Rage of the Dragons Jose 'Pepe' Rodriguez and Pupa Salguiero FAQ By: Hayato Kanzaki, Saiyajin Prince (hayato_kanzaki_x@yahoo.com) 1. Version Udpate 2. What is this game? 3. Why pick Pepe and Pupa 4. About Pepe and Pupa 5. Legend 6. Pepe's Profile and Movelist 7. Pupa's Profile and Movelist 8. Pepe's Combos 9. Pupa's Combos 10. Pepe and Pupa Team Combos 11. Pepe's Colors 12. Pupa's Colors 13. Pepe and Pupa's Ending 14. Top tier characters and other stuff 15. Good partners for Pepe and Pupa (besides each other) 16. Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Version Update O.1: I just decided to make a faq for this team after coming home from playing it at an arcade. I'll put down any combos I know and any I've been told. 0.2: Added descriptions of what they look like, fixed some problems, got Pepe's C color description, added a new combo for Pepe (My best character, sue me.) and a team combo. Don't worry, my next update will be strictly for Pupa. Also added a section for partners. These are all IMO. You can disagree. 0.3: Added the rest of Pupa's colors, fixed up some errors and put in any problem a move has. 0.4: Putting a little tidbit of info for one of Pupa's moves. 0.5: Fixing tiers and how to avoid getting punished with Pupa by using Breakdance kicks. 0.6: New Combos and something extra for Pupa, something good, which is the cause of my also fixing the tiers. 0.7: Fixed a problem, involving a mistake of having my Jimmy/Sonia FAQ somehow being combined with this one. Hopefully, it's solved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. What is this game? This game is the sequel to the first Double Dragon fighting game based on the movie. But, it's really not a sequel at all, since the only thing Double Dragon about it is the style of the two main characters, Billy Lewis(Lee) and Jimmy Lewis(Lee), Billy and Jimmy themselves, Abobo, whose name is now Abubo and the mention of the dragons. Everything else is new. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Why pick Pepe and Pupa? I've been playing this game for a good time now and right now, the most satisfactory storyline team that I've used is Pepe and Pupa. Individually, they're good characters, although Pepe IMO, is a bit better than Pupa, but Pupa is also a good character. Pepe plays offensively and is a good combo character while Pupa is a little more of a character for patient people, since rushing people with Pupa was never too successful for me. But they are good characters, one of them being put as top tier and their team duplex is also very cool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. About Pepe and Pupa Pepe and Pupa both go to the same school in Sunshine City and are decent friends, but they end up annoying each other sometimes. Pepe is the "big man on campus". Basically, the popular playboy tough guy while people find Pupa, the sun-tanned, blonde Brazilian girl who speaks broken English to be very cute. Pepe thinks Pupa is sometimes, too imature while Pupa says that Pepe is very arrogant and full of himself. Honestly, IMO, both are right. Pupa can be a bit childish (and look cute while doing it ^_^) and Pepe is a bit cocky and full of himself (but he IS pretty cool). Pepe is actually, one of the holders of a dragon spirit, the Green Dragon, called Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. But unlike the other dragons, Pepe doesn't care about the whole dragon deal, he just likes being able to do cool moves, but Pepe IS secretly guided by the Green Dragon. Quetzalcoatl felt an evil power rising in Sunshine City and guided Pepe to it so he can face it and destroy it. Pupa, on the other hand, is looking for her brother, who got into some trouble and is now missing. Pupa searches for Pepe to ask for help, since he is the toughest kid at school. Pupa finds him and tells him about her brother. Pepe decides to help her find her brother. Most people find these 2 characters to be the most interesting. They're my favorites and I think they'd be a good couple, too. