--------------------------------- Rage of the Dragons The Endings Guide --------------------------------- Version : 1.01 (The version in which Holy Aura noticed that the guide just looks ugly as sin, and must fix it.) What was done in version 1.01 : Arranged the guide layout. If any problems, e-mail at : themysticalpoulet@hotmail.com --------------------------------- Now, on to the Guide Table of contents 1) What you should know about this guide - 1.1) Why an endings guide? - 1.2) What is included? 2) Before the fights... - 2.1) Before fighting Abubo - 2.2) After fighting Abubo - 2.3) Before fighting Johann 3) The Endings - 3.1) Generic Ending - 3.2) Billy/Lynn team - 3.3) Radel/Annie team - 3.4) Cassandra/Oni team - 3.5) Pepe/Pupa team - 3.6) Alice/Elias team - 3.7) Jones/Kang team - 3.8) Sonia/Jimmy team - 3.9) The Double Dragons team -3.10) Abubo/??? team 4) Legal Jargon --------------------------------- 1) Why write an Endings Guide for Rage of the Dragons? Because I can. Because there isn't any on GameFAQs yet, and if someone wants to know the endings and they're lazy. They won't get the drawings that come with the ending in particular, but that's their loss and not mine. Then again, just the sheer difficulty of the final boss can be enough for anyone who wants to see the endings of their particular team/character. 2) What is actually inside the Guide? Inside will be the actual endings (with all of the grammar and spelling errors, trust me, there's a lot of these...), what the current writer of the guide thinks the correct spelling/grammar of the actual ending is and descriptions of the drawings which are accompanying the endings. Also present are the quotes from before fighting both Abubo and Johann. I might, one day, include all of the character-to-character win quotes, but that's not for today. Also. There won't be any recorrections if the segment is grammatically correct, which means Abubo's text won't need any. --------------------------------- 2) The Guide 2.1) Before fighting Abubo (It's always Abubo who's speaking in this segment. The image is Abubo pointing at you.) Ey! This is Abubo's territory! You want to pass, fight Abubo first! * * * 2.2) After fighting Abubo (The picture is Abubo sitting down and his two secretaries are with him.) Abubo: Ugh! A... Abubo lost... Linda: Stop! That's enough, he's already defeated! Roxy: He was just used. Abubo: ...The Black Dragon must be in "Dark Island"... Abubo: Can you beat him? Ugh...go now. ****** 2.3) Before fighting Johann (All of it is Johann speaking. The first image is a close-up on Johann's face.) In-game version Time has come... weak must be eliminated. The power I recieved desires destruction (Cut to Johann standing in front of a blue curtain, then it's a close-up on his hand that rises until we can clearly see his face) I'll offer this life if necessary to satisfied him... Come on. I will show you all the prolog of ruin and destruction. * * * And now, in Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision! The time has come...the weak must be eliminated. The power I recieved desires destruction (Cut to Johann standing in front of a blue curtain, then it's a close-up on his hand that rises until we can clearly see his face) I'll offer this life, if necessary, to satisfy him... Come on. I will show you all the prologue of ruin and destruction. --------------------------------- 3) The Endings A note : No matter WHAT the ending, it will always begin by a picture of Dark Island, with clouds in the sky in a very odd shape, then, a column of energy will fly upwards in the sky. 3.1) Generic Ending In-game version (A picture of a boat near the island in the former picture.) Eddie: What a mess! (The game skips to a bald military man with binoculars and a girl in official uniform.) Wong: It looks like we miss the party. Eddie: maybe...but still there is a lot to do in this city. Sailor: Sir! We haven't found anything near to the explosion site, no bodies or survivors. Eddie: Well, it looks like somebody help us to destroy the sect. Wong: I think there is still a lot to do about this sect problem. Eddie: Still I have a bad feeling about this. (Cut to credits.) * * * And now, in Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision! In-game version (A picture of a boat near the island in the former picture.) Eddie: What a mess! (The game skips to a bald military man