JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE ENDING FAQ by Kailu Lantis Greetings! ^_^ Welcome one and all once again to yet another ending FAQ by yours truly (check out my other ending FAQs: SNK's The King of Fighters '98 and Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage, as well as Capcom's Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III: Double Impact). record is certainly getting higher and higher! This turns out to be my fifth ending FAQ, and seventh in general (considering my two predilect FAQs: the story FAQs for the Street Fighter and King of Fighters series), so I'm really ranking up the points for me! ^_^ But enough of the formal hoopla. Kailu Lantis Productions proudly presents the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ending FAQ, where you will find not only the *exact* translation of the endings found in both games included in the package (JoJo's Venture and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), but also ALL the winning quotes. And a small bonus for all of you who haven't realized that this game is based on a long-running popular "manga" (Japanese name for comics)...a small explanation of the relation between the manga and the videogame! Yes, today is a nice day for manga explanations, which made enlighten even those fans of JoJo who haven't managed to get a translation of the Japanese manga (not that I know of one, but you may get the picture). Please keep in mind that this FAQ is based on the DREAMCAST game, not the Playstation version (although I don't know why it would be any different, Super Story Mode and all). I'm really dumbfounded on why Capcom didn't include the Super Story Mode in the DC version...Oh yeah! The FAQ...well, just read on, and don't gasp on me just yet! ^_^ ************************************************************************* INDEX ************************************************************************* I. Legal disclaimer II. Introduction to the JoJo series III. Character section *General notes *Alessy *Black Polnareff *Chaca *D'Bo *Dio Brando *Hol Horse *Hol Horse & Voing *Iced *Iggi *Jean-Paul Polnareff *JoJo *Joseph Joestar *Kan *Kujo Jotaro *Mariaha *Midler *Muhammad Avdol *New Kakyoin *Noriaki Kakyoin *Pet Shop *Rubber Soul *Shadow Dio IV. Related characters V. Credits Can't wait, you say? Why YOU...! ^_^ ************************************************************************* INTRODUCTION TO THE JOJO SERIES ************************************************************************* JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a long running manga/anime (comic/cartoon) series in Japan, written by Hiroshiki Arai, which is published weekly in Shonen Jump, and has been compiled into several volumes in anime. The series has been going on since the mid-80's, and it –still- hasn't ended yet (I think they're in the sixth series or something like that). The series in which the game is based on is the third series, which was published between 1989 and 1992 (as you can see, it's a pretty old series, but bear in mind that the third series was the most popular of all the ones that appeared of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure). JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is produced by Lucky Land Communications Inc., which, as you might see in the game, appears announced in the streets of Cairo stages a lot. By the way, in case you were wondering about the name "JoJo" it's a sort of a "word play" with the names of the Joestar family (JOseph JOestar, KuJO JOtaro, JOnathan JOestar...get the point now?). The series began with the beginning of the dispute of Dio against the Joestar family (how Dio was raised by the Joestars, turned against them, and became a demoniac being), that ended when Jonathan Joestar, the heir to the Joestar legacy, defeated Dio, beheaded him, and buried him deep within the ocean. However, Dio would have the last laugh, as his undead spirit sinks the boat in which Jonathan and his family travel. His family survives the ordeal, but Jonathan is lost amidst the ocean depths. This marks the end of the first series. The second series deals with the adventures of Joseph Joestar, grandson of Jonathan, who travels around the world fighting a savage group of vampires. The young Joseph is represented by the secret character "JoJo" in the game, as well as the old Joseph morphed by Alessy's Stand (same deal). In fact, the "manga panels" you get to see during one of Joseph/JoJo's supers belong to those series. In the case of the old Joseph, the boy that appears at the beginning of the series is an old friend of his that died during a fight with the vampires, and in the case of JoJo, the woman that appears instead of the boy is a very dear person to Joseph. Joseph ends the battle without a hand (he later replaces it with a cybernetic one), and gets married, having a daughter named Holly. This means the end of the second series. This is where we arrive to the third series, which is dealt with in this game. Joseph appears at the old age of 67, and has a grandson called Kujo Jotaro (his daughter, Holly, married a Japanese rock star and later had Jotaro). Dio reappears from the depths once more, having taken possession of Jonathan's body, but urged to obtain the blood of the Joestars to gain full control of his newfound body. Joseph gathers a bunch of young Stand masters (and a dog) to fight against Dio, alas while Dio does the same by recruiting nine dangerous assassins. The fight between good and evil begins once more.... Now, what exactly is a Stand? It's kind of like a person's "psyche" or inner persona. The person's spirit is reflected by a being which usually represents a figure in the series of Tarot cards. The Stand and its' wielder possess a bondage that can't be broken, so if the Stand gets hurt, so will the wielder, and viceversa. Usually, Stands can't be seen by regular people, but only by other Stand masters. It is neccesary to possess a special fighting ability in order to wield Stands and be able to control them as well (Holly, for example, is not able to control her Stand when it manifests, and it ends up damaging her rather than aiding her). After the series ends, other series follow up, picting such characters as Dio's son, Jotaro's granddaughter, Polnareff's new Stand, among others, but they are certainly not treated of here (except for Polnareff's new Stand). It is said that they will appear in the new JoJo's game for the Playstation 2, but we shall see if that is ever true. In the meanwhile, I hope this info was valuable to you! OK, before I get down to business, I would wish to explain a couple of things. The following is a list of the 22 characters in the game...some are alternate versions of other characters, and some are just plain copies, but 22 nevertheless. Aside from the introduction I put in which describes the character throughly as well as their role in the manga/anime, I have also put in all 7 victory quotes for all characters (except for Shadow Dio, who no matter how many times I win with, only has 5 of them). The new characters for "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" that didn't appear in the previous game "JoJo's Venture" (Mariaha, Pet Shop, Black Polnareff, Hol Horse, Hol Horse & Voing, New Kakyoin, Kan, Rubber Soul, and the newly selectable boss, Iced) have rather bland and plain endings, and they don't have intermission dialogues between battles either (they just have prologues and endings). Same goes for JoJo and Shadow Dio (secret characters in both games), who don't even HAVE prologues and endings in JoJo's Venture...whatever. As for the name of the episodes in which you get to fight, they belong to the Stand of the character that you will find. If you don't understand the analogy, I'll be kind enough to show it here: Star Platinum – Jotaro Magician's Red – Avdol The Fool – Iggi High Priestess – Midler Hermit Purple – Joseph Hierophant Green – Kakyoin The World – Dio Anubis – Chaca Cream – Iced Ebony Devil – D'Bo Sethan – Alessy Silver Chariot – Polnareff Dio – Shadow Dio Geb – N'Dool OK, so that's all out of the, have fun you all! ^_^ ************************************************************************* CHARACTER SECTION ************************************************************************* ALESSY As extroverted and bizarre as he is cowardly and spineless, Alessy is one nasty bag of tricks. This small, puny-looking guy looks like quite a geek, with bushy brown hair that extends to the sides of his head, adorned with several hair ornaments, dorky shades, and neon-color clothes. And, well, in fact he IS a geek, even though he was hired by Dio to assassinate Joseph and his entourage. Alessy's strategy to catch people is to first use the power of his Stand, Sethan, to turn people into children, and then he finishes them off with the help of his axe or pistol. This cowardly tactic makes Alessy one of the most detestable characters in the manga and anime series, and if that weren't enough, he also likes to dress ala Prince (formerly known as The Artist, who was formerly known as Prince), and if you don't believe me, check one of his victory poses...o_O. Alessy's love for money doesn't mean he won't run away if the situation is too tight. Basically, Alessy couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, but rather exploit the advantages that his Stand can give him to attack. It is said that Alessy could be based on some sort of child harasser/molester, as he likes to wail on children violently, and there is some point in the manga where he chops a hole in a door and sticks his head in it, like Jack Nicholson in Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece "The Shining". STAND: Sethan. A purple shadow cast on the floor by Alessy. The shadow has no particular figure, just a spade-like head with boggling eyes. The special power of Sethan is to extend his arms and turn the opponent into helpless children when touched, but Sethan can also wield an axe once in awhile, just like his master. "Ha ha! I can finally finish you off now!" "Ahh...Hmm! It feels so good to crush the weak!" "It's a bit too easy to inflict tremendous pain on you...." "What did you come here to prove, besides my superiority?" "You seem to understand now! That's a good baby!" "Despair! Feel nothing else!" "Sometimes it's fun to kick the defeated around...." -Prologue- (Black screen) Alessy is a Stand master that Dio hired to assassinate Jotaro and his comrades. (The image of Dio appears in the background, and in front of it, a close up of Alessy's ugly mug appears) Alessy: I, Alessy will destroy Jotaro and his friends... ...whether it be by fair means, or by foul! Ha ha ha ha ha! (A portrait of Alessy looking at the left appears on the right) Alessy: Wha!? That must be.... (A picture of Jotaro and Polnareff behind him walking down a street appears on the left) Polnareff: What are Avdol and the others doing? They're late! Alessy: That's Polnareff.... I'll finish him first! Episode 1: Silver Chariot (In the back alleys of Luxor, Jotaro and Polnareff walk towards the left, with Alessy following close behind. Polnareff turns around, and Alessy reels in shock. He kneels on the ground, and begins to look around the floor) Alessy: Hmm...I think I dropped some coins around here.... (Polnareff walks towards Alessy, and stops near him) Polnareff: Hey, you! Why are you following me? I can feel your murderous intent! (Alessy stands up and shakes his extended arms) Alessy: What are you talking about? Murderous intent...? Polnareff: Okay, then. Let me see if you are a Stand wielder or not! (Polnareff summons Silver Chariot. Alessy assumes his normal stance) Alessy: Why, you...! (Alessy summons Sethan, and Polnareff/Silver Chariot leaps to safety) (After the fight) (Alessy stands above a fallen Polnareff) Alessy: The first has fallen! I am superior after all! Now.... Episode 2: Hierophant Green (In the back alleys of Luxor at sunset, Alessy, facing the left, stands above a fallen Polnareff) Alessy: Who's next...? (Kakyoin walks in from the left, stopping behind Polnareff) Kakyoin: Hey, what happened to you, Polnareff? (Alessy reels in shock) Alessy: (Uh oh! This is no good! It's Kakyoin!) (Alessy kneels on the ground aside Polnareff) Alessy: This man here.... He fell down.... (Kakyoin enters a ready pose) Kakyoin: There is something unusual about you.... Let me guess.... Another enemy? (Alessy stands up) Alessy: Knave! I'll defeat you, whether it be by fair means or by foul! (After the fight) (Alessy fixes his shades, with his axe in hand, over the defeated Kakyoin. Alessy points at Kakyoin) Alessy: He didn't stand a chance! Now, I wonder if Midler managed to defeat that old man, Joseph.... (Alessy walks off the screen to the left) Alessy: I'll go find out for myself.... Luxor -> Jiddah Episode 3: Hermit Purple (In the grass fields, Joseph, facing away from Midler, dusts off his hat on his pants. At the right is the fallen Midler. Alessy comes into scene and stops next to her from the right) Alessy: Oh! Poor Midler! She's been defeated! (Joseph turns around) Joseph: Ah? I see.... So, you must be her friend.... (Alessy reels in shock) Alessy: No!! I've been discovered! (After the fight) (Alessy stands over the fallen Joseph) Alessy: You understood my Stand? Well done! (Avdol walks in from the left, and kneels aside Joseph's beaten corpse) Avdol: Mr. Joestar! You can't die yet! Come on! (Alessy reels in shock) Alessy: Hmm...Avdol is here and that could mean more trouble. I'll retreat, for now.... (Alessy runs off the screen at the right. Avdol stands up in a ready pose) Avdol: Stop! Hold it! Episode 4: Magician's Red (In the streets of Jiddah, Avdol, at the left, faces Alessy, who is on the right. Avdol points at Alessy) Avdol: You must be a new Stand wielder! (Alessy shakes his extended arms) Alessy: N...No! I'm just a.... (Avdol enters his meditation pose, and summons Magician's Red) Avdol: Shut up! I don't need your excuses! (Alessy summons Sethan) Alessy: I'll make you regret this!! Jiddah -> Cairo Episode 5: The Fool (In the hotel room at night, Alessy walks around, looking everywhere) Alessy: Hmm.... Where is Jotaro's room? (At the left, Iggi jumps into the room from the window. He looks back as he walks forward, not noticing that Alessy is crouching in front of him. Iggi notices him in shock) Iggi: Agi? (Who is this guy!?) (Alessy fixes his shades) Alessy: What's with this dog!? Oh yes, I remember! This dog is on their side! (Iggi tries to run away, but Alessy summons Sethan, and makes it stop Iggi by laying its' axe on Iggi's tail) Alessy: Stop! I'll never let you escape from me! (After the fight) (Alessy, at the left, crouches aside the wobbling Iggi, who is on the right, with his axe next to him. Alessy fixes his shades) Alessy: Ahh...Hmm! It feels so good to crush the weak! (Alessy stands up, holding his shades with one hand, and his axe in the other hand) Alessy: Now, the only one left is Jotaro.... (Alessy begins to walk towards the left with his arms crossed, and whistling a tune. But Iggi manages to summon The Fool with his last effort, and punch Alessy out of the window of the room) Alessy: Gwaaahh! Episode 6: Star Platinum (In the streets of Cairo at night, Alessy falls head first on the ground behind Jotaro. Jotaro turns around) Alessy: Gwaaahh! (Alessy stands up) Jotaro: That's an odd sight, seeing someone fall from a window like that.... (Alessy reels in shock) Alessy: What did you say!? Are you talking about me!? Jotaro: Isn't it obvious? (Jotaro raises his head) Jotaro: I know who you are! You're the new Stand wielder, aren't you!? (Alessy summons Sethan. Jotaro jumps backwards) Alessy: Impressive! Good job! Jotaro: You.... (After the fight) (Alessy stands above the defeated Jotaro, with his axe in hand. Alessy flexes, and then holds his shades) Alessy: I did it! I've finally beaten Jotaro! Sir Dio, I'll expect a big reward! (Seen from behind, Alessy runs towards a huge palace) Chaca: This must be Dio's mansion.... Episode 7: Cream (In a huge chamber filled with holes all over the walls, a red energy ball appears on the right, and Iced emerges from it, with Cream looming over him. Alessy walks in from the left, and stops in front of Iced) Alessy: Iced, I'd like to see Sir Dio! Iced: He wouldn't waste his time with someone like you! Grab your money, and get lost! (Alessy holds his shades in one hand, and grasps his axe in the other hand) Alessy: Not too bright, eh? I'll do you a favor and put you out of your misery! (Iced stands upright, his body trembling) Iced: We'll see who deserves to die! Word to my master.... (After the fight) (Alessy crouches aside the bashed up Iced. Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body) Iced: ...........................!! (Alessy holds his shades in one hand, and grasps his axe in the other hand) Alessy: How could you still be alive!? (Alessy summons Sethan, which smashes Iced towards the sunlight with an axe thrust. Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition) Iced: Gwaah! I cannot be beaten by you!! (Alessy sits atop his axe, with his arms crossed) Alessy: I am not just a one hit wonder! There will be no comeback! You can't win! Final Episode: The World (In Dio's room, Alessy walks in from the left. Suddenly, Dio appears in front of him, and Alessy reels in shock) Alessy: !? Sir...Dio...? Dio: I've heard that you've beaten Jotaro and the others. Is it money that you want? (Alessy assumes his normal stance) Alessy: Hee hee hee hee! You are a great man! You seem to have everything.... Dio: ......................... (Alessy holds his shades in one hand, and grasps his axe in the other hand) Alessy: I want everything! Once I destroy you, everything that's yours will be mine! (Dio crosses his arms) Dio: Hah! You will die the death of a weakling! -Ending- (Alessy stands above Dio holding his shades and with his axe in the other hand, Sethan extended on the floor. Alessy stands above his axe with his arms crossed, as Dio lies on the ground, breathing heavily) Alessy: Hee hee hee.... That feeling you are experiencing.... It's despair, isn't it!? (Dio gets up and pulls his body backwards, shaking all over) Dio: Guhh...guhh.... Die Alessy! (Sethan performs a small axe combo on Dio) Alessy: Excellent! (Dio is sent flying off the screen) Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!! (Alessy flexes, then begins to walk around with his arms crossed, whistling a tune) Alessy: Dio is weak.... It was easy.... This is most excellent, indeed! (Picture of Alessy's face looming over a city) After defeating Dio, Alessy uses the power of his Stand to torture people.... (Picture of Alessy with his arms crossed, on a gray background) Alessy: The people of the world have all become helpess children, thanks to my Stand! (Picture of Alessy opening his jacket, and revealing his axe beneath it) Alessy: Children don't need money. That means all the money in the world will be mine! (Author's note: Errrr...yeah, sure! o_O) (Alessy smiles) Alessy: It makes perfect sense, doesn't it? BLACK POLNAREFF During the travel of Joseph and his group to Egypt, Polnareff faces off against Chaca, and Polnareff defeats him. But when curiousity gets the best out of the naive Polnareff, he decides to inspect the sword a bit closer, and the moment he draws it from it's sheet, the Anubis Stand takes possession of Polnareff's body, and basically gets an added bonus, because Anubis also takes control of Polnareff's Stand, Silver Chariot, and create a double-edged killing machine. In the manga, Jotaro is the one who is forced to do battle with his friend and cast the evil Aunbis spirit away. STAND: Anubis Sword and Silver Chariot. Usually, B.Polnareff wields the "broken" Anubis Sword in one hand (if you watch B.Polnareff's arm, you can see how it's partially cast in shadows from time to time), but he can also summon a dark looking Silver Chariot from time to time, and you should see when both blades are combined...sheesh! ^_^ "I am the master of the twin swords.... Twice the death at half the price!" "Wa ha ha ha! Master Dio, I've done it again!" "Excellent! I'd like to slice you some more now!" "How nice.... Yes.... I'm quite the sharp sword!" "The Anubis Sword.... That is what I am!" "How can you win if I already know what you will do next?!" "That was the power of the Anubis Sword! I doubt you will ever forget it!" -Prologue- (Black screen) On his way to Egypt, Polnareff defeated one of Dio's Stand masters. He picked up the sword of the enemy he had defeated.... (Picture of Polnareff gazing at the sword as he draws it from its' sheet.) Polnareff: This is indeed a beautiful sword...I wonder if I should draw it out.... Wha!? (The close-up of Black Polnareff's nasty face overlaps the first picture.) Anubis Sword: Hee hee hee.... Once drawn, I can control the one who drew me.... I, the mighty Anubis, will finish off Jotaro! Episode 1: Star Platinum Episode 2: The Fool Episode 3: Hermit Purple Episode 4: Magician's Red Episode 5: Hierophant Green Episode 6: Sethan Episode 7: Cream Final Episode: The World -Ending- (Black screen) After defeating all the Stand masters, the Anubis Sword went totally insane.... (Picture of Black Polnareff walking down the streets of Jiddah, dangling his arm with the Anubis Sword. The image of Anubis looms behind Black Polnareff.) Anubis Sword: I hacked all of them to pieces!! Ha ha ha ha...! Now, the only one left is.... (Black Polnareff lunges against the screen with his sword ready to attack, against a red background.) Anubis Sword: YOU!! CHACA Chaca himself isn't really too important...the man you get to see isn't as evil as he makes out to be. In fact, Chaca is just a run-of-the- mill commoner who just happened to find a certain sword, which seemed kind of harmless at first, but there was a dark secret encased in that blade. It was no other than the infamous Anubis Sword, a weapon created by an Egyptian swordsmith over 500 years ago. When the swordsmith died, his crazy, violent spirit continued to live on in his "masterpiece". But unfortunately for him, he was confiscated as a precious relic that was kept in a museum warehouse for many years before Dio, realizing the potential of the sword, set it free. To show gratitude towards his savior, the Anubis Sword decides to fight at the orders of Dio, and kill Joseph and his group. Chaca himself doesn't last too much against Polnareff, one of Joseph's comrades, but the situations that take place afterwards regarding the possession of the Anubis Sword create a far more complicated situation than what was initially planned (you have 3 characters in this game who wield the Anubis Sword, so you figure it out).... STAND: The Anubis Sword. The blade of this sword is so sharp, it could practically cut through metal like a hot knife through butter... "The blade! I can hear it speak to my soul!" "To slash is to be strong!" "You have many reasons to perish. Let me show you a few!" "People exist only to provide for me the pleasure of slashing them open!" "I don't know what it means to lose, and that's fine with me!" "I've learned and mastered you. Consider yourself worthless!" "Do not resist the Master Blade!" -Prologue- (Picture of the Anubis Sword lying inside a crystal case, in front of a sword shelf. The Anubis Stand hovers above it) The Anubis Sword was created by a swordsmith over 500 years ago.... When the swordsmith died, his Stand continued to live.... It lived as a Stand with no wielder.... (The Anubis Stand vanishes, and Dio's image appears behind the sword) Anubis Sword: Sir Dio saved me from the darkness of the museum warehouse.... (The image of the sword disapperas, and leaves the picture of Dio on screen) Anubis Sword: His Stand is so powerful that I don't stand a chance against it! For that reason, I swore my loyalty to him.... (The portrait of Chaca holding his head, with the Anubis Stand floating above him, descends from above, as the image of Dio leaves the screen) One day, a man pulled the ancient sword out by mistake.... (Picture of Chaca pulling out the Anubis Sword, with the sunset in the background) Anubis Sword: Chaca, you released me.... You must be my wielder now! Wield me to kill Jotaro and his men! You are now the unrivaled master! Episode 1: Silver Chariot (In the temple ruins, Chaca and Polnareff walk towards each other. When they both meet each other, Polnareff quickly jumps to the right, and Chaca jumps to the left. Polnareff clenches his fist) Polnareff: Looks like you've got some guts.... (Polnareff assumes his normal stance) Polnareff: Enemies usually try to attack