SSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOO UUU UUU LLL SSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOO UUU UUU LLL SSSS OOO OOO UUU UUU LLL SSSSSSSS OOO OOO UUU UUU LLL SSSSSSSS OOO OOO UUU UUU LLL SSSS OOO OOO UUU UUU LLL SSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOO UUUUUUUUUU LLLLLLLLLL SSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOO UUUUUUUUUU LLLLLLLLLL CCCCCCC AAAAAA LL IIIIII BBBBB UUU UUU RRRRRR 22222222222222 CCCCCCC AAAAAA LL IIIIII BB BB UUU UUU RRR RR 22222222222222 CCC AA AA LL II BB BB UUU UUU RRR RR 222 222 CCC AAAAAA LL II BBBB UUU UUU RRRRRR 222 222 CCC AAAAAA LL II BB BB UUU UUU RRR RR 222 222 CCCCCCC AA AA LLLLL IIIIII BB BB UUUUUUUU RRR RR 22222222222222 CCCCCCC AA AA LLLLL IIIIII BBBB UUUUUUUU RRR RR 22222222222222 Character Guide Character Kilik "CHOSEN BY HISTORY, A MAN BECOMES A WORRIOR, ENGRAVED INTO HISTORY, A WORRIOR BECOMES A HERO!" _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ********** *CONTENTS* ********** 1 Leagal Stuff 2 Introduction 3 Basic stuff 4 Move list 5 Advanced stuff 6 Frequently asked questions (FAQ) 7 Special thanks ************** *Leagal Stuff* ************** Warning! This FAQ is copyright to me,Joseph Tan and is used exclusively on I'm real sorry but I won't allow anyone to display this FAQ on any other site. If you see this FAQ on any other site except, please E-mail me IMMIDIATELY! My email adress is I know the email sounds stupid, just email if you have a question. Note that I only check my email once a week. You may use this FAQ for your own personnel self and dristribute it, BUT you CANNOT sell this FAQ, claim that it is yours or place this on your website. Okay enough leagal stuff. Now for the Walkthrough! ************** *Introduction* ************** Welcome! -------- My very first FAQ! Keep in mind that this is still version 1.00. So if I find anything else, I'll let you know A.S.A.P. Character info -------------- Kilik uses a rod called Kali Yuga and has very long range only equalled to Nightmare's Souledge. Most of his moves are uncancellable and You'll need to know when and where to use them. He's a bit slow though. But only a teeny tiny bit. That's why I'm here for, to teach you how to use Kilik. And if you are a good Soul Calibur fan, you should have realized that Kilik fights just like Shung Mina, but some moves are different. Costumes -------- 1P: Red shirt with black pants. Has a pendant on him. Kali Yuga is red. 2P: Yellow shirt with fur. Black pants. Does not a pendant. Kali Yuga is black. Arcade and conquest ------------------- Arcade mode stuff(assumming the diffuclty level is VERY HARD): 1st to 3rd battle is very easy. Button mashers can win easily. 4th to 6th battle is a great leap of difficulty and the opponents use guard impact and combos. The 7th batle is the Destined Battle. Which means that the opponent will always be the same, unlike the 1st to 6th random battles. Kilik's destined battle is Xianghua and vice versa. Mind you she's tough! But most experts breeze through it. Final battle is INFERNO. Very tough. He/She/It "bleeds" fire with every hit so it will be hard to see him/her/it and inferno changes weapons two times! First weapon is always the same as yours, the Kali Yuga. Conquest mode stuff: This is a list on how the AI Kilik reacts based on his rank. Note that this is just a rough estimation if the stats are a bit above average. Newcomer---> Hardly does anything Phesent---> Attacks, but seldom gaurds Apprentice---> Attacks different parts of the body. Squire---> Stronger that Apprentince but not much different. Infantryman---> Stronger that Squire but not much different. Soldier---> Uses combos effectively, gaurds often. Knight---> Cordinates attacks well, starts to GI. Lieutenant---> Becomes a killer of newbies and less-than-normal players. GI some attacks Captain---> Uses effective and good attacks and combos. GI some attacks Colonal---> Improved fighting style. Better than Captain at fighting. GI often. General---> GI often. Fights alot. Champion---> Stronger than General, a bit of difference. Lord---> A killer of most players. Overlord---> Quite strong, much better than Lord. King---> Only abit worse than Edgemaster. Edgemaster---> AAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!