprize low, as part of a mix-up that
                      needs less recognized options, or against a stepper that
                      consistantly steps to your left.  But, basically, don't
                      use it much except where its unavoidable (ducking a
                      high, hitting a side-stepper, etc.) because its easily
                  5.  Though its slow; it side-steps, ducks, and hits low.  Its
                      not a move to ignore.

22_88AA (Scythe) series
8WR2_8A           Scythe - 1 horizontal slash; short range; hits high; OSc
                  Mitsu spins while slashing horizontally.
                  i16; HS +3~4; HSc +3~4; BS -10~-9
                  1.  Get a feeling for the range of this move, its relatively
                      slow for its hit range.  Use it near its max range.
                  2.  All attacks after 22_88A seemlessly execute as if it
                      were a natural combo.
                  3.  Mix-ups I tend to use after 22_88A are:
                        2nd A of 22_88AA - make them turtle.
                        2KB_throw - break the turtle
                        3B_33K_6B_{33_99BB} - anti-duck
                        6K_4A - anti-step, also because the 2nd A of the
                                scythe is many times out of range.
                      Don't stop the mix-ups there though, there's a whole
                      thread devoted to 22_88AA in the Soul Calibur forums.
                  4.  One frustrating thing about using this move as an attack
                      after you side step is that sometimes you whiff over
                      their head.  If you see the whiff, follow up with the
                      second attack of the scythe combo.  This happens because
                      of the way the evade system was created for Soul
                  5.  This is a good anti-step tool.  However, AA and 2A are
                      still better at anti-step at 22_88AA's range.

8WR2_8AA          Scythe - 2 horizontal slashes; short range; both hits high;
                  1st-OSc, 2nd OSc
                  Mitsu spins twice while slashing horizontally.
                  i16; HS +2~3; BSg -11~-10, BSa -11~-10
                  1.  Should be used at Mitsu's outer short range.
                  2.  Good anti-step tool.
                  3.  On CH with 1st hit the opponent is sideturned.  On CH
                      with 2nd hit the opponent is sideturned.  If both hits
                      are CH the opponent can be backturned.

8WR2_8AA6         Scythe - This is the same as 8WR2_8AA except that Mitsu
                  shifts to Mist afterward.
                  i16; HS +13~14; B +0~1
                      i17 = MST g(A_B)
                      i20 = MST (A_B)+G
                      i29 = MST ~G
                      i35 = MST ~G~A
                  1.  See also 8wr2_8AA.
                  2.  Can get the same situation as the 4A6 side throws.
                      Except now you might get a backthrow instead. See also
                  3.  On hit:
                      a. MST A is gauranteed, if its in range
                      b. MST B = i6, uninteruptable and hard to step
                      c. MST K = i6, uninteruptable and hard to step
                      d. MST A+B Auto-GI window can catch any High/Mid
                         attacks.  But you have to wait a bit, so its a bit
                  4.  On block:
                      a. MST A is i12~i11, still fast
                      b. MST B_K = i19
                      c. MST K will duck any high retaliation
                      d. MST A+B Auto-GI has a near perfect window to catch
                         any High/Mid attacks.
                  5.  See also Mist further below.

Scythe series - Though AA, 2A, 6A, 4A are still your best anti-step tools, the
                Scythe series has both anti-step and mix-ups built into it.
                The mix-ups with the second attack reach to the sky.  This is
                a move you should incorporate into your stratedgies.
                22_88A,2KB6->MST B6_K is especially sweet to see and awesome
                to behold.

8WR3_9A           1 Horizontal slash; medium range; hits mid; DOSc
                  Mitsu does a powerful looking horizontal slash.
                  i23~i22; HS +2~3; HScs +29~30; HScsb -1~+0; BS -9~-8
                  1. I've always thought this move sucked ass.
                  2. But the frame data shows its not bad at Mitsu's medium

8WR6BBB           Same as 66BBB.  See also 66BBB

8WR4BB            Same as 44BB.  See also 44BB
                  1.  Tharon_Mortis lists 3 sets of frame data for this move.
                      I don't understand what the numbers stand for.  Since
                      those numbers........
                      AHHHHH CRAP, PM Tharon_Mortis!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  2.  Except for the frame data, just see 44BB

8WR3_9BB          Heavenly Dance
8WR3_9B*B         2 vertical slashes; 1st-medium range, 2nd long range;
8WR3_9BBG         hits mid and grounded; 1st launches, 2nd hit delayable,
                  2nd G-cancelable
                  In a very dance like motion Mitsu steps forward and a bit to
                  the side while swinging his sword in an upward vertical arc
                  that swings from right to left.  At the apex of that swing
                  he spins his body then makes a jumping upward vertical
                  slash.  Again going from right to left.
                    ~B no delay
                    HSjr +27~29, HSjg +14~16; HSdjr +28~29, HSdjg +15~16
                    BSg -19~-17, BSa -20~-18

                    HSjr +33~35, HSjg +20~22; HSdjr +34~35, HSdjg +21~22
                    BSg -19~-17, BSa -20~-18

                    HSjr +33~35, HSjg +20~22; HSdjr +34~35, HSdjg +21~22
                    BSg -19~-17, BSa -20~-18
                  1.  The 2nd attack has 2 delays.  I think the maximum delay
                      is about 1/2 a second.
                  2.  This is Mitsu's best 8WR attack.
                  3.  This is your second best anti-step vertical.  It tracks
                      best to Mitsu's left.  You'll hear on the forums how
                      great its tracking is, but though it can get a stepper,
                      especially one that steps to Mitsu's left its still a
                      vertical type attack.  Also if you input the B at the
                      fastest possible momemt after being in 8WR3_9
                      (eg. 33_99BB) you don't track as well as you would if
                      you allowed Mitsu to start running in 8WR3_9.
                  4.  This move is newbie friendly. :^)
                  5.  By canceling the 2nd attack you have access to Mitsu's
                      BT attacks.  See also the BT Study further below.

8WR3bA            Heavenly Dance cancel to Relic.

                  Hell Flash - 1 vertical slash; medium range; hits mid and
                  grounded; Frc, SC attack, 2nd BN
                  i21; HSk +30~31; BSg -11~-10, BSa -12~-11; BSr -10
                       88B BSr=-11~-10
                  1.  This is a very nice 8WR move.
                  2.  Great damage and puts them on the ground.
                  3.  It doesn't have a terribly good recovery so use it
                      mainly in your side-stepping game or at medium distance.
                  4.  The first hit forces the opponent to crouch.  This is
                      good to know since many characters don't have good FC
                      attacks.  I don't think there's a way to capitolize on
                      it, though.
                  5.  At SC 2 it hits twice with the following input 8WR2_8BB.
                      The second attack is a bounce stun.  There aren't any
                      gauranteed follow-ups after the bounce.

8WR1_7BAB (Blunt Flames) series
8WR1_7BAB         1 upward vertical slash, 1 horizontal slash,
                  1 downward vertical slash; Medium/long range; TC, KD, FrC
                  3rd hit G-Cancelable
                  Mitsu does what looks like a very fast 1B, then does what
                  looks like a very fast short range 4A, then winds up and
                  does what looks like a very powerful 2B (or looks more like
                  a very powerful version of BT B}
                  i18; HSk +31~32; BSg -11~-10; BSa -12~-11; BSr -10
                  1.  The first B attack is TC so this move can be used at
                      short range in anticipation of horizontals.  It a very
                      good TC type attack.
                  2.  This is another of Mitsu's G_Cancel moves
                  3.  Its not recommended to do the last B in the attack
                      unless you also use the G-Cancel and mix in
                      {BT FC 2A_2K}.  The last B in Blunt Flames can be
                      blocked/avoided whether or not the first 2 attacks hit.
                      However, on hit the last B will break all damaging
                      horizontals double hit with many of the faster
                      horizontals and only gets interupted by the fastest
                      small damage pokes.  On block the 3rd B can be
                      interupted by good pokes.
                  4.  The last attack can be G canceled.  See 8WR1_7BABG
                  5.  The last attack can be "canceled" with a stance shift to
                      Mist.  See 8WR1_7BA6 below.

8WR1_7BABG        1 upward vert, 1 zontal slash; medium range; TC, G-Cancel
                  This is the first two attacks of Mitsu's Blunt Flames and
                  the beginning animation for the 3rd attack of the series.
                  i18; HSg -12, HSa -13; BSg -24, BSa -25
                  1.  The cancel allows Mitsu to seemlessly execute any move
                      in place of the 3rd B.
                  2.  This cancel allow Mitsu access to his BT attacks.  See
                      BT Study below.
                  3.  The best attacks to do after the cancel are probably
                      BT FC {2A_2K}.  2KB is too slow and doesn't TC.
                      Anything else will just get blocked.  Be mindfull of the
                      BS.  If the 2nd attack of the series is blocked, Mitsu
                      will take free hits if he continues.

8WR1_7BA6         1 upward vert, 1 zontal slash, MST stance; medium range;
                  TC, stance shift
                  This is the first two attacks of Mitsu's Blunt Flames.  He
                  then shifts into Mist.
                  i18; HS +5; BS -7
                    i15 = MST (A_B)+G
                    i17 = MST g(A_B)
                    i24 = MST ~G
                    i30 = MST ~G~A
                  1.  On hit:
                      a.  MST A is uninteruptable
                      b.  MST B_K is i14
                      c.  MST K will go under any horizontal
                      d.  MST A+B Auto-GI will GI Highs and mids after waiting
                          a few frames.
                  2.  On block:
                      a.  MST A_B_K become unusable.
                      b.  MST A+B Auto-GI has a near perfect window to GI
                          all feared retaliation. Except against Taki.
                  3.  If you're good at getting the Auto-GI of MST A+B and
                      your opponent has problems stepping your Mist stance,
                      11_77BA6 is both safe and damaging.  However, one
                      weakness with the Auto-GI is that it allows opponents
                      a cue to practice a re-GI from the GI of MST A+B.  With
                      enough practice a good player can consistantly re-GI
                      MST A+B.  See also Mist below.

8WR1_7BA          1 upward vert, 1 zontal slash; medium range; TC
                  This is the first two attacks of Mitsu's Blunt Flames.
                  i18; H +0; BSg -11, BSa -12
                  1.  This is your 2nd safest Blunt Flames option.
                  2.  Damage is ok.

8WR1_7B           1 upward vert, Medium range; TC
                  This is just the first attack of Blunt Flames.
                  i18; HS +0~1; BSg -10~-9, BSa -11~-10
                  1.  This is your safest Blunt Flames option.
                  2.  Nuff said.

8WR1_7BAB (Blunt Flames) series - This is potentially one of Mitsu's most
                  damaging moves.  But here are the flaws.

                  If the first hit is blocked the 2nd hit can be ducked with
                  2G by skilled players.  If its ducked, Mitsu can expect
                  serious damage.

                  Secondly, options for a 3rd hit in the series is dependant
                  on whether the 2nd attack hit.  If it got blocked your 3rd
                  attack whether its the last B in the combo, a G cancel
                  attack, or a Mist attack can be interupted by the fastest
                  pokes.  You have to train yourself to see if the 2nd attack
                  hit.  If you don't, you have to worry about whether your
                  opponent will attack or not.  It all becomes iffy for the
                  3rd attack depending on whether or not the 2nd attack hit.
                  Unless you've given them a good dose of fear from the last B
                  of the combo or make them fear the Auto-GI of MST A+B,
                  mixing up the 3rd attack becomes almost as much a mind game
                  for you as it is for your opponent.  In general, the safest
                  most damaging option is to stop at the 2nd attack of the
                  series.  But if you're good at reading your opponent and have
                  good Mist skills, go for the mix-ups inherent in the 3rd
                  attack.  Its delicious.

                  Thoughts to remember:  Testing by WerD and Silent showed
                  that if the 2nd hit of 11_77BA6 is blocked {MST A+B} will be
                  able to GI nearly all immediate retaliation.  This is what
                  makes 11_77BA6 safe and damaging.  But MST has its own flaws.
                  The {MST A+B} can be re-GIed.  And nearly all of MST options
                  can be side-stepped by a good stepper.  There is debate as
                  to what exactly NEARLY means for MST A+B.  However, against
                  Taki it was agreed, she will pwns 11_77BA6. So be wary and
                  mix up your options between them all.

                  Most notably {{11_77BAB_{G:BT 2A_2K}}_{11_77BA6-> MST A+B}.
                  The {MST A+B} makes them fear immediately retaliating on
                  block.  The BT attacks keep them in fear of immediately side
                  stepping you and covers turtles.  But its still a bit of a
                  gamble since {MST A+B} can be side stepped during its attack
                  animation.  If you're not good at 2G block during {MST A+B},
                  you can get raped.  If you are good at the 2G block, you
                  might be indestructable.

8WR3_9_6K         Knee.  Mitsu does the same as for K6_66K.  See also K6
8WR3K             i13; HS +7; HSck +52; BS -6
8WR3_9K           i13??; HS +4; HSck +49; BS -9
                  1.  This is pretty much the same as K6_66K, except 33K
                      executes the fastest while 66K has the longest reach.
                      See also K6.

8WR2_8K           The is the same as 6K.  However, 22K may be faster.
                  i15; HS +7~8; HSck +29~30; BS -3~-2
                  1.  See Also 6K.

8WR1_4_7KB        1.  This is the same as 4KB.

8WR6[ K ]???      Slide (supposed to be, but I usually get a knee, go figure)
                  Mitsu runs then slides feet first into the opponent's feet.
                  This is much like a soccer slide tackle that a referee calls
                  1.  I have problems getting this move because the inputs are
                      similar to the knee (66K).  So you figure it out.

8WR(any except 4)A+B
                  1. Pheonix Tail - This is the same as 66A+B.  However,
                     8WR2_8_9_3A+B have a better chance of hitting a
                     side-stepper because you may step to the same side the
                     stepper does.  Also, when doing a G-Cancel
                     8WR2_8_9_3A+B, G gives faster access to the corresponding
                     8WR2_8_9_3 attack.  ie.
                       a. 2[ 2 ]A+B, G, 2B = Pheonix Tail, Hell Flash
                       b. 6[ 6 ]A+B, G, 2B = Pheonix Tail, Hell Flash
                          The Hell Flash in a. comes out faster.
                  2. See also 66A+B

8WR4A+B           This is Relic.  See Relic below

8WRA+K            This is the same as A+K.  This is not an 8WR attack, but can
                  be done while in 8WR.  This is a sweet move to do.

8WR2_8B+K         This is Half Moon Death

8WR3_6_9B+K       This is Full Moon Death

Note: At this time the iframes for the BT moves are either unknown or unsure.
      But they are most assuredly fast.  Possibly as fast or faster than i10.

BT K - 1 kick; short range; hits high??;
       This looks a bit like Mitsu's 6K
       i??; HS +9~10; BS -6~-5
       1.  BT move with best frame advantage on hit.

BT B - 1 downward vertical; medium range; hits mid, hits ground??
       This looks exactly like the 3rd B in 11_77BAB
       i??; HS +8; BS -2
       1.  This is your mid option.

