JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] / JoJo's Venture (Arcade / Dreamcast) Chaka / Chaca Character Guide Version 2.1 Written by / Copyright 1999, 2001 Kenneth "SlimX" Miller 切り足りね!! kiri tarine!! "I must slash more!!" I. Introduction II. Character Information III. Description of Notation IV. Normal Attacks Analysis V. Hissatsuwaza [special attacks] Analysis VI. Chouhissatsuwaza [super attacks] Analysis VII. Some Useful Combos VIII. Strategy IX. Style X. Intro / Ending XI. Conclusion XII. To Be Added XIII. Version History I. Introduction I started playing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (JoJo's Venture) pretty much as soon as I saw it (soon after it came out in US arcades) and the character I put the most (read: all) work into was Chaca. (While he's referred to as both Chaca and Chaka in the game, (Chaka is correct) his name is Chaca on the character select screen, so I have chosen to spell it this way for the purpose of clarity.) I really like Chaca (as opposed to the other characters) because of several factors: 1. His Stand is a weapon as opposed to another human shaped character or follower of some sort like most of the others. 2. He doesn't have any cheap, throw-away moves that are easy to use with little effort like projectiles or Stand projection moves like most characters have. (Even Joseph, who also has a "hand-held" Stand, has a long distance grab move that is not vulnerable from far away.) 3. His reversal is a really useful and original move. 4. Great combos 5. Swords are cool . . . and plenty of other little things. (The cackling he screeches as he performs his multi-slash super comes to mind.) In general, Chaca is a character that takes skill and creativity to use well. Since he lacks many of the abilities that most of the other characters have (in that his Stand does not act as a separate attacker), he is a little more difficult to play. He's a lot of fun, however, and, in my opinion, the best character in the game. (If not, why would I write this?) Now, I've not seriously played the rest of the characters, but I've tried most of them out a few times and seen plenty of other people use them (sometimes while losing to me) and remain steadfast in my opinion of Chaca. BTW, the quote at the beginning of this guide is what Chaca says when he wins a round. Note: Some of my explanations of the attacks and techniques can get rather lengthy, but I assure you, it's worth the time to read it. If it's not important, I won't write it. Another Note: Any phrases like "I just figured out" or "recently" were written in the original versions of the guide (in 1999), and are now "outdated" in the (obvious) sense that they are no longer recent. II. Character Information Here's a quick description of his storyline and his differences in play style from the other characters. Chaca's Stand is the Anubis Sword, which contains the spirit of a swordsmith from 500 years ago. Whomever draws the Anubis Sword becomes its servant and, if Chaca is any indication, a crazed killer. I did get a response via e-mail on Chaca's origins in the manga, thanks to Monster Turtle ( I'll just quote it as I received it: "Anyway, Chaca WAS in the manga, albeit briefly, if I remember right. He was the guy who attacked Polenareff with the Anubis sword in Cairo. Polenareff kicked his ass, but then picked up the Anubis sword and was posessed. After that, Jotaro had to break the sword, and eventually they managed to throw the sword into the river." So there ya go. =) Chaca plays very differently from all the other characters except Joseph (not to say he plays like Joseph) because his Stand is a weapon he wields by hand instead of a helper that fights near or with him as its own entity. Joseph's Stand is similar (in that it's attached to his hand and used as a weapon), but of course his play style is also rather different. Because of this, I have not included any technique on using the tandem attack with Chaca. Chaca's tandem attack, like Joseph's, involves his rushing out at high speed with the ability to chain many attacks as your Stand would normally do with most characters. It's difficult to use this tandem effectively and it's dangerous, so I always recommend saving that super bar for an actual super move. Chaca also lacks any other moves that involve sending out the Stand in an attack and should basically be considered to be without a Stand at all as far as all normal attacking and defending is concerned. Colors: Attack button: Tan shirt, brown pants, red scabbard Stand button: Dark orange shirt, dark brown pants, light blue scabbard III. Description of Notation In this guide, I use what I call the Universal Numeric Direction Key, which, while not given that name, is popularly used in Japanese game guides and I desperately wish it would catch on in the US. It's very compact and standard to all games. If you have a numeric keypad on your computer, it's easy to figure out, but I'll draw it out anyway. Imagine a joystick coming out of the 5 on the keypad and you push it in the direction indicated by the number like so: 7 8 9 \ | / 4- 5 -6 / | \ 1 2 3 So the classic fireball motion of down, down-forward, forward would be written as 236. It's very simple. As far as attack buttons, I'll use the same as listed on Capcom's page of Weak, Medium (middle), and Strong. All commands assume Chaca is facing to the right. Reverse when facing left. Importantly, to avoid confusion with the word Stand as part of the play system - I shall describe all attacks performed while holding the stick in a downward direction as "Low" attacks. All attacks performed while keeping the stick in a vertically neutral position are referred to as "High" attacks (instead of the commonly used "standing") All attacks performed while