(super tough)GI most attacks. Takes advantage of his attacks. ************* *Basic stuff* ************* The symbols (these symbol are of my version. Sorry, I'm not too sure of the standard one) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will difinately need to know the symbols as this is not the standard version. Imagine the top view of the joystick: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 is down left. 2 is down. 3 is down right. 4 is left. 5 is original position. 6 is right. 7 is up left. 8 is up. 9 is up right. A is horrizontal attack. B is vertical attack. K is kick. G is guard. * is set joystick to original position. + is push TOGETHER!! _ is push IMMIDIATELY AFTER THE FIRST. () is hold. Guard impact ------------ Actually, guard impact is not quite basic but is is very useful, so newbie players, learn to use GI and be a good player! Gaurd impact reverses your opponent's attacks. To perform, use 6G for upper and mid attacks, 4G for mid and lower attacks. Needs exact timming. If you are sucessful, your opponent is helpless for 40 to 50 frames! That's about 0.5 seconds. Enough time to perform a powerful move like 4(B)B or B+K or whatever that you have in stall. Evading and sidestepping ------------------------ Obviously this is one of the most basic of all basic stuff. You don't get hit if you properly evade. No hits mean less damage and less damage means no KO. Use 2 of 8 to sidestep. Very important if an opponent uses a move that allows continous attacking sequence!! Sidesteping can lead to great attack.If an opponent rushes foreward to attack and you sidestep, There's your chance to perform something QUICK!! like 6 A+B, 3A+B, 6B+K.(this is dodging, not GI so the chance and time for you to attack would be much less.) Throws ------ Throws are stunning moves and can cause great ringouts and can be great tactics. Get close to the enemy and press G+A or G+B. Press while near different sides of the opponent to get different results. To escape a throw press A or B within frames 1 to 13 of the throws. It depends on what button you have to press to escape a throw. If it is a G+B, press B, if it is a G+A, press A. Got it? Somes throws cannot be evaded.(near the back of opponent he is 100% damaged when you throw him unless your opponent is Astroth or Voldo) But Astroth and Voldo can escape ALL throws. Soulcharge ---------- The most immportant basic stuff. Press A+B+K to soulcharge(power up). It will dissapear after you hit your opponent, get hit or guard againest an attack. To get level 1 soulcharge press (A+B+K)+G within frames 1 to 35. Frames 36 to 74 for level 2 and frames 74+ for level 3. These soulcharges will last for a limited time.(the weapon should be green after sucessful level 1,2,3 soulcharge) I'm not sure what lv.1 and 2 soulcharges do, but lv. 3 mill make some moves unblockable. ********** *Movelist* ********** Now fot the part everyone is waiting for! I won't include names of moves. If it is cancellable I will put a % beside it. If it is a stance I will put a $ beside it. If it is an unblockable I will put a !! beside it. All moves a explained if Kilik is facing RIGHT. Simple moves like BB and A will not be placed down.(you should know these moves already!!!). U means hits upper body. M means hits mid body. L means hit lower body. The UML are estimations. I'm very sorry if I did not state it correctly. The mumber of U,M,L tells of how much times it hits. 5 letters mean 5 hits. Comments about the moves are in the brackets. AAB UUL A_B UM A_A MM 6AAA % cancel:6AA+B+K(I think) MMM (8)AAA MMM (2)AAA MLL 6AAB ULL 6AAB8 UML 6AAB2 ULL 4B (good move, but don't abuse it) M 4(B) then B !! (Dosen't really matter, it's UNBLOCKABLE but I'll just say it.) M 3B L 3BB MM 44B M 3A L 3AB ML A+B MMMMM 6A+B MMMMM 3A+B LLLLL 1A+B LLLLL 2A+B LLLLL B+K % cancel:B+KG M 6B+K HML (although this move can hits all parts, Once the first move is guarded the next two won't hit.) B_K L 6B_K L 3B+K L BB*2 M BB*8 M 66KKB MMM A+K M 6A+K HHHHHH 214 $ Tribute stance 236 $ Monument stance 214A L 214B M 214K M 236A+B % cancel:236A+BK H (very cool move) 236B M 236K M 236A M **************** *Advanced stuff* **************** Very good moves --------------- Okay time for advanced stuff. Fighting againest slow characters like Nightmare, one should use fast moves. The best combination againest slow players are: 4B/6B, 6B+K/1A+B/3A+B,214A. This should knock out about 30 to 50% of the opponent's life bar assuming all moves hit. The 4B is a good move, espically if you