BT A - 1 horizontal slash; short range; hits mid??
       i??; HS +7~8; BS -1~0
       1.  Your anti-step option

BT 1_2_3K - 1 low kick; short range; hits low and grounded; TC
            i??; HS +4~6; BS -6~-4
            1.  This is my favorite because it hits low and grounded and is TC

BT 1_2_3A - 1 low horizontal slash; short range; hits low; TC??
            i??; HS +5~6; BS -6~-5
            1.  Has a bit better frame advantage on hit, but I'm not sure if
                its TC.  It doesn't hit grounded .

BT 1_2_3B - 1 low upward slash; medium range; hits mid, hits grounded??; TC??
            i??: HS +8~9; BS -2~-1
            1.  Looks a bit like the regular FC 2B.

Whenever you find yourself unintentionally in BT do 2A or 2K for your safety.
See also the BT study, just below.

BT STUDY as gleaned from
Youngworld's Original BT FC: The Hidden Move Study
BT from Cancels : founder Youngworld
BT from aB and Relic : founder Tharon_Mortis
BT from being grounded : founder kilikAbeast

See the frame data under BT Moves above.  Those frames are nice and scream to
be used.

As of the writing of this FAQ there are 5 known ways to consistantly enter a
BT, Back Turned state to access the BT Hidden Moves.  There are 2 other ways
under certain conditions that you will enter a BT state.  I will list the 3
consistant (or easy ways) first.

A.  Simple easy way to be in BT.
  1.  From Cancels
      a.  Getting the BT Hiddens from the following cancels is dependant on
          your quick timing of inputting the attack command after the cancel.
          I can't give a description of when to do it.  But, here's a hint,
          practice getting BT 2B because 2B and BT 2B are visually different.
          That way you'll know whether you're getting the BT state after the
          cancel.  The cancels this is possible with are
      b.  33_99BBG: BT A_2A_K_2K_B_2B
          (1. )  You can combo BT 2A_2K_2B after the 33_99BBG launch.
            (a. ) 2A_2K - Seems guaranteed though not tested. (Youngworld)
            (b. ) 2A_2B - misses if AC'd to Mitsu's left. (Youngworld)
            (c. ) 2A    - WRB (Youngworld) ?????????? don't know????????
      c.  11_77BAG: BT A_2A_K_2K_B_2B
      d.  66A+BG: BT A_2A_K_2K_B_2B
      e.  BT 2A_2K_2B are really BT {1_2_3}A_{1_2_3}B_{1_2_3}K
      f.  BT 2K hits ground
  2.  By being knocked down with Mitsu's face down and with his feet toward
      the opponent.  All attacks from that position will be done from a BT
      state.  When you get knocked down always try to be face down and feet
      toward.  It makes a difference.
  3.  {9G,A+B}_8WR9G,A+B Jumping Cartwheel
      Quote by Youngworld
      In addition to the 66A+B set up 2H mentioned, the Jumping Cartwheel
      9GA+B should also be mentioned. The 8Way Run entry into this move is
      99GA+B. With BT FC, the JC has become imo, significantly more important.
      We tend to want to see the benefits of this move offensively and because
      of it's properties, deem it ineffective. I.e., low damage, too easily
      stepped, low risk vs. reward. If we view the move for the reason it was
      created, terrain control, we can implement it to it's best use.

      If your back is to the wall, ready for a splat, JC gets you out. If your
      back is to the ring edge, JC flips the script so that your opponent has
      to deal with MItsu's RO potential. Having fun with BT FC, I found that
      throws land uncommonly quick after a Hidden move. So good that on block,
      the chance of throw is above average, on hit, throw is likely, and on
      CH, throw is guaranteed except if your throw attempt is GI'd. Of course,
      this is preliminary but I'm guessing that when the attack data is
      released (and it's coming very, very shortly. Mitsu's the final
      character to be finished), this should be corroborated.

      Oh yah, that attack data came SOOOOOOOOO fast and Mitsu HAD to be done
      last. ROTL
      --End Aside--

B.  The Not so simple ways: aB and Relic
  1.  bA - Notation - on hit bA, [2_8_4], BT {attack}
    a. Conditions
       (1. )  bA hits an opponent going to Mitsu's left.
       (2. )  You, Mitsu, must input [2_8_4]
    c. Can dash once while in BT by tapping 6.
    b. A set-up to induce stepping to Mitsu's left.  Of course good players
       will step to Mitsu's left anyway.  But, Tharon_Mortis's setup is too
       good to leave out.
       (1. )  on hit 6A, kB2_2KB_throw
    c. Here's Tharon_Mortis's original words
       This occurs under the condition that bA scores a hit on an opponent
       who's sidewalking to the right. You're left off-axis, which seems to
       be a disadvantage, at first. However, if you make use of the built-in
       steps that follow up B~A, i.e. immediately start holding 2_8_4,
       Mitsurugi starts walking in the relative direction with his back
       exposed! That's what I call a taunt! =) Furthermore, you should like
       to know that you're at +9~10 frames... all BT moves are
       uninterruptible, only BT B_2B can be sidestepped.  Because of the frame
       advantage, it might even be a good idea to walk on and bait for, say,
       BT 2B CH... Of course, the BT mix-up itself is very powerful, as they
       all leave you at great frame advantage and have hardly any recovery -
       its a good pressure tool. You could, for example, connect a BT K and
       immediately continue with (front) 2K,B - the only way to avoid this is
       to duck, no sidestepping, this time. Insert any medium hitting move

       Another interesting thing:
       if you continue to walk in the direction held, after only a short
       while, Mitsurugi imperceptibly shifts from BT to front again.
       Furthermore, he's considered 8WR, which allows for all related attacks
       with a simple single tap instead of the 11_33 etc.  After training
       your opponent with BT attacks and the various delays, the regular
       attack may well surprise them. There may even be one or another special
       movement hidden in this shift. Try switching to MS or RL - it looks
       like he'd immediately change from BT to either stance - quite a sight!

       As for setups...
       I'll give you one example, you do the rest.

       Have a look at 6A on regular close hit. You should end up at short
       range and +7 frames. Now do some conditioning with
       kB (i17-7=10) / 2K,B (i17-7=10) / A_B+G (i15-7=8) / 236B (i16-7=9).
       Yep, they're all uninterruptible. If your opponent just stands there,
       you get a 50/50 mid-low mix-up. However, they can sidestep all of these
       to the right = completely avoid the mix-up.  Well, if they
       sidewalk/step to the right, bA has the properties described.  If they
       sidewalk to the left, they can avoid bA, too, yet 2K can't be avoided.
       Of course, you could start using 4A, which takes care of both
       directions.  It could be interrupted by i10 horizontals or TC moves and
       you stop giving them a good reason to sidestep to the right only.
  2.  44[A] - Notation - {certain moves}, on hit 44[A], [G], any BT attack
    a.  Conditions
      (1. )  On hit on a person stepping to Mitsu's left.
        (a. )  Relic is in a BT state.
        (b. )  Hold G long enough to cancel Relic and be in a BT state.  If
               you hold G to long you go back to a normal state.
    b.  You can dash once while in BT by tapping 6.
    c.  The certain moves.
        2A_FC 1_2_3A
        BT A
        BT 2A
        MS A,A
        MS A,A,A
        HMD ~A
        HMD A

        B~6 (run up)
        WS B
        HMD B

        BT K
        BT 2K
        WL K
    d.  Original quote by Tharon_Mortis
        You may have noticed that 44A leaves you off-axis when you hit a
        sidestepping person. And you might know that the transition to RL
        - 44[A] - usually realigns itself nicely. However, after certain
        moves, i.e. in certain situations of frame advantage, you may actually
        end up in RL while back turned! o_O  Similar to bA, this exclusively
        occurs if 44[A] scores a hit on someone who's sidestepping to their
        right, i.e. Mitsurugi's left side.

        As opposed to bA, 44[A] actually punishes sidesteps to the left, as
        well. Yet you don't end up in BT RL, this time. However, sometimes,
        depending on the distance to your opponent, ssl results in a different
        hit which greatly reduces the distance, adding both RL A and
        RL [A+B]~4 {1} to the mix-up.

        Anyway, back to BT RL.
        You end up very close to your opponent. This seems useless or even
        dangerous at first. Even more since all RL moves execute in the wrong
        direction, straight away from your opponent. I'll try to convince you
        that it's still a very favorable siuation.

        Another option is immediately cancelling BT RL by _holding_ G. After
        only a short while, you're in BT mix-ups. It would be interesting to
        know the frame data. Either way, it's possible to almost immediately
        block. If you continue to hold G, you'll also revert to regular
        attacks quite fluently.

        This is actually possible after the B~A turnaround, as well.  In the
        very frame after being BT, i.e. the G cancel, Mitsurugi can dash
        towards the opponent while BT by tapping 6. It requires precise
        timing but it makes a great taunt! =)

        To conclude this post, here's a list of the moves which allow for this
        setup.  All others cause 44[A] to be a regular hit, even on ssr.

        I think I've gone through the bunch of his moves but if I missed one,
        do tell!
D.  Some simple mind game/conditioning for post BT FC {attack}
    1. BT FC A_B_K, 66K_throw
      a.  Make 66K the trainer and when you're opponent's been trained to
          block after BT FC...easy throw.
    2. BT FC A_B_K, 1B_1A+B
      b.  This is a simple mix-up, with the mix-up being the 1B_1A+B

MST - Mist - 6A+B
        Mitsu lowers his body with his legs going into a very wide horse
        stance. He faces his opponent sideways with his sword parrellel to the
        the ground and pointing toward his opponent.  If you've seen the anime
        Ruroni Kenshin, this is the same as Saitoh's stance, the Gatoots (yes,
        I didn't spell it right).  I think this is a real sword stance.  I
        don't know its real name.
        0.  Mitsu's MIST stance doesn't seem to be used very much by newbie
            Mitsu users.  I guess it's because it takes getting used to.  It's
            one hella of a stance.  You have to use it if you want your Mitsu
            to be competitive.  It has the ability to Auto-GI all High and Mid
            attacks.  It's attacks are fast and appropriate for short, medium,
            and long range strategies.  This is his best stance.  See also
            MST mix-ups below.
        1.  It is very fast and very easy to go into MST.  You can go into MST
            as part of most any of Mitsu's attacks, fluidly.
        2.  6A+B, G, 6A+B, G, 6A+B, etc.  MST step
            You'll notice that Mitsu steps forward when he goes into MST.  By
            continually entering MST and then canceling MST you can advance
            on your opponent
        3.  MST moves:  Obviously, you must be in the Mist stance to do the
                        following moves.
            Alpha. G - MSTC
                       Pressing G cancels Mist really fast.
            A.  B+K
                This puts you in RLC stance.
            B.  A_AA_AAA - 1,2,or 3 stabs counts as a vertical; short range;
                           hits high; very fast; very fast recovery
                           Mitsu quickly stabs once_twice_three times VERY
                i.   Do only one A and you remain in MST
                ii.  Do 2 or more A's and Mitsu comes out of MST.
                iii. Only a single MST A tracks.
                iv.  Has great recovery and can be followed up with fast A's
                     or B's.
                v.   Use and abuse this move.  However, read C.
                vi.  The 3rd A is guaranteed if the 2nd is a CH.
            C.  {A~B+K}_{AA~B+K}_{AAA~B+K}
                i.   By pressing B+K after your A series attack you can go
                     seemlessly into RLC instead of simply coming out of MST.
                     Why would you want to do that?
                     1.  It confuses your opponent.
                     2.  It steps you back (only a bit).
                     3.  It puts you in RLC, which is a safe thing to do.
                     4.  Allows you to contine your attack pressure because of
                         RLC B.
                     5.  Allows you to go back into MST very safely just by
                         pressing B+K again.
                     6.  With practice the second and the third A can be
                         reliably GIed.  A GI whore would expect you to do
                         MST AA_AAA and expect to GI you.  Instead can press
                         B+K in the expectation of a whiffed GI.
                ii.  I'm told this is not a jf.  However, the timing is strict
                     to do this.  Do it too early or too late and you don't
                     go into RLC.
             D.  B -  1 stab, counts as a vertical; medium range; hits mid;
                     fast; AT
                     Mitsu stabs with longer reach.  It's very much like A+K.
                     i.    This is an AT.
                     ii.   On a "clean hit" it impales.
                     iii.  Mitsu will remain in MST after a blocked MST B or
                           MST B that does not impale.
                     iv.   Mitsu will leave MST if MST B impales.
                     v.    Very nice.  Variation is B6.  I recommend always
                           using the MST B6 variation.  It leaves you in a
                           better postion for okizeme.
                     vi.   MST [B]~[G] (HS -7) at close range - This will
                           perform the MST B attack but it will cancel the
                           attack throw.
             E.  aB - This is a MST A followed by a MST B.
                i.   On CH the B is gaurunteed
                ii.  This move tracks very well.  It must be side-stepped
                     twice to avoid the attack.  Side-step once to avoid the
                     MST a , side-step a second time to avoid the MST B.
                iii. Mix this up with MST B6 if your opponent learns to duck.
                iv.  I definitely recommend abusing this.  It will condition
                     your opponent to think in terms of block, duck, SS when
                     you go into MST.
             E.1 {B, 6}_{aB, 6}
                     This is the same as B and aB above except that you change
                     positions with the opponent.  This is very good if you
                     are against the edge or against the wall.  Inputting 6
                     will put them against the wall or edge.  Also it leaves
                     Mitsu in a better position for okieme.
            F.  A+B - 1 vertical slash; long range; hits mid and grounded;
                      slow; recovery Bad?? ; Auto-GI
                     i.   During the first few frames of animation, this move
                          will Auto-GI all High and Mid attacks.  This is
                          Mitsu's most reliable Auto-GI.  The timing is fairly
                          easy and with practice anyone can pull off the
                          Auto-GI.  The timing is about the same as doing a
                          successful (normal) GI (2G_4G_6G).  It is this
                          property combined with MST aB6_B6 that make Mist a
                          stance to be feared.
                     ii.  Does godly good damage.
                     iii. Its slow.  Do it enough and anyone can SS it.
                          Against good players and above, mainly use this move
                          with the intention of getting the Auto-GI.
                     iv.  If you get the Auto-GI, a very good opponent has
                          time to GI this attack, so be prepared for a GI war.
                     v.   Because the timing to get the Auto-GI is nearly the
                          same as for a GI you can be in MST at short range and
                          not be afraid.
                     vi.  If you get good at this move, everyone will hesitate
                          attacking you when you go into this stance.
                     vii. Possible follow ups (on a hit) after MST A+B are:
                          33_99[ B ],B; 8WR2_8_6A+B (sometimes I mistakenly go
                          back into MST following up with 66A+B so I do
                          44_88A+B to avoid that).  Note, these follow-ups are
                          what I use, I believe there are better ones, but I
                          forgot what they were.
                     viii.Remember it doesn't GI low attacks or attacks that
                          swing up, so beware anyones 3B
                          (Nightmare's espeacially).
                     ix.  Also at a far enough range, you can get the GI, but
                          be so far away that the A+B misses.  Examples would
                          be against any of Nightmare's, Asty, or Ivy's long
                          range attacks.
            G.  K - 1 low horizontal kick; short range; hits low and grounded;
                    very fast; fast recovery; RC; can be SS'ed
                    Mitsu does what looks like a very fast sweep that doesn't
                    i.   It's very fast and hits low
                    ii.  Can be side stepped to Mitsu's left.
                    iii. Use this when they start to turtle your MST.
                    iv.  It has RC.  So one tactic mentioned by -Adam T- is
                         MST K~{4A+B}~B.  Otherwise it safest to do the
                         following mix-up G_GI.  Guard is your safest option
                         because can't be immediately thrown after MST K.
            G.1 A, K - This is just MST A, MST K
                    i.   This is just good to know.  Its another option
                         besides B+K for the MST AAA series mix-up.
            H.  throw - there are three ways to throw from MST
                i. 6A+B~gA_gB     - this immediately cancels MST and goes to
                                    throw.  It is very very fast.  Do this
                                    wrong and you get ii below.
                ii. 6A+B, A+G_B+G - While in MST you can throw at any time and
                                    is seemless.  This is slower than i above.
                iii. 6A+B,A:gA_B  - This is a 1FS.  This cancels MST A and
                                    goes into a throw.  Use this against a GI
                                    whore.  It's been reported that you can
                                    cancel MST A and do 2A (ie MST,Ag2A)
            I.  Mist Block - 6A+B~2G
                1.  Only works after having fully entered stance.
                2.  2G must be inputted on the impact frame.
                3.  You can block with 2G during the animation of
                    MST A+B all the way untill the slash connects.
                3.  Does not work after any move that ends in MST.
                    (eg 4-8 in J below)
                    a.  Exception: It can be used after 4A+B, B+K (RLC ->MST).
                        You must enter RLC fully before switching to MST or
                        you won't get the 2G block.
                    b.  Exception: HMD~6A+B (HMD ->MST)
            J.  Moves that end in MST (only 4-8 count for 3. above.)
                1.  In a sense all of Mitsu's moves end with MST, simply
                    because the switch into MST is fast.
                2.  After a cancel. ie. 66A+BG,11_77BAG,
                    {A+B,G}, {A_B_K}~G, FMDcrC
                3.  RLC B+K
                4.  HMD~MST - HMD can be canceled by MST.
                5.  11_77BA6
                6.  BB6
                7.  4B6
                8.  2KB6

RLC - Relic - 4A+B
      Mitsu sheaths his sword and remains in an attack ready stance.  If
      you've seen the anime Ruroni Kenshin, this looks the the same as all
      sword drawing techniques. For those of you who know swords, Relic is
      probably modeled from Iaido, the sword drawing martial art.