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Legend U: Up Dw: Down Fw: Foward Bk: Back DwFw: Down-Foward DwBk: Down-Back UFw: Up-Foward UBk: Up-Back QCF: Quarter Circle Foward (D,DF,F) QCB: Quarter Circle Back (D,DB,B) HCF: Half-Circle Foward (B,DB,D,DF,F) HCB: Half-Circle Back (F,DF,D,DB,B) A: Light Punch B: Light Kick C: Fierce Punch D: Fierce Kick Fw,Fw: Run Bk,Bk: Dash back Start: Taunt Hold Bk: Block Hold Bk in the air: Air Block. Certain things cannot be air blocked. Basic Controls: AB: Dodge (Sidestep). The Dodge from KoF, can be thrown out of it. Fw+AB: Foward Roll, can be thrown out of it. Bk+AB: Back Roll, can be thrown out of it. BC: Tag out, you tag out your current character for another one. CD: First Impact. A Custom Combo of sorts. After connecting with this, the corresponding button presses will appear on the screen above your super gauge. Can be done in the air, but must jump immediately after hitting First Impact. The ground builds less super meter, but you can combo more things. The air version fills your meter faster, but you can't combo certain thigns, but you can combo your Team Duplex after an air First Impact. The ground on allows more specials and supers to be done. Basic Specials: Team Duplex: QCF+BC This is a tag team combo, basically. You do the motion and your character rushes the opponent and provided it connects, starts to combo them. Then, your character knocks the enemy to the other side of the screen where your partner comes out. Do the motion again and the Team Duplex will start. You need 2 Super Bars and your Tag Meter must be full. Certain teams have their own unique Duplex combos, which means, since this is a Pepe/Pupa FAQ, that Pepe and Pupa have a unique Duplex. You can do a Duplex from a ground First Impact, normals and command moves ONLY if the character doesn't have a QCF move on the ground. That means that only two characters in the whole game can combo a Duplex from a ground combo, one of them being Pepe (The other being Oni). Everyone else (including Pupa) can only combo a Team Duplex after an air first impact. One more thing, it takes a little timing when your partner runs out to do the Duplex completely. And remember, BOTH characters must be concious for it. Pepe and Pupa's Duplex: After the second person comes out and the Duplex is activated, Pepe does an Iztak without the electricity and knocks them into Pupa, who does her Real Beat, then goes immediately into a 3 hit Breeze Dancer, without the Punch finish and they fly up and over Pepe's head, then he does the finish of Quetzalcoatl and they start to fall, then Pupa does her C Bencao (which is just throwing a wrench at them) and knocks them back to Pepe, who does another Quetzalcoatl finish while Pupa taps her shoulder with the wrench, winking. Surrender: ABCD This is what you use when you want to sacrifice a character, but it has a good catch. No matter how much life the beaten character has, the partner will recieve full life and a full Super Meter. Useful at times. This is what cost me a match at Chinatown. (Lost to a Pepe/Oni team, which is a pretty damn good team, I used that team myself.) CD Counter: CD while blocking Instead of doing a First Impact, the character flashes red and knocks the enemy away from them. It drains one Super bar. Other Game Mechanics: Guard Crush: Works like KoF, attacking a blocking opponent constantly will cause their guard to be broken. Throw Break: Press C when your opponent does a throw animation, it stops the throw. Air grabs and throws can't be broken. Wall: Like in the Real Bout: Fatal Fury series, you can knock an opponent into a wall. If the opponent hits the wall once, they will bounce off it and can be juggled, which is useful for big combos. The second time, the wall will break and the stage will become longer. Only certain stages are without walls. (Jones/Kang, Radel/Annie) Command Moves: Attacks that can be linked from normal attacks. Special Moves: A character's unique techniques. Super Moves: A character's strongest attack. Each person has one, but the button pressed determines the strength of a move. If you press A or B, it will use only 1 stock. If you use C or D, it will use 2 stocks, making it more powerful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Pepe's Profile and Move List Name: Jose Rodriguez Age: 19 Birthday: September 11 Nationality: Mexican Height: 1.74 m. (5'7) Weight: 63 Kg. (140 lbs.) Blood type: A+ Fighting style: Aztec Martial Arts Likes: Praticing Martial Arts Favorite food: Mangos and Sopes. Favorite sport: Any extreme sport. Most valuable: Family and Friends Hates the Most: The rats. (The animal or description of person?) Symbol: Quetzalcoatl, the Green Dragon. (He doesn't care about dragons and the such.) Pepe has fame for being tough and undisciplined at school and at home, that's why he is usually in trouble. When 13 and after moving to South Mexico, he started to practice all kinds of extreme sports, even expeditions into the jungle