::Rage Of The Dragons:: ::Radel FAQ 1.1:: Written By Justin Fawcett (Villan@mbox.com.au) 31st October to 1st November 2002 This is just going to be a short piece listing some combos i've work on in my short time playing it. I've only focused on Radel so far as he looked the coolest to me. He wears an orange costume too, which is my favourite colour. ^_^;; ::Contents:: 0. Updates 1. Intro To Radel 2. Commands 3. Movelist 4. Moves Breakdown 5. Combos 6. Ending (With Annie) 7. Credits ::Contents:: ========================================================================== 0. Updates 7th Novemeber 2002 Glass Escape update ========================================================================== 1. Intro To Radel Radel is a Dragon Hunter. He hunts down fighters who contain the dragon spirits and his latest quest is hunting the fighter known to contain the Black Dragon. It goes something along those lines anyway. His parents were killed by a Black Dragon so it was always on his agenda to seek vengence. On this latest quest he meets up with Annie who is to be his guide but Annie is also chosen as his guide so she can gain experience. I use Annie as my partner to Radel simply because she's sposed to be his partner in story mode. ========================================================================== 2. Commands I'll use the same system as most faqs use: f = forward uf = up forward b = back ub = up back u = up/jump df = down forward d = down/crouch db = down back qcf = quarter circle forward qcb = quarter circle back hcf = half circle forward hcb = half circle back A = Weak Punch B = Weak Kick C = heavy Punch D = Heavy Kick P = Either Punch K = Either Kick Dash = f,f Retreat = b,b Dodge = AB Backwards Roll = b+AB Forwards Roll = f+AB Change Partner = BC First Impact = CD Counter Attack = b+CD (Must be timed, before opponent hits you) Team Duplex = hcf+BC Surrender = ABCD ========================================================================== 3. Movelist ::Glass Escape:: = qcf+P ::Dead Dragon:: = d,f,df+P ::Head Execution:: = hcb+P ::Follow-up:: = qcb+P ::Screw Back:: = hcb+K ::Additional Attack:: = df+B ::Shadow Sword:: = qcf,hcb+P ::Red-light Combo:: = First Impact then AAACD ::Team Duplex:: = HCF+BC (With Annie) ========================================================================== 4. Moves Breakdown ::Glass Escape:: Radel shoulder charges the opponent and then lands a straight-forward energy encompassing launching punch. The punch looks like its punching through an energy-field, or glass. The oppenent is knocked to the far-side of the screen on weak and heavy versions. The weak version is 2 hits and the heavy version is 3 hits, the punch does 2 hits. Both versions easily reach half screen and i've found the attack is good to use to reach and opponent who executes and attack from just beyond half a screen away because u can reach them and make contact as they are recovering from the attack. Also I was notified by Shuriken Zero(orochi-nanaki@insightbb.com) that this move goes through projectiles if timed correctly. ::Dead Dragon:: Radel clamps both his fists together, slides forward and takes a big swing at the opponent and sends them flying to the other side of the screen. The swing leaves an energy trail behind it. In the corner you can juggle with a C punch afterwards...(I think). Once i somehow managed to juggle after this attack with Screw Back but I can't do it if i try to deliberately do it. It must have been because of the wall breaking to extend the fighting area or something. Weak version is 1 hit, Heavy version is 2 hits. ::Head Execution:: Radel half charges, half leans forward to grab the opponent and somersault them over, launching them into the air for a follow-up. It is a command throw basically. It has no range at all so DO NOT get caught trying the attack from anywhere but 0 range from the opponent. Also if you miss hitting the opponent, you'll get laughed at because if he misses he looks really goofy. 1 hit for weak and 1 hit for heavy. ::Follow-up:: The follow-up has be executed as he finishes the throw and is landing. If you time it late it won't connect. When u hit the command Radel will crouch backwards (like Kyo's No-Style DM) and then charge forward like the punch in Glass Escape. Weak and heavy both do 1 hit. ::Screw Back:: Radel bends down and backwards and launches a mid-height kick which he follows up with a short jumping kick from the starting position which hits a little higher and is finished with a two footed flying kick. The weak version does not include the last kick so it only comprises of 2 hits and the heavy 3 hits. The entire move reaches half the screen. Its best to make sure you will hit with it otherwise you're toast as it takes him too long to get up. Finally as an end-note, I personally thort this move should at least be called Screw Kick. ::Additional Attack:: Radel's additional attack is a 2 hit sliding kick. The first hit he slides in while his arms support him and the second kick he extends one leg out and hits mid-height. ::Shadow Sword:: This is Radel's Super. He shoulder charges forward and if it connects hits for 2 hits. After a half-second delay he starts laying into the opponent with uppercutting punches ending it with a Glass Escape punch. The shoulder charge hits 1 time