      Notes/comments from players:

      Baiken Seishino
      Yep. A 2A from just about any character will shut down Relic pretty

      Various players with reportedly inhuman skills
      Ya, but don't forget RLC A+B+K_6G

      (For some thoughts on how to use Relic see Relic Mix-ups below.)

      I.  Relic moves - These moves must be done while in the Relic stance.
          A. A - This move hits mid, hits in medium range, has awful recovery,
                 has a very late attack frame and overall seems very useless.
                 However, it is your 1 of only 2 horizontal attack options
                 from Relic. The other attack option is RLC UB-1, which has
                 its own drawbacks.  Several reputable players mentioned its
                 usefulness under certain conditions.  While many other
                 reputable players disagreed.  But, for most people, RLC A is
                 just something you should almost never use.
          B. B - This is relic's best move.  hits medium range, good damage,
                 fast attack, slow recovery, the swing is from Mitsu's left
                 to right.
                 1.  RLC B will side step many vertiacal attacks.  The SS is
                     to Mitsu's left.  See also RLC ADVANCED below.
                 2.  It can miss a person stepping to Mitsu's left.  I believe
                     it's his left.
          C. {A+B+K}_6G - Mitsu shoves his sheathed sword half exposed in
                          front of himself.
                          1.  This will auto-GI then auto attack any
                              horizontal attack, kicks, throws, and a small
                              variety of obscure things you'd think it
                              couldn't.  Based on forum discussion, it may be
                              that anything that contacts his sheathed sword
                              can be auto-GI'ed.
                          2.  If Mitsu is far away, the auto-attack
                              can be blocked/GI'ed.
                          3.  Many players comment that RLC A+B+K_6G is a very
                              good option for okieme.
          D. K - very short range kick.  See RLC ADVANCED below.
          E. [ K ] - very short range kick, but Mitsu will remain in Relic.
          F. G - (RLCC) This is Relic's regular cancel.  It's fast (I guess),
                 but not fast enough.
          G. B+K - switches to MST
          H. RLCQC - Relic quick cancel
                i.  When Mitsu goes into Relic, he very noticably
                    sheathes his sword.  When his sword is in his
                    sheathe you hear a click, like in samurai anime/movies.
                    By pressing G at the moment of the click just as his
                    sword is sheathed you will cancel Relic and immediately
                    be able to do any attack/movement afterwards.  This
                    cancel can only be done at the CLICK.  After that
                    you can only do Relic's regular cancel.
                ii. This is not the same as RLCC.  It is MUCH  faster
                    and EXTREMELY hard to do.
                iii.To practice this cancel, go into Relic, then press
                    A+B+K, when Mitsu shethes his sword, try the cancel.
                iv. If you can get this cancel consistantly you are a god.
          H. [A+B]{1}_[A+B]{2}_[A+B]{3}_[A+B]{4}- Bill of Fire
                    Mitsu's sword and sheath burn with fire and he lashes out.
             Note:  If you don't understand the notation just hold [A+B] then
                    release it.  Depending on how long you hold it, 1 of 4
                    versions of [A+B] occurs.  All versions are UB.
                    1. [A+B]{1} - This is RLC UB-1
                        Mitsu's sword and sheath burn with fire and he lashes
                        out in a diagonal up direction, quickly.
                        a. of the four mentioned this is the fastest.  You can
                           simply tap A+B to get this move.
                        b. Hits High.  Has short range.
                        c. Mitsu will return to Relic stance.
                        d. RLC [A+B][4] - RLC UB-C1
                                          this is a faster verion of RLC UB-1.
                                          1.  inputting [4] anytime during
                                              RLC [A+B] will cancel all Bill
                                              of Fire to a faster RLC UB-1,
                                              except where noted.
                    2. [A+B]{2} - This is RLC UB-2
                       Mitsu's sword and sheath burn with fire and he lashes
                       out much further than in RLC [A+B]{1}.  At first glance
                       it looks like a wave or fire that unrolls in front of
                        a.  This is hard to time.  Only way to practice the
                            timing for this, is to practice the release for
                            [A+B]{3} and [A+B]{1}.  Then practice releasing
                            between those two times.
                        b.  This hits mid and has a medium range.
                        c.  It does track, sorta (damn I gotta look this up).
                    3. [A+B]{3} - This is RLC UB-3
                       Mitsu's sword and sheath burn with fire and he lashes
                       out swinging his burning sword twice low; right then
                        a.  This is the SC1 Path of Damnation.  However, it
                            no longer lives up to the name. :^(
                        b.  No longer tracks.
                        c.  Both hits are low.
                        d.  The release time is long enough for opponents to
                            start backing up, thinking, analyzing, and
                            implementing counter stratedgy.  Once the
                            opponent is backed up, the 2nd hit be easily
                            jumped (easy, relatively speaking).
                    4. [A+B]{4} - This is RLC UB-4
                        Mitsu's sword and sheath burn with fire and he lashes
                        out much further than in RLC [A+B]{1}.  At first
                        glance it looks like a wave or fire that unrolls in
                        front of Mitsu.
                        a.  This is the same as [A+B]{2}, except that it is
                            much easier to perform and comes out much later
                            than [A+B]{2}.  Just hold [A+B] as long as you
                            want past the release time for RLC [A+B]{3}, then
                            release A+B and you get RLC [A+B]{4}.
                    5. [A+B]:K_[K] - RLC UB-CRV - Relic UB cancel gives a few
                                     frames of a UB's start up animation and
                                     then does the RLC A+B+K reversal.  It has
                                     been noted that this cancel may be
                                     useless except to impress the audience.
                                     The cancel happens too fast and may not
                                     bait an opponent to attack with a fast A.
                    6. [A+B][4]~[A+B] - way to get the fastest RLC UB-2.
                        a.  This is RLC UB-C1~[A+B].  The release of the
                            second input of A+B will always result in a faster
                            RLC UB-2.
                    7. [A+B][6] - RLC UB-C4?????
                        a.  The holding of the 6 input will cancel all RLC UB
                            to RLC UB-4?????
                    8. [A+B]{4}:A+B - Relic UB-4c
                        a.  This cancels RLC UB-4.  Basically do RLC UB-4,
                            after you release [A+B], 1fs later input A+B.
                            It's possible to mash the 2nd A+B to get the
                            cancel, so it might not be a 1fs.  This was
                            discovered late in the game history, so try your
                            own ideas for using this cancel to bring out your
                            Relic potential.  I imagine a mix--up of
                            {RLC UB-3}_{RLC UB-4}_{RLC UB-4c,66A+BG_66A+B} would
                            be a good medium range mix-up to try.
          I. 4A+B~RLC 2G - Relic Block
                    1.  2G in the early animation and available throughout the
                    2.  Must be inputted on the impact frame.
                    3.  Does not work after any move ending in RLC
                        (eg. 3,4 in J below)
                        i.  exception: HMD~4A+B (This is HMD -> cancel to RLC)
                        ii. exception: 6A+B~B+K (MST -> RLC) allows for it
                            only if you wait to fully enter MST before you
                            switch to RLC.  And is only available during the
                            short period before Mitsurugi has sheathed his
                            sword.  If you wait longer, you'll not be able
                            to block anymore.
          J. Moves that end in RLC
                    1.  In a sense all of Mitsu's moves end with RLC, simply
                        because the switch into RLC is very fast.
                    2.  After a cancel. ie. 66A+BG,11_77BAG,
                        {A+B,G}, {A_B_K}~G, FMDcrC (hard/impossible to do
                        after FMDcrC)
                    5.  MST B+K
                    6.  HMD~RLC
                    3.  44[A]
                    4.  33_99[B]

FMD - {6B+K}_{8WR{1_4_7_3_6_9}B+K}_{63214B}
      Mitsu stands to attention and swings his sword that becomes engulfed in
      flames in a full vertical circle.
      A.  While Mitsu is in FMD and before he actually executes an attack,
          you can move Mitsu in any direction.
      B.  FMD can be canceled by another FMD input.
      C.  FMD can be canceled by HMD input

C.  2G - Block 3_9B+K~FMD 2G After short delay, available for the rest of
the animation.  The block happens only on the impact frame. eg. exactly at the
moment a hit would occur.

      D.  FMD attacks (Note: all the UBs from FMD have slow exection times).
          These attacks alone don't allow Mitsu to be useful with FMD.  But
          when mixed with FMDcr, retreating FMD, etc, etc.  See below......
          1. A - 1 big UB flaming horizontal attack; LONG range possibly his
                 longest reaching attack; hits high; UB; i80; HSk +3
                 a.  This has some very slow attack execution.  You need to
                     condition/set-up your opponent to do this or be at safe
                     distance to execute the move without being interuppted.
                     Remember you can go move while the UB is charging.
                     Many have mentioned that FMD retreat and canceling FMD
                     with another FMD are semi-reliable ways to set-up FMD A
                     without conditioning.
          2. B - 1 big UB flaming vertical attack; medium range; hits mid and
                 grounded; UB; i85; HSk +32~34
                 a.  This has some very slow attack execution.  You need to
                     condition/set-up your opponent to do this or be at safe
                     distance to execute the move without being interuppted.
                     Remember you can go foward while the UB is charging.
                     At this time no strat for semi-reliable set-up or
                     conditioning has been discussed for FMD B.
          3. [ B ] - Mitsu's B6 attack; medium range; hits high; i41;
                     HS -1~(+2); BSg -16~(-13); BSa -17~(-14)
                     Flames die and he attacks with a move that looks like B6.
                     1.  This is there to basically fake out the opponent.  I
                         don't think there any special properties on CH for
                         this.  From the frame data, it's something that an
                         opponent will not fear, but it's surprizing attack.
                     2.  The intention for this move is to condition your
                         opponent to either duck or SS.  Keep about a medium
                         distance from your opponent.
          4. K - 1 low foot tap; short range; hits low; i57; HS -4;BSg -11;
                 BSa -12
                 Mitsu's flames die and he taps his foot low on the opponent.
                     1.  This is another fake out basically to condition your
                         opponent to duck.  After sometime, opponents can tell
                         whether Mitsu will do FMD A or FMD B by waiting for
                         Mitsu to do his windup for the UB and will duck or
                         step apporpriately.  For the opponent to step quickly
                         he can't be crouched.  FMD K discourages this tactic
                         somewhat.  It's best used to kill turtled opponents
      F. FMDcr  - 2[G]_[G]2[3],B+K:{move listed below}
                  This is the cancelable FMDcr.  This gives mix-up a great
                  range of mix-up possiblities.
                  0.  Holding G allow you to be in gaurd all the way up to the
                  0.1 This has TC.
                  0.2 It can be canceled.
                  1.  This has all the properties of FMDcr except that it can
                      also be canceled by the following moves.  The cancel is
                      a 1FS.  Use this to set-up condition your opponent for
                      the FMD UB.
                     (1) 7A
                     (2) MST - 2[3]G+B+K:G 9A+B
                     (3) GI
                     (4) jumping attacks A_B_K
                     (5) WL A_B_K
                     (6) HMD
                     (7) FMD (8WR3_6_9 B+K, 8WR9 B+K is easiest)
                     (8) 236B
                     (9) 8WR3_9B
                     (10) G9A+B
                  2.  The cancel occurs WELL before the full duration of
      G. 8WR{1_3_6_7_9},{hold any direction input}B+K - mobile FMD
         (1.) 2369B+K - non-moving FMD
         (2.) fastest FMD Retreat -
              1. 8WR9,6321[4]B - very fast
              2. 8WR3,6321[4]B - very fast
              3. 8WR6,6321[4]B - the fastest and also hardest to do
              4. The following is a quote by YoungWorld
                 Here's more insight on FMD. There are normal, medium, and
                 fast mobility speeds for FMD. What speed you get depends
                 on how far away you are from your opponent when you
                 initiate FMD. In general, the closer you are to your
                 opponent, the slower the FMD mobility.

                 Mobility Speeds

                 Normal Speed FMD: Initiation of FMD done near enough to
                                   touch your opponent.

                 Medium Speed FMD: Initiation of FMD done about 3 sword
                                   lengths away from opponent.

                 Fast Speed FMD:   Initiation of FMD done greater than 3
                                   sword lengths away from opponent.

                 If FMD is started in any of the 3 speed catagories, that
                 will be the speed when shifting to another direction.  The
                 exception to this is any direction after 66B+K will be
                 the normal speed.
                 Note: Others have said the opposite about direction 6.  So
                 you decide.
      I. FMDd - deceptive version of FMD
                1. Quote by Tharon_Mortis
                   Deceptive versions of FMD A_B_K_(2_8B+K)
                   You may have done these by accident: at a certain point of
                   the FMD animation, the UB-glow on the sword completely
                   disappears... Mitsurugi will move his arms in the same
                   fashion, completes the circle. Suddenly, the sword is on
                   fire once more, Mitsurugi lashes out either FMD UB... even
                   the FMD K or transition to HMD seem more deceptive,
                   although its hard to see.

                   here's a consistent way to do this:
                   You need to hold B or B+K, like you would to access the
                   FMD [any] overhead chop.  Now, approx. 1~2 frames before it
                   occurs, release B+K and immediately tap A_B_K_(2_8B+K).
                   This isn't easy, I strongly believe that it takes a 1FS.
                   You try and look for a moment where Mitsurugi's sword glows
                   blueish shortly before he performs the chop. That's the
                   exact moment where you have to release and tap.