jumping are referred to as "Air" attacks Overall, I assume you understand the basics of the game before reading this guide. If you don't, then read Kelvin Koh's beginner's guide located at IV. Normal Attack Analysis Here, I'll describe all of Chaca's normal attacks performed with only one button press (or in the case of command attacks, forward + one button). To avoid a silly rating system, I've listed what I think is good about each move following a + symbol and what is not good about the move following a - symbol, then a listing of its general priority against other characters' attacks via a "low" "medium" "high" description. You can draw your own conclusions as to how you'd rate the attack based on this. LOW ATTACKS - With Stand OFF: Weak: Low short kick + Can chain two together + High speed - Low damage - Short range Priority: High --- Medium: Low sliding kick + Good range + High speed - Can be thrown if guarded Priority: High --- Strong: Quick sword slash Chaca quickly pulls the sword out of the scabbard and slashes diagonally up-forward before returning it to its sheath. + Good against jump-in attacks if timed correctly + Very fast - Very short range - Will not hit if opponent is crouching Priority: Medium === HIGH ATTACKS - With Stand OFF: Weak: Stab with sword hilt + Good for surprise + Can chain two - Short range Priority: Medium --- Medium: Shin kick Chaca does a low, very short range kick with a tiny slide forward + Nothing. This move sucks. - Short range - This move is terrible. Don't use it at all. Priority: Low --- Strong: Long front kick + Good range + Good speed - Long recovery Priority: Medium Be careful with this move. It's good if you connect or even if it's guarded, but if you miss with it, it's easy to eat a fast moving super. === AIR ATTACKS - With Stand OFF: Weak: Quick downward kick + Good at snuffing attacks as you jump in - Poor air to air attack Priority (air to air): Low Priority (air to ground): High --- Medium: The medium is the same as the weak, only a tiny bit slower and a tiny bit better damage. To snuff attacks, use weak. To try for slightly higher damage on jump-in, use medium. --- Strong: Horizontal sword slash Chaca pulls the sword from the scabbard and slashes horizontally very quickly. Very similar to Low Strong with Stand Off, except he attacks straight horizontally, instead of diagonally. + Good range + Good speed - Small hit area Priority (air to air): Medium to High depending on timing Priority (air to ground): (almost impossible to hit when used air to ground) This is probably Chaca's best air to air attack, which is kind of sad. If used early enough that the sword is at full extension when it hits your opponent, the range and priority are both good. Basically, Chaca should not be used without his Stand on, for the only useful moves he has with the Stand off are the Low Medium, the Air Strong, and to some degree, the High Strong. You should rarely have Chaca's Stand off while attacking unless trying for style in certain situations. I'll address this later in the guide. =) === LOW ATTACKS - With Stand ON: Weak: Low backhand slash + Very fast + Good range + Good combo starter - Basically nothing. A great attack. Priority: High You simply can't use this move too much. It's got great speed. It's easy to hit with it. You go into a chain combo or even a super off of 1 or 2 of these. I don't think I've ever been hit out of this attack. It's very useful, so use it often. It's one of the attacks that makes me like Chaca so much. =) --- Medium: Upward swinging slash + Similar range to weak - Swings up rather than forward Priority: Medium Basically, only use this attack in a combo, if even then. There's not really anything wrong with it, it's just not very practical to use it in most circumstances. --- Strong: Long range lunging swinging slash + Great range + Decent speed + Can often follow with High Strong - Long enough recovery time to be countered be some moves Priority: Medium This is a pretty traditional attack to trip your opponent, but since it's possible to follow it up and it has a nice ratio of speed to range, it's a useful and relatively safe attack to use. It's especially useful against human opponents as it's a good surprise attack. === HIGH ATTACKS - With Stand ON: Weak: Low backhand slash Chaca swings the sword downward toward the area of his opponent's shins. + Very similar to Low Weak + Great for combos Priority: High This attack is very similar to the Low version and just as useful. It's even better for combos, but can be guarded high or low, so make a decision as to which version to use based on their guard. Like the Low version, use this attack often - it's very fast and has great priority. As with the Low version, and, in fact, even better, land just one of these (which is easy to do), and you open up a huge amount of combo possibilities. (Enough commas for ya?) --- Medium: Upward slash + Height is useful for anti-air - Similar to Low version As with the Low version, not very practical to use outside of a combo. Mildly good as anti-air. --- Strong: Two-handed stepping overhand swinging slash + Good range + Good speed + Hits twice + Can combo (236 + attack) or super LONG after it hits - Somewhat slow recovery Priority: Medium Like all those pluses? =) This attack is fantastic. It should be basically your staple attack with Chaca. Any time you can hit with one of these, do it. Every time you hit with it, follow it up with the 236+attack special move or super. When I say you can combo long after it hits, I mean a HUGE amount of time, especially if you follow with the super. You can wait almost a full second after the 2nd hit of the High Strong before performing the super and still hit. (Which, in a fighting game, this is a LONG time) You easily