------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neo Geo Battle Coliseum Lee FAQ: VERSION 1.00 -Created, Edited and Compiled by: Psychochronic of Shoryuken.com (Brettdude in Gamefaqs) with some help by G Product and ArcadeFire Another form of Psychochronic Literature! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Update: August 23, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes before reading this document: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. This document is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or inwhole or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. Although I am...the author in the majority of the text, please respect the other authors whose work I have included in this guide. 2) This document is better read on Notepad with the Font set on "Times New Roman" on Regular setting, Size "10" and the screen resolution set on 1024x768. Use the Find feature (Ctrl + F) to find whatever term you're looking for easy mobility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Version Changes 2) Character Biography 3) Legend 4) Movelist -Normals ~Standing ~Crouching ~Jumping -Unique Moves (Command Normals) -Special Moves -Desperation Moves 5) Combos 6) Contact 7) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version Changes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.00 - August 23, 2006: Compilated on August 2, 2006 and finished on August 23, 2006. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Biography: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: "The Legendary Acrobat Clown" Full Name: Lee Pai Long Birthdate: August 16 Age: 66 (Art of Fighting) Height: 171cm Weight: 62 kg Blood type: O Country: Taiwan Fighting Style: Chinese Kempo First Appearance: Art of Fighting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legend: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U = Up UF = Up-Forward F = Forward DF = Down-Forward D = Down DB = Down-Back B = Back UB = Back QCF = Quarter-Circle Forward QCB = Quarter-Circle Back HCF = Half-Circle Forward HCB = Half-Circle Backward P = Punch LP = Light Punch HP = Hard Punch K = Kick LK = Light Kick HK = Hard Kick SC = Super Cancellable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pros and Cons: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (+): One of the fastest characters in the game (points up for his rushdown). (+): Has some safe string and poke game. (+): Ground game can be tricky and elusive. (+): Has various wall-jump follow-ups like Vega. (-): Does somewhat low damage. (-): Doesn't have a projectile. (-): Creativity is the key. Relying on pokes won't build up his chances to win, he has a command Combination for crying out loud. (-): Somewhat weak defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Movelist: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NORMALS: Standing: LP: (FAR/CLOSE) A simple jab that's fast and can be linked to a standing HP afterwards. Good for rapid attacks to keep the opponent away but in any other situation, not very good unless you're gonna tag it or use a D-Assault after which are good alternatives. A bad note is that it'll misses crouching characters (eg. Iori, Kisarah) so watch out. LK: (FAR) A simple kick to the opponent that'll hit them if standing. Depending on the opponent's height, it can be easilt crouched. Doesn't link to any other normals or specials fast enough which isn't good. (CLOSE) A quick kick to the opponent's knees. Can't be linked to any other normals but a good tick setup for Kachou Hi Mashizume (although it won't add to the combo) or a D-Assault. HP: (FAR) A palm thrust which knocks the opponent back a bit if hit. Good for sweep-range for footsie game and a rare anti-air if timed right but can't be cancelled. (CLOSE) A stronger version of standing close LP that can be easily linked to a D-Assault or a Kachou Hi Mashizume but timing must be right to add to the combo). HK: (FAR) A leaping kick which moves Lee forward a bit. Good to hop over any sort of crouching attacks and has lower body invulnerability but timing must be right or else the damage will be traded. (CLOSE) A high kick which launches the opponent to the air. Great setup to any aerial attack, especially his Combination in the air and a good follow-up too. Crouching: LP: A quick and fast punch that can be linked to 2 more crouching LP's and can be quickly comboed to his D-Assault which is not bad for a close setup. LK: A fast crouching kick that can be cancelled to any hopping special or D-Assault. Only good for close setups but any other uses of his maybe considered pointless. HP: A quick uppercut as Lee moves forward. Not bad as it launches the opponent for a short time (they still land though) and a passable anti-air if timed right. HK: A spinning kick to the opponent's low-section as they fall if hit. Good range and height which is similar to Raiden's sweep from CvS2 and Chun-Li's sweep from 3S except that is not passable as an anti-air. Good for footsies though. Jumping: LP: A quick punch in the air that can link several ground normals when hit. Low damage but not bad for close setups from a weak aerial normal. LK: A kick in the air that aims horizontal instead of downwards. Can be passable as air-to-air if timed right, otherwise you'll be trading damage nonetheless. Due to it's low verticality, the opponent can easily anti-air it with a problem. HP: A downwards hammer-punch attack that can link a few ground normals right after upon its connection. Doesn't have much horizontal on it which can mean it's bad as an ait-to-air or it'll trade damage with hit. HK: A downwards kick which is good for jumping purposes and for the damage from an aerial normal. Be careful which direction you press, otherwise you'll be doing his Kashira Sai Kyaku command normal which will aim backwards instead of forwards so keep a look out on that. UNIQUE MOVES: Kashira Sai Kyaku: B + HK (only in air): Lee actually kicks backwards while he is jumping in the air. This attack is basically a Cross-Over Kick (like Iori). If executed properly, Lee's kick can force your opponent to block the wrong way. Upon connecting, this kick will even pull-in Lee's foe closer to him, so that once he lands, he can continue attacking with any combo of his choice. Combination: LP, LK, HP quickly (also in air): You have to be both careful and fast to correctly execute this combo. Lee will then perform an LP, LK and HP combo sequence. Yes, it’s possible to add a special or super immediately afterwards. SPECIAL MOVES: Kuuten Sume: Charge B then F + P: Lee puts his claws to his sides, before spinning forward and rapidly slashing any enemy in his path. This Special knocks down whoever gets caught by it. The LP version comes out faster, but travels forward a shorter distance. The HP version comes out slower, but travels forward a lot further. This HP version also has some frames of invincibility right at the start of it. Hyakuretsu Ken: F, B, F + P: Lee thrusts his hand forward. If it connects, he will then proceed to hit his foe with rapid karate chop attacks, before knocking them away (similar to Ryo Sakazaki's Rapid Punch Special). If Lee's opponent blocks this Special, the multiple hits will not follow, just the initial impact. 