                   Edit: Oh yeah, you can do this after FMDcr, too.
                   Might be good after ducking an attack with it.

HMD - {2_8B+K}_{8WR2_8B+K}_{63214a}
      Mitsu (depending on your input) steps to the side (or not) and then
      twirls his sword above his head.
      Note: For 63214a you really have to TAP the A button quickly or you'll
            end up with HMD~A and not HMD.  Again I stress the word TAP!

      Alpha. 2G - Block 2_8B+K~HMD 2G
                  Quote by Tharon_Mortis
                  "Only possible in the early animation, before hands lower
                  again.  Quite useful, perfection makes 66B,B~2_8 / B*B2_8
                  and 66A~2_8 very safe on block / whiff.  The block happens
                  only on the impact frame. eg. exactly at the moment a hit
                  would occur."
                  -Jalf- Translation: You need skillz for this 2G.
      BETA. It has built in vertical evasion.  HMD always steps to the side.
      A.  HMD Attacks
          0. 63214[A]
             Horizontal Slash; Short Range; Hits High;
             (1 )  This is HMD's fastest attack.  In all other FAQs and
                   move lists, this attack is also labeled HMD ~A.  They may
                   be exactly the same.
          1. ~A
             Horizontal Slash; Short Range; Hits High;
             i8; HS +3; BS -7
             (2 )  This is HMD's 2nd fastest attack.  Timing seems to be
                   strict.  But it is not a 1FS.  Just input A as fast as you
                   can after you input HMD.  It looks exactly like 63214[A].
                   They may be exactly the same.
          2. A
             1 Horizontal Slashes; Medium; Hit High;
             i38; HS +4~+5; BS -7~(-6)
          3. AA
             2 Horizontal Slashes; Medium-Long Range; Both Hit High; KD
             i38; HSk +49~+50; BS -5~(-4)
             (1 )  On hit, the 2nd A will KD.  It's a bit hard to follow up on
                   this because the opponent falls a bit far from Mitsu.  In
                   the Arcade, the best follow-up is RLC B.  On console go
                   with a medium range Okieme.  See Okieme, below. 22_88B
                   might be guaranteed.
          4. AA:4A+B
             By inputting 4A+B just at the end of HMD AA Mitsu will
             immediately enter RLC.  In the arcade RLC B was guaranteed.  In
             the console it is not. However, 22_88B is guaranteed and easier
             to use.
          5. B
             1 Vertical Slash; Medium Range;  Hit Mid;
             i21; HS +5~6; HSd +6; BSg -15~(-14); BSa -16~(-15)
             1.  Forces crouch.
          6. BB
             1 Vertical Slash; Medium Range;  Hit Mid; KD;
             i21; HS -3; HSdk +46; BSg -12; BSa -13
             1.  On KD 22_88B is guaranteed.
          7. K
             1 low kick; short range; Hit low; i19, i29, i30;
             for fastest K -- HS -7; BSg -14; BSa -15
             for delayed K -- HS -5; BSg -14; BSa -15
             Mitsu winds up in his HMD then does a low jabbing kick
          8. bA - Trooper Roll
             1 vertical stab; Medium range; Hit Mid; KD?
             i41; HS+27; BS-10
             Mitsu drops then rolls forward.  Mitsu then stabs forward
             similiar to FC 3B.
             1.  Mitsu is tech crouched throughout the move except maybe
                 the ending animations.  I don't know whether he is RC
                 at the end.
             2.  I don't believe it tracks either at all or very poorly.
                 During MY testing I found it to miss a stationary AI Trainer,
                 on easy.  This was in the arcade.  Tharon_Mortis reports it
                 to track somewhat well.  I believe he uses a console for his
                 testing.  Whatever the case, see 3. below.
             3.  FHMD_TR is not only tech crouched, but it is tech crouched
                 before a fast A attack can hit you.  So use it to condition
                 your opponent to not interupt you during HMD.  On block
                 only the fastest A attacks can retaliate.  However, because
                 (in Arcade) it doesn't track very well you have to know your
                 opponent.  The HMD,TR is a conditioning tool to play mind
                 games with.

      B.  HMD~MST_RLC - HMD can be canceled by Mist and Relic.  Simply input
                        the commands for MST or RLC a few frames after HMD and
                        you will cancel HMD and be in MST or RLC.
      C.  Moves that end in HMD
          1.  66A2_8
          2.  66BB2_8
          3.  B*B2_8
      D.  quote from tomiya
          In Korea,We use HMD after 236 steps.easier 63214a than 2/8b+k.
          both 1p & 2p, 236-8b+k is teched.but 236-2b+k is not.
          not 1p but 2p, 236-63214a motion is like 236-2b+k.
          (1p - 236-63214a = 236-8b+k -_-
      E.  HMD just doesn't seem to be popular in America.  Even now, I don't
          think American players fully explore HMD ... Korea on the other
          hand...  Take the following views in sub-heading E with a grain of
          salt since they are my views from what little I've used HMD and thru
          seeing Korean vids and reading the forums.
          1.  HMD is not a viable stance to be used alone.  It's too easy
              to recognize and defend against.  Depending on the opponent's
              distance/speed it can also be interrupted with fast A attacks.
              Unless you use HMD ~A frequently to condition your opponent to
              not interrupt HMD.  This is what HMD ~A is for.
          2.  The mix-ups for HMD are near non-existant because your low
              option does piddly damage and is not safe even if you hit.
              Unless you can GI or 2G immediately after HMD K (sorry, I
              haven't checked) you can actually take damage using HMD K.
              HMD K is really only good if the opponent is low on life and
              cannot retaliate.  Against a turtle, your only mix-ups are
              {HMD attack} and (HMD wind-up with no HMD attack}.  If you chose
              the wind-up only option, you must immediatly come out with a
              high/low/anti-step mix-up right after the HMD wind-up.  HMD is
              complicated because its a double mix-up for you.  You have to
              mix-up your HMD attacks to ultimately get them to start
              turtling.  Then you have to chose between HMD attack or no HMD
          3.  Now if you cancel HMD to MST/RLC, HMD comes out in a better
              light.  Many players have alluded that HMD might be the best way
              to enter into MST and RLC.  From HMD you will have all the
              mind games of HMD, MST, and RLC.  This is a good thing.  With
              the cancel, HMD has a way to break the turtle ... thru
              {MST throw} and {MST K}.  If you can get some vids of Mitsu from
     or go to and click on Korean
              Fighting Game Community to see HMD shine.  I put all the
              execution frame data below to give you scope of HMD options.
              See below in HMD mix-ups for more

              Frame data for HMD
              i8 = ~A
              i19 = K{1}                earliest K
              i19 = MS A+B{GI 1}        earliest GI opportunity for MST A+B
              i21 = B
              i21 = MS K{TC}
              i24 = *B                  can delay input of B
              i24 = MS A+B{GI 2}        lastest GI opportunity for MST A+B
              i27 = MS A
              i29 = *K{1}               delayed version of K{1}
              i30 = K{2}                latest K
              i31 = N~G
              i34 = *K{2}               delayed version of K{2}
              i34 = MS B_K
              i34 = RL K
              i36 = RL B
              i38 = A
              i39 = RL A
              i40 = N~A                 ??
              i41 = bA
              i44 = *bA                 delayed bA
              i47 = *A
              i48 = MS A+B
              i54 = RL 4A+B
              i50 = 2_8B+K~HMD 6A+B~MS A ??
              i54 = 2_8B+K~HMD *K{1}     ??
              i55 = 2_8B+K~HMD K{2}      ??
              i56 = 2_8B+K~HMD N~G       ??
              i57 = 2_8B+K~HMD 4A+B~RL K ??
              i63 = 2_8B+K~HMD A         ??
              i65 = 2_8B+K~HMD N~A       ??
              i66 = 2_8B+K~HMD bA        ??
              i69 = 2_8B+K~HMD *bA       ??
              i72 = 2_8B+K~HMD *A        ??

B2_8 - FHMD - False Half Moon Death
       Circling Vertical slash - False Half Moon Death; Medium range; hits mid;
       FrC on already crouching opponent??
       i??; HS -10~(-9); HSd -10; BS -15~(-14)
       Mitsu, starting in front of him, slashes down and inscribes a cirle in
       the air around him.  It looks kinda like Half Moon Death.  But it
       really looks like Full Moon Death without the flames.

       Full notation: B{1_2_3_7_8_9}

       A.  This move will hit for small damage.
       B.  You can move Mitsu while he's swinging his sword.  He moves just
           like he does in the Full Moon Death animation.
       C.  He can be hit out of the B2_8 animation.  I don't think he can
           block during the animation.  With the Tharon's discovery of
           blocking in MST/RLC/FMD you might try your luck with 2G.
       D.  Someone reported this combo -- FHMD, 3A -- as being a good combo.
       E.  See also Mountain Divide Throw below.  Now that's really good.
       F.  If you're not going to do the MD throw, you need to hit this at its
           maximum range or it isn't worth crap.
       E.  Moves from FHMD
           (1. )  ~1_7B (input is B2_8~1_7B) FHMD -> Trooper Roll - FHMD_TR
              1st hit - medium range, 2nd long range; both hits are mid;
              last hit KD; TC; RC??; i??; HSk +27; BS -10
              Mitsu will begin his animation for FHMD, but very quickly head
              first, he rolls forward, comes up in a genuflected position and
              does a forward stab like his FC 3B move.  This is the
              Trooper Roll from SC1.
              Note: I'm relying on Tharon_Mortis's testing on Half Moon Death
                    Trooper Roll for the ananlysis of False Half Moon Death
                    Trooper Roll.  The Trooper Roll seems identical for both
                    FHMD and HMD.  So I treat them the same in this FAQ.
              1.  I don't know much about this myself and there are few thread
                  in the soul calibur forums on it.  Some say that it is a bad
                  move period.  End of story.  But bottom line, no one really
                  mentions this move.  Except Tharon_Mortis, sort of.
                  Tharon_Mortis's post was on HMD Trooper roll.
              3.  I don't believe it tracks either at all or very poorly.
                  During MY testing I found it to miss a stationary AI Trainer
                  ,on easy.  This was in the arcade.  Tharon_Mortis reports it
                  to track somewhat well.  I believe he uses a console for his
              4.  FHMD_TR is not only tech crouched, but it is tech crouched
                  before a fast A attack can hit you.  So use it to condition
                  your opponent to not interupt you during FHMD.  On block
                  only the fastest A attacks can retaliate.  However, because
                  (in Arcade) it doesn't track very well you have to know your
                  opponent.  The FHMD_TR is a conditioning tool to play mind
                  games because of (2.) below.  And to keep the opponent from
                  trying interuppt your FHMD.  However, with the discovery of
                  the MD throw.  The MD Throw is probably the better set-up
                  for conditioning your opponent to not interupt your FHMD.
                  See Mountain Divide Throw below.
           (2.)   At the end of B2_8, Mitsu can iniate ANY buffered move or
                  movement in Mitsu's movelist seemlessly.  ANY.
                  1.  See the MIX-UP section for B2_8.
                  2.  Because I didn't find out about the frame data for
                      FHMD_TR until much later, I myself used B2_8 to pause
                      the game.  At short and even medium range I'd get hit
                      out of it so I usually use it at a far medium to long
                      range distance.  I use it to pause the game and stop
                      rushing attempts.  How does it do that?  Well, since I
                      use it between a long and medium range distance the
                      opponent has to come to me.  The B2_8 animation ends
                      just before they can attack me from that distance,
                      usually.  In other words I am safe from being hit out of
                      B2_8.  Since, I can buffer any move (except maybe FC
                      moves, I haven't tried) that Mitsu has, if they rush me,
                      they'll have no idea what will hit them.  So their best
                      bet is wait until the sword animation is over.  Of
                      course this doesn't work against someone like Ivy
                      because her range is ugly.

JFC - Just Frame Chicken
      Full notation -
      {any attack/canceled attack, stance shift, SCC except alpha},
      {any buffered attack except beta}:1_2_3_7_8_9A+G_B+G+K+G[voldo]
      ALPHA = throw, GI (4G_6G)
      BETA = throw, 1_4_5_6_7_8_9A

      Short less detailed notation -
      {nearly any attack}, {nearly any attack}:[3]A+G_B+G
      A.  The name is a spoof off of the Tekken Chicken Glitch and KFC,
          Kentucky Fried Chicken
      B.  This move is a throw that will go through any GI attempt and throw
          your opponent. It's a three part move.  The first part must be any
          attack except Alpha.  The second input must be any attack execpt
          Beta.  If the 2nd attack gets GIed, your throw input immediately
          activates.  If the opponent didn't GI, your throw input activates
          after the regular amount of recovery time after the second part of
          the JFC.
      C.  3 Is your best direction input for the throw because of TER.

  - MD bA Throw, JFC MD bA Throw, MD B2_8 Throw,
    JFC MD B2_8 Throw, MD 22A Throw, JFC MD 22A Throw
    MD Throw = Generic term used for {bA6}_{B2_8}_22A throws

    Nearly Full notation -
    {nearly any attack, cancel or stance shift},
    bA~{direction input}_{B2_8}_22A,
    {any direction}throw