have enough time to see if the High Strong hits before you have to even consider if you want to follow it up with the super. You can be really lazy about it. =) You can even combo into a super if the High Strong hits the opponent out of the air, if timed correctly. I'll address that more in the combo section. === AIR ATTACKS - With Stand ON: Weak: Downward swinging slash + Good speed - Low damage Priority: Medium --- Medium: As with the Air Attacks with Stand OFF, the Medium and Weak Air attacks have the same animation, just a slight difference in speed and damage. Since you won't get much damage off of either, I'd suggest using the Weak if you're looking for a quick attack as you jump in. --- Strong: Two-handed slash + Similar range and speed of High Strong - Very low priority Priority (air to air): Low Priority (air to ground): Medium Geez. If you can hit with this attack, great. The damage is not bad and you can actually pull some combos off of it if you're close enough to the ground. Otherwise, try not to use it. (I know it's a reflex to hit Strong, but try to avoid it) I've been hit out of this attack in the air by just about every other character and I don't think I've beaten another attack with this one ever. It's got terrible air to air priority. Chaca is not good at all in an air to air fight, but I'll address that later. If you have to attack air to air, put the sword in as soon as you jump and use the Air Strong with Stand OFF. As a jump-in, it's not bad, and it's easy to combo off of it if it hits. I tend to use this as my main jump-in attack, but an Air Medium will do too, and has better priority. Learning to not use the Air Strong too much is important to playing Chaca well. === COMMAND ATTACKS (Stand ON) Forward + Weak attack: Forward horizontal swinging slash + Good range + Good speed - Leads to short combos Priority: High --- Forward + Medium attack: Hopping overhead swinging slash + Must be guarded high - Slow - Easy to punish if guarded Priority: Medium V. Hissatsuwaza [special attacks] Analysis All special attacks can only be done with Stand ON. Order of name: Command to use move , Japanese name , "translation of Japanese name" , name on US cabinet 236 + any attack button (up to 3 times) , kirenzan , "demon/ogre multi-slash" , Ogre Slash First: Lunging slash Second: Upward slash (will combo with first for 2 hits) Third (with Weak attack): Lunging low sweeping slash (must be guarded low, will not combo) Third (with Medium or Strong attack): Hopping overhead swinging slash (must be guarded high, will not combo) + Fast + Good range - Easy to counter if just first 2 are guarded Using this move once, twice, or thrice =) is almost like 3 different moves. I recommend usually only using the first slash most of the time, as it has fast enough recovery time that I don't think you can be punished if you hit with it. The 2 slash version looks nice, but even if you hit with it, you can't guard any fast attacks they might throw right afterward. The 3 slash version is quite odd, regardless of if you use the low or overhead versions. Neither will combo, so it's the classic guessing game as to which direction your opponent will guard so that you can attack accordingly. The low version is so slow that you can see it coming in time to guard low even if you guarded the first 2 slashes high, so it's basically useless. The overhead slash is somewhat useful and not too easy to punish if it's guarded, but not completely safe either. Usually, people will be concerned enough with guarding that they won't counter fast enough. 623 + any attack button , tsubame gaeshi , "swallow returner" , Reflection Slash Large flashing upward slash + Good upward range + Knocks opponent very high if it connects - Next to impossible to combo - Very short forward range It's very hard to land this move unless they are right on top of you in the air, where you could pretty easily hit them with the High Strong or just reverse their incoming attack. (More on that reversal next) This move is most useful as a juggle combo ender in the corner if you don't have a super stocked. If they don't flip out, (who doesn't?) you can wait for them to fall and hit with a High Strong into another tsubame gaeshi, or skip the High Strong and knock them even higher and repeat several times if they still don't flip. Usually you'll only get the one hit, but since most people flip out backwards, they will fall into range again. Just beware of a counter attack. The recovery is somewhat slow too. Now, the one thing that puzzles me is that the name of the move on the Japanese version as well as the US version involves something about returning or reflecting. It makes it sound like a projectile reflector, but there are very few projectiles, and I tried using it on Kakyoin's projectile and just got smacked. 214 + any attack button , oboetazo , "I learned it" , Forget me not Attack reversal + Works on most attacks + Remembers attack - A bit of recovery time allows for counter attack if reversal doesn't connect with attack Gonna take a bit of explaining on this one, as I only just recently learned all of how this move works. When you enter the command, Chaca bends his knees slightly and holds the sword pointing down while flashing blue. He remains in this position for around a second, with the first 2/3 or so of the time being the actual reversal period. The rest is recovery time. If Chaca is hit with any attack that he could normally guard during this time, the action will pause for a moment, then he will strike the opponent (or Stand) up into the air with an attack that looks a lot like his 623+attack and then point his sword at his downed opponent and say "Oboeta zo" which means "I learned it" You recover from this at the same time your opponent does, so