From: Mort Newsgroups: Subject: Seung Mina FAQ verson 1.2 (in a pre) Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1996 13:47:08 -0500
##  Seung Mina FAQ verson 1.2                                         ##
## Please add or correct this and email back to me or post to a.g.v.a ##
##                                                                    ##
##                                                -   ##
##Name:           Seung Mina##                             __________ ##
##Nationality:    Korean    ## *#<<>>#########>><<#########_________/ ##
##Weapon:         Glaive    ##                                        ##
G+A        Over the hip throw
G+B        Flip over the shoulder sling

from behind

G+A        Over the hip throw and shoulder break
G+B        ???
b+A           Spinning Sparrow

A+B           Starlight Explosion                                 [MM]
A+B,f+A       Spinning Sparrow and Helicopter spin                [MMH]
A+B,f+A,B     Spinning Sparrow, Helicopter spin and Headache slash[MMHH]
A+B,HCB+B     Spinning Sparrow *2

u/f+K         Lift off kick                                       [H]  
F+K           Spinning Blade                                      [M]
f,F+K,K,K     Forward Thrusting Feet                              [MMM]

A             Slice                                               [H]
f+A           Butt punch                                          [M] 
f+A,K         Butt punch and high kick                            [MH] 
d/f+A         Rising Slice                                        [M]   
A,A           2 Slices                                            [HH]
A,A,A         Sparrow's Rush                                      [HHH]
A,A,d+B       Two slices and an rising slice                      [HHM]
A,A,K         Two slices and a kick                               [HHM]
A,A,A,u/f+K   Sparrow's Rush and Side flip kick   [HITS CROUCHERS][HHHM]
A,A,A,f+K     Sparrow's Rush and High Kick                        [HHHH]
A,A,A,d/f+K   Sparrow's Rush and low sweep                        [HHHL]
A,f+A         Slice and a Butt punch                              [HM]
A,f+A,A,d+K   Slice, Butt punch, Slice and a low sweep            [HMHL]
A,f+A,A,K     Slice, Butt punch, Slice and a medium kick          [HMHM]

d/f,B         Rising Glowing Crescent                             [M]  
B             Strike                                              [M]  
B,B           Two Strikes                                         [MM] 
B,B,B         Meteor Shower                                       [MMM]
B,A           Strike and spinning Sparrow                         [MH]  
B,d+A         One Strike and a sweep                              [ML]  
B,B,d+A       Two Strikes and a Sweep                             [MML]
B,K           Strike and high kick                                [MH]

b+B           Mountain Crusher                                    [M]
b+B,d+A+B     Skyscraper                                          [MM]

Pounces and Ground attacks
U/F+A         High Pounce
U/F+B         High Pounce
u/f+A         low pounce
u/f+B         low pounce
b+B,d+A+B     Skyscraper                                                
u/f+A+B       Mountain Avalance   [Unblockable][Easily Missable ;)]

u/f+A+B       Mountain Avalance

A+B+K, b,b+A+B

##################################THE END###############################