    Shorter notation - {nearly any attack}, bA6_{B2_8}_22A, 3A+G_B+G
    A.  This is similar to the JFC except that no GI attempt is necessary for
        the immediate throw attempt.
    B.  If you use the restrictions for the JFC, the MD Throw will also be a
    C.  Try this and abuse it.  Words will fail to describe just how awesome
        this is, but I'll attempt it.  This is a three part combo that is
        uninteruptable if the second part of the combo successfully comes out.
        If the second part is blocked the throw attempt immediately cancels
        the bA6_b2_8 recovery and activates the throw.  If the second part
        hits, the throw can't be ducked.
        1.  If you get Youngworld vid of the MD Throw, I think the 2nd part
            of the combo can't be interupted.  That's how it looks on the vid.
    D.  Remember the opponent can still attempt a Throw escape, so remember to
        use the 3 direction.  eg. 3A+G_B+G
    E.  It also works after a successful RL A+B+K.  What that means is that
        you can do an attack, then do a GI and still follow thru with an MD
        1.  Examples
            a.  FMD from crouch~GI, b~a>throw or,
            b.  FMD from crouch~parry, b~a>throw
    F.  Some good attacks for first part of the MD throw.
        1.  CH 3A,bA6, 3A+G_B+G is a guaranteed MD THROW
        2.  {66A+BG, b26G+A}_{66A+BG, bA6G+A}.  Nice!
        3.  Landed throw, {b2_8}_bA6, 3A+G_B+G.  Good for okieme when the
            opponent is downed a medium distance away.  A landed throw is for
            both A+G and B+G that throw the opponent.  A landed throw is also
            for ATs.
    G.  MD bA6 Throw
        1.  Moves with some block stun set this up the best.
            a.  Quote by Tharon_Mortis
                bA isn't all that abuseable, though.
                Remember, you'll have to do it after one of your own moves in
                order to have the throws at your disposition. Therefore, the
                only situation where it can't be interrupted is CH 6A. Or GBs,
                which probably are the best setup. SC2 236B, in particular.
                (1.  )  stepable to the left
                (2.  )  visible = GI
                (3.  )  unsafe (BS -19)
                (4.  )  pretty slow, i20.
                (5.  )  There are some TC moves which go under the throws and
                        still are guaranteed if Mitsu just blocks. This forces
                        him to use built-in 2_8 steps - which in turn make it
                        more difficult to connect the throws on hit or CH.
                        Finally, the throws don't always reach, needs careful
                        timing of dash-up / throws.
            b.  Here's some workable first attacks for MD bA6 Throw, just so
                you won't strain your brain thinking too much.  Remember,
                though just about ANY attack can be use for the first part of
                the MD Throw.
                1.  SC2 236B
                2.  kB2 on hit
                3.  4KB (only if the B alone hits)
                4.  CH 6A
                5.  Gaurd Break/Gaurd Crush moves:
                    (1. )  1A~B
                    (2. )  FC 1BB
                    (3. )  SC2 236[B]
                    (4. )  SC1 1[B]
                    (5. )  SC1 4[B]
                6.  Everything for B2_8 should work for bA6
    H.  MD B2_8 Throw
        0.  B2_8 is faster and I believe safer, but has such a short reach
            compared to bA6.
            Quote unknown:  Probably Youngworld
            B2_8 is harder to use.  Most moves don't leave you close enough
            to connect b2_8 AND the guaranteed throw.
        1.  If you input the throw in the very impact frame of B2_8, it can be
            neither ducked nor GId. The only way to avoid it is manual escape.
            The throw is not guaranteed if B2_8 scores a hit on a crouched
            person.  It'll just whiff over their head.
        2.  B2 setup also cuts recovery into guard. That means you can block
            while in B2_8 during the MD Throw.  The input for this is
            currently unknown.  This is Youngworld's discovery.
            Quote Youngworld:
            I've only done this a couple of times where B2 is executed and
            your opponent attacks with a quick move to interupt but yet Mitsu
            blocks before he makes a full rotation.  So this seems cuts
            recovery into block AND a throw.
        3.  Some workable attacks for the first part of MD B2_8 Throw
            0.  Get them against a wall and any attack will work for B2_8.
            1.  66A+BG
            2.  11_77BAB~G
            3.  all of Mitsu's guard breaks against a wall.
            4.  4A
            6.  22_88A
            8.  2A+B
            9.  A
            10. bA~6!!!
                Really fake them out if they get used to MD Throw.
            11. RLC A+B+K
                If you whiff your awesome Relic pwnage, then do MD b2_8 Throw!
            12. kB2 blocked
            13. 4KB (only if the B alone hits)
            14. 6A+BG - Mist Step!!!!!
                Quote xSamuraix:
                Throw glitches can be done from a mist dash cancel! That's
                right kids! this puts you in perfect range for a B2_8. The
                inputs are like this-6A+B~G B2_8. You have to delay the B2_8
                for a second or it won't come out, but you do get the throw
                glitch off of it, which is like..the perfect set up.
                Especially if you have people conditioned to Mist Dash
                throws. Woot!
            15. B2_8!!!!!!
                Quote unknown:
                set-up trick for B2_8
                on a side note if people start ducking you can buffer a B2_8
                throw from a B2_8 continue until they think twice about
                ducking when the see it next time.
    I.  MD 88_22B Throw
        1.  This has not been discussed in detail and seems to have been
            looked over.  I don't think the general Mitsu community considers
            it an MD Throw.  However, I'm putting it in the MD Throw section
            because it is similar enough be a possible "special case"
            MD Throw.

            Quote unknown:
            Check it out, couldn't find it anywhere or heard of such till
            now, here it is, mitsu can cancel out of his 88b 1P side and 22b
            on 2P side, note this can only be done through 88_22a starter,
            dunno know why , but hey its better then nothin, ..once again done
            a. 88_22a~88b~4+throw
            b. 88_22a~22b~4+throw
    J.  MD 22A Throw - {any attack}, 22A~2~6A+G_B+G
        1.  This is the same as the others, but is not as popular.
        2.  Suggested first attacks by Napalm Kid:
            a. 88a
            b. 99_11a
            c. 4a

4[B]      Must be SC-1, attack is GC
236[B]    Must be SC-1, Attack is GC
1[B]      Must be SC-1, attack is GC
22_88BB   Must be SC-2, 2nd attack is a BN
66A+B     Must be SC-3, attack is SCUB
9[G]A+B   Must be SC-3, attack is SCUB

Your more useful SC attacks are 66A+B and 22_88BB.  The others take a bit of
set-up to be able to pull off.  What are these set-ups?  Dunno.  I haven't
found one yet and people on the forums aren't talking.

Basically, during a recovery time like after kb2 you can buffer in or input
another attack while Mitsurugi is still in recovery, block, jumping/landing,
and attack animation.  When timed correctly the attack you buffer will
seemless flow from the animation you buffered in.  In many cases, it will seem
as if Mitsurugi got "faster".  It definitly gives an edge in battle.  I can't
say anymore because I'm not good at it and there aren't any clear descriptions
of how-to-do in the forums.  Actually, I couldn't find them for this FAQ.

You'll find that on the forums many people will mention mix-ups, mind games
conditioning, training and other things that sound a bit like pyschological
warfare.  That's because it is.  Just like in real life there are advantages
and disadvantages to weapons, movements, or strategies that a person can use
in the game.  For Mitsurugi, this becomes painfully appearant.  ALL of his
attacks have a built in weakness or disadvantage.

First let's talk about some of his obvious advantages.  His vertical attacks
are great.  That's the best way to say it.  They dish out very good damage and
are safe(frame wise)for their ranges.  He has some of the fastest short range
anti-step attacks in the game, has one of the best short range low attacks in
the game, and Mitsu's okieme is argueably the best in the game.

Some of his obvious weaknesses pretty much even out his advantages.  He dishes
out the most damage with his medium range vertical attacks.  However, nearly
all vertical attacks can be side stepped.  This isn't just Mitsu's vertical
attacks, but all vertical attacks in general can be side stepped.  At medium
range he can only depend on 4A to stop stepping.  His only attack low at
medium range is 6B52, which does small damage.  He's most damaging at medium
range, but he's also easiest to avoid or block at this range.  His short range
attacks are very fast, but are mostly high hitting, and do not do a great deal
of damage.  His best low attack, while much feared, is also very punishable.
If you don't use it wisely Mitsurugi is dead.  As unsafe as this low is,
Mitsu's feared okieme game is dependant on it.

Knowing some of Mitsu's advantages and disadvantages opponents will tend to
play you in certain ways repeatedly.  For instance at short range, Mitsu's
very best attack is AA.  At short range your opponent expects you to attack
with AA.  Typically, that's what a Mitsu will do at short range, attack with
AA.  There aren't many attacks faster than Mitsu's AA, so most opponents with
attacks that are weak at short range chose to block when Mitsu is in close.
This is where the mind games come in and the term mix-ups come from.  Up close
if your opponent expects an AA attack that they can't beat they'll usually
choose to "automatically" press G and block.  If your opponent is in that kind
of mind set, then you have successfully conditioned/trained your opponent to
block high when your Mitsu has come close to their character.  At this point
they will be completely taken by surprize if instead of using AA you throw or
whip out a low attack like 2KB or 1K.  By correctly guessing what your
opponent will do, you have taken a big step toward defeating them.  But what
happens if your opponent gets wise to this strategy and just starts blocking
low?  Blocking low avoids both throws, AA, 2KB, and 1K.  Well, that's when you
start using 3A (short range attack that's slower than AA that hits crouched
opponents).  But what happens when the opponent gets wise to 3A and starts
blocking high again or attacks with something faster than 3A?  Well, then you
go back to using AA or a low attack again.  By out guessing what your opponent
will do you defeat them before they even press a button.  Those four attacks
AA_2KB_1K_3A taken together in a stratedgy used to blind your opponent to what
you will do next and confuse them from acting correctly; this set of attacks
is what is termed a mix-up.  The guessing, out-guessing, predicting, counter
predicting; this is the mind game.  For those of your with a VF background
this is yomi.

All characters in Soul Calibur 2 are dependant on mix-ups in some way or
another.  However, I believe Mitsu is more dependant on mix-ups than other
characters because his attacks have advantages that are balanced with their
disadvantages.  The balance is mostly along the lines of --safe = low damage--
and --high damage = punishable--.  Its a trade off between playing safe and
dealing damage.

You need six BASIC mix-ups in your stratedgies.  A mix-up for short range,
medium range, long range, okieme/wake-up, getting up from the ground, post
launch, and being launched.  I'll put some of the most common strats that are
usable against all characters.  From there you can start elaborating depending
on the skill levels involved in your matches, the attack patterns of your
opponent, and what character they use.  In the end, all stratedgies need to
focus on getting your opponent on the ground where Mitsu has his strongest


Inner Short Range - (ISR)
This is the distance between Mitsu's nose and 1/4 the distance from Mitsu's
sword tip during his single A attack.

safe short range mix-up
AA_throw_1K_3A_2A_2KB_FC 1BB_1A2

core of the safe mix-up: AA_throw_3A_1K_2A

There's nothing complex here:
AA    - keeps them from stepping and hesitant to attack; beats nearly all
        B type attacks; encourages them to turtle; encourages TC attacks; can
        also just use just one A, but that can be (though hard) stepped to
        Mitsu's left.
throw - helps to break a turtle; encourages them to duck and use TC attacks;
        can be stepped to both sides; leads to okieme
1K    - this is your low option; breaks a turtle; encourages them to duck;
        this is a safe low and leads to full crouched mix-ups.
        I really don't know if this can be stepped.  It should be steppable,
        but I've never seen it stepped.
2A    - anti-step/anti-duck attack for when a opponent is equally likely to
        step or duck; encourages turtling; can be stepped to Mitsu's left
3A    - hits a ducked/crouched opponent; encourages them to step or turtle;
        because of the DOS it can cause, it quickly enforces the notion of not
        ducking/crouching, blocking low, or using TC attacks.  This move can
        lead to okieme.
2KB   - This really breaks a turtle and quickly enforces the notion of
        blocking low when at all possible.  This low attack is unsafe and
        should only be used when you have trained the opponent to turtle or
        side-step to Mitsu's right.  This move leads to okieme.
iFC 1BB-This really breaks the notion of ducking/crouching/blocking low.  At
        short range its best used when you expect a high attack, otherwise
        its suseptable to punishment.  It encourages them turtle or use B type
        attacks.  This move owns high attacks.  This move leads to okieme.
        This is Mitsu's anti-high attack serial rapist move!!
1A2    -At this range its best used when you anticipate a high attack,
        otherwise it'll get punished.  More okieme.
AA     -If you anticipate a steppable horizonal or vertical and side step it
        its best to use AA instead of 22_88AA.  At this range 22_88AA's i16
        is a liability and can still miss.

Note: MST/RLC/HMD mix-ups are usable at this range, but take skill, daring,
and good guessing.  See individual mix-up stratedgy for HMD, MST, and RLC for
more.  Unless you've gotten them to turtle, they're not safe at this range.

Short Range
Past the inner short range, 3A becomes whiffable.  2KB and throwing may need
Mitsu to step in first and your stances become more usable.  Mix-ups at this
range are a bit of a mix between your ISR and OSR/IMR mix-ups.

Outer Short range/Inner Medium Range - OSR/IMR
This is around the range of the tip of his 3K attack

At this range I just want to outline a safe mix-up stratedgy.  It's one most
players use.  (Except for the 6B52.  Most Mitsu's will instead step in and
either throw or 2KB.)

A Safe mix-up for OSR/IMR
                 -{22_88AA}_{22_88B}_{11_77BAB mix-ups}_{MST mix-ups}_
                 -{CD mix-ups to FC mix-ups}

core of the safe mix-up: {4A_6K}_{6B_6B9_6B52}

{4A_4A6_6A_AA_6K}   - These guys take care of stepping and encourages ducking
                      and turtling. 4A6 is for the potentially high damage
                      Mist mix-ups. 6K can knock them down for medium range
                      okieme.  6K, also seems to have a pychological effect.
                      Use these guys alot.  Its better to get poke damage than
                      it is to get your verticals side-stepped.
{BB_6B_3K_33K}      - your safe anti-duck attacks
6B9                 - You always have frame advantage after this attack, so
                      keep attacking.
3B_{8WR3_9BB}       - launchers, encourages stepping ... I usually use
                      8WR3_9BB because it tracks; both leads to high damage
                      and okieme
6B52                - This is really your only safe low attack option.  You
                      have other lows like 1A2, but this is the only one you
                      can use on demand.  It doesn't really break a turtle,
                      but it will irritate them to the point they start
                      scratching.  Best used as part of a mix-up where you
                      have them in a block mentality.  But unlike 2KB it's
                      much safer, does less damage, and isn't feared.  So poke
                      them, then poke them again.  But you have to do the fast
                      fast one.
MST mix-ups         - See Mist Mix-ups further below.  It can be a risk if
                      you're not good at getting the MST A+B Auto-GI, but
                      the damage is worth it.  MST throw and MST K break a
65                  - Hey, get a little closer!  Reach out and throw someone!
                      Put the fear of 2KB back into them.  This is your
                      risky anti-turtle option, but all your other attacks
                      make it possible.  This also will lead you into your
                      short range mix-up possiblities, so don't be afraid to
                      just step closer.
1A2                 - best used in anticipation of a high attack; leads to
11_77BAB mix-ups    - best used in anticipation of a high attack
22_88AA             - best used in anticipation of a steppable attack.
   22_88B             Favoring 22_88AA over 22_88B is dependant on how good
                      your mixups are after 22_88A versus how good your okieme
                      is after 22_88B.  Also depending on the way you and your
                      opponent play one can whiff more than the other.
                      22_88B is not a bad attack on its own at this range.
CD mix-ups to FC mix-ups
                    - Best used in anticipation of high attacks, but if the
                      opponent is refraining from using B attacks, this is the
                      range to start using CD.

Note: HMD mix-ups are usable at this range, but take skill and daring.  RLC
mix-ups can be a killer at this distance, but only if you know what you're
doing.  See HMD and RLC mix-up stratedgy further below.  I didn't include HMD
and RLC in this stratedgy because they are a bit risky depending on your skill
with them.

Medium range mix-ups
Medium range is beyond the tip of Mitsu's sword during his 6B attack.

This is where stratedgies become diverse.  Why?  Because Mitsu no longer has
a good low attack to use in his mix-ups.  Once the opponent gets out of 2KB
range stratedgies are a bit harder because outside of 2KB range Mitsu no
longer has any truely good mix-ups.  After 2KB all his low attacks are either
slow or do piddly damage.  The opponent is never afraid to block/side-step,
get the frame advantage, and then punish (or do a mix-up of their own).
Stratedgy now revolves around mix-ups that goad the opponent to attack you in
the way you want them to attack or allow you to get in 2KB range again.  The
only safe way I know of to influence their attacks is stepping more often to
get them to whip out high attacks that 1A2, iFC 1BB, {11_77BA}, and CD mix-ups
can go under.  This of course leads them to using verticals.  But its safer to
induce them to use horizontals than it is to get them to use verticals.  Once
the cycle of using horizontals to verticals is over its as much of a guessing
game for you as it is for them.  There are other tricks that are move
specific, but are riskier and highly dependant on who you're playing.
Dangerous crap indeed!