fight againest short ranged characters. That move is great for starting. Remember, Kilik is long ranged. And if they can't hit you, you probally can! Other great moves: 6A+K(good because fast but it is uncancellable) Another good set of moves that gets me lots of perfect to near perfect wins. This is what I use, and if it does not suit you, use something else. First perform (2)AAA then 214A then 6B+K then BB or 3A+B or 1A+B. Repeat. A fine example of continous attacking sequence. This can Knock out half your opponent's life assuming all moves hit. Okay, short ranged characters..........since they are fast and would always get close to you, try 214A. It knocks the opponent down and gives you a chance to attack. Againest the average player: knock him/her down and I believe he/she won't get up so soon, so use 4(B)B immidiately after he/she is down and by the time he/she gets up, he/she gets hit. Or, try 4B soulcharge 4B soulcharge etc..........^_^ When downed or hit into the air ------------------------------- When downed, it is obvious to all human beings that they will try to hit you. When downed, use 2 and 8 to roll sideways. 4 and 6 will allow you to roll away or towards your opponent. you should NEVER roll towards your opponent unless you really need to. Also if you press G when downed, you get up. Also hit A or B to attack while getting up. BUT if you press G at the instant of landing, you will roll towards your opponent! Roll sideways instead. Not recomended unless your opponent is performming a slow move or a soulcarge. Getting hit into the air is a totally different story and YOU ARE 99% HELPLESS IN THE AIR!!! Okay, when hit into the air, you can use the joystick to shift your landing position to adviod juggling combos like Kilik's A+B. Vice versa ---------- If your opponent is downed, do either two things: option one attack with simple BB or get a soulcharge and prepare for 4B or something else. If your abit more darring, use 4(B) then B, an UNBLOCKABLE move. Knocking an opponent up into the air is good tactics. Use 3BB a it knocks oppenents to the air. Next hit him/her with A+B(most commonly used). You may use other moves. It's your chioce. Change tactics -------------- This is something that even the best can forget. Change your tactics. Take this situation: One fine day while playing soul calibur II, some small brat comes up and challenges you. Time after time he beats you, but with each victory, he gets tougher and tougher and after battle after battles, he beats you. Okay back to the present. What you should do is change stratagy, like interchanging with 4B/6B and A+B+K and 214A and 6B+K.(just some sugestions) ********************************** *Frequently asked questions (FAQ)* ********************************** Please note that this is only a small section. If you have any other question, Email me. The return of your answer might tke quite a while. Q: When you say I have to perform 214/236 for the tribute/monument stance, do I swing the joystick 90 degrees without letting the joystick go back to the normal position? A: Yes. Q: Is kilik the just male version of Shung Mina? A: No. Most fo the moves are the same but some different. Eg:Kilik's BB hits the ground twice. Shung mina's BB hits the ground ONCE and then foreward. Q: Any special tactics to use when facing button mushers? A: Use attacks that his the lower body. Chances are they won't know how to guard. Use 214A or (2)AAA or 3A+B. Button mushers die. Q: what about the names of the moves? A: I don't have a complete list of the names, only a few. Besides it's the moves you want, not the move name. Q: I know something that you do not know. A: Email me. I'll give you proper credit. Q: If the 4(B)B is unblockable, can it be dodged? A: Yes, by sidestepping. It can also be guard impacted. **************** *Special Thanks* **************** Firstly to God. To Namco for programming this great game. To my parents for letting me type this FAQ. To Darren for being the first person to belive that I was typing a FAQ and for disscussing Soul Calibur II strategy and tactics. To my arcade friends for help with some movelists and General Soul Calibur II disscussion. Congratulations on becoming Edgemasters on such short notice! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ "TRANSANDING HISTORY AND THE WORLD, A TALE OF SOULS AND SWORDS ETERNALLY RETOLD.........." T H E E N D ! ! ! ! ! ^_^