with their Stand, not with themselves. Who are you? (Chaca points at Polnareff) Chaca: My name is Chaca, the wielder of the Anubis Stand. Your life is mine! Polnareff: So you've got a macho attitude, eh? I like that! Now, come on! (After the fight) (Chaca stands in front of the defeated Polnareff. Chaca puts his sword over his shoulder) Chaca: I've completely mastered your movements, and the power of Chariot! (Chaca leans backwards, and then stands upright again, trembling with excitement) Chaca: I can never lose to an opponent that I've fought before! Kom Ombo Episode 2: Hierophant Green (In the streets of Kom Ombo, Kakyoin walks towards the right, but stops when he meets with Chaca. Chaca points at Kakyoin) Chaca: You must be Kakyoin! You shall die here! (Kakyoin crosses his hands below) Kakyoin: You'll be sorry that you crossed my path! Luxor Episode 3: Magician's Red (In the back alleys, Avdol is facing towards the right. Chaca walks up behind him, and Avdol turns around in a ready pose. Chaca points at Avdol) Chaca: You are Muhammad Avdol, aren't you? Your life will soon be over! (Avdol points at Chaca) Avdol: I'll cook you alive with my Stand. (Author's note: Incomplete quote here) Luxor -> Cairo Episode 4: Hermit Purple (In the streets of Cairo at night, Chaca walks in from the right, where Joseph is facing him, but he stops just behind Joseph. Joseph doesn't turn around) Chaca: Joseph Joestar, if I defeat you, Dio will be most pleased! Joseph: I'll make you see the difference between our fighting experience! (Joseph tries to kick Chaca, but he manages to leap backwards, placing his sword over his shoulder) Episode 5: The Fool (In the sewers, Chaca walks in from the left, and faces the ugly side of Iggi. Chaca points at Iggi) Chaca: How dare a dog like you stand against Sir Dio! (Iggi chews on something) Iggi: Grrrrrrr! (I hate trouble like this!) Episode 6: Star Platinum (In the streets of Cairo at night, Chaca, at the left, points at Jotaro, who is on the right) Chaca: So, you are Jotaro! I'll slash you to ribbons! (Jotaro raises his head) Jotaro: You.... (After the fight) (Chaca stands over the inmobile Jotaro. Chaca leans backwards, trembling with excitement) Chaca: Heh heh heh, I'll always win.... There's nooooo way I could ever... (Chaca stands up straight, still trembling) Chaca: ...lose! (Chaca stands in a thoughtful manner) Chaca: Huh.......!? I hear...something.... (Chaca kneels down, holding his head, and the Anubis Stand floats above him) Anubis Sword: You are the master.... You are the strongest.... Wield me and destroy......Dio! (Chaca lets go of his head) Chaca: !? (Chaca stands up with his arms dropped to his sides) Chaca: Jotaro and Joseph deserved to die! (Chaca unsheets his sword) Chaca: Dio, now I feel like slashing you apart as well! (Seen from behind, Chaca faces a huge palace, with the Anubis Sword wrapped in a cloth) Chaca: So, this is Dio's mansion.... Episode 7: Cream (In a huge chamber filled with holes all over the walls, Chaca walks in from the right. A red energy ball appears behind him, and Iced emerges from it, with Cream looming above him. Chaca turns around to face him) Iced: Chaca? Chaca: Oh.... You're Iced, right? Is Dio upstairs? Iced: I heard that you've defeated Jotaro and his group.... Wait! Are you going to.... (Chaca points at Iced) Chaca: Exactly! But before that, I'll slash you into shredded flesh! (After the fight) (Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body) Iced: ...........................!! (Chaca sends Iced flying to the sunlight with a rushing slash) Chaca: Ushaaaaaaahhh! (Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition) Iced: Gwaah! I cannot be beaten by you!! (Chaca sheets his sword once more, and begins to walk to the left) Final Episode: The World (Dio stands in his room, facing the left. Some Japanese sound effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles. Chaca walks in from the right, and stops behind Dio) Chaca: Dio!! Dio: I heard that you've beaten Jotaro and his group. I'm glad.... (Chaca pulls put his sword, and tries to slash Dio, but he instantly teleports behind Chaca. Chaca is pretty surprised. Dio has his arms crossed) Chaca: !? Dio: So, you are serious about slashing me!? (Chaca leaps backwards to face Dio, and enters a ready stance) Chaca: ...!? (A portrait of Chaca's serious face appears on the left) Chaca: ...I will NEVER lose! (A portrait of Dio's mean semblant appears on the right, pointing at the screen) Dio: There is only one thing that can happen now.... Chaca, you must fall! -Ending- (Chaca faces Dio, who is lying on the ground, breathing heavily. Chaca points at Dio with his sword) Chaca: I'm stronger than anyone else! (Dio gets up and pulls his body backwards, shaking all over) Dio: Guh...guh...perish! Chaca! Chaca: It is you who will die! (Chaca executes a double slash move. Dio is blasted off the screen) Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!! (In the temple ruins of Kom Ombo, Chaca stands in the middle, with his sword over his shoulder) After defeating Dio, Chaca now travels in search of stronger opponents.... (Scene of Chaca walking on the desert at night, with an evil grin in his face) The Anubis Sword continues to whisper to Chaca.... Anubis Sword: Chaca, you're the master of the blade! Anything can be yours for the slashing! (Back view of Chaca walking errantly on a sand dune, the Anubis Sword wrapped in cloth, with the blazing sun above him) Chaca: I feel like slashing anyone...I don't care who it is...I must slash flesh! Anyone is fine with me.... (Chaca vanishes) Chaca has never been seen since then. No one knows if he was ever released from the power of the Anubis Sword. D'BO This creepy Native American assassin was once a medicine man in charge of creating substances to cure and heal. But this guy always based his research in forbidden arts and now he could be easily tagged as a "witch doctor" of sorts. D'Bo has learned to communicate with evil spirits in the other world, and now D'Bo himself doesn't act anything like a human. D'Bo has the eerie hobby of cutting himself whenever he finishes a job, and his scar-filled body is a living proof of his sinful life. D'Bo marks his victims for cursing, but not before he allows his prey to get in the first attack, which gives him enough reasons to go in for the kill. His violent nature is perfect for the requirements that Dio needs to eliminate Joseph and his comrades. D'Bo marks the heroes for cursing, and now he directs his anger and hatred towards Joseph and his party! STAND: Ebony Devil. It's the small leprechaun-like doll that lies around whenever D'Bo fights. It may seem like a simple figure, but once D'Bo enters a trance and summons the spirits of evil, the doll becomes the incarnation of the malevolent ghosts, and becomes a little pack of terror. Besides having nails for teeth, Ebony Devil wields several other cutting weapons, which is mostly a shaving blade (yes, you heard that right), a spear, and...a hairdryer (It's true! Check out D'Bo's Junky Carnival super and tell me it isn't so! ^_^). "My name is cursed...." "That was not a challenge! Not very entertaining, either!" "To know me at all is to be cursed and killed!" "Ouchhh! Heh heh heh! No problem!" "I never leave my vengeance unfulfilled!" "Anger transformed into power! That is the essence of my Stand!" "It would be a pleasure to bite your head off!" -Prologue- (Black screen) He is a killer who is said to be a Native American medicine man.... (Scene of the creepy D'Bo scrolling to the left, with the far view of Cairo as a backdrop) He is D'Bo, "The Cursed One". D'Bo is hired by Dio to assassinate Jotaro and his comrades.... (Portrait of D'Bo's horrendous face) D'Bo: My Stand is fueled by the power of hate and anger! (Picture of D'Bo, seen from one side, looking at Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, Kakyoin, Joseph, and Polnareff at the entrance of the hotel with a sinister look) D'Bo: Those weaklings...I'll curse them to their deaths! (The whole scene turns red) Episode 1: Silver Chariot (Polnareff is looking out of the window in his hotel room) Polnareff: Give me a break! This is ridiculous! (Polnareff looks over his shoulder, then turns around) Polnareff: Who is this? (The camera scrolls towards the right, and the refrigerator's door in the background opens. D'Bo comes crawling out of it. He stands tall in the middle of the screen, and Polnareff approaches him) Polnareff: I can sense your murderous intent.... Quite potent, too.... State your name! (D'Bo looks at Polnareff) D'Bo: I'm D'Bo, the cursed one.... How did you know I'm here? Polnareff: Are you a moron? Everything's been taken out of the refrigerator! You idiot! D'Bo: I'll curse you to death! (D'Bo tries to invoke Ebony Devil, but Polnareff summons Silver Chariot first, and gives him a full session of his Million Pricks) Polnareff: Silver Chariot! D'Bo: Ebony Devil! (D'Bo is thrusted to the ground) Polnareff: You're so slow! D'Bo: Geh hee hee hee! I'm impressed! (D'Bo stands up, with an arm crossing his mouth, his tongue lashing) D'Bo: However.... You will be cursed! (After the fight) (D'Bo stands at the left, in his trance pose, with Ebony Devil dancing around the corpse of Polnareff) D'Bo: I've finished one of them.... Now, I'll head to the next room.... (D'Bo begins to walk towards the room's door, while Ebony Devil's head spins, as the whole scene turns red) Episode 2: Hierophant Green (In the hotel room at nighttime, Kakyoin looks out the window. A thumping sound is heard, and Kakyoin is alarmed. He turns around with his hands crossed below) Kakyoin: I heard loud noises coming from Polnareff's room! I'd better let Mr. Joestar know about this! (Kakyoin walks toward the door of his room, but jumps backwards when the door suddenly busts open. Kakyoin crouches, as D'Bo crawls inside the room, with Ebony Devil lying behind him. D'Bo stands up at the entrance) D'Bo: Ha ha ha ha! Kakyoin: You must be the enemy! You attacked Polnareff, didn't you? Episode 3: Magician's Red (D'Bo, on the left, is doing his trance pose, while Ebony Devil dances around Kakyoin's fallen body. Avdol dashes in from the right, and stops in front of Kakyoin, as Ebony Devil lies on the ground once more) Avdol: What's going on here? D'Bo: Here comes Avdol.... (Avdol enters a ready pose) Avdol: I've seen you before! The scar upon your face.... You are D'Bo, the murderer! (After the fight) (D'Bo faces the fallen Avdol in his trance pose, while Ebony Devil does constant flips around Avdol's body) D'Bo: This isn't enough for me! I need more victims to curse! (The whole scene turns red) Singapore -> Delhi Episode 4: Hermit Purple (In the streets of Delhi, D'Bo stands at the left, in his trance pose, with Ebony Devil lying aside the light pole on the background. Joseph stands in front of him at the right) D'Bo: Old man, I'll destroy you by cursing you into oblivion! Joseph: Old man? It's not age, it's experience! You could use some.... Let me help you! (After the fight) (D'Bo faces the lying Joseph in his trance pose. Ebony Devil's head spins constantly aside Joseph's corpse) D'Bo: This isn't enough for me! I need more victims to curse! (The whole scene turns red) Delhi -> Cairo Episode 5: The Fool (In the sewers, Iggi comes in walking from the right, looking backwards. Then he begins to run, followed closely by Ebony Devil. Suddenly, Iggi is impacted when he notices D'Bo walking towards him, as Ebony Devil falls down on the ground. Iggi looks at D'Bo from a side. D'Bo stops in front of Iggi) D'Bo: I can't believe that a dog is a part of Jotaro's group. I'll curse you too! (Iggi enters a fighting pose, growling) Iggi: Gurr! Gurr! (I'll fight you!) (After the fight) (D'Bo faces the knocked out Iggi in his trance pose. Ebony Devil keeps poking Iggi's body with his knife) D'Bo: This isn't enough for me! I need more victims to curse! (The whole scene turns red) Episode 6: Star Platinum (In a bride overlooking Cairo, Jotaro walks at the right and faces D'Bo, who is holding Ebony Devil in a hand. Jotaro raises his head) Jotaro: Hey, you! I can sense your evil intent! You must be my enemy! (D'Bo walks up to Jotaro and stands up straight to face him) D'Bo: I'm D'Bo, the wielder of the Devil Stand! (D'Bo jumps backwards and attempts to throw Ebony Devil at Jotaro, but Jotaro sends him to the floor with a solid Star Platinum punch) D'Bo: Ebony Devil! Jotaro: Urahhh! (D'Bo lies on the ground) D'Bo: Heh heh heh heh! You've done it, Jotaro! You've given me all I need to curse you! Jotaro: What do you mean!? (D'Bo stands up, with a hand near his mouth, lashing his tongue. Ebony Devil stands poised for battle next to him) D'Bo: You fool, I wanted you to punch me! Now, I shall curse you to your death! (After the fight) (D'Bo faces towards the right, where Jotaro's inmobile body lies. D'Bo is in his trance pose, while Ebony Devil dances around Jotaro's carcass) D'Bo: Geh heh! Fall into the arms of death! Vengeance must be satisfied!!! (D'Bo assumes his normal stance) D'Bo: I've beaten Jotaro! Now I can receive my 100-million dollar reward from Dio! (As D'Bo walks out of the screen towards the right, Ebony Devil runs behind him, but before that, he stomps Jotaro's body savagely. Ebony Devil's head spins as the whole scene turns red) (Seen from behind, D'Bo faces a huge palace) D'Bo: This must be D'Bo's mansion.... Geh heh heh! Episode 7: Cream (In a huge chamber filled with holes all over the walls, D'Bo walks in from the left. He stops halfway through) D'Bo: I've come to claim my reward! D'Bo has arrived! Isn't Dio here? (Iced appears behind D'Bo, with Cream looming above him) Iced: You must be a killer that Sir Dio hired. (D'Bo turns around to face Iced) D'Bo: Hello, Iced.... Let me see Dio! Iced: Wait. Before you can meet with Sir Dio, there is something that you must do! D'Bo: Fool! To tell someone the abilities of one's Stand is equal to death! (Iced stands upright, his body trembling) Iced: Well, if you won't tell me, I can't let you see Sir Dio! (D'Bo wipes his mouth with his arm, and chuckles in a sinister way) D'Bo: In that case, I have no choice but to curse you into oblivion! (After the fight) (Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body. Ebony Devil points at Iced) Iced: ...........................!! D'Bo: You don't know when to give up! (D'Bo enters his trance pose, and Ebony Devil executes the Devil Cutter, which sends Iced flying into the sunlight. Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition) Iced: Gwaah! I cannot be beaten by you!! (D'Bo stands tall in his trance pose, as Ebony Devil spins his head repeatedly) D'Bo: Don't go anywhere, Dio! I'll be there soon! (The whole scene turns red) Final Episode: The World (Dio stands in his room, facing the right. Some Japanese sound effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles. D'Bo walks in from the right, carrying Ebony Devil in his hand, and stops in front of Dio) D'Bo: Dio! Dio: I heard that you've beaten Jotaro and his group. I'm glad.... (D'Bo stands up tall) D'Bo: I've come to receive my reward from you! Dio: I'll give you as much money as you want! By the way, why don't you be my slave? (D'Bo wipes his mouth with his arm, chuckling menacingly) D'Bo: Geh heh heh! Don't make me laugh! Don't you know that I'm invincible? (D'Bo points at Dio, and resumes chuckling) D'Bo: You should become my slave! Then, all the treasures of this castle will be mine! Dio: Hah! If that is the way you feel, you have no choice but to fall...! (Dio crosses his arms) -Ending- (D'Bo points at Dio, laughing maniacally, with Ebony Devil by his side. Dio is lying on the ground, breathing heavily. D'Bo's "versus" portrait appears on the left) D'Bo: Dio, your life will end now! (Dio gets up and pulls his body backwards, shaking all over) Dio: Guhh guhhh.... Die! D'Bo! (D'Bo stands tall in his trance pose, and Ebony Devil creams Dio with an auto slash combo) D'Bo: "Ebony Devil"! (Dio is blasted off the screen) Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!! (D'Bo returns to his normal trance pose, as Ebony Devil's head spins repeatedly) D'Bo: The power of my cursing.... You have become the proof of its' strength! (The whole scene turns red. After that, there is a side picture of D'Bo walking, with a city on the background. The defeated portraits of all the opponents he faced in order scroll to the right in the background) In criminal circles, D'Bo became known throughout the world as "The Cursed One" who had defeated the mighty Dio. Criminals, politicians, armies.... Many people seek the power of D'Bo.... (The picture of Ebony Devil appears in the upper left corner of the screen) As the most feared killer in the world, D'Bo became leader of the underworld. (A portrait of D'Bo's creepy posture appears from the bottom) D'Bo: Anyone who sees me will not live long! Perhaps next time, I shall curse you, as well! (The portrait turns red) DIO BRANDO The ultimate evil, Dio's history goes way back to the end of the 19th century, in 1880 to be precise. Dio was a child who went through a lot of abuse by his biological father, who was a violent alcoholic. But Dio's father sacrificed his life to save the noblesman, Sir Joestar, from an ill fate. Showing pity for the orpahned child, Sir Joestar took Dio in his mist, ignorant of how much resentment and hatred Dio had within him. It didn't take long before Dio revealed his true ambitions: to take control of the fortune of the Joestar family. Having sold his soul to an evil cause, Dio attacked the Joestar mansion time to time again. But Sir Joestar's real son, Jonathan, saw that Dio wouldn't accomplish his evil goals. With his noble spirit and incredible fighting skills, Jonathan defeats Dio, cuts his head off, and throws him to sea. But since Dio had vampire blood, that wouldn't finish him off. During a boat trip with his wife and son, Jonathan was attacked by Dio's undead spirit. The boat sank, and Jonathan with it (his wife and son were rescued, though). 100 years have passed since then, and a strange coffin has appeared off the coast of Spain, near the Canary Islands. As it turns out to be, Dio had taken possession of Jonathan's body (it shows because Dio's body has the Joestar birthmark on his body), but he has not yet gained total control of it. He needs the blood of those of the Joestar bloodline to be able to access the true power of Jonathan. Now, Dio sends off 9 assassins to kill Joseph, and anybody who might be supporting his cause. He demands for Joseph or his grandson Jotaro's blood, so that he might gain complete control of Jonathan's body, and be able to take over the world (literally)! For being such an evil guy, Dio sports an incredible amount of hearts all over his clothes.... STAND: The World. Dio's ultra powerful Stand, who is not only incredibly tall and well-built (it has the appearance of a muscular robot with a goatee), but also has a most lethal ability: to stop time! This is what has granted Dio inmortality, and also allows him to be so fast (he can stop time, go anywhere he wants, and resume time again). When The World attacks, he usually surrounds himself with a lot of gears (perhaps to symbolize the gears of a clock). "Your efforts are completely useless! Stop insulting me with them!" "My Stand, "The World" allows me to literally control the world!" "The true nature of "The World" is power far beyond your meager understanding!" "Well then, why don't you become my slave?" "You are a master of the Stand.... It would be a waste to destroy you...." "Have you made your decision yet? Very well, then...." "You haven't even realized that you are already dead...." -Prologue- (Black screen) Dio is ready to put an end to his bloody conflict with the Joestar family that has lasted over 100 years. Joseph Joestar and his allies have beaten numerous assassins sent by Dio. Now, the group has arrived at Dio's mansion and are in search of him. (In Dio's room, Dio, facing the right, is in front of Iced, who is facing the left) Iced: Sir Dio, Joestar and his men sneaked into the mansion about ten minutes ago. Dio: Iced, I'll leave them to you. For now.... (Iced summons Cream) Iced: Yes, Sir.... I'll finish them! (Iced vanishes in a black vortex in the middle of the room. A rumble is heard. Dio enters a confused pose) Dio: Iced.... He has failed! (Dio walks to the middle of the screen) Dio: Okay, then! Joestar and your comrades, I welcome you to your deaths! (Dio leaps out of the screen) (In Dio's room, Jotaro, Avdol, and Iggi stand at the left, while Joseph, Kakyoin, and Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's coffin, is the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese sound effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles) Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's men. Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin? Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin! (Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin) Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I haven't betrayed you! (Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, and Joseph –bottom right- express their shock) Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!? Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!? Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!! (The five heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's mansion tower exploding appears) Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have killed us easily! Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come.... (The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of rubble with his arms crossed rises) Dio: Ha ha! Episode 1: Magician's Red (In the streets of Cairo at night, Dio lands at the right, while Avdol rushes into scene from the left. Dio turns around to face Avdol. Avdol enters his meditation stance) Avdol: Dio! This time, I won't back down! Dio: Hah! Avdol, do you seriously think that you can defeat me!? (Dio points at Avdol, leans his body backwards, and gathers enough energy to disappear his jacket) Avdol: If I didn't, I wouldn't have come all this way! Dio: Okay then, show me your best! (After the fight) (Avdol lies on the right, defeated. Dio, on the left, crosses his arms) Dio: Hah! You were nothing! Episode 2: The Fool (In the streets of Cairo at night, Dio, on the left, faces Iggi, who is on the right, with his arms crossed) Dio: Is this dog also a part of Joestar's group!? (Iggi enters a fighting pose) Iggi: Grrrrr! (Let me at you!) Dio: I will show mercy for no one! (After the fight) (Dio carries Iggi in one hand) Dio: Huh!? Is that Kakyoin? (Dio launches Iggi to the sky, and leaps off screen. Iggi falls with a big thud) Episode 3: Hierophant Green (In the clock tower scene, Dio rushes in from the left, surrounded with Mystic Traps. Some Emerald Splash shots are fired his way, but Dio kicks them away, destroying a tower in the background) Dio: That is Kakyoin's Stand..."Hierophant". (Dio is shocked when he notices Kakyoin floating in the background. Portrait of Kakyoin's mad face pointing at the screen appears on the left) Kakyoin: I'll exterminate you with the power of my "Hierophant"! (Portrait of Dio with a badass grin appears on the right) Dio: Fool...! Realize the true strength of my Stand, "The World"! (The pictures disappear, and Kakyoin jumps from the background in front of Dio, pointing at him. Dio has his arms crossed) (After the fight) (Kakyoin covers his eyes) Kakyoin:! (Joseph runs into scene from the left. He stops behind Kakyoin) Joseph: Kakyoin!! (Kakyoin crosses his hands below) Kakyoin: Dio, feel this, "Emerald Splash"!! (Dio leans his body backwards, and time suddenly stops, the whole scene turning black and white) Dio: "The World"! (The World punches Kakyoin, which sends him flying to a water tank atop a building in the background. Joseph turns around to look at his fallen friend) Joseph: What!? No...! Kakyoin!! Dio: Joseph, now it's your turn to perish old man! (Suddenly, Kakyoin fires a stream of Emerald Splashes at the clock, destroying it) Kakyoin: Diooooo! I found his secret....
Joseph: Kakyoin....
(Dio crosses his arms)
Dio: Huh!?
(Joseph clenches his fist)
Joseph: Kakyoin! I understand your message! Your death was not in vain! 
Destroy the clock.... Stop time.... The power of Dio's Stand is to stop 
Dio: So, you've found my secret.... So what? You are still helpless 
against me!
(Joseph leaps off screen)
Joseph: He's too powerful! I've got to tell the others about the secret 
of Dio's Stand!
(Dio also leaps off the screen)
Dio: Hah! I'll never let you escape from me!