alone, there he found an ancient ruin that once belonged to the great Aztec empire that spread across all Mexico. Inside he found an ancient scroll that kept the spirit of the Green dragon or Quetzalcoatl as it was know in ancient Mexico. The spirit, after a long sleep, felt the natural resonance in this new host and took possession of Pepe's body. Confused, Pepe returned to the city. After this encounter, he started to train under the hidden guidance of the spirit, the ancient Aztec art of fighting that bases it's techniques in speed, kicks, short range attacks and grabs. Because Pepe ignored what he was doing under the guidance of the Green Dragon, he thought it was cool that he could do all those movements out of no where. But this, along with his indiscipline got him into trouble. Back in Mexico City he got into troubles with a band that ruled his neighborhood, because of this his father, fearing something may happen to his son decided to send Pepe to Sunshine city where an uncle lived, there he attends high school and easily made lots of friends, there he met Pupa and Pau, two girls that will cause him lots of pains. After the rising power of the Black Dragon and the arrival of the rest of dragons, Pepe felt something was not right. The spirit of the Green Dragon felt the confrontation with evil forces was about to start. So once again, it leads Pepe into battle when he decided to help Pupa find her big brother, lost in the turmoil of the sect. (Comments: A troublesome playboy with a thirst for adventure and, because of his dragon, a sense of justice.) Description: A short, built guy with short hair, armbands, gloves, wears a beige jumpsuit but with the torso part dangling from his waist and sandals. The guy with his hands behind his head in the character selcect screen. Next to Pupa. Look VERY closely and you'll see very slight resemblance to Kim Kaphwan of KoF fame. Move List: ___________________ |First Impact Combos| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground First Impact: A, B, C, D, D Air First Impact: B, A, C, D, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________ |Comand Moves| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hop Punch: Fw+A Pepe hops up and does an overhead punch to his opponents head. Overhead attack. Can only combo Temoc from this. Hit a turtler with this. Jump Kick into Standing High Kick: DwFw+B Pepe does a spin kick in the air, then he lands and does a high kick to the head to knock the opponent into the air. Both hits can be cancelled. Good for combos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ |Special Moves| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Throw : While in the air, Fw+C near the opponent. Arriba : Fw, Dw, DwFw+B/D Pepe does a rising knee attack. With B, it's just two knees. With D, he does a spin kick with electric properties for more damage. Good anti-air, good for combos, best after his Jump Kick into Standing High Kick. Use the B version unless it's in a combo or you're sure it'll hit. If the D version misses, you're getting damage done. Istak : QCB+A/C Pepe dashes to his opponent and does a back fist, then surrounds his fist with an electric ball, doing 6 hits with A and 8 with C. Only the A version can be used in combos. Decent pressure move. Some lag though. Cuautli : Near an opponent, HCB+B/D Pepe stomps a mudhole into the opponent while they stand and with the 8th hit, he tosses them and himself up. He lands first and strikes a nice crouch pose, making a pillar of lightning strike the opponent before they land. Stylish move. Command Grab. Unblockable and can be used in a combo. One of his better moves. Temoc : While in the air, QCB+B/D Pepe jumps into the air and does a downwards dive kick at an angle into his opponent. When he lands, he does a quick axe kick, striking the opponent with lighting using his foot. The axe kick is an overhead. The button pressed determines the angle. Use this move wisely, cause if misused, you WILL pay for it. A safe way to use this move is by using it in a combo with his Hop Punch (Fw+A). It's safe and easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________ |Super Move| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quetzalcoatl : QCFx2+A/C Pepe charges up, making electricity surge through his body and he charges into the opponent, knocking them up into the air if it hits. While they're in the air, he stops and does a power up pose and strikes the opponent with a pillar of lightning. The button pressed