for weak version and 2 times for heavy. The weak version does not include the Glass Escape punch at the end. The heavy version punches 4 times whereas the weak version only punches 3 times. ::Red-light Combo:: After launching Radel's First Impact, which is a somersaulting, short-ranged, double-footed kick to the opponent you can do his flying Red-light combo like every character. The first A does a quick, standing, jabbing punch. The second A does a quick shoulder charge. The third A does another quick standing jab. The C does a slower, heavier shoulder charge and the final hit, the D does a somersaulting kick similar to the First Impact but Radel only kicks with 1 foot. ::Team Duplex:: (With Annie) Radel runs at the opponent and goes into a 10 hit running combo which consists of quick punchs then a couple of quick kicks, a shoulder charge and the final hit which knockws the opponent to the middle of the screen is a heavy kick liked the first kick in his Screw Back. On getting the Team Duplex to connect again once Annie is on the screen, Radel will do a Glass Escape on the opponent and knock them towards Annie hits the opponent back to Radel. Radel then punchs the opponent with punches from his Shadow Sword move. To end it, after Radel finishes hitting the opponent is knocked into the air and Annie does her weak Crossing Wrath super. The whole combo is 18 hits. ========================================================================== 5. Combos I will just list combos that i like to do, you can make up your own if you want more. Jumping In... with D, standing C, Additional Attack (4 Hits) with D, standing C, Glass Escape (4 or5 hits) with D, standing C, Dead Dragon (3 or 4 hits) with D, standing C, Additional Attack, Glass Escape (6 or 7 hits) do this again after the opponent recovers for 12 or 14 hits. with D, standing C, Additional Attack, Dead Dragon (5 or 6 hits) do this again after the opponent recovers for 10 or 12 hits. with D, standing C, Shadow Sword (8 or 9 hits) Other... First Impact, Red-light Combo, Shadow Sword (12 or 13 hits) First Impact, Red-light Combo, Any of the above combos without the jump in D ========================================================================== 6. Ending (With Annie) After beating the Black Dragon - Johann... A large energy column extends from the island to the sky, I assume it is the Black Dragon's energy leaving Johann's body or something. Then... Radel: It's all over... Radel: Impossible... Radel: Look out Annie!!!! A red and black energy beam shoots across the screen and hits someone. The next screen shows it was Radel who was hit, he is falling across the screen. Radel: arghhhhh, A... Annie... It can't be... Annie: Radel!!!!! Annie: Noooooo!!!!!! Annie holds Radel who is lying on the ground, eyes closed with all the surrounding area in rubble. Black Dragon: Your friend underestimated me, that was fatal mistake, Black Dragon: enjoy your last moments with him chi- ld because I shall return for you, Black Dragon: a Dragon Hunter may be very useful for my plans... Annie: Radel!!!! Wake up!!!... Don't leave me!!!! A scrambled tv screen appears... Annie: You were the best Dragon Hunter... Annie is sitting in a house/apartment watching a tv with a black cat. She looks to be very sad. Annie: Radel, What I'm going to do. Annie: I can't hunt by myself. Annie: I need your help, your strength, your experience, Annie: the Black Dragon is too powerful for me... Annie: ... Annie: What do we do now, Qui-zi? The screen now moves across from Annie and her cat Qui-zi and shows what I could only make out to be Radel's costume. But I wasn't completely sure what it was, It could have been someone peering through some curtains. ========================================================================== 7. Credits Firstly I would like to give credit to the makers of this great game. Evoga Entertainment (www.evoga.com) Thank you for publishing this game. It's a good addition to the SNK/Playmore game series. and Playmore/SNK (www.playmore.co.jp) Thank you for bring this game to the public. Without you, we would have no more SNK games. I also want to thank the following... Wally Domey - who wrote and published the only ROTD faq at gamefaqs.com If you hadn't written it I would still be trying to figure out Radel's moves. David Kaing (dav-kun) - for getting me hooked on 2d fighting games. happy u lazy bum, i included you. Andrew Burns (Aenur) - for helping with getting me hooked on 2d fighting games and helping me out with ROTD especially. Shuriken Zero (orochi-nanaki@insightbb.com) - for notiying me about the Glass Excape Move going through projectiles. And last but certainly not least. I thank anyone who reads this faq because if no-one is reading it, then why the hell did i bother making it at all??? Endnote - i would give credit to the people who amde the double dragon games...but i have never played them....but if it is necessary, i thank them because without them ROTD would not be around. so thank you Technos Japan and Noise Factory. I don't mind if anyone uses the information in this faq, just don't claim it as your own work, because i wrote this all out myself and I hope you respect the whole intellectual property thing. No need for copyrights, I'm not going to be sueing over anything. Game Over