Episode 4: Hermit Purple
(In the streets of Cairo at night, Joseph lands, facing the right)
Joseph: I won't let Kakyoin's death mean nothing!
(Dio lands in front of Joseph. Joseph gathers enough energy to make him 
breath vapor, which is his concentrated energy)
Dio: Are you ready, old man!?

Episode 5: Silver Chariot
(Dio stands above the defeated Joseph with his arms crossed)
Dio: Now, only Jotaro and Polnareff are left....
(Jotaro walks in from the left, and kneels aside the lying Joseph)
Jotaro: Joseph....
Dio: Jotaro, it's your turn to perish!
(Jotaro stands up)
Jotaro: Dio...!

(After defeating Jotaro)

(Dio walks up to the unconscious Jotaro and crosses his arms)
Dio: I sense that Polnareff is hiding somewhere but he doesn't concern 
(Dio leans over Jotaro)
Dio: Now, I'll finish Jotaro off, once and for all!
Polnareff: Die, Dio!!
(Dio turns around, and meets Polnareff, who is executing his Shooting 
Star move. Dio punches him away, and crosses his arms)
Dio: Hmph! It's foolish for you to believe that you could ever destroy 
(Dio walks towards the fallen body of Polnareff to the right, and stops 
in front of him)
Dio: I guess I'll have to destroy you before I finish off Jotaro! Bye! 

(After the fight)

(Dio leans over Polnareff's limp body, with Jotaro's knocked out corpse 
behind him)
Dio: Polnareff.... It was close.... But you couldn't destroy me!
(Jotaro slowly gets up, and surprises Dio by nailing him with Star 
Jotaro: Oraa...!!
(Dio is sent flying off screen)
Dio: Wha...What!?
(Jotaro also jumps off screen)

Final Episode: Star Platinum
(Jotaro lands on a bridge overlooking Cairo, and begins to look around. A 
shocking sight catches his eye, and walks towards the right. He finds Dio 
with a hand on the unconscious Joseph's chest. He sucks Joseph's blood 
with his hand)
Dio: Hah!! Somehow I suspected you were alive, Jotaro!
(Dio shrivels Joseph to a corpse. Dio glows in aura, picks Joseph up, and 
throws him away like trash)
Dio: Look at this shriveled trash! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(Jotaro raises his head, while Dio scratches his body repeatedly)
Jotaro: You! You are appalling!
Dio: This is the final round!

(Dio stands over Jotaro's motionless body)
Dio: I've finally exterminated all of the Joestars and their allies!
(Dio places a hand on the unconscious Jotaro's chest. He sucks Jotaro's 
blood with his hand, and shrivels him into a corpse. Dio scratches his 
body repeatedly, and thrusts his body backwards, sprouting blood 
Dio: Their blood is so tasty! I feel so refreshed! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(General view of the bridge overlooking Cairo)
There is no one left who can stop Dio now....
(Dio's character selection portrait appears from the right)
In this dark world, absolute fear dominates over everyone and everything. 
Before the sun rises again, Dio will fulfill his ambition!
(Time stops around the stage, turning everything into black and white)

	A rambling cowboy, Hol Horse might work as an assassin for Dio, but 
don't think that he is really evil...In fact, Hol Horse is quite a good 
humored and sarcastic kind of guy. This sharpshooter also doesn't like to 
work alone in his tasks. He always tries to team up with others so he can 
cover up his hide effectively, and he won't hesitate to run if the 
situation gets a little bit rough (don't think that he's the same rotten 
guy like Alessy, he just isn't as stubborn or play tough guy like others, 
in other words, he runs to fight another day). This time, Hol Horse hires 
the services of J.Gale, a Stand master with 2 right hands, who controls 
the stealth killer, Hangman (a zombie-like Stand with some mechanic parts 
on him who only attacks through reflecting objects, like mirrors). J.Gale 
lends Hangman to Hol Horse, who coupled with Hol Horse's Stand Emperor, 
might become quite a headache for Joseph and his entourage! In fact, Hol 
Horse is one of the more lasting assassins of Dio in the manga because of 
his "run away" techniques. He supposedly finished off Avdol, but he was 
brought back by popular demand. Later on, Hol Horse tries to pull back on 
his deal with Dio, and even tries to kill him by shooting him in the head 
(but Dio uses The World's time stopping abilities to avoid the shot and 
make Hol Horse pledge for his life). Hol Horse also has an assortment of 
dirty tricks, like throwing sand at the opponent's eyes, using bricks, 
and even give you a painful demonstration of why smoking is unhealthy for 
you. ^_^ 
STAND: Emperor. In case you didn't knew, it's the gun Hol Horse 
always tots around. Hol Horse can control the direction of the bullets to 
go wherever he wants them to. Hol Horse also uses the services of Hangman 
in several attacks, but Hol Horse usually has to shoot a reflecting 
object for him to come out (the TV screen, for example ^_-).

"Fortune has favored me this time.... How unfortunate for you!"
"Just as I thought, loser."
"We are invincible! Nobody can beat the two of us."
"Underestimating me was your first and last mistake!"
"You can see this gun, can't you? This is my Stand!"
"Isn't it funny how life can end just as abruptly as it begins...."
"The gun is mightier than the sword. Hmm.... Remember those words of 

(Black screen)
Hol Horse is an assassin hired by Dio who wields the Stand called 
"Emperor". He can only use his abilities when he acts cooperatively with 
(Picture of Hol Horse riding, horse in the background, while 
looking at J.Gale, the man dressed in Arabian clothing sitting next to a 
Hol Horse: You know that I never act alone.... Right, Mr. J.Gale? 
Okay.... Let's go. Your "Hanged Man" combined with my "Emperor" will make 
us invincible!

Episode 1: Magician's Red
Episode 2: Hierophant Green
Episode 3: Silver Chariot
Episode 4: The Fool
Episode 5: Hermit Purple
Episode 6: Star Platinum
Episode 7: Cream
Final Episode: Dio

(Black screen)
Hol Horse defeated Dio. Satisfied with his victory, he enjoys his 
(In Dio's chamber, Hol Horse stands above the knocked-out Shadow Dio with 
his fist clenched triumphantly)
Hol Horse: Hah! You never had my loyalty! You can't buy my soul with 
money! Now there is no one who can oppose me....
(Character selection portrait of Hol Horse) 
Hol Horse: But...I'm more of a number 2 kind of guy than a number 1 kind 
of guy. That's just my way of life! Any objections!?

	After J.Gale dies, Hol Horse is left without partner and without an 
added Stand. He is at a terrible disadvantage against Joseph and his 
friends, so Hol Horse begins a desperate search for a new partner. His 
new comrade comes in the form of a little kid called Voing. Voing is a 
street rat that is always accompanied by his brother, Oingo, a little kid 
who can shape his face in any form he wants to (his face can be mold like 
human clay). Oingo and Voing always intended on causing Joseph and his 
party a lot of problems (like the small troublemakers they are), but 
their plans always seemed to backfire on them (even with the help of 
Voing's prediction book, which was quite ambigious on which side would 
receive the troubled prediction). After extense failure, Oingo winded up 
in a hospital, and Voing had to stand out by himself. Fortunately for Hol 
Horse, he finds in the lost kid a chance to redepmt himself at the eyes 
of Dio, and a safe and sound way to eliminate Joseph and company. In the 
manga, however, Hol Horse is also affected by the "uncertainity" of 
Voing's predictions, but to a much greater scale....
	 STAND: Emperor (Hol Horse's gun) and the Thoth God Stand, wielded 
by Voing, which is represented in the form of a prediction book, which 
contain drawings that predict the future incidents. In the manga, the 
drawings in Voing's book are reeeeeeeeaally bad (kindergarden kid style).

"Wow, the predictions contained within your comic book are 100% 
"My predictions are never false.... That's unfortunate for you...."
"It was meant to be. There's no escaping the inevitable!"
"These battles make me feel as though I've really grown up...."
"Voing and I joined forces to create an unbeatable team! You can't defeat 
"My will to win was equal to your willing to lose!"
"Who needs phone psychics? My predictions are accurate, and for free, 

(Black screen)
Hol Horse lost his old partner, J.Gale in India. He is now hooking up 
with Voing, who wields the Stand of the Thoth God.
(Close-up of Hol Horse's mean-looking face)
Hol Horse: With your prediction book and my snipe-gun, I believe we can 
send Joestar and his associates straight to their graves! Don't you want 
to avenge your brother who is being hospitalized? I'm as desperate as you 
are. Let's fight the Joestars together! Use this chance to take revenge, 
Voing: (I'm not used to making friends.... Although I'm scared, I'll join 
him and kick some butt in order to avenge my brother!)
(Black screen)
And so, a new team was born....

Episode 1: Silver Chariot
Episode 2: Hermit Purple
Episode 3: Magician's Red
Episode 4: The Fool
Episode 5: Hierophant Green
Final Episode: Star Platinum

(Character selection portrait of Hol Horse & Voing)
Hol Horse: We are invincible! I knew that Voing and Hol Horse would make 
an unbeatable team!
Voing: We did it! That was a suitable vengeance for my brother!
Hol Horse: Hey, Voing.... What are you going to do now?
Voing: I'll go home. I'll go back to Aswan to see my brother.
Hol Horse: I see. I'll go to Dio's place to report what we did.... Take 
care, Voing.... See you later!
(Character selection portrait of Hol Horse, with no Voing)
In the days to follow, Hol Horse was supposedly given a huge reward and 
lived happily ever after....
(Character selection portrait of Voing, with no Hol Horse)
Voing learned much from the battle. He began to use the power of his 
Stand to help people.... Could that be true? One can only wonder if he 
really changed, or if he kept his true nature as a gloomy introvert.

	Without contest, Iced is the most faithful servant to Dio ever 
since he emerged from his underwater prison. Due to Dio's inability to 
adapt to his new body (because of the blood incompatibility), Iced offers 
his own life to his master, by cutting off his own head and offering his 
fresh blood to Dio. Dio declines Iced's sacrifice, and rather keeps him 
alive by giving Iced his own blood, which in turn, makes Iced a vampire 
just like Dio. Granted with incredible powers, and with the help of his 
demoniac Stand Cream, Iced has became a force to be reckoned with. Iced 
might dress like some strip dresser (he has a long-sleeved tight purple 
shirt, with a black leather vest, and thin underwear), but his strength 
causes Joseph and company a lot of troubles. Iced will give anything to 
eliminate those who oppose his master Dio's ambitions....
	STAND: Cream. A HUGE, horrendous purple-and-white creature with a 
skull-like face, horns on the side of its' head, and white inscriptions 
on its' shoulders. Cream seems to have a green vortex in its' mouth, and 
is capable of carrying his master in his own body like a kangaroo. Cream 
is one of the most vicious and violent Stands around, and his ability to 
rip through surfaces like paper (when he turns into an energy ball) 
proves to be one lethal attribute.

"May eternity see you rest in pieces!"
"Beware.... This message may be the last you will ever read!"
"You had a problem.... I just solved it."
"Don't even try to compare our power or abilities!"
"Your weak Stand was just one of the reasons you failed!"
"By angering me, you simply made your death more painful!"
"My strategy is to inflict pain to the extreme that you can't bear!"

(Black screen)
Iced cuts off his own head in order to heal the wounds of his master, 
Dio.... He offers his fresh blood to Dio....
(Picture of the headless Iced in the foreground, kneeling away from the 
screen, holding a big vase in his hands, where it is assumed his head is 
in. In the background, Shadow Dio lies in his bed, reading a book.)
Dio: I appreciate that you cut your own head off.... But, I cannot accept 
the blood of a warrior as deserving as yourself.... You should not die. 
Take my blood. I'm sure that you will defeat them.
(Character selection portrait of Iced, without Cream behind him.)
Iced: ...Master Dio....
Dio: I'll leave them to you, Iced....
Iced: Master Dio, I won't fail you...I swear that I will succeed. I'll 
take care of them....

Episode 1: Magician's Red
Episode 2: The Fool
Episode 3: Silver Chariot
Episode 4: Sethan
Episode 5: Anubis
Episode 6: Hermit Purple
Episode 7: Hierophant Green
Final Episode: Star Platinum

(Black screen)
After defeating Joestar's party, Iced returns to Dio's room to report....
(Same portrait as in the beginning, but Iced just kneels in front of 
Dio...with his head attached, of course ^_^)
Iced: Excuse me.... Please pardon my intrusion, Master. As you may have 
noticed, I've exterminated Joestar's party....
Dio: I knew you would make it, Iced.... Good work....
Iced: I'm glad that I could fulfill your expectations.
(Black screen)
Affected by the blood of Dio, Iced has become a vampire, loyal to Dio 

	Living as a stray dog in the Big Apple (aka New York), Iggi has the 
unusual ability to wield a Stand, but due to his status as a street 
animal, his skills were not known to the public in general. That is, 
until Muhammad Avdol sensed his incredible powers during one of his trips 
to New York, and decided to recruit him in the incoming battle with the 
evil Dio. The rest of Avdol's partners doubt Iggi's true battle 
capabilities, and Iggi himself shows an incredible unappeal for fighting 
(he runs away in fright), and would rather play silly jokes on his 
comrades, like throwing sand on them, or climbing on their face and 
passing gas o_O. However, Iggi later gains the enough courage to fight 
and becomes quite a reliable partner. In the manga, Iggi sacrifices 
himself to save his party from Iced's last attack of fury, but you can 
sort of play with destiny in this game....
	STAND: The Fool. A creature made out of sand, which seldomly 
materializes itself to reveal a mechanized creature, which resembles a 
being with the face of an old man (with a chicken-like mohawk hair style 
and shades), wheels for back legs, and two front legs. The Fool itself 
can change its' shape at will (due to its' sand composition), and create 
huge sand waves with its' incredible force. It is said that The Fool 
becomes stronger the weaker the wielder is....

"Gafuuuhhh! (You're bleeding.... Don't move.)"
"Fuuuh, fuuuh! (I didn't know they made 'em this dumb!)"
"Awooooh! Wah wah! (You're too much trouble for me.... Bye!)"
"Igigigi gi gi...! (Are you always so carless with pets?)"
"Agigi! Gaw! (My bite is worse than my bark!)"
"Gugaga! (A fun fight isn't always an easy one!)"
"Kyah kyah! (I got you good this time!)"

(In the back alleys of New York, Iggi is seen sleeping on some boxes. The 
picture of Avdol with his arms crossed looking at Iggi passes on the 
One day, Avdol met Iggi, a stray dog from New York with incredible 
(With his back turned towards the screen, Avdol tries to attract Iggi by 
offering him some chewing gum. Iggi is no doubt excited, barking out 
Avdol: This dog can wield a Stand! He might be a great help to us....
(Black screen)
Iggi has joined Jotaro and company on their quest to defeat Dio.

Episode 1: Silver Chariot
(In the desert, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and Polnareff stand at the left, while 
Joseph faces them on the right)
Jotaro: Is that...our new comrade!?
Kakyoin: It can't be...!
(An ugly version of Iggi walks into scene from the right. Polnareff walks 
forward to face Iggi)
Polnareff: Hey! Are you saying that this DOG is joining us in our fight!?
(Avdol walks in from the right as well. Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: Don't get any closer! You don't know what you're getting yourself 
(Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff inmediately shakes him off)
Polnareff: Wahhh! Why, you! I'll punish you!

Episode 2: Magician's Red
(Polnareff bends over and shakes in pain, grabbing his face with his 
hand. Iggi keeps munching in front of him, and the rest of the partners 
keep the same position as before)
Polnareff: Darn it....
(Suddenly, Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff desperately tries 
to shake him off)
Polnareff: Wah! No, no! Hey, help me! Get this dog off of me!
Jotaro: The Stand of Sand. The simpler the Stand is, the stronger its' 
wielder becomes. 
(Avdol walks in from the right again, and stops in front of Joseph)
Avdol: Well, I'll save Polnareff by using a little treat....
(Avdol takes out a chewing gum on one hand, and the whole pack in his 
other hand)
Avdol: You know, Iggi loves coffee-flavored chewing gum....
(Suddenly, Iggi leaps and takes both the bar and the whole pack of 
chewing gum from Avdol's hands.)
Iggi: Bow wow wow wow!
(Avdol drops his arms in resignation)
Avdol: Oops! Darn, he took the entire pack of chewing gum! 
(Avdol turns around to face Iggi)
Avdol: He needs some training!

(After the fight)

(Avdol wobbles in disbelief, holding his face with his hand. The rest of 
his comrades remain in the same positions)
Avdol: He never trusts anyone.... Someone like that just can't be 
(Iggi freezes in attention. A picture of a curious Iggi appears on the 
Iggi: ...Kun! Kun!
(A portrait of N'Dool running his hand through his hair appears on the 
N'Dool: That dog! He must have noticed me...I'll finish that mutt first!

Episode 3: Geb
(Jotaro walks forward to meet Iggi)
Jotaro: Well, well. 
(All of a sudden, water blobs begin to fall from the sky. Everyone dashes 
off screen, except for Iggi, who blocks the water rain with the help of 
The Fool, and remains buried in sand, growling)
Joseph: Watch it!!
(The camera scrolls to the far right, where N'Dool is. He sits down)
N'Dool: Ha ha! They've finally realized that I can attack them from here 
with my Stand!

(After the fight)

(Iggi watches the unconscious N'Dool for a moment, then walks away)
Iggi: Awooooh! Wah wah! (You're too much trouble for me.... Bye!)

Episode 4: High Priestess
(In the grass field, Iggi runs in from the left, but suddenly stops when 
he notices Midler. Midler leans forward)
Midler: Stupid dog! I'll make a meal out of you!
(Iggi enters a fighting pose)
Iggi: Fuuuuhh! (Come on and fight, you witch!)

Jiddah -> Kom Ombo
Episode 5: Anubis
(In the temple ruins, Chaca walks in from the left, and faces the ugly 
side of Iggi. Chaca points at Iggi)
Chaca: How dare a dog like you stand against Sir Dio!
(Iggi chews on something)
Iggi: Grrrrrrr! (I hate trouble like this!)

Episode 6: Sethan
(In the hotel room at night, Alessy walks around, looking everywhere)
Alessy: Hmm.... Where is Jotaro's room?
(At the left, Iggi jumps into the room from the window. He looks back as 
he walks forward, not noticing that Alessy is crouching in front of him. 
Iggi notices him in shock)
Iggi: Agi? (Who is this guy!?)
(Alessy fixes his shades)
Alessy: What's with this dog!? Oh yes, I remember! This dog is on their 
(Iggi tries to run away, but Alessy summons Sethan, and makes it stop 
Iggi by laying its' axe on Iggi's tail)
Alessy: Stop! I'll never let you escape from me!

Luxor -> Cairo
(Picture of Polnareff, Joseph, and Avdol standing in the middle of a 
Cairo plaza, with Jotaro walking around in front of them)
Jotaro and company arrived in Egypt and are looking for Dio's mansion....
Avdol: Where on earth is it...?
(Polnareff's shocked face scrolls in from the left)
Polnareff: Hey! Check it out!
(Joseph's alarmed portrait scrolls in from the right)
Joseph: This must be the mansion!
(Seen from behind, a group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, 
Kakyoin, and Joseph face a huge palace)
Joseph: I can sense an overwhelming presence of evil.... He is here!
Polnareff: .............
Avdol: Our journey has finally come to an end!
Joseph: Seeing there's no one to greet us, we should let ourselves 

Episode 7: Cream
(Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggi stand in a huge chamber filled with holes all 
over the walls. Avdol notices a red energy ball forming itself in the 
middle of the room. Avdol pushes Iggi and Polnareff aside before the 
energy ball can swoop them)
Avdol: !? Hm!? Polnareff, Iggi, watch out!!
(But it's too late...Avdol is smashed by the red energy ball, and this is 
where his limbs are supposedly scattered all over the floor, but it was 
obviously censored in the US version. The red energy ball descends once 
more, and Iced, cuddled up in Cream's body, emerges from the energy ball)
Iced: Avdol has been torn to pieces. He's beyond dead now....
(Iggi stands up looking pretty ticked)
Iggi: Guh...guh...guh....
Iced: I'll crush you and scatter your pieces into the darkness!
(Iggi enters a fighting pose)
Iggi: Gyauu! (It's kill or be killed!)

(After the fight)

(Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body)
Iced: ...........................!!
(Iggi sends The Fool to knock Iced off the screen with a rushing punch)
Iggi: Woof! (Continue your scream in the afterlife!)
(Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition)
Iced: Gwaah! I cannot be beaten by you!!
(Iggi begins to breath hard)
Iggi: Guh...guh....
(Polnareff walks in from the right part of the screen, and stops in front 
of Iggi)
Polnareff: You've finished that guy, Iggi.... We've avenged Avdol's 
(Iggi and Polnareff walk to the left, where Joseph and Kakyoin are 
waiting for them)
Jotaro: Look! I found this guy.
(Nukesaku is thrown into the middle of the group from the left. Jotaro 
walks into scene from the left as well)
Polnareff: Jotaro, are you all right?
Joseph: Where is Avdol?
Polnareff: He sacrificed himself to save us....
(Jotaro walks up to Nukesaku and kneels. Picture of Jotaro grabbing the 
bashed Nukesaku by the neck while pointing at him appears in the middle 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Hey, you! Take us to Dio!!
Nukesaku: N...No.... Please don't hurt me! 

(In Dio's room, Jotaro and Iggi stand at the left, while Joseph, Kakyoin, 
and Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's coffin, 
is the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese sound 
effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's 
Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin?
Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin!
(Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin)
Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I 
haven't betrayed you!
(Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears 
in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, 
Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, and Joseph –bottom right- 
express their shock)
Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!?
Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!?
Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!!
(The five heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's 
mansion tower exploding appears)
Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have 
killed us easily!
Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come....
(The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of 
rubble with his arms crossed rises)
Dio: Ha ha!

Final Episode: The World
(In the streets of Cairo at nighttime, Dio, on the left, faces Polnareff, 
on the right, who is stunned)
Dio: Hah! You are Polnareff...I'll finish you first!
(Polnareff points at Dio)
Polnareff: Avdol died for me...I'll never fear you again, Dio!
Dio: Are you imagining that you can beat me? Huh!?
(Dio turns around, and now faces Iggi, who enters a fighting pose)
Iggi: Gyauuuuhh!! (I'll fight you!)
(A picture of Iggi getting ready facing the screen, while The Fool 
appears behind him, scrolls in from the left)
Dio: Stupid dog! Even trash like you dares to challenge me...!? You'll be 
the first to fall!