determines how big the pillar is. Can't be used after an air First Impact, but can be used for any ground combo. If it's blocked, I hope you have a good amount of health left, because if it's blocked, Pepe continues his dash anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Pupa's Profile and Movelist. Name: Pupa Salguiero Age: 17 Birthday: October 18 Nationality: Brazilian Height: 1.65 m. (5'4) Weight: 48 Kg. (105 lbs.) Sizes: B 85 W 57 H 87 Blood type: A Fighting style: Regional Capoeira Likes: Fixing machines Favorite food: Fabada and tropical fruits Favorite sport: Scuba diving Most valuable: The hat her mother made for her Hates the Most: Cold weather Symbol: The Sun Dancer Pupa is a normal girl from Brazil that likes to eat, dance, go to parties and cause problems. Minor of two siblings, she loves to make sport, practice regional capoeira, the traditional martial art and dance of Brazil, hard work and she also has a strange fascination for machines, she loves to assemble and dismantling machines. A passion gotten from her father. She lived in Brazil with her brother and her father, an engineer who raised them after their mother passed away when she was only a child. She remembers when in her 5th birthday she gave her a hand-made hat that now is one of her most precious belongings. One day, her father decided to send both children to America to attend school. There Pupa made lots of new friends, especially boys that are amazed with the little blonde-sun tan girl that speaks broken English, but is quite smart in class. But her brother was shocked by the city and soon he started to get into trouble when he stared to attend sect sessionsthat were quite popular. Finally one day, her brother did not came back home and she was deathly worried about him. She sometimes heard her brother talking about a very special group that had the real truth about the world. She knew that those sects where nothing but trouble and were quite dangerous, so she decided to go out to look for her brother, but she knew that task would not be easy in a dangerous place like Sunshine City. So she looked for Pepe, a guy from school with a rep of being tough and strong that bothered her several times, so she had to kick him out. But this time Pepe notice how worried Pupa was and he decided to go with her into low Sunshine City. (Comments: A cute girl who loves messing with machines, but can't speak proper english.) Description: A cute, small looking girl with a green snow hat, short sleeved, baby blue shirt that shows her stomach, green baggy pants, yellow jacket around her waist, green gloves and brown shoes. Always has a wrench. The girl bending down and winking at you, smiling happily in the character select screen. Move List: ___________________ |First Impact Combos| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground First Impact: A, A, B, B, D Air First Impact: B, B, D, D, D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ |Command Moves| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wrench Swing: Fw+A Pupa takes out her wrench and smacks you with it. Overhead, but slow. It's too slow to be used to combo from normal attacks, but it can be cancelled. Breakdance Kicks: DwFw+B Pupa does a 3 low kicks that looks like a breakdance. They have to be blocked and the last hit knocks them away. You can use combo this with her fierce attacks and all the hits of this move can be cancelled out. ONLY use this in combos. It has alot of lag and I ate plenty of combos using it out of combos. BUT, there is a way to use this and not get hurt. (From TerryBogard) To negate the lag she has on that move, try comboing her Bencao(QCF+A) after it when it gets blocked. It will push the opponent away and negates the lag she has on the move. And the good thing is, dwnfwd B is cancellable on any of the 3 hits, so just cancel away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ |Special Moves| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parafuso: HCB+B/D Pupa does a 3-hit air kick move. The last hit knocks the opponent down. The button determines the move's range. It looks like she's break dancing in air. You're getting the business of it misses. Use wisely. Bencao: QCF+A/C Pupa takes out her wrench and tosses it at you. The A version goes straight at the opponent, while the C version goes up at an angle. It's kind of funny, hitting your opponent with a wrench. This helps you more than you think. Breeze Dancer: Fw, Dw, DwFw+B/D Dw+A/C after Breeze Dancer for a knock