From: (M. Sherman) Newsgroups: Subject: Sophitia FAQ (1/1) Followup-To: Date: 18 Apr 1996 03:07:18 GMT Soul Edge: Sophitia FAQ Version 0.00 Compiled by Rob Collins Last Update: n.a. [[ NOTES ]] Modelled after Much thanks and credit due to numerous messages on, however, as I did not start out trying to write this FAQ, I cannot properly accredit all the individuals involved; my sincerest apologies. Primarily, however, most new moves are from VanGriffin's SE FAQ. [[ MOVES LIST ]] Legend: B = vertical attack button. A = horizontal attack button. K = kick button G = guard button *Directionals: d = tap down u = tap up f = tap towards opponent (forward) b = tap reverse direction from opponent (backward) BACK = hold back *capitals indicate holding that direction (T means hold towards) Other notes: WR: When rolling FB: From behind KN: Knocks down HD: Hits downed opponent ? : Not sure about this * : Special. Movement Description -------- ----------- F inch forward BACK inch backward f,f dash forward b,b dash backward f,F run forward d,d side-step foreground d,u side-step background Basic Arts Description Level Notes ---------- ----------- ----- ----- A horizontal slice H f+A ?VG's, forward thrust? H(?) D+A low horizontal slice L b+A Turning Slice M B vertical slice M D+B low vertical slice L d+B "Uppercut" vertical slice M KN b+B Spinning high slice M KN K side kick H D+K crouched low kick L A+K Spinning high kick H KN Advanced Arts Description Level Notes ------------- ----------- ----- ----- f,f+A(?) forward thrust M(?) different from f+A? d/f+A ?In VanGriffin's SE FAQ? M f,d,d/f+B Roll, jump thrust??? M d,d/f,f+B Charging thrust M KN D/F+b Low shield bash L HD u/f+K flip kick M d/f+K standing low kick L(?) KN d/b+K Spinning Low Kick L KN Combinations(2-hit) Description Level Notes ------------------- ----------- ----- ----- A,A 2 horizontal slices H,H b+A,f+A(?) Turning slice, then ÓuppercutÓ M,M KN on second B,B 2 vertical slices H,H K,K 2 side kicks H,H f,f+K(?) short low hop, 2 side kicks H,H u/f+K,A ?In VanGriffinÕs SE FAQ? M,L KN at least on first u/f+K,B ?In VanGriffinÕs SE FAQ? M,M KN at least on first u/f+K,K Flip kick, reverse flip kick M,M KN,KN Combinations(3-hit) Description Level Notes ------------------- ----------- ----- - --- A,A,A 3 horizontal slices H,H,H A,A,d+A ?In VanGriffinÕs SE FAQ? H,H,L A,A,B 2 horizontals, ÒuppercutÓ H,H,M KN A,A,K 2 horizontals, flip kick H,H,M KN A,A,d+K 2 horizontals, low kick H,H,L KN B,B,B 3 vertical slices M,M,M KN B,B,A 2 verticals, shield bash M,M,H B,B,K ?In VanGriffinÕs SE FAQ? M,M,L K,K,K 2 side kicks, paused side kick M,M,M K,K,d+K 2 sides, crouching low kick M,M,L K,K,d/f+K 2 sides, standing low kick M,M,L KN Combinations(4-hit) Description Level Notes ------------------- ----------- ---- ----- A,A,A,K 3 hor. Slices, side kick H,H,H,M KN D/F+B,B,B,B 4 low shield bashes? D/F throughout L,L,L,L HD B,B,A,B 2 ver. Slices, shield bash, ver. Slice M,M,H,M KN K,K,d+K,f+K ?In VanGriffinÕs SE FAQ? M,L,M(?) A+B+K *,SophitiaÕs super; only first hit blockable, all others fail elsewise * the 8-hit extension is d,d/f,f+G+A, according to VanGriffinÕs SE FAQ. What a FAQ! Grabs Description Level Notes ----- ----------- ----- ----- G+A Knee to groin H FB as well G+B Neck breaker H FB as well G+B,d+A+B+K Frankensteiner H,moot Turn Around Description Level Notes ----------- ----------- ----- ----- just turn around A turning slice H B turning slice M D+B turning slice L K Low kick L D+K Low kick facing backwards L Rising Commands Description Level Notes --------------- ----------- ----- ----- G rise faster f roll forward b roll backward u roll background d roll foreground A rise, kick M KN B rise, kick M KN K rise, sweep L KN D,f+A rise towards, horizontal slice M KN,WR D,f+B rise towards, stab M KN,WR [[ MOVES ANALYSIS ]] basic moves kicks: Sophitia's kicks, excepting her standing low (d/f+K), do not knock down. All of them are almost uselessly slow. However, in certain situations (beginning of round, especially against slower characters), her crouching low (d+K) and/or her standing low will break an opponentÕs attempt to fend off your faster, deadlier attacks. sword attacks: Her basic A and B moves are remarkably useful as interupts, if lacking in good range. F,f or f,F +B works passibly well in this regaurd. shield attack (d/f+B): This move is extreamely difficult to pull off on a fallen opponent, and although I've done this move whilst my opponent was standing, I've never connected. advanced moves Super: Her A+B+K looks COOL! The first time I played this game, I triggered this move by accident; all I could do was stare in frozen awe as she pounded away on her helpless victim, and at the end of the eight hit, I turned away in only partly-mocked disgust. Anyway, supers are nearly useless, IÕm not even sure if you can pull one after a good stun (hitting guard just before time of impact). One-hit: your basic set b+B Good range attack, great combo interrupt if 1st hit out of range. d+B Excellent mid attack. She needs more low moves. d,d/f,f+B Excellent speed attack, equivilant to TakiÕs charging thrust d/b+K Another very good low attack, but too slow. Better is D+G d/f+K As above, but more of a tagging attack. See kicks, above. U/f+K Needed occassionally if u/f+K,A or B or K is to be useful. Two-hit: your basic set f,f+K Very good ground gainer, but too easy to interupt u/f+K,K The staple 2hitter for Sophitia, fast and catches off guard b+A,f+A This double-slice, albeit slow, is underrated by Sophitia players. The -second- attack is fast, knocks down, and catches off guard. Much like MitsurugiÕs A+B. reversal (b+G+A): For the life of me, I canÕt get these to work yet. E-mail me please. grabs: If you can pull off G+B, you can pull off G+B,d+A+B+K, provided both players face eachother. combos: Mix it up. The more mixed, the less predictable. But, combos leave you well screwed against a good side-stepper (d,d or d,u). Beware overuse here (most SE beginners do too much of this). B,B,A,B gains more ground than any other Sophitia combo A,A,A,K speed 4-hitter A,A,B better than A,A,d+K, its easier B,B,B only problem, a *bit* slow K,K,d/f+K *very* good combo, catches off guard -- be in position to attack slowly, however. [END] FAQ History: Pre-ready FAQ v0.00: No history yet.