100 Ren Ashi: HCF + K: Lee leaps forward into the air, while kicking both of his legs about. The LK version hits about 2 Times, while the HK version hits about 4 Times. This Special tends to rise upwards, as Lee moves forward, so some foes in NGBC can duck underneath it. Hisaru Kabekake: Charge D then U + P: Lee leaps up into the air and flies all the way to the opposite side of the screen (the end of the screen in front of him). The height of the LP version of this Special, once it connects to the wall/screen, is Mid-Level to Lower Level off the ground. The height of the HP version once it connects to the wall/ screen is generally higher off the ground. Sei Shin Hisaru Kabekake: Charge D then U + K: Lee now jumps upwards into the air, before flying back- wards to the screen/wall BEHIND him. The height of the LK version of this Special once it connects to the wall/ screen, is Mid-Level to Lower Level off the ground. The height of the HK version once it connects to the wall/ screen is generally higher off the ground. -Kachou Hidaka Kasane: P (after Hisaru Kabekare or Sei Shin Hisaru Kabekake): Lee will now descend downwards with his Claws, so as to attack his foe below him. The LP version tends to descend towards the middle area of the screen, while the HP version tends to drop down after covering greater distances. The HP version can even travel from one end of the screen, all the way back to the opposite end of the screen, before Lee finally dives down for a Claw Attack. Both versions will knock down Lee’s opposition upon contact. -Kachou Takashime Geki: P (after Kauchou Hidada Kasane): Lee will fake in doing his Kachou Hidaka Kasane and will do another wall-jump and lands to the spot he did the motion. Good for fake, confusion and evasion game and will keep the opponent guessing in a random or occasional basis. -Kachou Takeshi Ashi Kasane: K: (after Hisaru Kabekare or Sei Shin Hisaru Kabekake): Lee will now descend downwards, but only this time, he will perform a jump-kick for an attack. I personally found it more difficult to properly connect with these aerial kicks, so they may have to be performed in more specific/ different situations to be useful. -Kabekake Tenshin: QCF + K (after Hisaru Kabekare or Sei Shin Hisaru Kabekake): Lee will fake in doing his Hisaru Kabekare or Sei Shin Hisaru Kabekake and will doing a rolling attack from the wall upon connection. It can also link from the other side and do a jumping attack right after. Another great evasion move but can also catch jumpers when timed right so it's also good as a rushing move. Hisaru Hapaki: 360 + P (close only): Lee's command grab as he hops over the opponent which gives him a good opportunity to nail an attack or super. It has very short range but fast recovery as it has a slight pause in the beginning as he hops over the opponent which is good to think of an attack for that (well...short) period of time. A great setup for combos. DESPERATION MOVES (each taking 1 level): Kachou Hi Mashizume: QCFx2 + P: Lee performs one the older Super Attacks from Art of Fighting 2. With his claws extended outwards, Lee spins forward like a spiked wheel, before rapidly slashing his enemy repeatedly in the process. There is some energy discharge around Lee at this time. This is a fast Super, with some decent priority. Hishou Shouten Hi Mashizume: QCBx2 + P: With his claws extended outwards, this time Lee spins upwards and forward, like a spiked wheel, before rapidly slashing his enemy repeatedly, as he ascends. Again, there is some energy discharge around Lee at this time. This Super can be used as an Anti-Air Attack. Shinkuu Kuuten Tsume: QCFx2 + P (only in air): With both Iron Claws placed to his side, Lee will spin downwards and forwards from the air, while cutting his foe in the process. If your opponent does not block properly, you can cross them over with this Super, which has Hit Detections all around Lee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combos: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Combination, 100 Ren Ashi or Kachou Hi Mashizume -Crouching LK, crouching LP, LP Kuuten Sume or LK 100 Ren Ashi *In order to combo into Kuuten Sume, you must hold back while doing the crouching normals since it's a charge move -Standing close HP, Hyakuretsu Ken -Hyakuretsu Ken, (super jump cancel) Shinkuu Kuuten Tsume -LP Hyakuretsu Ken, (super jump cancel) Combination *For any Combination as a startup, it's optional to skip the LK after LP and doing HP after *All combos can also work starting with Hisaru Hapaki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Psychochronic: Contact me! Here are the following e-mails and internet forums you can find me at: E-Mails: MSN Messenger/Hotmail: b_unit905@hotmail.com Yahoo!: psychochronic2004@yahoo.ca Internet Forums: Gamefaqs.com: brettdude Shoryuken.com: psychochronic MIRC (channels on EFnet): #Capcom (The main channel for Shoryuken.com) #Gamecombos (The main channel for Gamecombos.com) #Srkgd (The General Discussion part of Shoryuken.com) #Srklive (The XBOX Live part of Shoryuken.com) My Fighting Game Site: www.geocities.com/psychochronic2004 -ArcadeFire: E-Mails: AOL/AIM: Demented Cheezit XBOX Live Gamerag: MOGUERA -G Product: E-Mails: MSN Messenger/Hotmail: aolkillah@hotmail.com AOL/AIM: Two D Playa XBOX Live Gamertag: G Product ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Props to those who made this guide possible: G Product for his share of researching and his hookups from Guardcrush.net and Orochinagi.com and ArcadeFire for helping me out on some info of this FAQ. Peace. -Psychochronic Copyright (c) Brett Navarro 2005-2007