down. Pupa does a 2-hit upwards kick into the air, looks like her answer to Pepe's Arriba. Pressing D+A/C knocks the opponent down with her wrench. Good for combos, especially to begin a wall combo. Quiexada: Hold D, then release. Pupa does a split kick. It looks like it's an overhead attack, but it doesn't hit for an overhead and it doesn't even knock down. You can't put this into any type of combo. BUT, if you hold the button long enough, it will become a Super Move, in fact, it's the most damaging one in the game at level 2. If you hit it and there's a wall nearby, finish your opponent off with a well placed combo! Real Beat: Tap B/D repeatedly. QCF+B/D to finish. This is like Joe Higashi's Bakuretsu Ken from 95, only with kicks. She does repeated kicks, then do QCF+B/D to finish with a rushing kick that knocks the opponent away. It could be used for a wall combo, but Breeze Dancer w/o the finish is still better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __________ |Super Move| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Au: QCFx2+B/D Pupa starts doing cartwheels. The initial hit for all cartwheels is an overhead. The B version does 2 cartwheels while the D version does 4. This is good for any combo, including after ground First Impact, since the opponent is hit with the first attack, they get sucked into the entire attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Pepe's Combos: 1. Jump in D, standing C, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D) Hits: 6 2. Fw+A, Temoc (Dw,DwBk,Bk+B/D while in the air) Hits: 3 3. Standing C, DFw+B, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D) Hits: 7 4. Standing D, DFw+B, Quetzalcoatl (QCFx2+A/C) (Depends on number of bars) Hits: 6 5. CD, A, B, C, D, D, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D), wall, CD, A, B, C, D, D, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D) Hits: 18 6. Jump in D, CD, A, B, C, D, D, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D), wall, CD, A, B, C, D, D, Quetzalcoatl (QCFx2+A/C) (Depends on number of bars) Hits: 18 7. Standing C, DFw+B, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D), wall, CD, A, B, C, D, D, Quetzalcoatl (QCFx2+A/C) (Depends on number of bars) Hits: 13 8. Jump in D, standing C, Quetzalcoatl (QCFx2+A/C) (Depends on number of bars) Hits: 5 9. Jump in D, standing C, DwFw+B, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), complete Duplex. Hits: 28 10. Jump in D, standing C, DFw+B, Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D), wall, CD, air, B, A, C, D, D, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), complete Duplex. Hits: 37 11. Jump in C, standing C, Cuautli (Near an opponent, HCB+B/D), wall, CD, jump, B, A, C, D, D, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), finish Duplex. Hits: 34 12. Fw+A, Temoc (QCB+B/D), wall, CD, A, B, C, D, D, Quetzalcoatl (QCFx2+A/C) Hits: 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Pupa's Combos: 1. Jump in D, standing C, Breeze Dancer w/ finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C) Hits: 5 2. Standing C, DwFw+B, Breeze Dancer w/ finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C) Hits: 6 3. Standing C, DwFw+B (Only first 2 hits), Real Beat w/ finish. (Tap B/D repeatedly, QCF+B/D) Hits: 7 estimated, haven't tested it yet. 4. Jump in D, CD, A, A, B, B, D, Au (QCFx2+B/D) (Hits depend on what button pressed) Hits: 10(B) or 14(D) 5. CD, A, A, B, B, D, Breeze Dancer w/ finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C), wall, CD, A, A, B, B, D, Breeze Dancer w/ finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C) Hits: 18 6. CD, A, A, B, B, D, Breeze Dancer w/ finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C), wall, CD, A, A, B, B, D, Au (QCFx2+B/D) (Hits depend on what button pressed) Hits: 19(B) or 24(D) 7. Jump in D, Standing C, DFw+B, Breeze Dancer w/ finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C), wall, CD, A, A, B, B, D, Au (QCFx2+B/D) (Hits depend on what button pressed) Hits: 17(B) or 21(D) 8. Jump in D, CD, jump, B, B, D, D, D, land, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), finish Duplex. Hits: 30 9. Standing C, DwFw+B, Breeze Dancer w/ Finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C), wall, CD, jump, B, B, D, D, D, land, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), complete Duplex. (Need at least 1 bar.) Hits: 35 10. Jump in D, CD, A, A, B, B, D, Au (QCFx2+B), wall, CD, air, B, B, D, D, D, land, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), complete