------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neo Geo Battle Coliseum Mars People FAQ: VERSION 1.00 -Created, Edited and Compiled by: Psychochronic of Shoryuken.com (Brettdude in Gamefaqs) with some help by G Product Another form of Psychochronic Literature! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Update: September 3, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes before reading this document: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. This document is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or inwhole or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. Although I am...the author in the majority of the text, please respect the other authors whose work I have included in this guide. 2) This document is better read on Notepad with the Font set on "Times New Roman" on Regular setting, Size "10" and the screen resolution set on 1024x768. Use the Find feature (Ctrl + F) to find whatever term you're looking for easy mobility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Version Changes 2) Character Biography 3) Legend 4) Movelist -Normals ~Standing ~Crouching ~Jumping -Unique Moves (Command Normals) -Special Moves -Desperation Moves 5) Differences from SVC 6) Combos 7) Contact 8) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version Changes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.00 - September 3, 2006: Compilated on September 1, 2006 around 7:28pm EST and finished on September 3, 2006 around 8:31pm EST. I wanted to do another NGBC FAQ after Lee;Kisarah and Shermie were taken so I thought of either K', Genjyuro or Athena. G Product convinced me to do one of Mars People as he has so much knowledge so I figured why the hell not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Biography: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mars People are aliens from space that are in a plot to take over the earth in the Metal Slug universe. They are similar to squids, using their tentacles as a form of movement, and a strange fighting style which involves gas and a laser pistol. In Metal Slug 2, they appeared as enemies near the climax of the game, but were defeated by earth's forces. In Metal Slug 6, the Martians, Morden and his rebel army, the Ikari Warriors join forces with the Metal Slug team to fight a new alien invader; who ironically, feed on the martians. In the game, after Stage 2, the Martians become the Slug team's allies, some are even hostages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legend: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U = Up UF = Up-Forward F = Forward DF = Down-Forward D = Down DB = Down-Back B = Back UB = Back QCF = Quarter-Circle Forward QCB = Quarter-Circle Back HCF = Half-Circle Forward HCB = Half-Circle Backward P = Punch LP = Light Punch HP = Hard Punch K = Kick LK = Light Kick HK = Hard Kick SC = Super Cancellable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pros and Cons: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (+) Crouching is the "Big Lite". Yes, it's cancellable, quick, ranged, spammable and HIGH PRIORITY. You can chain 4+ of them together easily. (+) LK Plasma Spin is really fast, very good anti-air as well as spam too. (+) Monsterous range and speed for standing HK, very good range poker. (+) He owns the air in terms of range. Priority is pretty top too, though still loses out to other aerial characters/tactics (Nakoruru is a prime one). The range makes up for it. If your timing is right, it seems like you're playing KOF2002 Billy! (?): An excellent character that can catch opponents by surprise, zoning, cornering and for slow kills but also not recommending playing against CPU because it has nothing that can kill the CPU quick and also fast characters (Lee, Hotaru, Nakoruru, etc...). (-): Doesn't have any combos that turns the tables, meaning that he has somewhat of a weak comeback factor. (-): Extremely limited combo options (similar to Lee). (-): Somewhat weak defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Movelist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORMALS: Standing: LP: (FAR/CLOSE) A quick poke with his gun. Decent range, quick poke,nothing else. LK: (FAR/CLOSE) A quick poke with his tentacle that's similar to Kyo's standing LK with more priority and lower height. Very useful in extending your crouch pokes range. HP: (FAR) A somewhat slow poke downwards with his tentacles. Too slow but with good range though that's about 5/8 of the screen. (CLOSE) A vertical tentacle swipe. Simlar range like crouching HP with somewhat slow speed but