(Iggi faces Dio, who is lying on the ground, breathing heavily. Dio gets 
up and pulls his body backwards, letting out a blood curdling scream. A 
portrait of Iggi's concerned face appears on the left)
Iggi: Grrrrrr! (You must be...inmortal!)
Dio: Guh...guh...die like the dog you are!!
(Iggi summons The Fool, who executes the Big Sand Wave super on Dio)
Iggi: Gaaaahh! (Embrace oblivion!)
(Dio is blasted off the screen)
Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!!
(Iggi begins to breath hard)
Iggi: Guh...guh....
(Polnareff walks in from the right, stops, and pulls his arm down in a 
"yeah" kind of fashion)
Polnareff: Iggi.... You've done it! It's finally over!
(Black screen)
After Iggi defeats Dio, he returns to New York.
(Picture of Iggi taking a big yawn, next to a window in the airplane)
Iggi: Fuwaaa.... (yawn)
(Picture of Iggi walking on a beach ball arrogantly, surrounded by 
several species of dogs, in the back alleys of New York)
He becomes the emperor of stray dogs once again... ...and lives a 
luxurious and peaceful life with his girlfriend...
(Picture zooms out of the screen)
...But is this really the end?

	A French noblesman, Polnareff sets out on a quest for revenge to 
search for his little sister's (Cherry) killer. His trip takes him to 
Egypt, where he meets Dio, disguised as a fortune teller. Dio offers 
Polnareff to find his sister's killer, and tricks him into putting a 
mind-control implant in his brain. Brain washed, Polnareff is then sent 
out to kill Joseph and his friends, but is defeated by Muhammad Avdol, 
and his implant is removed. Assuming Dio has something to do with her 
sister's murder, Polnareff accepts to join Joseph's entourage. Polnareff 
is quite the quirky hero type, with a naive attitude and sometimes a big 
mouth that gets him in a lot of trouble, but his intentions are honest, 
and a predisposition to help others. His skills are also nothing short 
from impressive, with his incredible sincronization with his Stand, 
Silver Chariot, that has managed him to attain incredible victories. In 
the manga, he changes to another Stand, Requiem, in the later series, 
which explains his Requiem's super in the game (the arrow part of the 
super is part of Requiem's origin in the manga). As for a physical 
description of Polnareff, just think of SNK's King of Fighters series 
Benimaru Nikaido, and you're game...just change blond hair for silver 
hair, and add a broken heart for a pair of earrings. 
	STAND: Silver Chariot. It gives the impression of being a medieval 
knight in silver armor wielding a rapier, but when it takes its' armor 
off, it reveals a robotic creature with red implants all over. Silver 
Chariot can dish out several dozens of slashes in a few seconds, 
inflicting several small holes in the opponent's body in no time.  
"Bravo! Oh, bravo!!"
"Don't you have anything more to offer? You've cheated me out of a 
"Such desperation is a disgusting sight to behold!"
"Imagination.... Is that what made you think you had a chance against 
"No, no no! If you're going to lose, at least lose with style!"
"Join your family in death! They will take good care of you!"
"You're mortified, aren't you? Pull yourself together!"

(Picture of Polnareff, seen from behind, walking in front of a far view 
of Cairo)
One year ago, Polnareff had an encounter with the man known as "Dio"....
(A dark picture of Dio, dressed like a fortune teller and seen from 
behind, extending his hand towards an energy ball, while Polnareff looks 
at it, descends from above, overlapping the first picture)
Dio: For my research, I'm looking for someone with special ability. 
Someone like you!
(Close up of Polnareff's closed eyes appears above)
Dio: Let me help you find the one who killed your sister....
(The screen flashes white, and a weird implant appears on Polnareff's 
Dio then made Polnareff into his slave by implanting a device into his 
(A complete picture of Shadow Dio with his hand on his hips rises from 
the bottom to the center)
Dio: Polnareff, I want you to dispose of Joestar and his friends!
(Portrait of Polnareff holding his hand near his ear, with Cairo in the 
Polnareff: I understand your orders...I know what I need to do....
(Black screen)
Now in Hong Kong, Polnareff meets with them....

Cairo -> Hong Kong
Episode 1: Magician's Red
(At the zoo entrance, Polnareff, on the left, faces off against Jotaro, 
Avdol, Joseph, and Kakyoin, who are on the right)
Polnareff: Come on! I'll slash all of you in half!
(Avdol shurgs his hand to the right, and Joseph and Kakyoin walk off 
Avdol: Jotaro, leave it to me. I can fight my best in these conditions!
(Jotaro turns towards Avdol)
Jotaro: Avdol....
(Jotaro walks off screen at the right. Avdol now faces Polnareff alone)
Polnareff: Your own's Stand ability will do you in!

(After the fight)
(Polnareff stands in front of the dizzy Avdol, who grabs his face with 
his hand. Polnareff moves his finger in a "shame-on-you" fashion, and 
returns to his normal pose)
Polnareff: No, no, no! I told you! Your moves are nothing against my 
Avdol: ..........Don't you think you're being a little overconfident!?
(Avdol suddenly enters his meditation pose, and summons Magician's Red) 
Avdol: Magician's Red!!!
(Magician's Red fires a Crossfire Attack, which surprises Polnareff, who 
can't react in time, and gets blasted to the floor. Avdol rests when he 
sees Polnareff does not move on the ground. Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: It would take 10 years before you could compete with me in fortune 
(Polnareff barely gets on his feet, bending over and shaking in pain, 
grabbing his face with his hand)
Polnareff: I was overconfident. I never thought I would lose...I deserve 
to die....
(Polnareff falls down again. Avdol approaches him, and kneels aside him. 
Jotaro walks in from the right, and does the same)
Avdol: You are worthy to live. I'll free you from Dio's brainwashing....
(Picture of Jotaro holding Polnareff's head, and Star Platinum, using 
Jotaro's veins, pulls out the evil implant from Polnareff's brain. 
Jotaro's serious face is shown on the right, and Polnareff's closed eyes 
are on the left. They first have the evil implant in middle, which later 
Polnareff: Ughh...I'm after the man who killed my sister....
(The image of Dio rises to the middle of the screen)
Polnareff: Dio might know who he is...I'd like to travel with you....
(Black screen)
And so, Polnareff joined Joestar and his comrades.

Hong Kong -> Singapore
Episode 2: Ebony Devil
(Polnareff is looking out of the window in his hotel room)
Polnareff: Give me a break! This is ridiculous!
(Polnareff looks over his shoulder, then turns around)
Polnareff: Who is this?
(The camera scrolls towards the right, and the refrigerator's door in the 
background opens. D'Bo comes crawling out of it. He stands tall in the 
middle of the screen, and Polnareff approaches him)
Polnareff: I can sense your murderous intent.... Quite potent, too.... 
State your name!
(D'Bo looks at Polnareff)
D'Bo: I'm D'Bo, the cursed one.... How did you know I'm here?
Polnareff: Are you a moron? Everything's been taken out of the 
refrigerator! You idiot!
D'Bo: I'll curse you to death!
(D'Bo tries to invoke Ebony Devil, but Polnareff summons Silver Chariot 
first, and gives him a full session of his Million Pricks)
Polnareff: Silver Chariot!
D'Bo: Ebony Devil!
(D'Bo is thrusted to the ground)
Polnareff: You're so slow!
D'Bo: Geh hee hee hee! I'm impressed!
(D'Bo stands up, with an arm crossing his mouth, his tongue lashing)
D'Bo: However.... You will be cursed!

(After the fight)

(Polnareff, with his back turned towards the screen, faces the fallen 
Polnareff: You are an incredible loser!

Singapore -> Abu Dhabi
Episode 3: Geb
(In the desert, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol stand at the left, 
while Joseph faces them on the right)
Joseph: Our new comrade is supposed to meet us here.
(Joseph turns away, as Avdol walks at him with a bar of chewing gum on 
one hand, and the whole pack in his other hand)
Avdol: You know, Iggi loves coffee-flavored chewing gum....
(Suddenly, an ugly version of Iggi leaps out and takes both the bar and 
the whole pack of chewing gum from Avdol's hands. Both Avdol and Joseph 
face the hungry dog with awe)
Avdol: ...........
Iggi: (chomp, chomp...)
Jotaro: Is that...our new comrade!?
Kakyoin: It can't be...!
(Polnareff walks forward to face Iggi)
Polnareff: Hey! Are you saying that this DOG is joining us in our fight!?
(Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: Don't get any closer! You don't know what you're getting yourself 
(Suddenly, Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff desperately tries 
to shake him off)
Polnareff: Wah! No, no! Hey, help me! Get this dog off of me!
(All of a sudden, water blobs begin to fall from the sky. Everyone dashes 
off screen, except for Polnareff, who stands in his place, in a shocked 
Joseph: Watch it!!
(The camera scrolls to the far right, where N'Dool is. He sits down)
N'Dool: Ha ha! They've finally realized that I can attack them from here 
with my Stand!

(After the fight)

(Polnareff, with his back turned towards the screen, faces the knocked 
out N'Dool)
Polnareff: That was one tough enemy!

Abu Dhabi -> Jiddah
Episode 4: High Priestess
(In the grass field, Polnareff is facing the right. Suddenly, Midler runs 
towards him, and Polnareff turns around to face her. Midler stops in 
front of Polnareff, exhausted)
Midler: Please help me!
(Polnareff enters a ready stance)
Polnareff: What happened!? You're safe now! (Hmm...What is this I'm 
(Midler stands up straight)
Midler: A weird monster is chasing me! (This guy believes me? What a 
(Polnareff rolls behind Midler, and assumes his ready pose. Midler turns 
around to see him)
Polnareff: What!? Where is it?? (I must show her how dependable I am!)
(Midler points forward, and then backsteps, assuming her fighting stance)
Midler: Look! There it is! (Tee hee hee.... Sucker!!)
(High Priestess buries into the ground, and tries to mow down Polnareff 
as a bulldozer. Polnareff backsteps in his ready pose)
Polnareff: What!? You mean that Stand...!?
(Polnareff lowers his head)
Polnareff: ...Wait! How are you able to see that Stand? That must 
(Midler tries to kick Polnareff, but he backsteps in the nick of time. 
Polnareff faces her with a confused expression. Midler assumes her 
fighting pose)
Polnareff: Nooo! You are the Stand wielder! And an enemy, too!
Midler: You are such a fool!!

(After the fight)

(Facing the left, Polnareff, with his back turned towards the screen, 
faces the unconscious Midler)
Polnareff: That was some woman...!

Jiddah -> Kom Ombo
Episode 5: Anubis
(In the temple ruins, Chaca and Polnareff walk towards each other. When 
they both meet each other, Polnareff quickly jumps to the right, and 
Chaca jumps to the left. Polnareff clenches his fist)
Polnareff: Looks like you've got some guts....
(Polnareff assumes his normal stance)
Polnareff: Enemies usually try to attack with their Stand, not with 
themselves. Who are you?
(Chaca points at Polnareff)
Chaca: My name is Chaca, the wielder of the Anubis Stand. Your life is 
Polnareff: So you've got a macho attitude, eh? I like that! Now, come on!

(After the fight)

(Polnareff, with his back turned towards the screen, faces the fallen 
Polnareff: He isn't dead, but he'll never be able to fight again....

Episode 6: Sethan
(In the back alleys of Luxor, Jotaro and Polnareff walk towards the left, 
with Alessy following close behind. Polnareff turns around, and Alessy 
reels in shock. He kneels on the ground, and begins to look around the 
Alessy: Hmm...I think I dropped some coins around here....
(Polnareff walks towards Alessy, and stops near him)
Polnareff: Hey, you! Why are you following me? I can feel your murderous 
(Alessy stands up and shakes his extended arms)
Alessy: What are you talking about? Murderous intent...?
Polnareff: Okay, then. Let me see if you are a Stand wielder or not!
(Polnareff summons Silver Chariot. Alessy assumes his normal stance)
Alessy: Why, you...!
(Alessy summons Sethan, and Polnareff/Silver Chariot leaps to safety)

(After the fight)

(Alessy stands up, but reels in shock when he notices that Polnareff is 
still facing him, with Silver Chariot by his side)
Polnareff: You're so naive! Let me finish you now!
(Silver Chariot pummels Alessy for a looooooong time with his Million 
Pricks. This sends Alessy screaming out of the screen. By the way, this 
is the only time which a character gives Alessy what he rightfully 
deserves. I wish more characters had this! ^_^)

Luxor -> Cairo
(Picture of Polnareff, Joseph, and Avdol standing in the middle of a 
Cairo plaza, with Jotaro walking around in front of them)
Jotaro and company arrived in Egypt and are looking for Dio's mansion....
Avdol: Where on earth is it...?
(Polnareff's shocked face scrolls in from the left)
Polnareff: Hey! Check it out!
(Joseph's alarmed portrait scrolls in from the right)
Joseph: This must be the mansion!
(Seen from behind, a group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, 
Kakyoin, and Joseph face a huge palace)
Joseph: I can sense an overwhelming presence of evil.... He is here!
Polnareff: .............
Avdol: Our journey has finally come to an end!
Joseph: Seeing there's no one to greet us, we should let ourselves 

Episode 7: Cream
(Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggi stand in a huge chamber filled with holes all 
over the walls. Avdol notices a red energy ball forming itself in the 
middle of the room. Avdol pushes Iggi and Polnareff aside before the 
energy ball can swoop them)
Avdol: !? Hm!? Polnareff, Iggi, watch out!!
(But it's too late...Avdol is smashed by the red energy ball, and this is 
where his limbs are supposedly scattered all over the floor, but it was 
obviously censored in the US version. The red energy ball descends once 
more, and Iced, cuddled up in Cream's body, emerges from the energy ball. 
Polnareff stands up, and remains in a shocked position when he "sees" 
Avdol's limbs)
Polnareff: Wha!? What is this arm? Could it be Avdol's...? No! Avdol! 
Iced: Avdol has been torn to pieces. He's beyond dead now....
(Polnareff pulls his fist down, and his "versus" portrait appears on the 
left for a brief moment)
Polnareff: No.... You must be lying! Avdol can't be dead.... Tell me 
you're lying!

(After the fight)

(Polnareff turns around and begins to walk away when he notices that Iced 
does not budge. But as soon as he does that, Iced stands up, barely 
keeping himself afoot, as blood sprouts from everywhere in his body)
Iced: ..........................!!
(Iggi runs and attempts to tackle Iced before he can attack Avdol)
Iggi: Grrrrrrrrr!!
(But Iggi is received by a solid punch by Iced. He is now at the mercy of 
a cruel beatdown by Iced's kicks. Polnareff stands in a shocked position)
Polnareff: Iggi! Don't try to save me just because you think it makes you 
look cool!
Iggi: Woof! (What do you mean? I'm always cool!)
(Iggi dies. Polnareff is in disbelief)
Polnareff: Iggggiiiiiiii!!
Iced: Uggh....
(Polnareff points at Iced)
Polnareff: Just as I thought! (Author's note: Incomplete quote here)
Iced: Gwaaah! I cannot be beaten by you!!
(Polnareff summons Silver Chariot, which nails Iced with a sword thrust, 
sending Iced flying towards the sunlight)
Polnareff: Have fun with those little (Author's note: Incomplete quote 
(Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition)
Iced: Gwaaaaaaahhhhhh...!
(Then, the ghosts of Avdol and Iggi rise to the heavens in the sunlight. 
Polnareff is in awe)
Polnareff: A...Avdol! Iggi! An illusion...?
(Polnareff turns around to face the left)
Joseph: Polnareff! Are you okay? Dio is upstairs....
(Polnareff walks towards the left, and stops in front of Joseph and 
Kakyoin, who has his hands crossed above his head)
Polnareff: Mr. Joestar....
Joseph: Where are Avdol and Iggi?
Polnareff: They couldn't make it here alive.... They sacrificed 
themselves to save me....
Joseph: I see....
Jotaro: Look! I found this guy.
(Nukesaku is thrown into the middle of the group from the left. Jotaro 
walks into scene from the left as well. Jotaro walks up to Nukesaku and 
kneels. Picture of Jotaro grabbing the bashed Nukesaku by the neck while 
pointing at him appears in the middle of the screen)
Jotaro: Hey, you! Take us to Dio!!
Nukesaku: N...No.... Please don't hurt me! 

(In Dio's room, Jotaro stands at the left, while Joseph, Kakyoin, and 
Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's coffin, is 
the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese sound 
effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's 
Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin?
Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin!
(Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin)
Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I 
haven't betrayed you!
(Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears 
in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, 
Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, and Joseph –bottom right- 
express their shock)
Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!?
Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!?
Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!!
(The four heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's 
mansion tower exploding appears)
Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have 
killed us easily!
Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come....
(The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of 
rubble with his arms crossed rises)
Dio: Ha ha!

Final Episode: The World
(In the streets of Cairo at night, Jotaro lies on the floor with several 
knives impaled in his chest)
Jotaro: Ughhh..................
(Dio leaps into scene from above in front of the defeated Jotaro. Dio 
crosses his arms)
Dio: I sense that Polnareff is hiding somewhere, but he doesn't concern 
(Dio tears off a pole near him)
Dio: Now, I'll finish Jotaro off, once and for all!
(Suddenly, the camera scrolls to the upper right, where Polnareff 
assaults Dio with Silver Chariot by his side, executing the Shooting Star 
move. A portrait of Polnareff and Silver Chariot pointing his sword over 
Polnareff's shoulder appears on the right)
Polnareff: Die, Dio!!
(When Polnareff is about to spear Dio, time stops, and the whole scene 
turns black and white. Dio kicks Polnareff away, knocking him to the 
ground. Dio walks up to him, stops, and crosses his amrs)
Dio: Hmph! It's foolish for you to believe that you could ever destroy 
(Polnareff barely gets on his feet, bending over and shaking in pain, 
grabbing his face with his hand)
Polnareff: I can't believe this!
Dio: I've destroyed both Kakyoin and Joseph.
(Polnareff is in disbelief)
Polnareff: !?
Dio: I guess I'll have to destroy you before I finish off Jotaro! 
(Dio points at Polnareff)
Dio: Bye! Polnareff!

(Polnareff faces Dio, pointing at him, as well as Silver Chariot, who 
points at Dio with his sword. Dio is lying on the floor, breathing 
Polnareff: I no longer fear anything. My friends' deaths killed any fear 
I had of you!
(Dio gets up and pulls his body backwards, shaking all over)
Dio: Ha ha.... This is the end, Polnareff!!
(Silver Chariot swipes Dio with his sword. Dio is blasted off the screen)
Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!!
(Polnareff, with his back turned towards the screen, faces the right, 
then faces the background)
Polnareff: This is your true destiny villain! Now, suffer eternity in the 
(Bird view of Joseph and Jotaro, with their suitcases at their sides, 
standing over Polnareff, who is fixing his baggage)
At the airport, Jotaro and Joseph prepare to return to Japan....
Joseph: I'll miss you. Really...I will. 
Polnareff: Call me anytime if you need me. I'm here for ya!
Joseph: Even after all of the problems...I feel I enjoyed this 
(Picture of a patched-up Polnareff putting his hands on Joseph and 
Jotaro's shoulders, as Jotaro and Joseph grab his hands. A small portrait 
of the happy Polnareff's face appears on the right)
Polnareff: Take care, you old timer and his cheap grandson! Don't ever 
forget about me!
(Portrait of Joseph with a cocky smile and pointing at the screen appears 
on the left)
Joseph: See you later! That is, if you don't hate me.... You weird-haired 
(Portrait of Jotaro giving a salute with a serious smile appears in the 
bottom center)
Jotaro: Your "wonderful" personality will keep me from forgetting you! 
Good luck!
(The pictures of Polnareff walking with his bag over his shoulder, Joseph 
putting a tape in his walkman, and Jotaro putting on his cap pass one 
after another. The final picture is Joseph and Jotaro walking away from 
Polnareff, who is walking away from the screen. Then there is a image of 
a plane taking to the sky, with the side portraits of Avdol and Iggi in 
the sky. The next portrait shows Polnareff holding his hands and crying)
Polnareff: It's always like this. I never see how special something is 
until it's gone.... Avdol...Iggi...

	During a fight with Alessy, one of Dio's assassins, Joseph is 
afflicted by the power of Alessy's Stand, Sethan. But since Joseph is 
already an old man, the subsecuent time warp turns him back into a young 
man rather than a little child. This Joseph is the one that appeared in 
the second series of the manga (who fought with several vampires), 
sporting a more punk-like look, with purple shirt and jeans, completed 
with gloves and boots. The images and characters that appear in his 
"Unforgettable Memories" super are also from the manga series. Joseph 
later reverts back to old age when he defeats Alessy, but you can get to 
control him in his younger self in this game, no matter how short the 
	STAND: When he was young, Joseph didn't have no Stand (he acquired 
Hermit Purple later on in his life), so JoJo has no particular Stand, 
just standard weapons, like a ball-and-string (his main weapon), a 
crossbow, a magic medallion, and...a soda pop! ^_^

"Stupid people can believe in anything, so you can believe in yourself!"
"The pleasure was all mine.... Until next time...."
"Today's menu: Energy Tempest! Made with fresh, supernatural 
"'It can't be'! Wait! You're supposed to say that!"
"Do you think I need these powers to win?"
"If you tried for 10 years, you wouldn't be able to beat me in cheating!"
"I never asked for this, but it was great anyway! Thanks!"

(Picture of JoJo, with his back turned towards the screen, at the right, 
looking really peeved, while Alessy looks at him in a puzzled way at the 
left. They are in a park of some city)
Joseph is affected by Alessy's Stand power. However, instead of becoming 
a child, Joseph assumes the form of a young man in his prime.
Alessy: What happened!? He should be nothing more than a helpless child! 
Oh no.... It takes more power to make a child out of an old man!
(A picture of Alessy turning tail and run overlaps the first picture)
JoJo: Hey you.... Wait!!

Episode 1: Hierophant Green
Episode 2: Silver Chariot
Episode 3: The Fool
Episode 4: Ebony Devil
Episode 5: Anubis
Final Episode: Sethan

(Black screen)
Alessy's Stand made its' victims younger when it was stepped on. When 
Joseph defeated Alessy, he returned to his former self. 
(Group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Joseph, Kakyoin, and Avdol, 
with their back turned towards the screen, looking at the depths of a 
Joseph: Whew! I'm finally back to being what I should be.... However, 
there is a part of me that wishes that I could have stayed young.... 
Well, it's time to move on to Cairo!
(Black screen)
The journey of Joestar and company will continue until they defeat their 
nemesis, Dio! 					...To be continued...