Some things to know:
  - At this range there are no safe mix-ups.  You have to have a good
    understanding of your opponent. Mix-ups are as much of a guess for you as
    it is for your opponent.
  - At this range you don't have a viable low attack except in anticipation of
    a high attack.
  - Your dependable anti-step options boil down to 4A.
  - At medium range all your high damage vertical attacks are easily
    blockable.  At some point, your opponent will understand and just wait to
    block your move and then retaliate with frame advantage.  If that opponent
    has a medium range low attack, they'll start their own mind games on you.

Hence the your stratedgy is twofold.  One is to break the turtle.  The other
is more dangerous; conditioning your opponent to attack the way you want them

Break the turtle mix-up: medium range
{65, throw_2KB}_{HMD mix-ups}_{MST mix-ups}_{CD mix-ups to FC mix-ups}_
               _{MD throw mix-ups}

65, throw_2KB - Well, if they are turtling, step up and go for it!  This is
                the option of choice, for low skilled players.  I'm not
                belittling this option.  But if you don't do well in HMD,
                MST, CD, and can't do MD throw, then this is the only way
                you'll break a turtle.  Once they start ducking just go into
                your short range mix-up game instead of just using throw_2KB.
MST mix-ups   - MST throw_MST K breaks the turtle and can put you back into
                2KB range
HMD mix-ups   - If they are turtling, then the ultimate aim is to cancel then
                pull off a {MST throw} or {MST K}.  If they are very low on
                life HMD K works too.
CD mix-ups to FC 1K_1A+B
              - can break a turtle, but MST is much better at it especially if
                the FC 1K is out of range.  However landing the FC 1K leads to
                FC mix-ups with the dread FC 1BB.
MD throw mix-ups
              - Don't know what to say here since I have trouble doing this
                move.  But from what I've seen, it will most definitly break
                a turtle.

The big weakness to these mix-ups is that except for the HMD option, they are
all weak to Mitsu's left.  The CD mix-ups might not be weak depending on how
well the second A of {WS AA} covers steppers to Mitsu's left.

Train your opponent to attack vertically or horizontally: medium range
{22_88B}_{22_88AA mix-ups}_{33_99BB}_{RLC mix-ups}_1A2_{11_77BAB mix-ups}_
        _{11_77A}_{CD mix-ups}_{HMD BB}

{11_77BAB mix-ups}_{11_77A}_{iFC 1BB}_1A2_{CD mix-ups}_{RLC A+B+K}

These punish high horizontal attacks and except maybe for 11_77BAB mix-ups
they all lead to Mitsu's okieme.  The opponent will now be encouraged to go
back to verticals.  Why are they encouraged?  Because all these attacks are TC
and all of them (except 11_77A and 11_77BAB mixs) are killed by fast vertical
attacks.  You're saying to your opponent, "Hey, I'm easier to hit if you use
verticals!" 11_77{BAB_A} are your safest options because they are TC and can
side-step verticals.  If you're good at avoiding everything with your
11_77{BAB_A} just stand in gaurd more often instead of stepping and watch the
verticals come flying out.

{11_77BAB mixs}_{11_77A}_{22_88AA mixs}_{22_88B}_{33_99BB}_{RLC B}_{HMD BB}

These moves punish vertical attacks done on Mitsu.  Except possibly
for {22_88AA mixs} and {11_77BAB mixs}, they all lead to Mitsu's okieme.
Opponents tend to use horizontal attacks very quickly soon afterward.  Mitsu
may have the worst stepping game in Soul Calibur, but that doesn't mean he
can't do it.  Step a lot!  Mitsu isn't bad at it.  If you don't believe that,
then at the very least believe his step is good enough to punish opponents
with {33_99B[B]}, {22_88B}, and {22_88AA mix-ups}.  While the 33_99BB series
and {step, 3B} are your best anti-vertical punishers. {11_77BAB mixs} and
{11_77A} are your safest bets for coaxing horizontals out because while you
are running to the sides, verticals that don't track won't hit.  When they
whip out their horizontal 11_77BAB and 11_77A will duck them.  They're a bit
hard to use because if you stay in the 8WR1_7 direction too long, you go out
of range.  The best way to do 11_77BAB and 11_77A is {221_887}{BAB_A}.  This
is 8WR in the 2_8 direction, roll to the 1_7 direction, then input BAB or A.
These moves make them fear to use verticals.

This two-fold mix-up starts out by goading your opponent to whip out
horizontals.  How?  By staying in 8WR2_8.  When they start whipping out
horizontals, they'll usually be ones that hit high that you can TC under.
When they get sick of putting out horizontals and ending up in Mitsu's okieme,
stop going into 8WR2_8 and watch, they'll start using verticals and your fun
begins.  33_99BB series is a launcher, does good damage, and always leads to
okieme of some kind.  22_88B is good damage and leads to okieme and is
intimadating.  11_77BAB mix-ups are your risky high damage option.  Depending
how you mix it up, it can usually to okieme.  The problems with this stratedgy
mix-up comes in if the opponent has a good low attack or a good horizontal mid
hitting attack.  Not only will you be forced to use your verticals more often
(to break their horizontals), but you'll also become highly dependant on 4A
(to interrupt attacks), and be forced into the opponent's own mid/low mix-up
stratedgy.  The key to this stratedgy is 11_77BAB and 11_77A.  They both have
TC, step forward, and step to the side.  Because they step forward you can
start them out of range.  Because they tech crouch you'll avoid most
horizontal attacks.  Because they start with 8WR1_7 they can also avoid
verticals.  You can use these two attacks for ALL your anticipatory needs.
(Except against a good medium range low or mid-hitting horizontal.)

These mix-ups are anticipatory in nature.  When these anticipation moves are
used well, the opponent is encouraged to turtle again and the cycle continues,
between turtling and attacking.  If you're good at anticipating a horizontal
or vertical attack you'll do well.  If not, you'll be the one turtling or
whoring 4A.

What if they are not turtling?
4A_4A6_44A_{33_99B[B]}_{11_77BA mix-ups}_{all other attacks}

If they aren't turtling you don't need a low attack and medium range becomes
a no brainer, mixing between 4A and any other verticals keeps them guessing as
to whether they should step or duck.  All attacks that can hit in this range
are useable equally.  Use your imagination for mix-ups.  Except for Mitsu's
short range and 2KB mix-ups, Mitsu's full arsenal is here: CD, MST, RLC, HMD,
and FMD mix-ups are fully usable now.  Just remember to use 4A more than your
verticals.  Its better for you if they learn to duck you than it is for them
to learn to side step you.  You can use other medium range horiztontals for
anti-step besides 4A, but 4A is still the best choice.  Other medium range
horiztontals are 44A, 1A2, FC 1A+B, 66A, bA, bA MD throw, 11_77A, 11_77BA,
and 33_99A.
  1.  If you and your opponent stay around this range 44A becomes equal to 4A
      in use, but if you and your opponent rapidly close distance
      consistantly, stick with 4A.  Remember 44A takes care of ducking.
  2.  You have to gauge the distance for 66A more carefully than for 4A,
      otherwise its good for anti-step.  Don't forget its HMD potential.  And
      remember 66A is i18 if you're in 8WR to begin with.  So use 47896A
      instead of 66A.
  3.  At this distance 1A2, FC 1A+B, 11_77A can still be eaten by high damage
      B attacks and are steppable too - to Mitsu's: 1A2-right, FC1A+B-Left,
      11_77A-right.  They're still usable for anti-step for one side or the
      other.  11_77A is nice because it side steps and is TC.  Technically,
      these moves are steppable to both sides, but one side is more steppable
      than the other.
  4.  If you can do the 2G block consistantly, then bA is great.
      Otherwise, be mindful of it's slow recovery.
  5.  bA MD throw - don't know what to say, but it should be mentioned.
  6.  11_77BA - The 2nd attack is anti-step, but I prefer using this as an
      anti-horizontal attack because its hard to rush in with this except as
      {66987_66321}BAB.  While as an anti-horizontal the inputs are
      {11_77}BAB or {221_887}BAB.  Much easier to use as an anti-horizontal.
      It can be used as an anti-vertical move also, but I much prefer 22_88B
      for that.
  7.  33_99A - What can I say?  Its there.  If you have a stratedgy for
      getting the stun from this move, its golden.  If not, I prefer 4A.

Note if the opponent is not turtling then both of you are trading hits.  See
also, above on "Train your opponent to attack vertically or horizontally".
See also MST, RLC, HMD, and FMD mix-ups further below.

Long range mix-ups
Long range is anywhere 33_99B can't hit.

{66A+BG mix-ups}_kB2_4KB_1A2_{FMD mix-ups}_{HMD mix-ups}_{CD mix-ups}

The problems here are about getting back into medium range.  Your only long
range anti-step tools are FMD A, 1A2, HMD AA_BB, and CD FC 1A+B.  They are all
pretty easy to recognize/react against at this distance.  So its easy to wait
see if you're going to use kB2, 4KB.  Then bam! they side step.  Your only
lows are 1A2 and CD FC 1A+B.  66A+B is probably the best tool because it can
bring you back to short range where you can cancel the 66A+B and and go for
the 2KB_3B_{BT FC 2A_2K} mix-ups.  I really don't have much to say at this
range because I'm no good with the FMD mix-ups and have had only limited
success with the 66A+B mix-ups.  HMD mix-ups are all blockable at this
distance and CD mix-ups will still involve only 66A+B_FC 1A+B.  There have
been few strats for long range discussed in the forums.  Most of the time I
just inch forward carefully.  Inching forward carefully seemed to be highly
recommended in the forums at this range.

This is where Mitsu's greatest damage comes from.  If you are good at Mitsu's
okieme your only objective is to get your opponent on the ground twice.  Once
in the first round and once in the second round.  Because on the ground Mitsu
is capable of keeping them on the ground.  How?  2KB_3B!  2KB does good damage
is a low attack and puts the opponent on the ground.  3B is a mid hitting
launcher that induces great pain in the opponent and leads into okieme.  There
is one flaw to this mix-up.  The whole mix-up can be side-stepped to Mitsu's
left.  However, many people aren't skilled enough to do that, some characters
are slow at stepping, many people didn't know this mix-up had this flaw, and
many more people who play the 2P side have trouble stepping to Mitsu's left.
For a vast majority, Mitsu's 2KB_3B mix-up is a true 50/50 mix-up.  For now,
let's treat it as such.  We'll deal with its flaws in a little bit.

Except for the opponent going to Mitsu's left or backing up,  2KB_3B is the
perfect 50/50 mix-up.  Both moves put the opponent back on the ground.  Each
move compliments the other.  2KB must be blocked low while 3B must be blocked
high.  If they guess incorrectly what Mitsu will do, the opponent will end up
on the ground and will have to again guess whether Mitsu will do 2KB or 3B.
Once on the ground, the opponent has to forever guess.  If they consistantly
guess wrong, they'll stay on the ground and never get up.  This is not an
exaggeration.  Mitsu can win the round the first time he grounds an opponent.
Before this mix-up's flaws were known, Mitsu could expect to take out a whole
life bar out of an opponent every time he got them on the ground.  This okieme
mix-up is Mitsu's simplest and is also his hardest hitting.  This is the
okieme of choice when Mitsu grounds an opponent.  There are other okieme
options, but I'll start with this one since its the simplest, while still
being most effective.

So what are the flaws to this mix-up.  The whole mix-up can be avoided by
rolling or stepping to Mitsu's left.  In many cases both can be avoided by
back dashing or rolling back.  So what do you do?  Well you have to have some
thing that will covers your left and something that covers back dashing.
Moves that cover your left are 33_99BB.  Also 1K is fast enough to pretty much
cover anything they do.  I myself use 2KB_{33_99B} as a 50/50 mix-up because
2KB covers people who step to Mitsu's right while 33_99B covers (not
perfectly) people who step Mitsu's left.  Those two moves are pretty much it
for covering the left.  The problem is that 33_99B does not perfectly cover
your left and 1K is actually steppable (but 1K's usually fast enough to not be
stepped).  We'll get back to 1K though.  What about people who roll backwards?
Well, many times your opponent will be just far enough from you that they can
roll away from you.  Your best move would be 66A+B_66A+BG.  However, you have
to know they're going to roll back on a consistant basis because a WS attack
will beat your 66A+B option.  The more moves you need to cover the opponents
escape in a mix-ups means they have more choices available to escape you.
That's not good, but there's not much you can do about it if your opponent
start going to your left or backing up during your okieme.  Another option
against people going to your left is to actually wait and see what the
opponent does and if they roll to your left you can step with them and hit
them with 2KB_1K_{33_99BB}

To give you more okieme options to dazzle your opponent when they get used to
Mitsu's standard 2KB_3B mix-up, here's a list of moves that hit grounded:

1A2 - On hit, a buffered FC 2B hits quite often.
44B - Practice doing 66A+B_66A+BG immediately after you see them fall if
      you're the type that doesn't do the full 44BB.
44B - Okieme options aren't so good with this.  Again 66A+B_66A+BG is probably
      your best option.
2B  - You don't have much frame advantage with this, but its fast and you can
      use it to condition your opponent to IMMEDIATELY block high when they
      are grounded.
1B  - Not really sure how to use this in okieme.
3B  - This is like 2B only its just a tad slower, but does more damage and can
      lead to launch and more okieme.  Definitely a choice okieme move.
2KB - fast, damaging, hits low, and leads to okieme.  Would be the best move
      in the game if it weren't for two flaws.  Its steppable to Mitsu's left
      and its BS is attrocious.
22_88B - I don't use this effectively in okieme and people don't mention it in
         the forums for okieme, but it's just too cool to not use.  :^)
33_99BB - This is like 3B except it'll have a good chance of hitting someone
          rolling to your left and rolling back.  It has the same iframe as
          3B so I always try to use this over 3B.  Still 3B seems faster than
11_77BAB - Both B's hit grounded, but not the A
66BBB (the third B) - Not recommended for use unless your HMD skills are good.
                      Even then I wouldn't recommend it.  The 2nd attack might
                      hit grounded, but I no longer remember.
1K - Does piddly damage, but it leads to FC mix-ups and the dread {FC 1BB}.
A+B - If they like to sit on the ground waiting for you to do something, this
      does great damage.  Beware, the second attack can be avoided by side
2A+B -  Avoidable by side rolling.  However, the HS/BS of this move are worth
        the risk if you cover side rolling well in your mix-ups.
66A+B - Your ultimate SCREW YOU okieme option.  But, its weak to WS attacks.
B+K - Its possible to get the AT off this during okieme.  See B+K above.
kB2 - I'm not sure how to use this in okieme, but people have said it can
      cover Mitsu's left side.  It most excellently covers back rolling.
MST K - This is for your MST mix-ups.
RLC K - This is for your RLC mix-ups.
HMD K - This is for your HMD mix-ups.  HMD mix-ups for okieme are hard because
        the BS for HMD K is pretty bad.
HMD B - This may hit grounded.  You'll have to test it yourself.
FMD K - If you can figure out how to do okieme with FMD write a FAQ about it.
        With FMDcr and the quasi-jumping FMD from FMDcr that players have been
        using, okieme with FMD seems feasiable now.
FC 1K - for FC mix-ups
FC 1A+B - for FC mix-ups
FC 1BB - for FC mix-ups
WS A+B - for FC mix-ups
RCC 2KB - for FC mix-ups
WL A - for jumping mix-ups
WL B - for jumping mix-ups
WJ B - for jumping mix-ups
[G]9A+B - not recommended
BT 2K - leads to {mid hitting attacks}_throw mix-ups.