it aint bad at all. HK: (FAR) A similar poke like standing HP but aims up at an angle. Good range and height with decent speed. (CLOSE) A high tentacle kick attack. Good range and not bad speed and damage. Crouching: LP: A quick poke with his gun that can be repeated up to four times and can be cancellable to various specials or supers. LK: A quick poke below with his tentacle. Hits low as expected, a little slow startup so not that chainable. Cancellable if timed right. HP: A headbutt-like move. Works sort of like an anti-air, but don't rely on it. Not bad damage and vertical range for a crouching normal. HK: A tentacle spin that sweeps. Quick Startup, can be comboed after a crouching LP. When blocked, keeps you at a safe distance. When whiffed, prepare for heavy recovery lag. Jumping: LP: A gun swipe attack in the air that's somewhat of a decent jump poke. LK: A tentacle poke in the air with a good downward angle with some okay range. HP: A tentacle poke in the air similar to jumping LK but with more tentacles. Very good air-to-air, compared to jumping HK, it has more horizontal range. Similar to jumping HK. HK: A tentacle poke in the air similar to jumping HP. Very good air-to-ground, compared to jumping HP, it has more vertical range but with lesser horizontal range. Similar to jumping HP. UNIQUE MOVES: Mars Slider: DF + HK: A spinning sweep attack that can act as a guard breaker. Unlike its SVC counterpart, this one doesnt travel that far. Instead, it moves forward a bit, spins for about 4-5 hits, then backwards. Relatively a safe normal that can be cancelled from crouching LP to make your opponent guard break. If it fully gets blocked, about 3/8 of the guard break bar is taken, near to half. SPECIAL MOVES: Mars Shot: QCF + P: Like SVC, Mars People shoots out a shot from his gun. LP version shoots a straight fireball that increases speed over time and HP version shoots one with slower speed but ocsillates up and down. Not a bad projectile overall. Roswell Vanish: B, D, DB + P: Mars People does a part-teleport, part self-destruction move that's very nerfed. It's too slow and hardly hits anything. Its been slowed down, invincibility frames are gone, and the opponent needs to get more into the flames to get hit, unlike SVC where touching the edge would get you hit. So far, its too unreliable to be used. Recovery is bad too. LP version leaves you back at where you are. HP version teleports you to behind where your opponent is when you used it. Plasma Abduction: HCB + P (close only): A command grab as Mars People freezes the opponent then floats then for a free shot. Though it lacked horizontal range unlike its SVC counterpart, it is very fast and has very fast recovery. Nothing too bad, but having a command grab is always a good thing. Area 801: QCF + K: Good overhead move as Mars People does a quick leaping attack.. LK version is really fast, range is very good too, can easily catch people off guard. HK version on the other hand is a good tool to approach the enemy from far. Not advisable to use HK version near, because chances are you'll jump over the opponent instead. Plasma Spin: F, D, DF + K (SC): Mars People jumps up then strikes down with an aerial spin attack. LK version has fast startup with fast recovery. It doesn't hit as often as in SVC for the hits to hit when he comes down, the opponent has got to be in a very specific position. Most of the time, only hits while going up. For theHK version, it has some bad startup and recovery, but it travels further, and can ensue more hits. When the hits while coming down hit, you can follow-up with LK version again, an attack like crouching HK, or any other thing that would come out fast enough to hit. DESPERATION MOVES (each taking 1 level unless noted): Independence Day My Bleem!: HCFx2 + P: UFO super from SVC as a flying saucer flies across the top ofthe screen as it beams down electric rings below. Unlike SVC's counterparts, this one can be blocked, and smaller rings are fired. When 3 rings are fired, the UFO will go back up. Quite some post-startup lag. When you activate it, it'll come, but Mars People will have some lag there. Though hen you are hit during the lag, the UFO still comes. MP12: HCBx2 + P: Also known as "12 Mars People" as Mars People from SVC whistles in Mini Mars People from above as they swirl around in a pattern and juggle theopponent. Except this time, it seem to not come out nicely, the way they come out, not all of them would hit unlike in SVC, and it may even come out off screen for the first round of flying minis. Bronze After: QCBx2 + K: New super, Mars does a quick hop over the opponent, while firing a ring that is similar to those fired from the UFO, at its peak. If positioned well, can be hard to block (Fired just after he passes the opponent, making him have to block the other way). Flatwoods March: Dx2 + LK + HK (requires 2 levels): New super. Quite abit of startup, but its good (Use when opponent is tagging etc...). Mars People stands and about 6-7 eggs pop out 2 by 2 of its mouth. If he gets hit while the egg pops up, no more eggs will pop out, but those out will continue their action. These eggs will hatch after a second or so, forming Mini Mars People. They will all dash towards the opponent, and explode as it hits.If the egg is off screen when mars uses it, it won't come. So yeah, for best effect, make sure none is off screen. When hit, the opponent will be covered in green flame. This is a useful super, summon the eggs, jump behind opponent, see him burn because he can't block. Very nice strategy and worth the meter if timed right. Tungus Incident: Dx2 + LP + HP (requires 3 levels): 3 Stocks super and his Exceed from SVC. The UFO falling down except this time, it falls straight on the opponent and it's equally fast, does quite a tinge of damage too. Probably comboable from stuff too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Differences from SVC: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Jump attacks were faster and have less recovery. In NGBC, you can combo off of a jump attack. Don't worry, it's not that great. -Plasma Spin only hits on the way up or way down outside of the corner. HK version can super cancelled of the first hit. -Area 801 has a tendency to whiff mover. -Plasma Abduction can no longer be comboed from strong normals. -Crouching LP is now spammable. -His Mars Slider is now his crouching HK. So his crouching HK from SVC is now a command normal and it cannot be cancelled. -Lost his Sliding Head and Hopping Knee command normals. -Independence Day My Bleem! has slower startup. Now the ship comes down from the screen then moves forward. Rings are now overheads and are smaller but if one hits then the rest will hit and give you a possible free juggle combo. But Mars People cannot move until the last ring hits. And the last ring will NOT extend to the very other side of the screen it will stop about a character's length away from the corner. Horrible startup and recovery, not remotely worth the bar. -Roswell Vanish has lost tremendous priority. No longer invincible on startup, Mars People is not invincible until he has fully disappeared. Smaller hitbox, won't combo due to this. Lost the unblockable, new motion. Also when done with HP, Mars People moves forward, before he moved backward. -His regular throw has more recovery for some reason. -His normals are much faster. -MP12 just sucks. The pattern they fly in was hugelfy nerfed. The first wave may hit but good luck with the last two waves. A lot more recovery, just about one wave will connect in the corner. Due to the huge amount of recovery, it's harder to juggle afterwards, still possible but not near as easy as he lost his infinite juggle from it. I can verify it because this super just sucks!!! -Tungus Incident requires 3 bars. Lost the version that lands behind him. -New supers; Bronze After and Flatwoods March. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combos: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Crouching LPx3, Mars Slider -Crouching LP, HP Plasma Abduction -Tungus Incident can be juggled after Plasma Spin -Bronze After, juggle with LK Plasma Spin or Roswell Vanish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Psychochronic: Contact me! Here are the following e-mails and internet forums you can find me at: E-Mails: MSN Messenger/Hotmail: b_unit905@hotmail.com Yahoo!: psychochronic2004@yahoo.ca Internet Forums: Gamefaqs.com: brettdude Shoryuken.com: psychochronic MIRC (channels on EFnet): #Capcom (The main channel for Shoryuken.com) #Gamecombos (The main channel for Gamecombos.com) #Srkgd (The General Discussion part of Shoryuken.com) #Srklive (The XBOX Live part of Shoryuken.com) My Fighting Game Site: www.geocities.com/psychochronic2004 -G Product: E-Mails: MSN Messenger/Hotmail: aolkillah@hotmail.com AOL/AIM: Two D Playa XBOX Live Gamertag: G Product ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Props to those who made this guide possible: G Product for his share of researching and his hookup Ratix0 from Orochinagi for helping me out on another character FAQ. Peace. -Psychochronic Copyright (c) Brett Navarro 2005-2007