	Grandson of the legendary Jonathan Joestar, and grandfather to Kujo 
Jotaro, Joseph was the star of the manga in the second series (when he 
was young), where he had to battle it out with an evil band of vampires. 
Joseph emerged victorious at the cost of his own hand (which he later 
replaced with a cybernetic one), got married later on, and had a daughter 
named Holly. Holly married a Japanese rock star and had a son called 
Jotaro, while Joseph remained in England, and developed his own Stand, 
Hermit Purple. After many years of inactivity, Joseph is called by Holly 
to attend his grandson, who has becaame terribly haunted by his newfound 
Stand powers. Joseph invites his old friend Muhammad Avdol along, and 
explains the nature of Stands to Jotaro, whereas he manages to convince 
Jotaro in joining his adventure to seek out and eliminate Dio, the latest 
source of evil, and the killer of Joseph's grandfather. Joseph becomes 
the leader of a gang of young heroes (and a dog), and with his share of 
experience (who he likes to refer to) he takes the brave group on an all-
out war against Dio and his assassins, while they travel to Egypt to meet 
their nemesis. Joseph himself is a well-natured old man with a paternal 
like attitude, which contrasts his brash, arrogant spirit as a youngster. 
Joseph dresses in brown shirt and pants, with shoes and a Indiana Jones-
like hat to top it off. 
	STAND: Hermit Purple. A bunch of thorny vines that grow out of 
Joseph's hand, and are able to wrap up his opponents and channel electric 
shocks through them. Joseph can also use Hermit Purple to send images 
through machines, like TVs and cameras (that's why he can print Dio's 
image off a camera even when he is not in front of him). Joseph doesn't 
develop the ability to wield Hermit Purple until he gets into middle age. 

"The older I get, the better I get! You won't live long enough to say 
"I shall continue with my journey now."
"Winning will only remind you of your repeated losses."
"Accepting your defeat is a perfectly healthy activity! Make it a hobby!"
"It was your lack of experience that did you in. Get some!"
"Trying to cheat against an even bigger cheater is only cheating 
"Ha ha ha! I now bask in the presence of pure stupidity!"

(Black screen)
Joseph Joestar travels to Japan after hearing news about his grandson, 
(Picture of Holly hugging Joseph, who is wearing a turncoat, in the 
Holly: Thanks for coming, Dad!
Joseph: Holly, did Jotaro tell you that he's been possessed by an evil 
(Picture of Jotaro lying on the bed of his cell.)
Holly: Yes, he told me. He then locked himself in jail and is refusing to 
come out!
(Back to the first scene)
Joseph: I understand. Before I do anything else, let me see my 
Joseph and his comrades go to the jail where Jotaro has imprisoned 

Episode 1: Star Platinum
(In his prison cell, Jotaro walks to the right, where Joseph, who is 
standing upright, and Avdol wait on the other side of the bars. A picture 
of Jotaro and Joseph's facing each other appears in the middle. Joseph 
takes a step forward)
Joseph: Jotaro, get out of there! You can come home with me.
(Jotaro takes a step forward as well)
Jotaro: Leave me alone! I don't need you!
(Picture disappears. Joseph assumes his normal stance)
Joseph: Stubborn as usual.... Avdol, stand back while I take care of 
Avdol: I understand, Mr. Joestar. It would be wise not to hold back....
(Avdol walks out of the screen at the right)
Joseph: I know.... Jotaro, I'll teach you about the "evil" that possesses 
you now....
(Joseph summons Hermit Purple and executes the Energy Crash, which breaks 
the cell's bars. Jotaro dashes backwards, then raises his head)
Jotaro: You...!

(After the fight)

(Joseph is at the left, in the cell. Jotaro is standing at the right, now 
outside the cell)
Joseph: So, it looks like you've been sprung out of jail after all....
(Jotaro lowers his head, facing away from Joseph)
Jotaro: So it seems....
(Avdol walks into scene from the right. Jotaro faces him. The image of 
Dio overlaps the scene)
Avdol: And Dio is the one responsible for all this!
Joseph: Yes, and it is our destiny to fight against him!

(Picture of Jotaro holding Kakyoin's head, and Star Platinum, using 
Jotaro's veins, pulls out an evil implant from Kakyoin's brain. Jotaro's 
serious face is shown on the right)
One day, Jotaro was attacked by Kakyoin, a man who was under the control 
of Dio.
(Group picture of Avdol, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and the hatless Joseph standing 
in the middle of the screen)
After his "evil implant" was removed, Kakyoin joined Joseph and 

Tokyo -> Singapore
Episode 2: Ebony Devil
(In the hotel room, D'Bo stands at the left, in his trance pose, with 
Ebony Devil lying aside the bed on the background. Joseph stands in front 
of him at the right)
D'Bo: Old man, I'll destroy you by cursing you into oblivion!
Joseph: Old man? It's not age, it's experience! You could use some.... 
Let me help you!

Singapore -> Abu Dhabi
Episode 3: Geb
(In the desert, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol stand at the left, 
while Joseph faces them on the right)
Joseph: Our new comrade is supposed to meet us here.
(Joseph turns away, as Avdol walks at him with a bar of chewing gum on 
one hand, and the whole pack in his other hand)
Avdol: You know, Iggi loves coffee-flavored chewing gum....
(Suddenly, an ugly version of Iggi leaps out and takes both the bar and 
the whole pack of chewing gum from Avdol's hands. Both Avdol and Joseph 
face the hungry dog with awe)
Avdol: ...........
Iggi: (chomp, chomp...)
Jotaro: Is that...our new comrade!?
Kakyoin: It can't be...!
(Polnareff walks forward to face Iggi)
Polnareff: Hey! Are you saying that this DOG is joining us in our fight!?
(Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: Don't get any closer! You don't know what you're getting yourself 
(Suddenly, Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff desperately tries 
to shake him off)
Polnareff: Wah! No, no! Hey, help me! Get this dog off of me!
(All of a sudden, water blobs begin to fall from the sky. Everyone dashes 
off screen, except for Joseph, who rolls forward in time)
Joseph: Watch it!!
(The camera scrolls to the far right, where N'Dool is. He sits down)
N'Dool: Ha ha! They've finally realized that I can attack them from here 
with my Stand!

(After the fight)

(Joseph dusts off his hat on his pants, in front of the knocked out 
Joseph: It was your lack of experience that did you in. Get some!

Abu Dhabi -> Jiddah
Episode 4: High Priestess
(In the grass field, Avdol, Polnareff, Jotaro, and Joseph walk in from 
the right. They stop in the middle, Avdol and Polnareff facing back to 
Jotaro and Joseph)
Polnareff: Hey! How long will it take to get to Cairo from here?
Joseph: We'll reach Cairo within three to four days. The enemy could 
appear at any time and attack from any place.... Be careful!
Midler: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(Everybody starts to look everywhere)
Midler: What a bunch of fools...!
(The huge face of High Priestess appears on the ground, attempting to 
swallow the whole party. Everyone jumps aside, except for Joseph. While 
the face laughs at its' intention, Joseph keeps looking around)
Joseph: You must be a new Stand wielder!
(The camera scrolls up, and shows Midler sitting on a branch on a tree in 
the background. She then jumps to the left to face Joseph)
Midler: I'll finish you all!
Joseph: Young lady, learn some manners or you'll lose much more than this 

Episode 5: Sethan
(Joseph, facing away from Midler, dusts off his hat on his pants. At the 
right is the fallen Midler. Alessy comes into scene and stops next to her 
from the right)
Alessy: Oh! Poor Midler! She's been defeated!
(Joseph turns around)
Joseph: Ah? I see.... So, you must be her friend....
(Alessy reels in shock)
Alessy: No!! I've been discovered!

Jiddah -> Kom Ombo
Episode 6: Anubis
(In the temple ruins, Chaca walks in from the right, where Joseph is 
facing him, but he stops just behind Joseph. Joseph doesn't turn around)
Chaca: Joseph Joestar, if I defeat you, Dio will be most pleased!
Joseph: I'll make you see the difference between our fighting experience!
(Joseph tries to kick Chaca, but he manages to leap backwards, placing 
his sword over his shoulder)

Kom Ombo -> Cairo
(Picture of Polnareff, Joseph, and Avdol standing in the middle of a 
Cairo plaza, with Jotaro walking around in front of them)
Jotaro and company arrived in Egypt and are looking for Dio's mansion....
Avdol: Where on earth is it...?
(Polnareff's shocked face scrolls in from the left)
Polnareff: Hey! Check it out!
(Joseph's alarmed portrait scrolls in from the right)
Joseph: This must be the mansion!
(Seen from behind, a group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, 
Kakyoin, and Joseph face a huge palace)
Joseph: I can sense an overwhelming presence of evil.... He is here!
Polnareff: .............
Avdol: Our journey has finally come to an end!
Joseph: Seeing there's no one to greet us, we should let ourselves 

Episode 7: Cream
(In a huge chamber filled with holes on the wall and ground, Jotaro and 
Joseph, on the left, face Kakyoin, who is on the right)
Joseph and the other break up into two groups and sneak into the mansion.
(Joseph looks around)
Joseph: What could have caused this?
(Kakyoin crosses his hands below)
Kakyoin: The trail of destruction leads to the back of this place.... 
Avdol's group must have run into some trouble!
(A huge red energy ball appears in the middle. Kakyoin and Jotaro dash 
off screen, but Joseph remains)
Jotaro: Look out!
(Iced, cuddled up in Cream's body, appears from the energy ball)
Iced: Your friends are gone. Now, it's your turn to be destroyed by 
(Joseph gets into a ready stance)
Joseph: What? What are you talking about?
Iced: Die, Joseph!!

(Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body)
Iced: Y...You...! I could never lose to an old man like you!
Joseph: What? You're still alive!? You must be a vampire!
(Joseph summons Hermit Purple, and blasts Iced towards the sunlight with 
an Energy Crash)
Joseph: In that case, let me brighten your day!
(Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition)
Iced: Gwaaaaaaahhhhhh...!
(Joseph walks to the left, where Kakyoin awaits him)
Kakyoin: Way to go, Mr. Joestar!
(Polnareff walks into scene from the right. Joseph turns around to face 
Joseph: Polnareff! Are you okay? Where are Avdol and Iggi?
Polnareff: They sacrificed themselves to save me....
Joseph: I see....
Kakyoin: ..............................
(Nukesaku is thrown into the middle of the group from the left. Jotaro 
walks into scene from the left as well)
Jotaro: Look! I found this guy.
(Jotaro walks up to Nukesaku and kneels. Picture of Jotaro grabbing the 
bashed Nukesaku by the neck while pointing at him appears in the middle 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Hey, you! Take us to Dio!!
Nukesaku: N...No.... Please don't hurt me!

(In Dio's room, Jotaro stands at the left, while Joseph, Kakyoin, and 
Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's coffin, is 
the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese sound 
effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's 
Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin?
Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin!
(Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin)
Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I 
haven't betrayed you!
(Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears 
in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, 
Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, and Joseph –bottom right- 
express their shock)
Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!?
Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!?
Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!!
(The four heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's 
mansion tower exploding appears)
Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have 
killed us easily!
Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come....
(The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of 
rubble with his arms crossed rises)
Dio: Ha ha!

Final Episode: The World
(In the clock tower, Joseph runs in from the right, but Dio lands in 
front of him)
Dio: You'll never escape from me! Huh!? Is that Kakyoin?
(Portrait of Kakyoin's mad face pointing at the screen)
Kakyoin: I'll finish you, Dio! Feel this Emerald Splash!!
(Picture vanishes, and reveals Kakyoin floating on the background)
Dio: Fool...! Realize the true strength of my Stand, "The World"!!
(Time stops in the scene, turning everything into black and white. The 
World lunges towards the screen sporting several gears around his body. 
The World punches Kakyoin, which sends him flying to a water tank atop a 
building in the background. Joseph turns around to look at his fallen 
Joseph: What!? No...! Kakyoin!!
Dio: Joseph, now it's your turn to perish old man!
(Suddenly, Kakyoin fires a stream of Emerald Splashes at the clock, 
destroying it)
Kakyoin: Diooooo! I found his secret....
(Joseph turns to face Dio)
Joseph: Kakyoin....
Dio: Huh!?

(After Round 1)

(Joseph clenches his fist)
Joseph: Kakyoin! I understand your message! Your death was not in vain! 
Destroy the clock.... Stop time.... The power of Dio's Stand is to stop 
(Dio barely crosses his arms)
Dio: So, you've found my secret.... So what? You are still helpless 
against me!
(The World appears and tries to clobber on Joseph. Joseph manages to leap 
out of screen. Dio points at the missing Joseph, leans his body 
backwards, vanishing his jacket, and inmediately leaps after Joseph)

(In the streets of Cairo at nighttime, Joseph faces Dio, who is lying one 
the ground, breathing heavily)
Joseph: It's time for you to die, Dio!
Dio: Guh...guh.... Stop joking, old man!
(Joseph cracks his knuckles, and points at Dio)
Joseph: Now, aren't you supposed to say "I could never lose to you!"?
Dio: I could never lose to.... Ughh...!!
(Dio stands up in disbelief. Joseph summons Hermit Purple and nails Dio 
with an Energy Crash)
Joseph: Feel the wrath of my "Over Drive"!
(Dio is sent flying off the screen)
Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!!
Joseph: Kakyoin, Avdol, Iggi...I've avenged your deaths....
(Picture of hatless Joseph and Jotaro looking at the sunrise in a desert 
Joseph exposes Dio's body to the sunlight, and it is reduced to ashes.
Jotaro: So.... It's finally over....
(Side portraits of Avdol, Iggi, and Kakyoin appear in the sky)
Joseph: We survived.... Thanks to our friends.... 
(Portrait of the hatless Joseph looking over his shoulder appears on the 
Joseph: Kakyoin! Avdol! Iggi! Thank you! We've finally won....
(Black screen)
At the airport, Jotaro and Joseph prepare to return to Japan....
(Bird view of Joseph and Jotaro, with their suitcases at their sides, 
standing over Polnareff, who is fixing his baggage)
Joseph: I'll miss you. Really...I will. 
Polnareff: Call me anytime if you need me. I'm here for ya!
Joseph: Even after all of the problems...I feel I enjoyed this 
(Picture of a patched-up Polnareff putting his hands on Joseph and 
Jotaro's shoulders, as Jotaro and Joseph grab his hands. A small portrait 
of the happy Polnareff's face appears on the right)
Polnareff: Take care, you old timer and his cheap grandson! Don't ever 
forget about me!
(Portrait of Joseph with a cocky smile and pointing at the screen appears 
on the left)
Joseph: See you later! That is, if you don't hate me.... You weird-haired 
(Portrait of Jotaro giving a salute with a serious smile appears in the 
bottom center)
Jotaro: Your "wonderful" personality will keep me from forgetting you! 
Good luck!
(The pictures of Polnareff walking with his bag over his shoulder, Joseph 
putting a tape in his walkman, and Jotaro putting on his cap pass one 
after another. The final picture is Joseph and Jotaro walking away from 
Polnareff, who is walking away from the screen.)

When Polnareff breaks free from the curse of the Anubis Sword after 
defeating its' wielder (Chaca), he decides to put it somewhere safe 
before it can affect more people. On his way to the police station to 
give it in, Polnareff stops by a barber shop, where he asks the owner to 
hide the sword somewhere for a moment. Instead of that, the barber now 
known as Kan is possessed by the spirit of the Anubis Sword and enters a 
killing rampage, taking advantage of the barber's knowledge of cutting 
things. Kan looks just like a normal Middle East man with a blue cloth 
and a small beret, but his face turns all evil and his hair stands on end 
whenever he gets possessed by the Anubis Sword. 
	STAND: The Anubis Sword. Refer to Chaca's section for more info. 

"Once you've lost to me, there is no hope that you could ever win!"
"Why do you give me the pleasure of defeating you over and over again?"
"If you try to fight me again, you'll only end up traumatizing yourself!"
"My name is Kan! I am the master of the Anubis Sword Stand!"
"Day after day.... Year after year.... Don't you ever get sick of 
"Possessed? Says who?!"
"You've just given me all that I need to beat you from here on into 

(Black screen)
On his way to the police station to bring in the sword he had found, 
Polnareff stops at a barber shop....
(Close-up of Kan's crazy face)
Polnareff: Hey, barber! Can you do me a favor and put this sword over 
there somewhere?
Barber: Yes, sir....
Polnareff: Wha..What!? You...You're no barber! What are you!?
Barber: Don't you recognize me? I'm Anubis.... The Anubis Sword!!

Episode 1: Silver Chariot
Episode 2: Star Platinum
Episode 3: The Fool
Episode 4: Magician's Red
Episode 5: Hermit Purple
Final Episode: Hierophant Green

(Black screen)
The barber, still possessed by the Anubis Stand, continues fighting for 
(Character selection portrait of Kan)
Kan: Master Dio's Stand is unrivaled. I dare not defy the power that he 
possesses.... So, I have pledged my loyalty to Dio. Eternal servitude is 
a small price to pay....

	Starring as the main character of the game, Kujo Jotaro lives an 
easygoing life as a high school student in Japan. Jotaro is the son of a 
Japanese rock star and an English woman by the name of Holly Joestar, 
daughter of the great Joseph Joestar. One day, Jotaro felt the presence 
of his Stand for the first time, and at the moment, he assumed that an 
evil spirit was trying to take over his body. In order to protect his 
loved ones, Jotaro decided it would be better for him to lock himself up 
and prevent him from causing any trouble. To that end, he voluntarily 
recruits himself in a local jail (he even displays his reasons by taking 
the gun of a policeman and attempting to shoot himself in the head. The 
subsecuent shot is stopped by a shadow hand coming out of Jotaro's body).
 Not long after, Jotaro's grandfather, Joseph, busts Jotaro out of 
jail, and explains him the true nature of the Stand. This, along with the 
fact that Jotaro's mother, Holly, grew ill because of the appearance of 
her Stand, impulsed Jotaro to accept Joseph's offer to help him defeat 
the source of all evil, the malignous Dio. Jotaro and the rest of his 
friends now travel to Egypt to deal with the inmortal villain. Jotaro 
dresses in a typical Japanese school boy fashion, with the exception that 
he wears some sort of a cap (with a hand symbol on a plate at the front). 
Jotaro is like most anime heroes of today: silent, self-caring, and not 
too mindful for other people's feelings. He's also a lady magnet, but he 
doesn't seem to care too much for it. 
	STAND: Star Platinum. An Aztec-like being, that has a pretty 
impressive body build, with long wild black hair, a headband, and some 
sort of loincloth. Star Platinum attacks with rapid flurries of punches, 
and sometimes even with devastating one-hit blows. It is said that Star 
Platinum and Dio's Stand, The World, are brother-like entities, as Star 
Platinum also has the ability to stop time (in a lesser extent than The 
World does). 

"To persist in your ways is to guarantee your death."
"It appears that your wounds are not fatal. You have my sympathy."
"Your stunning display of weakness has left me speechless!"
"The blanket of death will cover you with its' dark warmth...!"
"Leave my presence at once!"
"Your disappointing performance only fuels my anger!"
"There was a reason you lost.... You pissed me off...."

(Picture of Jotaro lying on the bed of his cell)
Kujo Jotaro locks himself in a jail, claiming that he has been possessed.
Jotaro: Something evil is inside of me.... It must have happened 
(A face portrait of a worried Holly appears on the left) 
Holly: Jotaro...I must tell uncle Joseph about this.... (Author's note: 
This is obviously a mistranslation, as Joseph is her FATHER, not her 

Episode 1: Magician's Red
(In his prison cell, Jotaro walks to the right, where Joseph and Avdol 
wait on the other side of the bars. A picture of Jotaro and Joseph's 
facing each other appears in the middle. Joseph takes a step forward)
Joseph: Jotaro, get out of there! You can come home with me.
(Jotaro takes a step forward as well)
Jotaro: Leave me alone! I don't need you!
(Joseph turns around to face Avdol)
Joseph: I see...Avdol, it's your turn to convince him.
Avdol: Mr. Joestar, I apologize if I have to be rough....
(Joseph walks out of the screen at the right)
Joseph: I don't care! Just get him out!
(Avdol summons Magician's Red and blows the prison's bars up with a 
Crossfire Attack. Jotaro dashes backwards, then raises his head)
Jotaro: You...!

(After the fight)

(Avdol is at the left, in the cell, in his meditation pose. Jotaro is 
standing at the right, now outside the cell. Avdol assumes his normal 
stance again)
Avdol: Well, I got him out.... My job is done....
(Jotaro lowers his head, facing away from Avdol)
Jotaro: So it seems....
(Joseph walks into scene from the right. Jotaro faces him)
Joseph: The "evil" you refer to is the "Stand", a force created by your 
vital energy.
(The image of Dio overlaps the scene)
Avdol: And Dio is the one responsible for all this!
Joseph: Yes, and it is our destiny to fight against him!

Episode 2: Hierophant Green
(In the school hospital, the camera scrolls towards the right, where 
Jotaro enters the room, and is alerted by the sight of his wounded 
Jotaro: Wha...What's this!?
(Jotaro faces the background, where Kakyoin is lying on the edge of the 
window. Kakyoin descends from it)
Jotaro: Could this be your doing!?
(Close-up of Kakyoin's face appears in the foreground)
Kakyoin: Kujo Jotaro...I'll destroy you!

(After the fight)

(Jotaro walks towards the left at the knocked out Kakyoin. Kakyoin 
manages to sit in place, while Jotaro crouches aside him, Star Platinum 
hovering above him with a hand over Kakyoin's hand)
Jotaro: Don't move, Kakyoin. I'll remove the evil implant now....
Kakyoin: ...........
Jotaro: Uwoooooooohhhhh!!
(Star Platinum does a small combo attack which destroys the evil implant. 
Jotaro stands up)
Kakyoin: Why did you save me...?
(Jotaro turns away)
Jotaro: I don't know....