I'd don't think the above list is complete.  I know I missed a few.

Next are popular okieme strats that were mentioned in the forums:

1K okieme
The 1K itself does piddly damage, but leads into FC mix-ups with {FC 1BB}.
The FC mix-ups may be weak to opponents stepping to Mitsu's left.
After a 1K, another 1K conditions them to block low. {FC 1A+B} punishes them
if they don't take the 1K bait and covers step to the right.  {FC 1BB} calls
down the wrath of the heavens if they do take the 1K bait.  {FC 3B} takes care
of people who roll back.  I'm not quite sure how to cover Mitsu's left though.
People at my arcade haven't figured that weakness out yet, mostly because I
just started using it and its summer time so serious competition is gone.  All
I can say is the 2nd A of {WS AA}, {RCC AA}, and {RCC 6A} may cover your left.
I haven't tested to see how well they do, so you'll have to do your own
testing.  See also FC moves above.

MST okieme
This is mainly against people who like to stand immediately after getting
knocked down.  Against opponents who immediately wake (get up) do MST B, to
condition them to block high, stay on the ground, or roll.  From there, MST K
covers people who stay on the ground or block high.  This okieme is weak to
side rolling.  You can also start out with conditioning your opponent to block
low using MST K.  The okieme is now reversed.  See also MST above and MST
mix-ups below.  Another variation is with {MST A}, {MST K}_{MST B}.  Instead
of going straight to MST K or MST B, whiff a MST A.  This not only prevents
fast retaliation and encourages the opponent to get up right after, but it
also allows you leeway to change your tactics if the opponent rolls after your
whiffed MST A.  You'll realign yourself with your opponent simply by tapping
the 6 direction.

RLC okieme
This starts out by using RLC K to get them to block low.  Once conditioned to
block low start using RLC B.  This okieme is weak to side rolling also.
Another way to start this okieme is when you go against an opponent who
immediately executes WS attacks from the ground.  Against such opponents
RLC A+B+K will GI nearly all of their attacks.  When they are in fear of
attacking they sit on the ground ripe for RLC K or RLC B.  A practical
usage of this okieme comes after hitting an opponent in the air with 44[A].
See also RLC above and RLC mix-ups below.

CD okieme
I can't say much about this, but it has been mentioned that it is good for
okieme.  I don't remember the stratedgy, but its pretty much the same as the
1K okieme except that WS and normal moves are easier to pull off and you have
more more range to the okieme.  See also CD above and CD mix-ups below.  The
reason I can't say more is because my CD sucks and while CD was mentioned for
okieme, there wasn't a full blown discussion on it.

66A+B okieme
If they are at your feet about a medium distance away or like to roll back
immediately this okieme is probably your best bet because of the cancel.  Use
66A+B to condition them to block high or step.  When they are conditioned to
block high start using 66A+BG, 2KB.  If they start stepping to your left,
you'll have to practice the JF BT moves from 66A+BG and use BT 2K.  See also
66A+B and BT 2K above.  At medium range its hard to go wrong with this okieme.

Getting up from off the ground
Sorry I no longer have the time to fill this section.  Maybe on my next
update.  One thing to remember is that you can block while on the ground.
Simply press G on impact, to gaurd against non-low attacks.  I believe the
inputs to gaurd against a low is {1_2_3 G}.  Again the input must be done just
at the moment the attack would hit you.  When you get good at blocking attacks
from the ground, this becomes your best option when you're grounded.

Launch mix-ups
Again, I must apologize as I no longer have the time to fill this important
section except with rudimentary details.  Of which you see none.

Some Good Mix-up starters
The following list of moves are moves that lead into good mix-up options.
I'll call them mix-up starters.  Keep in mind that the mix-ups that you choose
to follow with are only possible if the mix-up starter hits the opponent.  If
its blocked and they are good you can get hit.

11_77BA - use G-Cancel and MST cancel mix-ups
66A - Use HMD mix-ups
1K - Use FC_WS_RCC mix-ups.  Use 1K to lead into FC 1BB mix-ups
FC 1BB - If the first B hit, this move is your Supreme Leader for mix-ups.
         See FC 1BB above.

The following aren't dependant on a hit to pull off the mix-up, but are
dependant on your mind game skills vs. that of your opponent.

A - concentrate on mix-ups with 2KB_throw_33K.
2A - Same as 1K above.
AA - concentrate on mix-ups with 4A_6A_6B_1A2_{FC 1A+B}
4A - At medium range 4A works well with any mix-up strat you have.
     So find a style.  I tend to use 6K to condition them to block high, duck,
     or back dash.  Then I'll mix-up it up from there.  The opponent seems to
     to be effected pychologically every time I get the KD with 6K.
22_88A - On hit the mix-ups with this baby reach to the sky.  See 8WR2_8AA
         above.  Hell, on block you can still mix it up.
6A - If you're not good at seeing CH flash stick with an AA follow-up,
     otherwise depending on your distance go with a 2KB mix-up at short range
     and FC mix-ups at outer short range.  See also 6A above.
CD - Skys the limit with this one.  See also CD above.
66A+BG - See 66A+B above.
KB2 - On block, your mix-ups start with 33K to condition your opponent to
      block high or GI.  Once conditioned that way, you have 2KB_throw_33K
      mix-ups. If they're starting to GI, you have delayed moves mix-ups and
      slow move mix-ups to get them to whiff their GI attempt.
A_B_K - Can't give any info on this, but it should be mentioned.

post GI - I'm not good at post GI.  I can re-GI, but that's the extent of my
          GI mind games.  However, I do know that against higher level
          competition B+K, 4B+K, 1[B], WL A, WJ A, A+B, 66A+B, and MST serve
          to pull out a whiffed GI on your opponent.

FC 1BB mix-ups
Some great ways to lead into FC 1BB is with CD, anticipate a high attack, or
just whip out a iFC 1BB within its range.  Using the CD to go into FC 1BB is
probably your safest bet.  I prefer anticipating a high attack because I'm not
very good at my CD mix-ups and whipping out {iFC 1B}_{iFC 1BB} isn't such a
bad thing to do at medium range because of its reach.

The mix-up is after the launch of the first B.  After landing the opponent
will either get hit with the 2nd B or they'll get the GC if they input 4G.  If
they get hit.  Mitsu can go into a 66A+B_66A+BG mix-up.  If Mitsu gets the GC
on the opponent an immediate 66A+B is guaranteed to hit, always!  The only
thing that will save them is to GI.  But bad news for the opponent, 66A+B can
be canceled into a 3B_2KB mix-up.  All of Mitsu's options lead to good okieme,
now.  Even worse is that if you do follow up and hit with 66A+B a 2A is
guaranteed and makes the opponent instantly stand.  Unless they are instantly
prepared, Mitsu again has a 3B_2KB mix-up opportunity.

Here's the notation of your mix-up choices.
Without the GC: 66A+B is blockable
FC 1BB, {66A+B, 2A, 3B_2KB}_{66A+BG, 3B_2KB}

With the GC: 66A+B is not blockable!!
FC 1BB, {66A+B, 2A, 3B_2KB}_{66A+BG, 3B_2KB}

2KB can be replaced with BT 2A to cover stepping.  Because of BT 2A's
recovery, Mitsu will have good mix-up options of
throw_1K_WS AA_{RCC 3B}_{RCC 2KB}

A good player will chose to get hit by the 2nd B of {FC 1BB} rather than take
the chance of taking even greater damage AND giving Mitsu good okieme options.

Incorporate FC 1BB into your game.  This is good damage and makes the opponent
fear to use fast, high, anti-step horizontals.

kB2 mix-ups
After a blocked kB2 you have 6 frames of advantage.  With that advantage, the
simplest mix-up to do is 33K_2KB.  Condition them to block high with 33K.
Then when they least expect it use 2KB.  Except for people who say they can
block 2KB on reaction, the only way to escape this mix-up is to GI.  If they
can block your 2KB then you'll have to use a 33K_throw_1K mix-up instead.
Then go to FC mix-ups after a 1K.  See also 1K mix-ups above.  If they think
you'll GI just go with slow moves or delayable moves like A+B_1[B].  With 6
frames of advantage you can pretty make up any mix-up you want and it will
still be good.  But always use 33K as your trainer.

The G-CANCEL mix-ups
The best time to use this is during okieme.  Many times you'll ground
your opponent a medium distance away.  66A+B closes the gap fast.  Unless they
can block 2KB on reaction they have to chose to block high, block low, side
roll, or GI.  Back rolling may not be an option.  Depending on your frame
advantage side rolling may not be an option either.

Start by conditioning them to immediately block.  It's a pretty safe thing to
do.  When they are properly trained, do the G-Cancel and use the 2KB_3B
mix-up.  To better cover stepping you can replace the 2KB with BT 2K and then
lead into a throw_{WS AA}_{RCC 2KB}_{RCC 3B}_{FC mix-ups}.

Anytime your opponent is on the ground a bit of a distance away, 66A+B_66A+BG
is your best move to do.  See also BT Study and 66A+B.

I think I said everything I needed to say in the 8WR1_7BAB series section.
See 8WR1_7BAB series above.

I don't have much to say because its only an OK cancel.  See also A+B above.

33_99BB, G
See also 8WR3_9BB and BT Study above.  I'm not sure how good this cancel is.

I've sucked at using them.  But give it a try.

I believe I am missing about 10 other cancels, outside of HMD and FMD cancels.

CD mix-ups

Sorry, this is empty.

MST mix-ups
Mix-ups with Mist revolve around your fast MST aB6.  Conditioning starts with
MST aB6 (or with you GI freaks it starts with MST A+B).  In either case, let's
just stick with MST aB.  MST A+B I'll deal with further down.  MST aB6
conditions your opponent to turtle or duck.  Why? Because MST aB6 tracks, is
fast, is safe, leads to good okieme, and is oh so damaging.  Once they start
ducking MST B6 eats them alive and leaves them in good okieme position.  If
they start to turtle, you have {MST throw} and MST K to put fear into them.
At this point, turtling (sometimes GI) is the best option for the opponent.
Once they start turtling (or GIing) you have {MST throw_aGA_K}  to keeping
them guessing.  In a nutshell the following is your simplest and most
effective MST mix-up.  MST {aB6_B_throw_K).  Now, because MST aB6 is so
powerful MST has a second mix-up;  MST {aB6_{A, K}}.  This mix-up involves
mixing the 2nd attack between a mid attack (B) and a low attack (K).  With
just these two mix-ups you'll lead your opponent to start relying on GI or
they'll really practive side-stepping you.  If they start to GI, you can
further mess with them by entering Relic stance at the points you expect them
to GI.

Flaws to this mix-ups?  Yes i10 and i11 attacks will beat the MST aB.  But i10
and i11 attacks are short range attacks.  Hmmm can't explain it, but MST aB6
still does well against characters with i10 and i11 attacks.  If not, MST A+B
will Auto-GI nearly all high and mid attacks.  However, MST A+B has its own
flaws.  When you start abusing MST A+B you'll find opponents will be able to
reliablaly GI your MST A+B after your Auto-GI.  Why?  Because time between
the Auto-GI flash and the impact frame is always the same.  If you depend on
the Auto-GI of MST A+B too much, your opponent will get practice GIing it.
Another flaw is that, while MST aB tracks well it can still be side-stepped.
Also MST K can be stepped to the left and sometimes to the right as well.  Be
Just so you know, the MST stance itself tracks by tapping a direction.   So to
have even better tracking, simply tap a direction before you tap aB.  The 6
direction seems to track the fastest.  You can beat most of your opponents
options with this.  But what do you do if your Mist starts to get pwned by the
opposition?  Start practicing your HMD mix-ups.

This mix-up is within Mitsu's top 5 most effective mix-ups.  See also, MST
above for moves that end in MST.

RLC mix-ups
Mix ups with RLC are very hard because its all retalitory.  Instead of
thinking of a way to attack, with RLC you are thinking of how the opponent
will attack you.  You definitely have to be familiar with the fighting
patterns of your opponent and the fighting patterns of the character they use.
RLC moves have terrible recovery, RLC B is weak to side stepping, RLC A is
just plain unsafe, RLC K is scary to use, and RLC A+B+K is only good against
horizontals.  However, against someone who side-steps against RLC, RLC A gets
them good.  Against someone who likes to use verticals, RLC B owns them.
Against someone who likes to use horizontals, RLC A+B+K will own them.  Also,
if you can get the spacing just right with the stance shift, you can use the
RLC stance shift to just barely back away from an attack then hit them with
RLC B.  This would be much the same tactic as the 4B attack.  RLC B makes an
opponent fearful of using vertical attacks and RLC A+B+K makes an opponent
fearful of using too many horizontal attacks.  If you are a wiz at spacing
Mitsu during the RLC stance shift; RLC B owns all.  If you are good at
anticipating your opponent's attack, shifting to RLC will make them turtle.
When that happens you'll have a new dimension to your RLC mix-ups.  Once they
turtle you can press B+K to stance shift to Mist.  4A+B->MST B hurts a lot of
people!  Getting back to Relic; mix-ups with Relic are just plain hard because
they are almost purely passive aggressive.

Extreamly good players say you can use RLC moves on reaction, but for the
majority of us HUMAN beings, you can't.  If you're not human, go for it!

As for mixing up with the unblockables from RLC, you'll have to think yourself
because using the UBs is dependant on how the opponent plays and how well they
react to sight of the flames.  There are very good strats for using the UBs
when the opponent is against the wall.  However, I couldn't dig them out of
the forums.

Two other things to mention is that whiffing RLC A+B+K can provoke an
immediate attack.  This is a good thing because RLC A+B+K recovers fast enough
for another RLC A+B+K or RLC B.  Also, don't stay in Relic too long.  Its most
effective when used immediately, but becomes unsafe with time (unless you're
one of the "Extreamly good players").

See also RLC above for moves that end in RLC.

HMD mix-ups
Half Moon Death Mix-ups all start with HMD~A.  If you hit with HMD~A you can
go directly into an AA_throw_2KB_3A mix-up.  The HMD~A trains your opponent to
turtle or duck.  If they start ducking HMD BB~22_88B will punish them
severely.  Though HMD~A can take care of stepping
{HMD AA:4A+B,B}_{HMD AA~22_88B} is much harder to step does it with more pain.
But what if they turtle?  Turtling pretty much cancels all your HMD mix-ups.
But that's good too because HMD can be canceled by the MST or RLC input
{6A+B_4A+B}.  If they don't turtle, you'll have your full MST or RLC mix-ups
to work with!  If they do turtle you can break them with {MST throw_K} or even
do MD b2_8 Throw by canceling MST.  With the MST and RLC cancel, HMD covers
all options the opponent has.  The bad thing is that HMD has too many options.
The best mix-ups have only a few options that cover a wide range of evasions
and attacks.  With HMD you really have to concentrate on training your
opponent to do what you want them to do.  The best way to do that is to start
with heavy useage of HMD~A.

You can replace HMD~A useage with HMD bA.  But I prefer HMD~A.  See also HMD
above for moves that end with HMD.