Duplex (Need 3 bars at start.) Hits: 40 11. Quiexada MAX (Hold D for 1 minute real time and release), wall, CD, air, B, B, D, D, D, Au (QCFx2+B/D) (Need all super bars.) Hits: 11 (B) or 15 (D) 12. Hold D for 25-30 game time secs., Jump in C, standing C, DwFw+B (only first 2 hits), Quiexada Super (Release D), wall, CD, air, B, B, D, D, D, Au (QCFx2+B/D) (Need all 3 bars, will get another bar during combo.) Hits: 14 (B) or 18 (D) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Pepe and Pupa Team Combos: 1. (Start with Pepe)Jump in C, CD, A, B, C, D, D, BC (Pupa), Breeze Dancer w/ Finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C), wall, CD, air, B, B, D, D, D, land, Au (QCFx2+B/D) Hits: 21 (B) or 25(D) 2. (Start with Pepe)Jump in D, CD, A, B, C, D, D, BC (Pupa), Breeze Dancer w/ Finish (Fw ,Dw ,DwFw+B/D, Dw+A/C), wall, CD, air B, B, D, D, D, Au (QCFx2+D) Hits: 25 3. (Start with Pupa)Jump in D, CD, A, A, B, B, D, BC (Pepe),Arriba (Fw, Dw, DwFw+D), wall, CD, A, B, C, D, D, Quetzalcoatl (QCFx2+A) Hits: 19 (Last 2 contributed by TerryBogard) 4. (Start with Pupa)Hold D, Jump in C, standing C, DwFw+B (only first 2 hits), Quiexada Super (Release D), wall, CD, air, B, B, D, D, D, land, Team Duplex (QCF+BC), complete Duplex. Hits: 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Pepe's Colors: A - Beige suit, Normal skin, Dark Blueish hair, gloves and bands, Orange waist cloth B - White suit, Lighter skin, Black hair, gloves and bands, Yellow waist cloth C - Off-white suit, slightly tanned skin, Black hair, gloves and bands, Teal waist cloth D - Pale Yellow suit, Normal skin, Dark Greenish hair, gloves and bands, Red Orange waist cloth (Comment: I wish he had a dark color, but he doesn't. I like his C color the best.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. Pupa's Colors: A - Baby Blue shirt, Normal skin, Blonde hair, Green hat and pants, Orange sweater, hat patch and pants stripes B - Light grey shirt, Normal skin, Blonde hair, Black hat and pants, Orange sweater, hat patch and pants stripes C - Blue shirt, Tanned skin, Silver Blue hair, Navy Blue hat and pants, Light Blue sweater, hat patch and pants stripes D - Dark green shirt, Slightly lighter skin, White hair, Black hat and pants, White sweater, hat patch and pants stripes (Comments: Any one is good, but C is my favorite.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Pepe and Pupa's Ending: (Warning: Lines might seem a bit screwed up, but this how they were shown. E-Mail me and I'll fix 'em up.) First Scene: A big pillar of light comes out of the island from an outside view. Next Scene: The place is in ruins, Pepe is scratching his head, messing his hair a bit with his other hand on his hip, looking slightly tired, Pupa has her hands clasps together over her mouth while she looks down, looking sad. Pepe: Ay Ay Ay Ay, I hope they won't charge us for this mess. Pupa: He is not here, he is not here, it can't be... Next Shot: Pupa takes her hat off holds it tightly, looking down in sadness. Pepe (with really preppy like hair), puts his arm around her and smiles at her, trying to comfort her. Pupa: Big brother is not here. Pepe, what can I do? Pepe: Don't worry Pupa, I'll help you to keep looking for him, I promise, now gimme a big smile and let's get out of here. Next Screen: Static. Pepe: Still I have a strange feeling about that guy. Next Scene: Pepe is walking next to a girl with a pink shirt and 2 large ball-like accessories on her hair. The girl is Pau, the other girl mentioned in Pepe's storyline. Pau: Hi Pepe! I heard that you had a very dangerous adventure last night *add heart shape here* Pepe: Oh it's nothing really, just some loony guys that tried to challenge me. Pau: I bet you beat them. *add another heart shape* Pepe: Of course, now, What about we go to dance tonight? Next Scene: Pupa wraps her arm around Pepe's neck like she's trying to give him a sleeper hold. Pau doesn't look happy. Pepe has a goofy, sorry look on his face. He forgot he had made plans with Pupa already. Pupa: No Mister! You promise me that today, Pepe you liar! Pepe: Pupa?! Aaahhh I can explain it!!! Pau: Eyyy girl, hands off him, I was first!!! Pepe: Ey girls! Don't fight, maybe we can fix this... Pepe: How about if we all go out together? Pau and Pupa: NO WAY!!! (Comments: Poor Pepe. Either he forgot he made plans with Pupa, or he tried getting them both! I guess they do cause him lots of pains, when he botches something. You know, I like the guy, but he's gotta stop and think once in awhile.