(Portrait of a suffering Holly with rose vines growing on her back)
One morning, Holly developed a "Stand". As a result she became very ill.
(Picture of Jotaro looking over his shoulder appears in the bottom right 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Tell me! What can I do to save her!?
(The image of Dio rises to the middle of the screen)
Joseph: You must kill Dio and release his curse! That is the only way!
(Picture of Joseph, without his hat, holding up a photo, appears at the 
Joseph: I can sense him...Dio is in Egypt now!
(Picture of Kakyoin with a bandaged forehead appears on the left)
Kakyoin: I also sensed his whereabouts...I, Noriaki Kakyoin will go with 
(Group picture of Avdol, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and the hatless Joseph standing 
in the middle of the screen, with Dio's image still in the background)
Joseph: Okay then, let's go!
(Image of a plane taking to the sky)
Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol and Kakyoin travel to Egypt....

Tokyo -> Singapore
Episode 3: Ebony Devil
(In his hotel room, Jotaro walks at the right and faces D'Bo, who is 
holding Ebony Devil in a hand. Jotaro raises his head)
Jotaro: Hey, you! I can sense your evil intent! You must be my enemy!
(D'Bo walks up to Jotaro and stands up straight to face him)
D'Bo: I'm D'Bo, the wielder of the Devil Stand!
(D'Bo jumps backwards and attempts to throw Ebony Devil at Jotaro, but 
Jotaro sends him to the floor with a solid Star Platinum punch)
D'Bo: Ebony Devil!
Jotaro: Urahhh!
(D'Bo lies on the ground)
D'Bo: Heh heh heh heh! You've done it, Jotaro! You've given me all I need 
to curse you!
Jotaro: What do you mean!?
(D'Bo stands up, with a hand near his mouth, lashing his tongue. Ebony 
Devil stands poised for battle next to him)
D'Bo: You fool, I wanted you to punch me! Now, I shall curse you to your 

Singapore -> Abu Simbel
Episode 4: Geb
(In the desert, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol stand at the left, 
while Joseph faces them on the right)
Joseph: Our new comrade is supposed to meet us here.
(Joseph turns away, as Avdol walks at him with a bar of chewing gum on 
one hand, and the whole pack in his other hand)
Avdol: You know, Iggi loves coffee-flavored chewing gum....
(Suddenly, an ugly version of Iggi leaps out and takes both the bar and 
the whole pack of chewing gum from Avdol's hands. Both Avdol and Joseph 
face the hungry dog with awe)
Avdol: ...........
Iggi: (chomp, chomp...)
Jotaro: Is that...our new comrade!?
Kakyoin: It can't be...!
(Polnareff walks forward to face Iggi)
Polnareff: Hey! Are you saying that this DOG is joining us in our fight!?
(Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: Don't get any closer! You don't know what you're getting yourself 
(Suddenly, Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff desperately tries 
to shake him off)
Polnareff: Wah! No, no! Hey, help me! Get this dog off of me!
(All of a sudden, water blobs begin to fall from the sky. Everyone dashes 
off screen, except for Jotaro, who rolls forward in time)
Joseph: Watch it!!
(The camera scrolls to the far right, where N'Dool is. He sits down)
N'Dool: Ha ha! They've finally realized that I can attack them from here 
with my Stand!

(After the fight)

(Jotaro faces the background, with N'Dool on the ground aside him)
Jotaro: Your disappointing performace only fuels my anger!

Kom Ombo
Episode 5: Anubis
(In the temple ruins, Chaca, at the left, points at Jotaro, who is on the 
Chaca: So, you are Jotaro! I'll slash you to ribbons!
(Jotaro raises his head)
Jotaro: You....

Episode 6: Sethan
(In the back alleys, Alessy falls head first on the ground behind Jotaro. 
Jotaro turns around)
Alessy: Gwaaahh!
(Alessy stands up)
Jotaro: That's an odd sight, seeing someone fall from a window like 
(Alessy reels in shock)
Alessy: What did you say!? Are you talking about me!?
Jotaro: Isn't it obvious?
(Jotaro raises his head)
Jotaro: I know who you are! You're the new Stand wielder, aren't you!?
(Alessy summons Sethan. Jotaro jumps backwards)
Alessy: Impressive! Good job!
Jotaro: You....

Luxor -> Cairo
(Picture of Polnareff, Joseph, and Avdol standing in the middle of a 
Cairo plaza, with Jotaro walking around in front of them)
Jotaro and company arrived in Egypt and are looking for Dio's mansion....
Avdol: Where on earth is it...?
(Polnareff's shocked face scrolls in from the left)
Polnareff: Hey! Check it out!
(Joseph's alarmed portrait scrolls in from the right)
Joseph: This must be the mansion!
(Seen from behind, a group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, 
Kakyoin, and Joseph face a huge palace)
Joseph: I can sense an overwhelming presence of evil.... He is here!
Polnareff: .............
Avdol: Our journey has finally come to an end!
Joseph: Seeing there's no one to greet us, we should let ourselves 

Episode 7: Cream
(In a huge chamber filled with holes on the wall and ground, Jotaro and 
Kakyoin, on the left, face Joseph, who is on the right)
Joseph and the other break up into two groups and sneak into the mansion.
(Joseph looks around)
Joseph: What could have caused this?
(Kakyoin crosses his hands below)
Kakyoin: Avdol's group must have run into some trouble!
(A huge red energy ball appears in the middle. Kakyoin and Joseph dash 
off screen, but Jotaro remains)
Jotaro: Watch out!
(Iced, cuddled up in Cream's body, appears from the energy ball)
Iced: They were lucky enough to escape, but I won't make the same mistake 
on you!
(Lightning emerges from Jotaro's eyes)
Jotaro: You....

(After the fight)

(Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body)
Iced: Die, Jotaro!!
(Star Platinum executes a dashing uppercut on Iced, that knocks him 
towards the sunlight on the right)
Jotaro: You...!
(Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition)
Iced: Gwaaaaaaahhhhhh...!
Jotaro: So he was a vampire after all....
Iced was reduced to a pile of ashes after being exposed to sunlight....
(Jotaro walks to the left, where Kakyoin and Joseph await him)
Joseph: Dio's room could be upstairs....
(Nukesaku is thrown into the middle of the group from the right. 
Polnareff walks into scene from the right as well)
Polnareff: Check out the scum I found....
Joseph: Pol...Polnareff! Where are Avdol and Iggi?
Polnareff: They couldn't make it here alive.... They sacrificed 
themselves to save me....
Joseph: I see....
(Jotaro walks up to Nukesaku and kneels. Picture of Jotaro grabbing the 
bashed Nukesaku by the neck while pointing at him appears in the middle 
of the screen)
Joseph: Hey, Nukesaku! Take us to Dio!!
Nukesaku: N...No.... Please don't hurt me! 

(In Dio's room, Jotaro stands at the left, while Joseph, Kakyoin, and 
Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's coffin, is 
the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese sound 
effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's 
Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin?
Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin!
(Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin)
Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I 
haven't betrayed you!
(Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears 
in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, 
Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, and Joseph –bottom right- 
express their shock)
Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!?
Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!?
Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!!
(The four heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's 
mansion tower exploding appears)
Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have 
killed us easily!
Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come....
(The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of 
rubble with his arms crossed rises)
Dio: Ha ha!

Final Episode: The World
(In the streets of Cairo at night, Jotaro walks in from the left to find 
Joseph facing Dio)
Joseph: Jotaro! Stay away! Get out of here!
Dio: Let's start with the old timer..."THE WORLD"!!
(Time stops in the scene, and Joseph is pierced with a knife in the 
shoulder. Joseph is sent flying off screen. Dio points at Jotaro)
Dio: I've finished Kakyoin as well.... You're the next to fall, Jotaro!

(After Round 1)
(Dio bends forward, breathing hard. He tries to attack Jotaro, but is met 
with Star Platinum's Blazing Fists. Dio is sent off screen, and Jotaro 
chases him off. Jotaro lands on a bridge overlooking Cairo, and begins to 
look around. A shocking sight catches his eye, and walks towards the 
right. He finds Dio, without his jacket, with a hand on the unconscious 
Joseph's chest. He sucks Joseph's blood with his hand, shriveling Joseph 
to a corpse. Dio glows in aura, picks Joseph up, and throws him away like 
Dio: Joseph's blood is so tasty...I feel refreshed now Jotaro!!
(Jotaro raises his head, while Dio scratches his body repeatedly, 
thrusting his body backwards, sprouting blood everywhere)
Jotaro: Y...You! I'll show you no mercy!
Dio: It doesn't matter to me by what method victory is achieved.... You 
will die now!

(Jotaro lowers his head while looking away from Dio, who is lying on the 
ground, breathing heavily. Dio gets up and pulls his body backwards, 
shaking all over)
Dio: Ha ha...! Die, Jotaro!
(The World attacks with a kick, but it is met halfway by a Star Platinum 
punch. Dio stares in disbelief and is launched off screen)
Dio: No.... It can't be! ...How could I lose? Dio cannot be beaten!!
(Jotaro faces the other side, and holds the rim of his cap)
Jotaro: There was a reason you lost.... You pissed me off....
(Picture of a high-tech lab, where Joseph, who has his back turned 
towards the screen and no hat, rises from a hospital bed with cords 
sticking on the back of his body. Jotaro and some doctors stand in front 
of him)
By transfusing the blood of Dio, Joseph has been revived....
Jotaro: Now, my debt to Dio has been paid!
(Picture of hatless Joseph and Jotaro looking at the sunrise in a desert 
Jotaro places Dio's body under the light of the sun. Dio is reduced to 
Jotaro: So.... It's finally over....
(Side portraits of Avdol, Iggi, and Kakyoin appear in the sky)
Joseph: We survived.... Thanks to our friends.... Kakyoin! Avdol! Iggi! 
Thank you! We've finally won....
(Black screen)
At the airport, Jotaro and Joseph prepare to return to Japan....
(Bird view of Joseph and Jotaro, with their suitcases at their sides, 
standing over Polnareff, who is fixing his baggage)
Joseph: I'll miss you. Really...I will. 
Polnareff: Call me anytime if you need me. I'm here for ya!
Joseph: Even after all of the problems...I feel I enjoyed this 
(Picture of a patched-up Polnareff putting his hands on Joseph and 
Jotaro's shoulders, as Jotaro and Joseph grab his hands. A small portrait 
of the happy Polnareff's face appears on the right)
Polnareff: Take care, you old timer and his cheap grandson! Don't ever 
forget about me!
(Portrait of Joseph with a cocky smile and pointing at the screen appears 
on the left)
Joseph: See you later! That is, if you don't hate me.... You weird-haired 
(Portrait of Jotaro giving a salute with a serious smile appears in the 
bottom center)
Jotaro: Your "wonderful" personality will keep me from forgetting you! 
Good luck!
(The pictures of Polnareff walking with his bag over his shoulder, Joseph 
putting a tape in his walkman, and Jotaro putting on his cap pass one 
after another. The final picture is Joseph and Jotaro walking away from 
Polnareff, who is walking away from the screen. The next portrait is that 
of a happy Holly)
Holly: !? ...They are returning!! Yes!! Dad and Jotaro! They are coming 
	A wicked woman who, charmed by Dio's features (what does he see in 
him is beyond me), accepts to follow Dio's orders and assassinate Joseph 
and his group. Mariaha is a rather cold-blooded and ruthless assassin who 
takes advantage of her good looks to reel opponents in for the kill...and 
if that doesn't happen, her Stand, the Bast Goddess, reels opponents in 
for her, due to its' strong magnetic power. In the manga, her power is 
almost like a virus, as it shows when she infects Joseph with it, and 
Joseph has to chase Mariaha carrying with tons of metal stuff. Mariaha 
dresses like some sexy Red Riding Hood, expect she wears a tank top and 
some shorts, and has a darker skin tone to her. 
	STAND: The Bast Goddess. Mariaha channels her power by using fuses, 
which she can control in any position. If the fuses impact the opponent, 
their bodies gain more magnetic power, and thus, metal objects are more 
propense to stick to their bodies. Mariaha also wields a wicked knife 
which she presumably uses to finish off her victims.  

"If laughter is the best medicine, you could be my doctor!"
"What an impressive performance! Are you always that good?"
"Stop stalking me, you pervert!"
"I see you've learned that attraction can lead to destruction!"
"Once you get sucked in, there's no way for you to escape!"
"Tell me.... How do you like my technique? Do you want me to show you 
"It's best to take your time and savor every moment...."

(Black screen)
Mariaha, the master of the "Bast Goddess" Stand, is charmed by Dio and 
now seeks to eliminate Jotaro and company.
(Character selection portrait of Mariaha)
Mariaha: You can't help but touch what is forbidden.... Once you are 
trapped in the magnetic field of the Bast Goddess, there is no way for 
you to escape!

Episode 1: Hermit Purple
Episode 2: Magician's Red
Episode 3: The Fool
Episode 4: Silver Chariot
Episode 5: Star Platinum
Final Episode: Hierophant Green

(Picture of Mariaha leaning towards the screen in a Marylyn Monroe-like 
Mariaha: As a final note, I found you to be a real charmer. Not a bad 
game player if I do say so myself.... The game was short, yet I could 
sense a high level of inteligence within you. You must also be very 
experienced and decisive. ...And you have quite the cute face...I was 
almost thinking that we could be lovers...Hm hm hm....
(You are then prompted to choose between 2 cards. The next thing that 
Mariaha will say depends on the card you choose. There are 2 choices: The 
World Card or the Bast Goddess Card. If The World comes out:)
Mariaha: But there's no way you could be as charming as Master Dio.... 
(If the Bast Goddess comes out:)
Mariaha: You know, I think you might be a bit more charming than Master 
Dio.... Oh, never mind!

	Another sexy female assassin hired by Dio to assassinate Joseph and 
company (what's with this guy, anyway?), Midler also has looks that kill. 
An expert in deceiving the opponent and pass by as an innocent young 
woman, Midler then takes the least chance to slice the opponent up with 
her Stand, High Priestess, who can camoflauge itself as a metal object 
and then strike the opponent in the least expected moment. Midler is a 
cocky, arrogant woman with a lethal disposition and even more sinister 
thoughts, but as twisted as she might be, she has feelings for Dio (but 
even those are pretty sick, as you might read later on). Midler is 
portrayed as a sexy Las Vegas-like show girl (with the Arabian veil over 
her face, and very, VERY scadly dressed), but in fact, this is just an 
image made up by Capcom itself. You see, there wasn't a well defined 
image of Midler in the manga (she attacks Joseph and his group from the 
shadows, never showing her face, while they travel by submarine), so 
Capcom decided to pull off some "sex-can-sale" get-up, and well, there 
you have it....In the manga, Midler also makes High Priestess possess 
Polnareff's body and almost choke him to death before his friends save 
his life in the nick of time.
	STAND: High Priestess. A sick little booger, High Priestess is a 
floating head with arms, surrounded by spikes, and what seems to be a 
small magician's hat on top. High Priestess can turn into any metal 
object, from innocent things like cups and plates, to lethal cutting 
objects like scissors, buzzsaws, and even bulldozers! It is said that 
High Priestess' teeth are as tough as diamonds. The special intro of 
Midler vs. Joseph (where High Priestess poses as a cup in Joseph's hand) 
was also a scene in the manga.  

"A worthy experience, to say the least!"
"Oops! I had to think I bit too hard!"
"Don't fall asleep on me now! Get up!"
"You would have lived longer if you knew when to quit!"
"How long have your eyes been deceiving you?"
"I'm not laughing with you.... I'm laughing at you! Kya ha ha!"
"The urges I have to destroy you are just too powerful! I'm sorry!"

(A big picture of Midler holding a cup with her eyes closed scrolls from 
bottom to top...nice view! ^_-)
Midler wields the Stand of the High Priestess. She stalks Jotaro and 
company, intending to carry out Dio's orders to kill them.
(Midler opens her eyes)
Midler: Jotaro, my High Priestess Stand will eat you alive! Hee hee hee!
(Midler's cup morphs into her Stand, High Priestess)

Episode 1: Hermit Purple
(In the grass field, Avdol, Polnareff, Jotaro, and Joseph walk in from 
the right. They stop in the middle, Avdol and Polnareff facing back to 
Jotaro and Joseph)
Polnareff: Hey! How long will it take to get to Cairo from here?
Joseph: We'll reach Cairo within three to four days. The enemy could 
appear at any time and attack from any place.... Be careful!
Midler: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(Everybody starts to look everywhere)
Midler: What a bunch of fools...!
(The huge face of High Priestess appears on the ground, attempting to 
swallow the whole party. Everyone jumps aside, except for Joseph. While 
the face laughs at its' intention, Joseph keeps looking around)
Joseph: You must be a new Stand wielder!
(The camera scrolls up, and shows Midler sitting on a branch on a tree in 
the background. She then jumps to the left to face Joseph)
Midler: I'll finish you all!
Joseph: Young lady, learn some manners or you'll lose much more than this 

(After the fight)

(Midler faces the dispatched Joseph)
Midler: That's one down.... Not a bad way to start the day!

Jiddah -> Kom Ombo
Episode 2: Hierophant Green
(In the streets of Kom Ombo, Jotaro, Iggi, who are facing to the right, 
and Avdol and Polnareff, who are facing the left, talk to each other)
Polnareff: What is Kakyoin doing? He hasn't shown up yet!
(Jotaro turns away, and looks at the left)
Jotaro: .........................
(Everyone walks away, then Jotaro does the same. The camera scrolls 
towards the left, revealing Midler crouching on the floor with her eyes 
closed. She opens her eyes and faces the left)
Midler: That means Kakyoin must be alone.... Now is my chance....
(Midler stands up as Kakyoin approaches her. High Priestess tries to 
slash Kakyoin apart, but Kakyoin rolls backward in the nick of time, 
facing away from Midler. Midler points at Kakyoin)
Midler: I've found you, Kakyoin! I'll tear you apart!
(Kakyoin hugs himself)
Kakyoin: What!? Is this woman also an enemy!?

Episode 3: Magician's Red
(In the back alleys, Midler is watching towards the left. Avdol, Iggi, 
Jotaro, and Polnareff walk into scene from the right. They stop behind 
Midler: ........................
Avdol: That woman.... There's something strange about her....
(Midler sends High Priestess to the ground and attempts to mow down the 
heroes with a bulldozer. Everyone dashes off screen except Avdol. Avdol 
points at Midler)
Avdol: Just as I thought.... She is also an enemy!
Luxor -> Cairo
Episode 4: The Fool
(In the sewers, Iggi runs in from the left, but suddenly stops when he 
notices Midler. Midler leans forward)
Midler: Stupid dog! I'll make a meal out of you!
(Iggi enters a fighting pose)
Iggi: Fuuuuhh! (Come on and fight, you witch!)

Episode 5: Silver Chariot
(In the streets of Cairo at nighttime, Polnareff faces the left. Midler 
jumps behind, attracting Polnareff's attention)
Midler: Where's Jotaro? You must help me so that I can destroy him...!
(Polnareff summons Silver Chariot)
Polnareff: So, you've followed me? Hmm...Jotaro must have defeated Dio by 
(Midler points at Polnareff)
Midler: Pathetic.... What makes you think that Sir Dio could ever be 

Episode 6: Star Platinum
(In a bridge overlooking Cairo, Jotaro, looking at the right, faces 
Midler, who is facing the left)
Midler: Jotaro, you're my kind of guy...I regret that I have to destroy 
(Midler leans forward)
Midler: It's too bad that you will be eaten alive by my Stand!
(Jotaro raises his head)
Jotaro: I, Kujo Jotaro will destroy you!

(After the fight)

(Jotaro lies inmobile on the floor. Midler kneels on the ground, and 
looks towards the sky)
Midler: Sir Dio! I've finally defeated Jotaro!
(Seen from behind, a picture of Midler facing a huge palace)
Midler: So, this is Dio's mansion....

Episode 7: Cream
(Midler stands in a huge chamber filled with holes all over the walls, 
facing the left. A red energy ball appears behind her, and Iced emerges 
from it, with Cream looming above him. Midler turns around to face him)
Iced: Midler?
Midler: Iced, I presume? Is Dio upstairs?
Iced: I heard you've beaten Jotaro and his group.... But you forgot 
Midler: !?
Iced: Sir Dio is very upset.... Sir Dio needed the fresh blood of either 
Joseph or Jotaro!
(Midler leans forward)
Midler: I'll have to find a substitute, then.... Maybe I'll get the blood 

(After the fight)

(Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body)
Iced: .............................!!
Midler: What a waste of my time!!
(Midler points at Iced, and summons High Priestess, which chops up Iced 
for quite a while in the shape of a buzzsaw. Iced is then sent flying 
towards the sunlight, and you see a portrait of Iced's face being 
disfigured beyond recognition)
Iced: Gwaaah! I cannot be beaten by you!!

Final Episode: The World
(Midler kneels in front of Dio in Dio's room, with her head lowered. Some 
Japanese sound effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Midler: Sir...Dio....
Dio: I heard that you've beaten Jotaro and his group. I'm glad....
Midler: ...........
Dio: Iced might have said something upsetting. Don't worry. All I need 
(Dio pulls his body backwards, his body shaking all over. Midler raises 
her face to look at Dio in shock)
Dio: ...your blood!

(Midler is still kneeling in front of Dio, who is hunched over, and 
breathing hard)
Midler: Sir Dio.... Why...?
Dio: With the fresh blood of one more person, the body of Jonathan will 
be mine!
(A portrait of Dio's mean semblant appears on the right, pointing at the 
Dio: Midler, will you give your fresh blood to me?
(A side portrait of Midler's face appears on the left)
Midler: ...Yes Sir... (Author's note: Huh!? And all that fighting for 
nothing!?! How appalling!)
(The screen turns into a red tone. Then the screen turns black)
Dio: Zukyu zukyuuuunnn!
(A big picture of Dio dragging the limp Midler by the throat scrolls from 
top to bottom)
Dio: I can feel it! Now...this body fits me perfectly!!
(Outer view of Dio's mansion)
Dio: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...!