with binoculars and a girl in official uniform.) Wong: It looks like we missed the party. Eddie: Maybe...but still, there is a lot to do in this city. Sailor: Sir! We haven't found anything near the explosion site, no bodies or survivors. Eddie: Well, it looks like somebody helped us destroy the sect. Wong: I think there is still a lot to do about this sect problem. Eddie: Still, I have a bad feeling about this. (Cut to credits) ****** 3.2) Billy/Lynn In-game version (Lynn is lying in Billy's arms as Billy seems to be laying her down) Lynn: Wha... What happened? The Black Dragon!? Billy: He's gone Lynn, don't worry about it, now stay calm. I'll take care of you. Lynn: But... Billy: Shhhhhhh... just stay calm... (Picture fades out and is replaced by TV snow) "2 days later" Lynn: Are you serious? (Picture of Billy getting in his car with Lynn at his side, pleading) Lynn: Please Billy, don't go, I need your help. Billy: Lynn, you should be resting, now it's all over. Lynn: No, it's not. Who will take care of grandpa's dojo? Lynn: Who will take care of the seals? Billy: I'm pretty sure that you will make a wonderful job Lynn. Lynn: You think that?... Thank you. Billy: Cutie... you are still the same Lynn: Good bye Billy!!! (Picture disappears to have a Billy driving picture fade-in) Billy: Sorry Lynn, but I have some unfinished business with my brother... Billy: And I feel that this is not over yet, the Black Dragon was only the beginning. (Picture is replaced by a picture of Lynn and her students) Kid 1: Wow you saw that car!!! Kid2: An impressive 1977 with 220hp and turbo engine... Kid3: Is that your boyfriend, Sensei? (Background fades to black) Lynn: Eeeh...ki... kids let's go inside... (Cut to credits) ****** 3.3) Radel/Annie team In-game version Radel: It's all over... Radel: Impossible... Radel: Look out Annie!!!! (Explosion and flash of light, Radel is mortally hit) Radel: arghhhhh, A...Annie...It can't be... Annie: Radel!!!! Annie: Noooooo!!!!!! (Annie is holding Radel in a pile of rubble) Black Dragon: Your friend underestimated me, that was fatal mistake, enjoy your last moments with him child because I will return for you, a Dragon Hunter may be very useful for my plans... Annie: Radel!!!! Wake up!!!...Don't leave me!!!! (TV Snow) Annie: You were the best Dragon Hunter... (Annie is sitting down, her cat is next to her. I think she's outside, on a balcony) Annie: Radel, What I'm going to do. Annie: I can't hunt by myself. Annie: I need your help, your strength, your experience, the Black Dragon is too powerful for me... Annie: ... Annie: What do we do now, Qui-zi? (Slide to the right with a picture of Johann with his cape. Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision Radel: It's all over... Radel: Impossible... Radel: Look out Annie!!!! (Explosion and flash of light, Radel is mortally hit) Radel: Arghhhhh, A...Annie...It can't be... Annie: Radel!!!! Annie: Noooooo!!!!!! (Annie is holding Radel in a pile of rubble) Black Dragon: Your friend underestimated me, that was a fatal mistake, enjoy your last moments with him child because I will return for you, a Dragon Hunter may be very useful for my plans... Annie: Radel!!!! Wake up!!!...Don't leave me!!!! (TV Snow) Annie: You were the best Dragon Hunter... (Annie is sitting down, her cat is next to her. I think she's outside, on a balcony) Annie: Radel, What am I going to do? Annie: I can't hunt by myself. Annie: I need your help, your strength, your experience, the Black Dragon is too powerful for me... Annie: ... Annie: What do we do now, Qui-zi? (Slide to the right with a picture of Johann with his cape. Cut to credits) ****** 3.4) Cassandra/Oni team In-game version (Cassandra has her hands forward, pleading to someone) Cass: Enough of this, please don't keep going, enough of this destruction. Cass: Please... Oni: I can't believe it!!! (Oni grabs Johann by the neck and lifts him up) Oni: I tired of leave scumbags like you alive, you don't have answers, you have no use for me, to hell with you. (Claw slash on orange background. Skip to Oni giving Cassandra a piggy-back ride to get her to safety.) Oni: Soon you will be Ok Cass, I know that you suffer the same as I even if you fight against it, but I feel that soon we will know the true about this rage, trusts me... (Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision (Cassandra has her hands forward, pleading