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Top tier characters. I play at the comic shop to stories up on Fordam road. I've heard a few different tiers for characters, from Fordamn and a fellow RotD player. Here's their version of top 3 and why. Comic Shop: 1. Kang (Surprised? So was I. They told me that there's nothing really bad about Kang at all, he's not even that slow!) 2. Oni (I'm not too surprised. He's fast, powerful and he has some nice combos and juggles and he's one of the only characters that can combo a Team Duplex in from a ground combo of any kind.) 3. Pepe (Of course, Pepe's gotta be up there. Alot of people seem to like him, every arcade I go to, more than 3 people use him, myself included. He's pretty aggressive, defenssive, good combos, great juggles, damaging combos and is the second character that can combo a Team Duplex from a ground combo.) Internet Buddy: 1. Billy (Billy is decently fast and strong. He CAN juggle you to death, especially with his Back Slash super.) 2. Jimmy (The combo of Terry, Kyo and slight Andy all in one! Great power, decent ground combos and an excellent super, the Gunblow.) 3. Lynn/Pepe (Well, Pepe again. Lynn, well, he said Lynn was very fast, which makes her a great combo character, since a large amount of hits add up to big damage.) My views on the tiers: Ok, one more go! As it turns out, it's not Mr. Jones who has the most damaging super, but Pupa does! Her most worthless move can be made into her most dangerous weapon when charged enough! 1. Oni Inomura (Nothing bad about him.) 2. Jose "Pepe" Rodriguez (Nothing bad about him either, Oni just hits harder.) 3. William "Billy" Lewis (Damaging juggles) 4. James "Jimmy" Lewis (Damaging ground combos) 5. Pupa Salguiero (Deadly in the right hands) 6. Radel (Kinda cheap, but in a good way) 7. Lynn Baker (Speed, speed and more speed) 8. Alice Carroll (Easy infinite, crap defense) 9. Cassandra Murata (Deadly air combos) 10.Sonia Romanenko (Anti-Air First Impact, but it's kinda slow) 11.Mr. Johnny Jones (Damaging Super, leaves himself open sometimes) 12.Elias Patrick (Brings up health for himself, too much lag on moves) 13.Annie Murakami (Decent combos, but not that strong) 14.Jae-Mo Kang (Can't see him anywhere else) Now, some people probably think that if Pupa's immaturity annoyed Pepe so much, then why did he help her and be so nice to her all of a sudden? The dragon really can't make his emotions change. And Pupa had kicked him out for being a cocky, arrogant bastard a few times, but she relies on him alot. Hmm... Maybe there's something more. Now I'm off to write some fan fiction! ^_^ E-mail me a request to write and if it's a romance, a couple, any couple, save yaoi. I don't write yaoi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Best partners for Pepe and Pupa. (Besides each other) Now, some people think that the official teams are the best combinations. In some cases, they are (Jimmy/Sonia, Radel/Annie). But for others, there are better teams (Oni/Jimmy work well.) I'll put down good partners for Pepe and Pupa. Pepe: 1. Billy Billy is a good partner for Pepe, since both are well-balanced and have good combos. 2. Jimmy Jimmy is a power hitter with some good ground combos. He's a good choice for anyone. 3. Oni I've seen nothing but success with a Pepe/Oni team. They're both good combo characters. 4. Sonia Sonia is my partner of choice for Pepe in edit teams. Pepe kicks the crap out of the opponent and Sonia, the hardest hitting female cleans up. Pupa: 1. Jimmy Read above. Pupa combos opponent, Jimmy cleans up. 2. Cassandra This team is pretty effective. Using team work leads to big damage. 3. Oni For some reason, Oni is a good choice as a partner for anyone. 4. Lynn Combo crazy cuties! YAY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Acknowledgements. Evoga/Noise Factory: For making such a great game. TerryBogard: Your Combo Faq gave me some inspiration and it helped me with some descriptions. Your team combos also inspired me AND for pointing out the little bit of info on Pupa's Queixada. I also put in some of your combos. Wally Domey: For writing the first Faq of RotD. I got the move names from there and the stories. Billy Harthwood: For being a fellow RotD Role Player. I role play as Pepe and he, as you can see, RPs as Billy. For all the players at Phil's comic shop: For giving me good competion in all games. (FINALLY!) And to you: You actually read this, right? I hope it helped.