	A fortune teller from the Middle East, Avdol is a mystical man who 
gain an understanding of his Stand from way back due to his magical 
instincts. Avdol sensed a disturbance in the balances of good and evil, 
and joins his old time friend Joseph Joestar in order to erradicate the 
mastermind behind this, the evil Dio! Avdol recruits Iggi, a stray dog 
from New York, to help them out in their quest. With that, Avdol hopes he 
and his friends can defeat Dio in time. Avdol is a very kind person who 
is not afraid to lend a helping hand to his matter what the 
cost. Avdol wears a long brown turncoat that overlaps his green tunic, 
and his several medallions around his neck. His hair appears to have 
several tubes on it, as well a black ponytail on the back.
	STAND: Magician's Red. A creature with the body of a shirtless man, 
but with the head of a bird. As you may have implied by the name, 
Magician's Red wields the elemental power of fire, which is mostly 
represented in the shape of "ankhs" (crosses with a circular shape on 

"Right when you saw my flames, is when you should have run away!"
"'Magician's Red' is the power that allows me to wield flame at will!"
"Being burnt to death.... Is it painful? Maybe you can tell me...."
"Your Stand should do you a favor by helping you end your pathetic 
"Everything will be reduced to ashes. For you, it will just happen 
"If you think you will win easily, your defeat will be all the more 
"It will take 10 years before you could compete with me in fortune 

(Picture of Holly hugging Joseph, who is wearing a turncoat, in the 
Avdol: I've been acquainted with Mr. Joestar for three years. After we 
heard news... ...that something happened to his grandson, we traveled to 
Joseph: Holly, did Jotaro tell you that he's been possessed by an evil 
Holly: Yes, he told me. He then locked himself in jail and is refusing to 
come out!
(Picture of Jotaro lying on the bed of his cell flashes by, and returns 
to the original scene)
Joseph: I understand. Avdol, let's go and see Jotaro!
(The picture of Avdol with his arms crossed looking at Joseph and Holly 
passes on the foreground)
Avdol: Okay, let's hurry...! 

Episode 1: Star Platinum
(In his prison cell, Jotaro walks to the right, where Joseph and Avdol 
wait on the other side of the bars. A picture of Jotaro and Joseph's 
facing each other appears in the middle. Joseph takes a step forward)
Joseph: Jotaro, get out of there! You can come home with me.
(Jotaro takes a step forward as well)
Jotaro: Leave me alone! I don't need you!
(Joseph turns around to face Avdol)
Joseph: I see...Avdol, it's your turn to convince him.
Avdol: Mr. Joestar, I apologize if I have to be rough....
(Joseph walks out of the screen at the right)
Joseph: I don't care! Just get him out!
(Avdol summons Magician's Red and blows the prison's bars up with a 
Crossfire Attack. Jotaro dashes backwards, then raises his head)
Jotaro: You...!

(After the fight)

(Avdol is at the left, in the cell, in his meditation pose. Jotaro is 
standing at the right, now outside the cell. Avdol assumes his normal 
stance again)
Avdol: Well, I got him out.... My job is done....
(Jotaro lowers his head, facing away from Avdol)
Jotaro: So it seems....
(Joseph walks into scene from the right. Jotaro faces him)
Joseph: The "evil" you refer to is the "Stand", a force created by your 
vital energy.
(The image of Dio overlaps the scene)
Avdol: And Dio is the one responsible for all this!
Joseph: Yes, and it is our destiny to fight against him!

(Portrait of a suffering Holly with rose vines growing on her back)
One morning, Holly developed a "Stand". As a result she became very ill.
(Picture of Jotaro looking over his shoulder appears in the bottom right 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Tell me! What can I do to save her!?
(The image of Dio rises to the middle of the screen)
Joseph: You must kill Dio and release his curse! That is the only way!
(Picture of Joseph, without his hat, holding up a photo, appears at the 
Joseph: I can sense him...Dio is in Egypt now!
(Picture of Kakyoin with a bandaged forehead appears on the left)
Kakyoin: I also sensed his whereabouts...I, Noriaki Kakyoin will go with 
(Picture of Avdol looking at the screen appears in the bottom middle. 
Then, a group picture of Avdol, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and the hatless Joseph 
standing in the middle of the screen, with Dio's image still in the 
Joseph: Okay then, let's go!
(Image of a plane taking to the sky)
Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol and Kakyoin travel to Egypt....

Tokyo -> Hong Kong
Episode 2: Silver Chariot
(At the zoo entrance, Polnareff, on the left, faces off against Jotaro, 
Avdol, Joseph, and Kakyoin, who are on the right)
Polnareff: Come on! I'll slash all of you in half!
(Avdol shurgs his hand to the right, and Joseph and Kakyoin walk off 
Avdol: Jotaro, leave it to me. I can fight my best in these conditions!
(Jotaro turns towards Avdol)
Jotaro: Avdol....
(Jotaro walks off screen at the right. Avdol now faces Polnareff alone)
Polnareff: Your own's Stand ability will do you in!

(After the fight)

(Avdol is in his meditation pose, but rests when he sees Polnareff does 
not move on the ground. Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: It would take 10 years before you could compete with me in fortune 
(Polnareff barely gets on his feet, bending over and shaking in pain, 
grabbing his face with his hand)
Polnareff: I was overconfident. I never thought I would lose...I deserve 
to die....
(Polnareff falls down again. Avdol approaches him, and kneels aside him. 
Jotaro walks in from the right, and does the same)
Avdol: You are worthy to live. I'll free you from Dio's brainwashing....
(Picture of Jotaro holding Polnareff's head, and Star Platinum, using 
Jotaro's veins, pulls out the evil implant from Polnareff's brain. 
Jotaro's serious face is shown on the right, and Polnareff's closed eyes 
are on the left. They first have the evil implant in middle, which later 
Polnareff: Ughh...I'm after the man who killed my sister....
(The image of Dio rises to the middle of the screen)
Polnareff: Dio might know who he is...I'd like to travel with you....
(Black screen)
And so, Polnareff joined Joestar and his comrades.

Hong Kong -> Singapore
Episode 3: Ebony Devil
(In the hotel room, Avdol is alarmed when he notices someone coming from 
the left. He enters a ready pose, while D'Bo walks in from the left, and 
stands in front of him, Ebony Devil in his hand)
D'Bo: Huh huh huh! Ha ha ha!
Avdol: I've seen you before! The scar upon your face.... You are D'Bo, 
the murderer!

(After the fight)

(Avdol kneels aside D'Bo's fallen body)
Avdol: Dio is one twisted guy...I wonder how many assassins he has 

Singapore -> Abu Dhabi
Episode 4: Geb
(In the desert, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol stand at the left, 
while Joseph faces them on the right)
Joseph: Our new comrade is supposed to meet us here.
(Joseph turns away, as Avdol walks at him with a bar of chewing gum on 
one hand, and the whole pack in his other hand)
Avdol: You know, Iggi loves coffee-flavored chewing gum....
(Suddenly, an ugly version of Iggi leaps out and takes both the bar and 
the whole pack of chewing gum from Avdol's hands. Both Avdol and Joseph 
face the hungry dog with awe)
Avdol: ...........
Iggi: (chomp, chomp...)
Jotaro: Is that...our new comrade!?
Kakyoin: It can't be...!
(Polnareff walks forward to face Iggi)
Polnareff: Hey! Are you saying that this DOG is joining us in our fight!?
(Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: Don't get any closer! You don't know what you're getting yourself 
(Suddenly, Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff desperately tries 
to shake him off)
Polnareff: Wah! No, no! Hey, help me! Get this dog off of me!
(All of a sudden, water blobs begin to fall from the sky. Everyone dashes 
off screen, except for Avdol, who rolls forward in time, and remains in a 
crouching position)
Joseph: Watch it!!
(The camera scrolls to the far right, where N'Dool is. He sits down)
N'Dool: Ha ha! They've finally realized that I can attack them from here 
with my Stand!

(After the fight)

(Avdol is in his meditating pose in front of the inmobile N'Dool. He 
rests his stance)
Avdol: Even the master of the water Stand is no match for my Stand, 
"Magician's Red"!

Abu Dhabi -> Jiddah
Episode 5: High Priestess
(In the grass field, Midler is watching towards the left. Avdol, Iggi, 
Jotaro, and Polnareff walk into scene from the right. They stop behind 
Midler: ........................
Avdol: That woman.... There's something strange about her....
(Midler sends High Priestess to the ground and attempts to mow down the 
heroes with a bulldozer. Everyone dashes off screen except Avdol. Avdol 
points at Midler)
Avdol: Just as I thought.... She is also an enemy!

(After the fight)

(Avdol is in his meditating pose in front of the limp Midler. He rests 
his stance)
Avdol: I can't let myself get careless in a fight, no matter who my 
opponent is!

Jiddah -> Kom Ombo
Episode 6: Anubis
(Avdol walks into the temple ruins from the right. He encounters himself 
with Chaca on the left, who points at him)
Chaca: You are Muhammad Avdol, aren't you? Your life will soon be over!
(Avdol points at Chaca)
Avdol: I'll cook you alive with my Stand. (Author's note: Incomplete 
quote here)

(After the fight)

(Avdol kneels aside Chaca's lying body)
Avdol: A sword wielder.... This world is full of bizarre opponents! What 
could be next? (Author's note: Bizarre opponent? Chaca could be the more 
NORMAL opponent Avdol had!)

Kom Ombo -> Cairo
(Picture of Polnareff, Joseph, and Avdol standing in the middle of a 
Cairo plaza, with Jotaro walking around in front of them)
Jotaro and company arrived in Egypt and are looking for Dio's mansion....
Avdol: Where on earth is it...?
(Polnareff's shocked face scrolls in from the left)
Polnareff: Hey! Check it out!
(Joseph's alarmed portrait scrolls in from the right)
Joseph: This must be the mansion!
(Seen from behind, a group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, 
Kakyoin, and Joseph face a huge palace)
Joseph: I can sense an overwhelming presence of evil.... He is here!
Polnareff: .............
Avdol: Our journey has finally come to an end!
Joseph: Seeing there's no one to greet us, we should let ourselves 

Episode 7: Cream
(Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggi stand in a huge chamber filled with holes all 
over the walls. Avdol notices a red energy ball forming itself in the 
middle of the room. Avdol pushes Iggi and Polnareff aside before the 
energy ball can swoop them)
Avdol: !? Hm!? Polnareff, Iggi, watch out!!
(Avdol remains in a crouching position, as the red energy ball lowers 
itself again. Iced, cuddled up in Cream's body, emerges from the energy 
Iced: That was a near miss.... This time, I won't let you escape from the 
(Avdol stands in a ready position)
Avdol: What is he!? How!? He appeared from out of nowhere!

(After the fight)

(Avdol stands in his meditating pose, but relaxes when he confirms that 
Iced does not move. He turns around and begins to walk away)
Avdol: There are probably more enemies hiding here somewhere....
(But as soon as he does that, Iced stands up, barely keeping himself 
afoot, as blood sprouts from everywhere in his body)
Iced: ..........................!!
(Iggi runs and attempts to tackle Iced before he can attack Avdol)
Iggi: Grrrrrrrrr!!
(But Iggi is received by a solid punch by Iced. He is now at the mercy of 
a cruel beatdown by Iced's kicks. Iggi dies)
Avdol: !? Iggiiii!!
Iced: Gwaaah! I cannot be beaten by you!!
(Avdol summons Magician's Red, and blasts Iced towards the sunlight with 
a Crossfire Attack)
Avdol: So, you are a vampire after all...I see....
(Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition)
Iced: Gwaaaaaaahhhhhh...!
(Polnareff walks in from the right part of the screen, and stops in front 
of Avdol)
Polnareff: We did it, Avdol! We've avenged Iggi!
(Avdol and Polnareff walk to the left, where Joseph and Kakyoin are 
waiting for them)
Joseph: Avdol! Polnareff! Are you two all right? Where is Iggi?
Polnareff: He sacrificed himself to save us....
Joseph: I see....
(Nukesaku is thrown into the middle of the group from the left. Jotaro 
walks into scene from the left as well)
Jotaro: Look! I found this guy.
(Jotaro walks up to Nukesaku and kneels. Picture of Jotaro grabbing the 
bashed Nukesaku by the neck while pointing at him appears in the middle 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Hey, you! Take us to Dio!!
Nukesaku: N...No.... Please don't hurt me! 

(In Dio's room, Jotaro and Avdol stand at the left, while Joseph, 
Kakyoin, and Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's 
coffin, is the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese 
sound effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's 
Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin?
Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin!
(Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin)
Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I 
haven't betrayed you!
(Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears 
in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, 
Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, Joseph –bottom right-, and 
Avdol –middle- express their shock)
Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!?
Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!?
Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!!
(The five heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's 
mansion tower exploding appears)
Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have 
killed us easily!
Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come....
(The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of 
rubble with his arms crossed rises)
Dio: Ha ha!

Final Episode: The World
(In the streets of Cairo at night, Dio lands at the right, while Avdol 
rushes into scene from the left. Dio turns around to face Avdol with his 
arms crossed. Avdol enters his meditation stance)
Avdol: Dio! This time, I won't back down!
Dio: Hah! Avdol, do you seriously think that you can defeat me!?
Avdol: If I didn't, I wouldn't have come all this way!
Dio: Okay then, show me your best!

(Avdol stands in his meditation stance, as Dio lies on the ground in 
front of him, breathing heavily)
Avdol: This is the end, Dio!
(Dio stands up and pulls his body backwards, shaking, while he summons 
The World.)
Dio: Hah...Haah.... Die, Avdol!!
(However, Avdol summons Magician's Red, and blows both away with a 
Crossfire Attack)
Dio: I can't believe this! It's impossible for a man of my strength to be 
(Avdol's "here comes a new challenger" portrait appears in the middle of 
the screen)
Avdol: It's over, at long last!
(Picture of Avdol walking down the streets of an Arabian village at 
After defeating Dio, Avdol returns to his fortune telling booth in 
(A pair of brown doors are opened ala Resident Evil, and a picture of 
Avdol wearing a cloak and several talismans appears facing the screen)
Avdol: It's been a long time since I've worn these...I never thought I'd 
be doing fortune-telling again.... Let's see my fortune.
(A pair of flipped cards appear)
Avdol: Which card should I choose...?
(You are then prompted to choose between the 2 cards. The next thing that 
Avdol will say depends on the card you choose. There are 2 choices: The 
World Card or Magician's Red Card. If The World comes out:)
Avdol: The World!? No.... It can't be...!
Dio: Ha ha! Avdol.... We meet again...!
Avdol: No!!
(If Magician's Red comes out:)
Avdol: Okay.... All is well! Tomorrow, I'll open my shop!

	After fighting with N'Dool, the water Stand wielder, in the desert, 
Kakyoin's eyes were damaged when he was slashed by the sheer force of the 
water that N'Dool summoned. The bad shape of his injuries obligated 
Kakyoin to stay in a hospital in order to heal his wounds for awhile. 
When Kakyoin gets back to action, he appears with his shades for the 
remaining of the series. But before that, Kakyoin is attacked by Death 
13, the nightmare Stand, in his dreams, and has to fend off cruel images 
of his friends attacking him.
	STAND: Hierophant Green. The rest is explained in Kakyoin's 
section, but it seems that Hierophant Green (following the Stand's 
principles) was also affected by Kakyoin's wounds, as some of its' 
attacks don't have the same range it used to (like the Emerald Splash, 
which doesn't have the long range, even in Stand mode). 

"Shatter your limits, and you can shatter any obstacle!"
"I'm not what I used to be!"
"What's your excuse? There's no such thing as mercy in a serious fight!"
"This time, I fight for myself!"
"If you want to win a fight, always stay calm and keep your cool."
"Now there's nothing that can hold me back!"
"If you want to win, you'll need something other than strength alone!"

(Close-up of New Kakyoin's serious face.)
While traveling to Egypt, Kakyoin was injured during a battle with a 
Stand master. He stays in a hospital in order to heal his wounds.... 
Death 13, the nightmare Stand appears. Seeking revenge for a past defeat, 
he traps Kakyoin in a nightmare where he is attacked by comrades.

Episode 1: Hermit Purple
Episode 2: Silver Chariot
Episode 3: Magician's Red
Episode 4: The Fool
Episode 5: High Priestess
Episode 6: Star Platinum
Episode 7: Cream
Final Episode: The World

(In the clock tower stage, The World lunges towards the screen sporting 
several gears around his body. Time stops around him, the screen turning 
black and white)
Dio: "The World"!! Fool...! Realize the true strength of my Stand, "The 
World"!! Die, Kakyoin!!
(The screen rumbles, and a thump noise is heard)
Dio: Ha ha!
(The action goes back to normal, and Kakyoin is heard screaming)
Joseph: What!? No...! Kakyoin!!
Dio: Joseph, now it's your turn to perish old man!
Joseph: Diooooo!
Dio: Are you ready, old man!?
(Close-up of New Kakyoin's suffering, sweaty face on a pink background)
Kakyoin: I found his secret....
(Black screen)
Noriaki Kakyoin DECEASED. Jotaro and company finally managed to defeat 
their nemesis, Dio....
(Picture of a helicopter flying over a valley)
After they expose Dio's remains to the sunlight, they receive a radio 
transmission from the Syndicate helicopter.
Pilot: "Noriaki Kakyoin is dead. His body is being transported via 
helicopter, over...."

	Kakyoin is an introverted artist who travels the world in search 
for inspiration for his masterpieces. During a trip to Egypt, he is 
encountered by Dio, who forces an evil implant in Kakyoin's brain which 
submits Kakyoin's will to Dio's orders. Kakyoin is sent off by Dio to 
kill Joseph and his friends, but is stopped when Jotaro defeats him. His 
implant is removed by Jotaro himself, and later accepts to join Joseph's 
party to exterminate Dio. Kakyoin keeps to himself most of the time, and 
seems to be pretty inactive at the beginning, but he later gains the 
courage enough to express himself, and be able to help his friends in 
need. The bad thing about Kakyoin is that he dies no matter what destiny 
you choose for him...he dies when you play as other characters, and he 
dies even if you play with him (unlike Iggi and Avdol), and the same goes 
for New Kakyoin as well. It's a pity, since Kakyoin is one of the cooler 
characters of the game (and the manga, of course).
	STAND: Hierophant Green. A green, bionoid-like robot, with the 
aspect of a mechanized human being (no nose and no mouth), but with 
dominant shades of green all over its' body. Hierophant Green can attack 
via long cords it can send off through its' body, or by launching 
emeralds whenever it puts its' hand together (why Kakyoin hasn't got 
disgustingly rich because of this is beyond me). Hierophant Green can 
also possess another person's body for a certain period of time (he did 
this in the manga, under the control of Dio, to take control of a nurse 
in Jotaro's school hospital). Kakyoin has kept in touch with his Stand 
ever since he was a child, considering Hierophant Green to be his 
"imaginary friend" (so he must have been quite the unsocial kid ^_^). 

"Never again shall my soul follow the path that it once tread!"
"Have you not yet learned? Right is proven by might, nothing else!"
"Are you ready to face your punishment?"
"To know yourself is to know your own worst enemy!"
"To lose is a sin.... There will be no repentence for you!"
"Those who do not know my "Hierophant Green" will never truly understand 
"The only righteous cause is the one that is victorious!"

(Far view of Cairo)
Kakyoin: The following is what happened when I visited the Nile, in 
(A complete picture of Shadow Dio with his hand on his hips rises from 
the bottom to the center)
Kakyoin: The one known as "Dio" spoke with me....
(Some lights are turned on behind the Shadow Dio picture)
Dio: I know that you are gifted with rare abilities beyond that of mere 
humans.... Why don't you use your powers to work for me?
(Portrait of a scared Kakyoin scrolls in from the right to the middle of 
the screen)
Kakyoin: At that moment, I could feel the fear tearing through my 
(Close-up of Shadow Dio's evil grin)
Dio: You don't have to be afraid. Calm down, Kakyoin. We could be good 

Episode 1: Dio
(In the streets of Cairo at nighttime, the camera scrolls towards the 
right, where Kakyoin, at the left, and Shadow Dio, at the right, face 
each other)
Dio: If you showed me a demonstration of your strength, I would 
appreciate it.
Kakyoin: Wha...what?
(Shadow Dio crosses his arms)
Dio: Now, it's time for us to fight!

(After the fight)

(Shadow Dio gets up from the ground, and crosses his arms in front of 
Dio: Indeed...I've found you to be as challenging as I expected....
Kakyoin: What? Do you mean that you were testing me?
Dio: You'll become my slave and end the life of Jotaro.... You will obey, 
won't you?
(Time stops in the scene, everything turning black and white. Shadow Dio 
executes his Charisma super, and Kakyoin is affected by an electric 
Kakyoin: Uwaaaaah!
(Kakyoin wobbles for a second, then kneels in front of Shadow Dio, who 
has his arms crossed)
Kakyoin: I devote myself to you, Sir Dio!

Cairo -> Tokyo
Episode 2: Star Platinum
(In the school hospital, the camera scrolls towards the right, where 
Jotaro enters the room, and is alerted by the sight of his wounded 
Jotaro: Wha...What's this!?
(Jotaro faces the background, where Kakyoin is lying on the edge of the 
window. Kakyoin descends from it)
Jotaro: Could this be your doing!?
(Close-up of Kakyoin's face appears in the foreground)
Kakyoin: Kujo Jotaro...I'll destroy you!

(After the fight)

(Kakyoin faces Jotaro, who is kneeling on the ground)
Kakyoin: He who loses...must be evil!
(Jotaro stands up)
Jotaro: What!?
(Jotaro points at Kakyoin)
Jotaro: In that case...YOU are the one who is evil! My Stand will judge 
you now!
(Jotaro summons Star Platinum, which nails Kakyoin with the Jaguar Varied 
Assault super)
Jotaro: Ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, ora, 
ora, ora!!
(Jotaro walks towards the left at the knocked out Kakyoin. Kakyoin 
manages to sit in place, while Jotaro crouches aside him, Star Platinum 
hovering above him with a hand over Kakyoin's hand. A picture of Jotaro 
holding Kakyoin's head, and Star Platinum, using Jotaro's veins, pulling 
out the evil implant from Kakyoin's brain, overlaps the scene. Jotaro's 
serious face is shown on the right)
Jotaro: Don't move, Kakyoin. I'll remove the evil implant now....
Kakyoin: ...........
Jotaro: Uwoooooooohhhhh!!
(Star Platinum does a small combo attack which destroys the evil implant. 
Jotaro stands up)
Kakyoin: Why did you save me...?
(Jotaro turns away)
Jotaro: I don't know....

(Portrait of a suffering Holly with rose vines growing on her back)
One morning, Holly developed a "Stand". As a result she became very ill.
(Picture of Jotaro looking over his shoulder appears in the bottom right 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Tell me! What can I do to save her!?
(The image of Dio rises to the middle of the screen)
Joseph: You must kill Dio and release his curse! That is the only way!
(Picture of Joseph, without his hat, holding up a photo, appears at the 
Joseph: I can sense him...Dio is in Egypt now!
(Picture of Kakyoin with a bandaged forehead appears on the left)
Kakyoin: I also sensed his whereabouts...I, Noriaki Kakyoin will go with 
(Group picture of Avdol, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and the hatless Joseph standing 
in the middle of the screen, with Dio's image still in the background)
Joseph: Okay then, let's go!
(Image of a plane taking to the sky)
Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol and Kakyoin travel to Egypt....