to someone) Cass: Enough of this, please don't keep going, enough of this destruction. Cass: Please... Oni: I can't believe it!!! (Oni grabs Johann by the neck and lifts him up) Oni: I'm tired of leaving scumbags like you alive, you don't have answers, you have no use for me, to hell with you. (Claw slash on orange background. Skip to Oni giving Cassandra a piggy-back ride to get her to safety.) Oni: Soon you will be ok Cass, I know that you suffer the same as I even if you fight against it, but I feel that soon we will know the truth about this rage, trust me... (Cut to credits) ****** 3.5) Pepe/Pupa team In-game version (Pepe and Pupa are standing in front of a pile of rubble) Pepe: Ay ay ay ay, I hope they won't charge us for this mess. Pupa: He is not here, he is not here, it can't be... (Pepe has his arm around Pupa) Pupa: Big brother is not here. Pepe, What can I do? Pepe: Don't worry Pupa, I'll help you to keep looking for him, I promise, now gimme a big smile and let's get out of here. (TV Snow) Pepe: Still I have a strange felling about that guy. (Pepe's walking with a girl) Pau: Hi Pepe! I heard you had a very dangerous adventure last night (heart) Pepe: Oh it's nothing really. Just some loony guys who tried to challenge me. Pau: I bet you beat them. (heart) Pepe: Of course, now, how about if we go to dance tonight? (Pupa appears behind Pepe and strangles him) Pupa: No mister! You promise me that today, Pepe you liar! Pepe: Pupa?! Aaahhh I can explain it!!! Pau: Eyyy girl, Hands off him, I was first! Pepe: Ey girls, don't fight, maybe we can fix this. Pepe: How about we go all together out? Pau / Pupa: NO WAY!!! * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision Pepe: Ay ay ay ay, I hope they won't charge us for this mess. Pupa: He is not here, he is not here, it can't be... (Pepe has his arm around Pupa) Pupa: Big brother is not here. Pepe, what can I do? Pepe: Don't worry Pupa, I'll help you look for him, I promise, now gimme a big smile and let's get out of here. (TV Snow) Pepe: Still I have a strange feeling about that guy. (Pepe's walking with a girl) Pau: Hi Pepe! I heard you had a very dangerous adventure last night (heart) Pepe: Oh, it's nothing really. Just some loony guys who tried to challenge me. Pau: I bet you beat them. (heart) Pepe: Of course, now, how about if we go to the dance tonight? (Pupa appears behind Pepe and strangles him) Pupa: No mister! You promised me that today, Pepe you liar! Pepe: Pupa?! Aaahhh I can explain it!!! Pau: Eyyy girl, hands off him, I was first! Pepe: Ey girls, don't fight, maybe we can fix this. Pepe: How about we go out all together? Pau / Pupa: NO WAY!!! ****** 3.6) Alice/Elias team In-game version (Alice is in a pile of rubble) Black Dragon: With her spirit, my power will be inmense hahahahaha. Black Dragon: Nobody will stop me, Elias you fool! Black Dragon: You brought the child to me! (Elias stops a big boulder from crushing Alice) Elias: Alice, get out of here!, quickly!! Alice: But father, I can't leave here! Elias: Escape my child, now you are free! Alice: Father Elias!!!!!!!!! (White screen, then TV snow, Alice is then on a swing) Alice: Father Elias, it looks like now I'm alone... you are not here... the spirit is not here, I'm free at last but I'm afraid, What should I do now? (Elias appears in the background) Elias: My little child, you must build your own path, be brave and have a humble heart. (Close-up on Elias' face) Elias: I must go now, I will follow the lord wishes to seek the Black Dragon. Elias: Take care my child. I'll be watching you. (Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision. (Alice is in a pile of rubble) Black Dragon: With her spirit, my power will be immense hahahahaha! Black Dragon: Nobody will stop me, Elias, you fool! Black Dragon: You brought the child to me! (Elias stops a big boulder from crushing Alice) Elias: Alice, get out of here! Quickly!! Alice: But father, I can't leave here without you! Elias: Escape my child, now you are free! Alice: Father Elias!!!!!!!!! (White screen, then TV snow, Alice is then on a swing) Alice: Father Elias, it looks like I'm alone now...you are not here... the spirit is not here, I'm free at last but I'm afraid, what should I do now? (Elias appears in the background) Elias: My little child, you must build your own path, be brave and have a humble heart. (Close-up on Elias' face) Elias: I must go now, I will follow the Lord's wishes to seek the Black Dragon. Elias: Take care my child. I'll be watching you. (Cut to credits) ****** 3.7) Jones/Kang team In-game version (Jones and Kang are in a bush, blown away by the power) Jones: Ha Ha Ha! I'm the main man!!!, I'm fabulous, I'm cool !!! Jones: I'm one step closer to the great master! Jae-Mo: Hey Jones, I'm having an idea about this, we might be rich. (Jones is doing a martial arts pose and Jae-Wo's in a business suit, discussing with someone) Producer: Mr.Kang, this idea bout a martial arts movie and computer graphic effect will be a success. Jae-Mo: It was an idea I had from a long time ago Mr.Dino. and my star Mr.Jones will make all the action sequence. Jones: Of course! I'm soooo good that I don't need double and I love the tight black leather clothes. (Jones and Kang are at an award ceremony.) Actress: And now for the winner of the best action movie, "Rising Dragon",Mr.Jones!! Jones: Thanx all, it's a pleasure to recieve this prize, now I'm a truly master of martial arts!! (Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision (Jones and Kang are in a bush, blown away by the power) Jones: Ha Ha Ha! I'm the main man!!! I'm fabulous, I'm cool !!! Jones: I'm one step closer to the great master! Jae-Mo: Hey Jones, I'm having an idea about this, we might be rich. (Jones is doing a martial arts pose and Jae-Wo's in a business suit, discussing with someone) Producer: Mr.Kang, this idea bout a martial arts movie and computer graphic effects will be a success. Jae-Mo: It was an idea I had from a long time ago Mr.Dino. and my star Mr.Jones will make all the action sequences. Jones: Of course! I'm soooo good that I don't need doubles and I love the tight black leather clothes. (Jones and Kang are at an award ceremony.) Actress: And now for the winner of the best action movie, "Rising Dragon", Mr.Jones!! Jones: Thanks all, it's a pleasure to recieve this prize, now I'm truly a master of martial arts!! (Cut to credits) ****** 3.8) Sonia/Jimmy team In-game version (Picture of Jimmy, crouching, while Sonia holds him near. In the background is a pile of rubble.) Jimmy: Are you ok? Sonia: Ye...yes...what happened? Jimmy: Too much power to handle, what a jerk. (TV Snow) Jimmy: The pain is still the same... (Picture is Jimmy, standing in front of a tombstone) Jimmy: Hello baby, it's been a long time...there are things I haven't fixed yet but besides that, there is something wrong and I think this is only the beginning. (Sonia appears) Sonia: So who was she anyway? Jimmy: "She" was somebody special for me so keep your mouth shut. Sonia: Sorry, but I was just wandering why we are here. Jimmy: She died because of my fault...and I must live with that... Jimmy: You had your vengeance, Why are you still here? Sonia: That was not vengeance, I was only returning a favor. (Close-up on Sonia's eyes) Sonia: I guess I should thank you for saving me last night. Sonia: Now what we are going to do? Jimmy: ... (We return to the other picture, but Jimmy is nowhere to be seen) Sonia: Jimmy you are so rude, leaving a lady alone here. Sonia: Well, I think the chase game starts again, I will catch you Jimmy...Ok let's go. (Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision (Picture of Jimmy, crouching, while Sonia holds him near. In the background is a pile of rubble.) Jimmy: Are you ok? Sonia: Ye...yes...what happened? Jimmy: Too much power to handle, what a jerk. (TV Snow) Jimmy: The pain is still the same... (Picture is Jimmy, standing in front of a tombstone, probably Mariah's) Jimmy: Hello baby, it's been a long time...there are things I haven't fixed yet but besides that, there is something wrong and I think that this is only the beginning. (Sonia appears) Sonia: So who was she anyway? Jimmy: "She" was somebody special for me so keep your mouth shut. Sonia: Sorry, but I was just wondering why we are here. Jimmy: She died because of me...and I must live with that... Jimmy: You had your vengeance, why are you still here? Sonia: That was not vengeance, I was only returning a favor. (Close-up on Sonia's eyes) Sonia: I guess I should thank you for saving me last night. Sonia: Now what are we going to do? Jimmy: ... (We return to the other picture, but Jimmy is nowhere to be seen) Sonia: Jimmy, you are so rude, leaving a lady alone here. Sonia: Well, I think the chase game starts