FMD mix-ups
Full Moon Death is now complicated, but probably the most versatile stance
Mitsu has because of FMDcr.  I don't even know where to begin so I'll give you
what helped me ... Tharon_Mortis.  The full discussion is found at the forums
at, under "reliable way for FMD -> MST" or just search
under Tharon_Mortis.  It behooves you to read the original thread.

BEGIN quote by Tharon_Mortis on "reliable way for FMDcr -> MST"
I have found a relatively simple way to almost immediately switch from
crouching FMD to Mist. It may be neither easy to understand nor to perform,
but I'll do my best to keep it short and informative.

You need to master the FMDcr sequence in the first place. Only this allows
you to focus on the remaining commands. Here's a reliable transcript: Input
2G in a single frame = at the same time. Immediately release G. Mitsurugi is
considered crouched. You may want to hold 2 for another frame to ensure this.
If you now release 2 Mitsurugi stands up - follow up with any WS attack to
practice the timing for the 2G motion. You could also hold 2 for another frame
and end up fully crouched - link to any FC attack for practicing purposes.

The next step is switching from 2 to 3B+K, another single frame input. It's
important that you were holding 2 in the very frame before inputting 3B+K.
Don't release too early. You should end up in FMDcr.  You may want to hold 3
for another frame as long as you are still unsure of the timing. Otherwise,
Mitsurugi might pop up to regular FMD instead of staying crouched. You may
also want to switch from 3 to 2, so you don't move towards your opponent.

Once in FMDcr, you've quite a few options.

I'll start with transition to MS.
Here's the trick: after having entered FMDcr, keep holding [3B+K].
Yep, you're right; after a few frames of hold time, you'll end up with the
FMD "b6 look-alike" Kendo chop. You won't have to hold that long. Gives you a
pretty good idea of how soon the cancel must occur! It is actually quite easy.
Tap G and add it to the buffer. You're holding [3B+K] +G. You can now fully
focus on inputting a single 9A in the very next frame. Again, it's very
important to follow up that G tap almost immediately with 9A. If you did it
right, you end up in FMDcr MS. Note that the input of 9A marks the actual
cancel - if you simply keep holding G, you'll just remain guarding all the way
until the FMD chop occurs.

2G : 3B+K , [3B+K] +G : [3B+K+G] +9A

This sequence can be reduced to about 6~7 frames. FMDcr~MS A impacts after
approx. 32 frames. It can also be a good idea to continue to hold 3B+K for a
few frames longer. Not only can you focus on the G : 9A part, it also enables
you to better react on your opponent. If you hear button pressing, don't
cancel at all and watch FMD [any] counterhit. Which at a later moment may well
allow you to enter MS at lower risk.

An important aspect: while in FMDcr you can guard at any moment. Enter FMDcr
as usual. Let go 3B+K, keep holding 3. Add a G tap+hold. Optionally, add
input of FMD A_B_K, you'll block incoming attacks even while charging FMD
attacks. Any medium or high hits are automatically guarded. Even while holding
1_2_3G, which should actually lead to crouch. Some selected high hitting moves
whiff over your head. Only drawback: while in FMDcr, you can't possibly block
low attacks!

Brings a few more options into play; FMDcr allows for the whole bunch of
jumping attacks: 9A_B_K, all WL moves. In addition, it's possible to launch
FMD A_B_K and 2_8B+K sidestep to HMD after having landed. FMD K fits in as
post-WL low poke. Jump backwards with 7, once in a while - gets you up to
FMD A_B on a whiff.  You can also launch all three jumping cartwheels from
FMDcr. They, too, jump over lows and may work as a surprise attack once in a
while. Here are the notations for the bunch. You don't have to hold B+K this
time, yet if you do you can always decide between MS or jumping.

Jumping attacks
2G : 3B+K : [ 3 ] : g~(7_8_9)(A_B_K)

WL attacks
2G : 3B+K : [ 3 ]+G : [3+G]

Jumping Cartwheels
2G : 3B+K : [ 3 ]+G : [3+G]~(7_8_9)A+B

The jumping motion is somewhat vulnerable and may provoke quick attacks.
That's something you can capitalize on. Keep holding 3B+K = FMD chop. If you
add [G]~7_8_9, Mitsurugi shortly lifts off before executing it.
Alternatively, stay in FMD, continuously hold G and then wiggle the joystick
in any direction. Mitsurugi spasmically lowers and raises. This may well
provoke attacks which you'll block and end up at advantage.

Mitsurugi can also switch from FMDcr to Relic, another defensive option.
While transition to Mist was 9A+B, Relic takes 7A+B. Unfortunately, it can't
be buffered at all! Ends up with 7A jumping attack.
Here's how you've to do it:

2G : 3B+K , [ 3 ]+G : [G]+7A+B

Input G 1 frame before 7A+B. Then make sure you hold it in the frame you
input 7A+B. After that, IMMEDIATELY release! If you keep holding for longer
than 1 frame, you end up with a jumping cartwheel or 7A.

You can also enter MS with this technique. While it may be a lot harder, it'll
enable you to enter MS / RL at any point of FMDcr.

There is also a way to switch from FMDcr to HMD at an earlier moment than just
waiting for regular HMD 2_8B+K transition.  Buffer hold 3B+K, add a single G
tap, add it to the buffer and conclude with an immediate 8A. Very similar to

2G : 3B+K , [3B+K] +G : [3B+K+G] +8A

It's also possible to use this fast HMD transition later during the animation
of FMDcr. This requires a different input:

2G : 3B+K , [ 3 ] +G : [G]+8B+K

Note that unlike delayed RL / MS, you don't have to JF release G.
You can simply continue to hold it. There is still a 1FS involved, from G to

As if he didn't have enough defensive options already, Mitsurugi can actually
use both GIs in FMDcr.
Here's how it's done:

2G : 3B+K : [ 3 ] +G : [G]+4_6G

This is pretty easy. Just keep holding [G], you'll be able to input 4_6G at
any point of the FMDcr animation.

By inputting G:9B+K (keep holding G while inputting 9B+K), Mitsurugi resets
the FMD windup and starts again. Unfortunately, this doesn't leave him in
FMDcr, but rather immobile standing FMD. Regardless, you'll be able to reset
much sooner than by waiting for the 6_3_1_4_7_9B+K reset. This can be very
confusing, especially if you go for the FMD [any] chop after a quick reset.

END quote by Tharon_Mortis on "reliable way for FMDcr -> MST"
If you read all that and applied it, you are guaranteed to get applause from
anyone watching you!  You will also have the complete satisfaction of having
pulled off his most complicated mix-up game.  Mitsu?  Simple?  I say 
to that!  Actually his HMD mix-ups are probably more complicated, but the FMD
mix-ups are technically/physically harder to do.

Note: Any attack that can hit an opponent in the air is guarunteed when it is
the first attack.  An opponent cannot AC (Air Control) until they have been
hit in the air at least once.

The best guaranteed damage after a launch is 236B.  You can get even greater
damage with 236[B].  You'll whiff it if you get the timing of the 236[B]

However, many, myself included, go for air combos that lead to good okieme.
With Mitsu's okieme game so strong you have to chose between the gauranteed
damage of 236B or going for the POSSIBILITY of greater damage with okieme.

Because Mitsu's best attacks are vertical, many beginners start to become
dependant on them.  That's a bad idea.  Soon you'll see that your verticals
will regularly get stepped.  So here's a section devoted entirely on stopping
your opponent from stepping you.  How? By using horizontals.

First here's some facts about horizontals.  All of Mitsu's, actually all
characters (long range characters are treated a bit differently) horizontals
can be stepped from the side they start from.  Horizontals hit somewhere
around the front of Mitsu and to the side the swing ends with.  Only very fast
2 swing horizontals and fast spin horizontals are the only moves that are near
unstepable (they can be stepped, tho). Also, some moves are slow (like 1A and
FC 1A+B) or don't go all the way around Mitsu's side (like 11_77A or 3A or
even A). If the opponent is at the right place at the right time these moves
can be also stepped from the side the swing ends with.

L=Left, R=Right

Horzontals that swing Right to Left
Horizontal --- sword swing direction
11_77A     --- slow, recognizable; usable only at medium range; Best used as
               a TC hitting low.
3A         --- extreme short range
6K_{8WR2_8K} --- This can be stepped to the left if the opponent is very
               close to Mitsu.  I'm not sure this can be stepped to his right.
               Only good for short range.
6A         --- Very nice move! HS=+6 on CH HS=+11, BS=-6, covers your left
               side well; only good for short range.
A6_4A+K    --- god-awful recovery; use in long range
66AA       --- first A goes R to L; 2nd goes L to R; use in Medium range,
               Mitsu's of this forum have a known distaste for this move;
               why?? The second A is unsafe. Use 66A2_8->HMD ~A instead
66A2_8->HMD ~A --- R to L, R to L; hard to step
HMD AA     --- R-to L, L to R; easily blocked, near easy to interrupt HMD;
               hard to step; see HMD and HMD mix-ups for more info.
44A        --- R to L; use only at medium distance, this may be steppable
               Mitsu's left (not his right).  This is because this is one of
               Mitsu's horizontal spin attacks and his sword passes his left
               side before the move's impact frame.  I not certain of which
               side its steppable to because I've never seen it stepped.

Horizontals that go Left to Right
K          --- Fast recovery; poke damage; this is steppable to both sides
               but its fast enough with enough horizontal swing that human
               players can't step it;  Usable only at short range.
22_88AA    --- R to L, R to L; Usable at short range; last A is a mind-game
               and can be replaced with a medium range attack; the 2nd A can
               cover you against someone that 8WRed to your back; though its
               a horizontal, its best use is as an anti-vertical attack
HMD ~A     --- your fastest attack at i8; hard to step
A          --- your 2nd fastest attack at i10~i11, use this for better post
               hit/post block frame advantage over AA; yes this can be stepped
               to Mitsu's left.  Only usable at short range.
AA         --- L to R,R to L; hard to step; use this to cover your left at
               short range
2A         --- your 3rd fastest attack at i11 and its TC; usable only for
               short range; yes, its steppable to Mitsu's left
4A         --- L to R; Best used at medium range, can be used at short range;
               at medium distance its hard to step;  this may be steppable
               Mitsu's right (not his left).  This is because this is one of
               Mitsu's horizontal spin attacks and his sword passes his right
               side before the move's impact frame.  I not certain of which
               side its steppable to because I've only seen stepped once and
               I've forgotten which side was used.

RLC a      --- L to R ( decent anti-step if your already in RLC )
MST K      --- TC; but steppable to both sides, but much more steppable to
               Mitsu's left
bA         --- can cancel recovery; can lead to MD throw; safe because of
               B step and 2G, at its near max range it can also be stepped to
               his right. I am not sure of the step properties of this move
               because of Tharon_Mortis's posting of using it to induce a BT
2K         --- can eat some serious retaliation on block, at it's max range it
               can be stepped from both sides
FC1A+B     --- can be blocked on reaction, it can be stepped to Mitsu's left;
               can also be stepped to his right, but its a bit harder to do;
               It is TC
1A2        --- L to R --- can be blocked on reaction, this is another of
               Mitsu's spin horizontals; it can be stepped on the right by
               running ahead of the blade; It is TC.
7_8_9A     --- slow execution speed but the mix-ups after it are sweet;  See
               also {WJ A}

WL A       --- ? to ? --- slow exectuion peed??
BT Horizontals --- ? to ? --- no ??

Verticals that most people agree - tracks well
33_99B  --- R to L
11_77BA --- R to L, L to R
33_99K  --- Tracks best to his left?
MST aB  --- vertical --- Must be SS twice
A+B     --- L to R, R to L --- stepped by first SS to Mitsu's Left then SS to
            Mitsu's right or step quickly twice to Mitsu's left, opponent must
            step twice to avoid
6b:3 has some strangely good tracking if done post KD
6a+b~MST b ( has some weird tracking properties when done immediately... just
continue to hold the 6 as you do MST b... it catches a stepping Ivy )
JFC B2_8 MD throw (the throw tracks like whoa).

Verticals that have a small horizontal hit component
kB - can hit a stepper on going to Mitsu's -- left?? sorry you have to check
66A+B - can hit a stepper going to Mitsu's -- right?? sorry you have to check
22_88B - to Mitsu's -- which side?? sorry but you have to check

A, 2A, AA, 3A, 6A, 2K, K, can't be used in medium range. Except for 2K, these
short range horizontals are Mitsu's best step killers. Also except for 6A and
AA they can all be stepped to Mitsu's left. Against Hard AI my Mitsu can step
behind Xiangua when at very close range, so you know Mitsu can be raped the
same way if you get predictable with your horizontals.

4A is his next best all around anti-step horizontal, its best at medium range,
but does poke damage and doesn't flow too well into more offensive attack
except thru an interupptable MST. (sorry forgot to put this one the first
time) Basically, you have to mix it up after 4A. But still its your best
medium range anti-step tool.

6K I think is debatabe as to what range its best at. For me I use it to keep
opponents from going into short range because on CH it KD and away. Its also
good to "throw" peeps out of short range because its i15 and after the
opponent gets hit with your killer anti-step horizontals it becomes i9~i13.
However, at very short range it becomes steppable to the left. Its range
isn't equal to 4A, but is better than 6A.

22_88AA: Debatable as a medium range step stopper, since the last A can be
substituted with any attack in Mitsu's movelist (like 4A, 44A)

66A: Medium range, but was once noted for being a hazard to Mitsu's health
bar. However, 66A i23, HS +5~7, BS -8~-6. Also, 66A2_8->HMD~A is NC. So you
can play with HMD mix-ups. So you decide.

HMD ~A I never used it much, but when you see its i8 you'd be a fool not to
use it.

44A: Medium range, but again can be a hazard to Mitsu's health bar if not used
at its optimum range (sorry you just have to have a feel for it).

Stpping to Mitsu's left (opponent's Right) avoids Mitsu's more damaging
horizontals and verticals. Stepping to Mitsu's left also avoids his most
feared low, 2KB. The moves that can't be stepped offer poke damage or offer a
disadvantage to Mitsu like 4A+K . Mitsu's only damaging and semi-safe cover
on his left is 33_99BB which may or may not hit a stepper.

One strat I have found useful is
1:P 99B - 99B on player 1 side always steps mitsu to his left.
2:P 33B - 33B on player 2 side always steps mitsu to his left.
You have to let Mitsu actually make a step before executing to be sure you'll
get a stepper going to your left.

I can offer no proof that this works 100% against a stepper going to Mitsu's
left, but I've never had a big problem with steppers.

1:P 88B and 2:P 22B has always hit a stepper going to Mitsu's left.  It makes
sense because stepping in same direction as the opponent aligns you back up
with them fairly well.

On the ground, I think only 1K covers Mitsu's left at short range. Sorry,
33_99B will also cover a grounded opponent going left.


I had finished my FAQ somewhere toward the end of June of 2004.  I was rushed
because I was entering the Navy on June 29, 2004.  But I then lost the final
version just before my term of enlistment started.  It's May 2005; ten months
since I have been able to come back and finish my FAQ.  Technically it's not
finished because somewhere around 25% of my FAQ is missing.  Hopefully what is
left is satisfactory to everyone.  All the information on this FAQ can be
found at or found by playing the game .  Thanks
again to everyone who replied to my posts in the SoulCalibur forum and to
those whose answered my PMs.

For questions, comments, or flames email me at