Tokyo -> Singapore
Episode 3: Ebony Devil
(In the hotel room at nighttime, Kakyoin looks out the window. A thumping 
sound is heard, and Kakyoin is alarmed. He turns around with his hands 
crossed below)
Kakyoin: I heard loud noises coming from Polnareff's room! I'd better let 
Mr. Joestar know about this!
(Kakyoin walks toward the door of his room, but jumps backwards when the 
door suddenly busts open. Kakyoin crouches, as D'Bo crawls inside the 
room, with Ebony Devil lying behind him. D'Bo stands up at the entrance)
D'Bo: Ha ha ha ha!
Kakyoin: You must be the enemy! You attacked Polnareff, didn't you?

(After the fight)

(Kakyoin stands with his hands crossed below, in front of the lying D'Bo)
Kakyoin: I didn't think the enemy would go as far as to attack me at the 

Singapore -> Abu Dhabi
Episode 4: Geb
(In the desert, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol stand at the left, 
while Joseph faces them on the right)
Joseph: Our new comrade is supposed to meet us here.
(Joseph turns away, as Avdol walks at him with a bar of chewing gum on 
one hand, and the whole pack in his other hand)
Avdol: You know, Iggi loves coffee-flavored chewing gum....
(Suddenly, an ugly version of Iggi leaps out and takes both the bar and 
the whole pack of chewing gum from Avdol's hands. Both Avdol and Joseph 
face the hungry dog with awe)
Avdol: ...........
Iggi: (chomp, chomp...)
Jotaro: Is that...our new comrade!?
Kakyoin: It can't be...!
(Polnareff walks forward to face Iggi)
Polnareff: Hey! Are you saying that this DOG is joining us in our fight!?
(Avdol points at Polnareff)
Avdol: Don't get any closer! You don't know what you're getting yourself 
(Suddenly, Iggi jumps atop Polnareff's face. Polnareff desperately tries 
to shake him off)
Polnareff: Wah! No, no! Hey, help me! Get this dog off of me!
(All of a sudden, water blobs begin to fall from the sky. Everyone dashes 
off screen, except for Kakyoin, who rolls forward, and stands up, hugging 
Joseph: Watch it!!
(The camera scrolls to the far right, where N'Dool is. He sits down)
N'Dool: Ha ha! They've finally realized that I can attack them from here 
with my Stand!

(After the fight)

(Kakyoin hugs himself in front of the unconscious N'Dool)
Kakyoin: His Stand had some keen senses.... That was a tough opponent!

Abu Dhabi -> Jiddah
Episode 5: High Priestess
(In the grass fied, Jotaro, Iggi, who are facing to the right, and Avdol 
and Polnareff, who are facing the left, talk to each other)
Polnareff: What is Kakyoin doing? He hasn't shown up yet!
(Jotaro turns away, and looks at the left)
Jotaro: .........................
(Everyone walks away, then Jotaro does the same. The camera scrolls 
towards the left, revealing Midler crouching on the floor with her eyes 
closed. She opens her eyes and faces the left)
Midler: That means Kakyoin must be alone.... Now is my chance....
(Midler stands up as Kakyoin approaches her. High Priestess tries to 
slash Kakyoin apart, but Kakyoin rolls backward in the nick of time, 
facing away from Midler. Midler points at Kakyoin)
Midler: I've found you, Kakyoin! I'll tear you apart!
(Kakyoin hugs himself)
Kakyoin: What!? Is this woman also an enemy!?

(After the fight)
(Kakyoin turns away from the knocked out Midler, and watches Joseph, 
Iggi, Jotaro, Avdol, and Polnareff walking towards him, stopping in front 
of Kakyoin)
Joseph: Are you all right, Kakyoin?
(Kakyoin crosses his hands below)
Kakyoin: Yes...I'm fine, Mr. Joestar.

Jiddah -> Luxor
Episode 6: Sethan
(In the back alleys of Luxor at sunset, Alessy, facing the left, stands 
above a fallen Polnareff)
Alessy: Who's next...?
(Kakyoin walks in from the left, stopping behind Polnareff)
Kakyoin: Hey, what happened to you, Polnareff?
(Alessy reels in shock)
Alessy: (Uh oh! This is no good! It's Kakyoin!)
(Alessy kneels on the ground aside Polnareff)
Alessy: This man here.... He fell down....
(Kakyoin enters a ready pose)
Kakyoin: There is something unusual about you.... Let me guess.... 
Another enemy?
(Alessy stands up)
Alessy: Knave! I'll defeat you, whether it be by fair means or by foul!

(After the fight)

(Kakyoin stands in front of the lying Polnareff)
Kakyoin: Are you all right?
(Polnareff gets up and faces Kakyoin)
Polnareff: Yeah, I was attacked without warning. Thank you, Kakyoin!

Luxor -> Cairo
(Picture of Polnareff, Joseph, and Avdol standing in the middle of a 
Cairo plaza, with Jotaro walking around in front of them)
Jotaro and company arrived in Egypt and are looking for Dio's mansion....
Avdol: Where on earth is it...?
(Polnareff's shocked face scrolls in from the left)
Polnareff: Hey! Check it out!
(Joseph's alarmed portrait scrolls in from the right)
Joseph: This must be the mansion!
(Seen from behind, a group picture of Polnareff, Jotaro, Iggi, Avdol, 
Kakyoin, and Joseph face a huge palace)
Joseph: I can sense an overwhelming presence of evil.... He is here!
Polnareff: .............
Avdol: Our journey has finally come to an end!
Joseph: Seeing there's no one to greet us, we should let ourselves 

Episode 7: Cream
(In a huge chamber filled with holes on the wall and ground, Jotaro and 
Kakyoin, on the left, face Joseph, who is on the right)
Joseph and the other break up into two groups and sneak into the mansion.
(Joseph looks around)
Joseph: What could have caused this?
(Kakyoin crosses his hands below)
Kakyoin: The trail of destruction leads to the back of this place.... 
Avdol's group must have run into some trouble!
(A huge red energy ball appears in the middle. Jotaro and Joseph dash off 
screen, but Kakyoin remains, with his arms still crossed below)
Kakyoin: Look out!
(Iced, cuddled up in Cream's body, appears from the energy ball)
Iced: Your friends are gone. Now, it's your turn to be destroyed by 
Kakyoin: This Stand.... What is it!?
Iced: Die, Kakyoin!!

(After the fight)

(Iced barely stands up, with blood sprouting all over his body)
Iced: ............................!!
(Kakyoin crosses his hands below, and summons Hierophant Green, which 
blasts Iced towards the sunlight with an Emerald Splash)
Kakyoin: Y...You...!
(Portrait of Iced's face being disfigured beyond recognition)
Gwaaah! I cannot be beaten by you!!
(Kakyoin walks to the left, where Joseph and Jotaro await him)
Joseph: Are you all right, Kakyoin?
(Nukesaku is thrown into the middle of the group from the right. 
Polnareff walks into scene from the right as well)
Polnareff: Check out the scum I found....
(Kakyoin turns around to face Polnareff with his hands crossed below)
Kakyoin: I'm glad to see you again, Polnareff....
Joseph: Where are Avdol and Iggi?
Polnareff: They couldn't make it here alive.... They sacrificed 
themselves to save me....
Joseph: I see....
(Jotaro walks up to Nukesaku and kneels. Picture of Jotaro grabbing the 
bashed Nukesaku by the neck while pointing at him appears in the middle 
of the screen)
Jotaro: Hey, you! Take us to Dio!!
Nukesaku: N...No.... Please don't hurt me! 

(In Dio's room, Jotaro stands at the left, while Joseph, Kakyoin, and 
Polnareff stand at the right. In the background, near Dio's coffin, is 
the kneeled Nukesaku, who is scared to the wits. Some Japanese sound 
effects surround the room, as the screen rumbles)
Jotaro and company are led to the top floor by Nukesaku, one of Dio's 
Jotaro: Is Dio inside of that coffin?
Joseph: Nukesaku, open that coffin!
(Nukesaku puts a mean face, and proceeds to open the coffin)
Nukesaku: Sir Dio, I only brought them here so you could kill them. I 
haven't betrayed you!
(Suddenly, a portrait of a dead Nukesaku lying inside the coffin appears 
in the middle of the screen. The alarmed faces of Jotaro –top left-, 
Kakyoin –bottom left-, Polnareff –top right-, and Joseph –bottom right- 
express their shock)
Nukesaku: Wha...What am I doing here!?
Kakyoin: Huh!? Why is Nukesaku inside of the coffin!?
Jotaro: Something is very wrong here.... Run!!
(The four heroes dash out of the screen. A picture of the room in Dio's 
mansion tower exploding appears)
Joseph: I felt it too.... If we stayed there like that, he would have 
killed us easily!
Kakyoin: This is not good. The sun has set.... His time has come....
(The tower scene turns dark. The image of Dio leaning on a bunch of 
rubble with his arms crossed rises)
Dio: Ha ha!

Final Episode: The World
(In the clock tower scene, Dio rushes in from the left, surrounded with 
Mystic Traps. Some Emerald Splash shots are fired his way, but Dio kicks 
them away, destroying a tower in the background)
Dio: That is Kakyoin's Stand..."Hierophant".
(Dio is shocked when he notices Kakyoin floating in the background. 
Portrait of Kakyoin's mad face pointing at the screen appears on the 
Kakyoin: I'll exterminate you with the power of my "Hierophant"!
(Portrait of Dio with a badass grin appears on the right)
Dio: Fool...! Realize the true strength of my Stand, "The World"!
(The pictures disappear, and Kakyoin jumps from the background in front 
of Dio, pointing at him)

(Kakyoin faces Dio, who is lying on the ground, breathing heavily)
Kakyoin: Dio! I'll never lose!
(Dio gets up)
Dio: Ugh...Hah.... Die Kakyoin!! 
(Kakyoin blasts Dio off screen with a stream of Emerald Splash shots, but 
Dio manages to throw some knives at Kakyoin before being sent flying. 
Kakyoin crosses his hands below)
Kakyoin: That monster.... What a pain.... At last.... I've defeated 
him.... Ugh....
(Black screen)
After Kakyoin defeats Dio, he joins Jotaro on a plane headed back to 
Kakyoin: ............Ugh!
(Portrait of Kakyoin's face near the window on the airplane)
Jotaro: What's wrong, Kakyoin? Are you wounded?
Kakyoin: N...No.... I'm fine. 
(Side portraits of Avdol and Iggi appear. Avdol, in the upper right, and 
Iggi on the bottom left)
Kakyoin: Rest in peace, Avdol and Iggi.... It's (I guess 
I'll be joining you soon...).
(Kakyoin closes his eyes)
Kakyoin: ..................
(Image of the plane taking to the sky)
Jotaro: Are you okay, Kakyoin? We'll be home soon! Ka...Kakyoin! 
Kakyoin!!! Nooooooo!!!!
	As the gatekeeper of Dio's mansion, Pet Shop, a ferocious eagle, is 
comissioned with the task of not letting any intruder pass and harm his 
master, Dio. This task goes a lot more easier for Pet Shop, since he too, 
is a Stand master, which complements his killer instincts rather well. 
The lethal precision of Pet Shop is reflected in his accuracy with the 
ice bullets he shoots, and his quick and deadly attacks. 
	STAND: Horus. An aerial god, you never get to really see Horus in 
battle except for Pet Shop's intros and victory poses. It reflects a 
Pterodactyl-like skeleton covered in ice. This allows Pet Shop to shoot 
and create sharp ice protuberances from anywhere he wants, and send it 
towards the opponent with incredible force.	

"Kaaw...Kakaw...Nyah.... (Rest under the shade of this tree....)"
"Gwa gwa gwa...Heekya! (Ha ha ha! It's all over your face!)"
"Uyaaah! (Go back to your coop!)"
"Gyoe! (Leave my tail feathers alone!)"
"Nuaahh kaaaw jah! (I'm not your feathered friend!)"
"Kyaah kaaw nii kyaaah! (Your bones will make me a fine nest!)"
"Kyoooooooon! (It's a little worm!)"

(Black screen)
Jotaro and company landed in Egypt. At the same time, nine mysterious 
individuals gathered at Dio's hideout location.
(Character selection portrait of Pet Shop)
The group of nine embark on a journey.... Among them is a Stand master 
who is a bird, the gatekeeper of Dio's mansion. His name is Pet Shop. As 
the master of the Horus Stand, an aerial god, he guards Dio's mansion 
with lethal precision.

Episode 1: The Fool
Episode 2: Silver Chariot
Episode 3: Magician's Red
Episode 4: Hierophant Green
Episode 5: Hermit Purple
Final Episode: Star Platinum

(Picture of a Pet Shop close-up, looking at the screen in a menacing 
Pet Shop, who always guarded Dio's mansion without fail, has now achieved 
the honor of defeating Jotaro and company.
(A radar-like effect centers itself on Pet Shop's eye.)
And as always, he is ready to eliminate any intruder who may be 
unfortunate enough to meet him!

	You may think Rubber Soul is yet another twisted assassin sent by 
Dio with evil intentions, and it's true, but only in a vague way of 
speaking....In fact, Rubber Soul can be tagged as the "comic relief" of 
the bad side due to his constant flukes and one liners (especially in the 
manga). Rubber Soul is just a sucker of easy money, and he thinks his 
incredible luck will help him eliminate Joseph and the rest. To 
accomplish such feat, Rubber Soul uses his Stand to disguise himself as 
any living being he wants, molding the elastic Stand into any image he 
desires to. However, whenever Rubber Soul eats live meat, his factions 
can grow bigger than originally expected. That is why, despite the fact 
that he copies Kakyoin in the game, he seems a bit taller (in his intro, 
he eats a few butterflies). Will Rubber Soul attain final victory despite 
messing up often?
	STAND: Yellow Temperance. The yellow goo that inhabitates Rubber 
Soul's body. Yellow Temperance can assume the form of any living being he 
wants, even Stands! In the game, Yellow Temperance dresses Rubber Soul 
like a taller Kakyoin, and Yellow Temperance itself takes the form of 
Hierophant Green.

"I feel like eating some coconuts.... I love coconuts!"
"Don't be jealous.... Fortune smiles upon a selected few!"
"If you can't laugh at a joke, that means you are a joke!"
"My Stand.... It's flawless! Yellow Temperance suits me well!"
"Luck is all I need these days.... That's just the way I like it!"
"You are so unlucky that I'd rather die than be you!"
"Skill? What's that?"

(Black screen)
A hired Stand master has his eye on Jotaro and company. His intention is 
to slay them all!
(Close-up of Rubber Soul's face, which features yellow goo flowing from 
his mouth and a chewed butterfly on his lips...yuck!)
Rubber Soul: My Stand can absorb the flesh to assimilate and take on the 
form of anyone! A disguise, perfect in both look and feel! With the help 
of my Yellow Temperance, I'll destroy them all so that I can collect the 
ultimate reward from Dio!
(A picture of Jotaro and Polnareff behind him walking down a street 
appears on the right)
Rubber Soul: Hey, that guy walking out of the hotel is Jotaro.... I'll 
approach him using the form of Kakyoin.... 

Episode 1: Star Platinum
Episode 2: Hermit Purple
Episode 3: Magician's Red
Episode 4: Silver Chariot
Episode 5: The Fool
Final Episode: Hierophant Green

(Character selection portrait of Rubber Soul)
Rubber Soul: Wa ha ha ha ha! It looks like today is my lucky day! My 
reward from Dio is supposed to be 100 million dollars! Ha ha! Only a few 
minutes of fighting will make me a multi-millionaire! I'm the luckiest 
guy in the world! Wouldn't you agree, bonehead?

	After rising from the depths of the ocean, Dio goes into hiding in 
Cairo in order to plot his world conquest. While he plans his evil 
ambitions, Dio sends out nine assassins to help him in his task to kill 
Joseph and company, while Dio hides in the shadows, waiting for the 
moment where he and his Stand, The World, can finally take action. Shadow 
Dio is the form in which Dio is portrayed at the beginning of the series, 
where his true abilities are still a mystery....
	STAND: The World. Although you don't get a complete glimpse of him 
during the fight, you can see his shade during the fight, as well as 
several feats that only The World can do, even when you can't seem him 
(like stopping time and throwing knives).

"I have risen above the mortal plane, to where death dare not reach!"
"Feast now, as you devour your mortal pride!"
"Fast or slow.... It makes no difference at all!"
"Was it your strategy to have me pity your pathetic ability?"
"You are too weak.... So weak that it causes pain for both of us!"

(Black screen)
Dio sensed the apporach of the descendants of Jonathan Joestar. Just as 
Dio sets out to exterminate them, he is approached by N-Yah.
(Close-up of Shadow Dio's dark face against a purple background)
N-Yah: What are you worried about, Master Dio? 
Dio: The tenacity of the Joestar bloodline has concerned me. As they 
threaten the course of my destiny, they must be eliminated. 
N-Yah: Their tenacity.... Is that why you wish to do battle with them 
Dio: Of course...I now have the opportunity to test the true power of my 
Stand. "The World" will prove its' dominance!

Episode 1: Silver Chariot
Episode 2: Magician's Red
Episode 3: Hierophant Green
Episode 4: The Fool
Episode 5: Hermit Purple
Final Episode: Star Platinum

(Picture of Shadow Dio walking down a long hall. Behind him are some 
stairs, where a woman, possibly one of Dio's "meals", lies motionless)
The tremendous power of "The World" Stand put an end to the Joestar 
bloodline. As master of that Stand, Dio is cursed with inmortality.
Dio: Descendants of Jonathan.... Have I finally put an end to this 
struggle? Is the path of our destiny sealed?
(Close-up of Shadow Dio's face, like the first time)
Dio: The conqueror of the world yields to nothing. The final obstacle is 
fear itself. I destroyed the Joestar bloodline.... In doing so, I lost 
the ability to fear! A suitable destiny, indeed! Ha ha ha ha!

	The following characters don't have a major role in the game, but 
are mentioned nevertheless, and also happen to be in the manga as well. 
These characters usually appear in the cinemas, or in the game as well. 
Take it as a bit of cultural info. ^_^

HOLLY: Holly Joestar, the daughter of Joseph Joestar, and mother to Kujo 
Jotaro. She married to a Japanese rock star, and later had Jotaro. A very 
caring mother who is worried about her son's latest attitude. As the 
daughter of Joseph, Holly also wields a Stand, but since she doesn't have 
enough spirit to control it, it damages her instead of helping her. Her 
Stand is represented by a bunch of rose vines that envelope Holly's body.

NUKESAKU: Dio's midget servant. Serves mostly as a comic relief, and 
always keeps mumbling and doing lots of stupid stuff. Nukesaku is also a 
vampire (like Dio and Iced) but obviously does not enjoy the same traits 
as his two masters.

N-YAH: Mother to J.Gale, N-Yah possesses the same birth defect as her 
son: two right hands. Loyal follower of Dio's cause, N-Yah can shoot 
people with arrows in order to reveal their Stand. When J.Gale is killed, 
N-Yah directly blames Hol Horse (J.Gale's most recent partner), and 
begins to persecute him.

J.GALE: Son of N-Yah, J.Gale is a cruel assassin who has a birth defect: 
he has two right hands. J.Gale wields the creepy Stand of the "Hangman". 
J.Gale is the man who killed Polnareff's sister, Cherry. He strikes a 
bargain with Hol Horse so he could use J.Gale's Stand, "Hangman". J.Gale 
is killed later on in the series.

N'DOOL: Master of the water Stand Geb, N'Dool is another assassin sent by 
Dio to finish off Joseph and his allies. N'Dool is blind, and always 
walks around with a stick. His ability to control water is incredible, up 
to the point that he can move it so fast that it can cut through objects 
(it even ripped the head off of someone in the manga). N'Dool's Stand 
causes damage to Kakyoin's eyes, and puts him out of comission for 

DEATH 13: The Nightmare Stand, this creepy assassin has a method which 
most likely mimics that of the legendary movie serial killer, Freddy 
Krueger: he introduces himself in the dreams of his victims, and 
literally "kills" them in their sleep. Death 13 always uses a pretty 
warped background for his terrible deeds (hence his stage in the game), 
and if his victims manage to wake up, they will not remember nothing of 
the past dream (Kakyoin invented a method in which he could trace Death 
13's acts...more to come later!).

	Aaaaahh! Another FAQ that comes and goes! You sort of wonder why I 
always keep doing data and info FAQs and not actually gameplay FAQs. 
Well, I leave that task to other people who certainly know better than I 
do (not that I'm a scrub or something, it's just that sometimes the exact 
words don't come out for me, got it?). Hey people! I hear ya on that SF 
III: Third Strike ending FAQ...I recently found a videogame shop that has 
the last copies of Third Strike that I can find, so I hope I can adquire 
it soon and share it with you all! *cough cough*

	Okay, first off, thanks to my brother *again* for buying this game 
even though it was pretty obscure. You're on, bro! ^_^ Second, everyone 
on the GameFAQs Fighting Games board (you know who you are!) for their 
support. You guys are a blast! I especially dedicate this FAQ to Umgogo, 
perhaps the only guy with enough faith in the game that I know ^_^. 
Third, thanks to YOU, the reader, for actually going through the trouble 
of reading this stuff! I can tell that there is no bigger reward than 
YOUR satisfaction. This is YOUR corner! As a matter of fact....

	I hereby declare this section to be the section of CONTRIBUTIONS! 
If you know other manga references in the game that I forgot (and I know 
I have), please tell me, and it'll be posted here! This FAQ is made by 
the people, and for the people! So, post on! I await your help! ^_^

	I'll go all out here and declare that some info was extracted from 
a synopsis off some manga page that I can't recall by the moment (I only 
saw the page once, so everything I said about the manga came from the 
back of my head). If you know the man who wrote that beautiful piece of 
work, please tell me! I knew it had several Japanese, English, and even 
Italian links at the bottom....This I tell because I don't want people to 
think I rip off someone's work! *cough cough EGM cough cough*

	This FAQ is all cooked up and with nowhere to go! So, enjoy it! 
Have a good one! ^_^