again, I will catch you Jimmy...ok, let's go. (Cut to credits) ****** 3.9) The Double Dragons team (Billy/Jimmy) In-game version (Picture of Billy, Jimmy and Lynn together) Jimmy: What are you doing here? Billy: I need to talk with you about all the mess the Black Dragon made. Billy: Jimmy, this is important, this is not over yet, I can feel it. Billy: Jimmy, are you listening to me? Jimmy: ... Billy: I know that it hurts what happen to Mariah but it wasn't your fault, you must forget that. (Same picture that happened when Oni hit Johann, it changes to Billy on the ground, we only see Jimmy's leg) Jimmy: You know nothing!! and I don't care about the Black Dragon. Billy: Jimmy please, you need to forget her, Wake up! I need your help on this. (Billy gets up, and there's a close up on Jimmy, we can see Lynn and Sonia behind him) Billy: You can't run forever Jimmy, someday the rage of the dragon will consume you, the spirit is to strong and you feed it with hate! Jimmy: Don't worry about me little brother, I'll be ready if that's my destiny And for the Black Dragon, don't worry if he gets in my way I'll take him down. Billy: You don't understand, but I wish luck anyway. (Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama vision (Picture of Billy, Jimmy and Lynn together) Jimmy: What are you doing here? Billy: I need to talk with you about all the mess the Black Dragon made. Billy: Jimmy, this is important, this is not over yet, I can feel it. Billy: Jimmy, are you listening to me? Jimmy: ... Billy: I know that it hurts what happened to Marian but it wasn't your fault, you must forget that. (Same picture that happened when Oni hit Johann, it changes to Billy on the ground, we only see Jimmy's leg) Jimmy: You don't know anything!! And I don't care about the Black Dragon. Billy: Jimmy, please, you need to forget her. Wake up! I need your help on this. (Billy gets up, and there's a close up on Jimmy, we can see Lynn and Sonia behind him) Billy: You can't run forever Jimmy, someday the rage of the dragon will consume you, the spirit is too strong and you feed it with hate! Jimmy: Don't worry about me little brother, I'll be ready if that's my destiny and for the Black Dragon, don't worry if he gets in my way, I'll take him down. Billy: You don't understand, but I wish luck anyway. (Cut to credits) ****** 3.10) Abubo/??? team In-game version (Close-up on Abubo, he has blue flames as background) Abubo: Ha Ha Ha Abubo power is superior, Abubo strengh is greater than ridiculous mystic power. Abubo: Now Abubo will rule completely this city!!!! (TV Snow) Abobo now rules over the mafia groups with force. (Picture is of Abubo in his tuxedo with one of his secretaries, cameras are photographing him) Reporter: Mr.Abubo what do you think about the rumors that connect you with the mafia?? Reporter 2: What about the rumors about the political corruption that surrounds your person? Abubo: No comments. (Cut to credits) * * * Holy Aura-O-Rama Vision (Close-up on Abubo, he has blue flames as background) Abubo: Ha Ha Ha! Abubo power is superior, Abubo strength is greater than ridiculous mystic power. Abubo: Now Abubo will rule this city completely!!!! (TV Snow) Abubo now rules over the mafia groups with force. (Picture is of Abubo in his tuxedo with one of his secretaries, cameras are photographing him) Reporter: Mr Abubo, what do you think about the rumors that connect you with the mafia? Reporter 2: What about the rumors about the political corruption that surrounds your person? Abubo: No comments. (Cut to credits) --------------------------------- 3. Legal Jargon All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This Guide is property of me, Guillaume Favreau (also known as Holy Aura). This Guide is to be posted only on these sites : http://www.gamefaqs.com Any other site that wants it should e-mail me to ask permission. If I never recieved a e-mail from you, or the company that represents you and I find that you do have this guide on your site. You will be issued a warning (by methods of communications currently availiable to me, for example, e-mail), and if you still do not take the Guide down, I shall be forced to take legal actions. Thank you for your time in reading this. --------------------------------- Endings Guide Produced and Written by Holy Aura (Guillaume Favreau) Copyrighted as of 2003/1/24 E-mail : themysticalpoulet@hotmail.com