there is no time to follow up or be countered. The reversal works on any attack you can normally guard, including some supers. It does not work on projectiles, grabs, throws, or any super that does not stop in place when you guard it. (Meaning it would not work on supers such as Chaca's that pass through the character. (At least I don't think so. Honestly, I don't know, as I've never actually tried it. Try to reverse his supers at your own risk.)) Now, the significant thing about this that makes it better than any normal attack reversal in any other game I've played is that he learns and remembers the attack. At any time, even during a combo, if you successfully guard an attack you reversed before, Chaca will flash blue, much as he does when you activate the reversal. Any time while he's blue, you can press any attack button and the action will freeze as it does on the normal reversal, just for a shorter amount of time, and Chaca will strike with whatever attack you pressed. It appears to be possible to do a Low attack or special attack, but I recommend always doing High Strong into super if you have a super stocked or High Strong into 236+attack or, if you can time it right, a chain combo starting with High Weak. If you're astute, you may be saying "But that's just like a guard cancel, and guard cancels work on the same attacks, and you don't have to reverse anything first!" Well, just let me explain. It's true that the guard cancel can be used at all the same times that the learned move attack can be, but guard cancel always just does one single, uncomboable attack, and does not stop your opponent, so if they are doing a multi-hit attack, you can trade or even be hit out of the guard cancel entirely. By countering a learned attack, you always stop them so multi-hit moves don't matter. You can just watch for the blue flash and hit the button on reflex. You can combo from the counter attack. For these reasons, this learned move counter is far superior to the normal guard cancel. Only Chaca has it - use it well. =) In fact, since his uppercut-type attack is so difficult to connect, it's better to just wait for an incoming attack and reverse it. BTW, for every attack you learn, one sword icon is placed above your super meter. After you learn 5, they change to a sword with a small 5 next to it, then begin to add more normal icons next to it. If you manage to learn 10 attacks in one round, the symbol becomes a larger sword with a 10 next to it. Also, in case you're curious, if you use the reversal on a move you've already learned, it counters as normal with normal damage, but Chaca just laughs and you receive no sort of bonus. VI. Chouhissatsuwaza [super attacks] Analysis With Stand OFF - 236 + any two attack buttons , jigenzan , "Dimensional Cut" Chaca crouches for a moment, then slides across the screen while drawing his sword in one massive slash. (A samurai move known as iainuki) This super hits one time. + Very fast movement + Very high priority - Can not combo except as juggle Both of Chaca's super attacks are good, but this one you will probably use less than the other. Even so, it is a very fast and high priority super with great range, so use it when someone does an attack with long recovery even from far away. If they are close, you can perform this super as soon as you see them start to do any sort of attack (except perhaps just one High Weak attack) and you will hit every time. Since he crouches before doing the super, it's even easier to surprise someone with it. If you have the Stand OFF, you can crouch and stay there as long as you want, then just rotate to forward and press the buttons and he will perform the attack from a crouching position. It's great for surprise tactics. With Stand ON - 236 + any two attack buttons , kekkazan , "Blood Flower Cut" Chaca rushes forward for about 3/4 of the screen and if he connects with his opponent, he repeatedly slashes them, ending with a slash that knocks them into the air. If the first hit connects, the following hits always connect. (A common super attack style called ranbu or "wild dance") This super hits 9 times. + Speed is good + Very easy to use in combos - Distancing on hitting a distant opponent is somewhat difficult O.K. This is Chaca's main super attack, and as far as I can tell, the best for combos of any super in the game. Neither of Chaca's supers do very much damage, (about as much as Iggi's insanely high damage Stand combos) but this super is so easy to connect with, that it makes up for it. Any time you have a full super bar, this attack is almost trivial to land successfully. You can combo it very easily off of the High Strong, as stated earlier, and at other intermittent times in his combos. This super can easily catch someone who is in the air, as long as they are not too high off the ground. If your opponent has his (or her) Stand on, the last hit of this super will always Stand Crash. (I believe that is true for most supers in the game) If you do get this Stand Crash, the opponent floats a little longer after the last hit and can be sometimes juggled outside of the corner. ( Note: Chaca switches sides with his opponent upon connecting with this super, so if they are in the corner when you connect, they will not be following the final hit.) It is possible to use this super 2 times in one combo. I'll discuss this in the combo section. Overall, Chaca's super gauge should never stay full for long. =) You can do some great combos involving the Blood Flower Cut super or just use it any time you connect with a High Strong. VII. Some Useful Combos Pretty much all of Chaca's combos can start with a jump-in attack, Air Strong being the easiest to combo from but lowest priority. All combos must have Stand ON. (They're actually called "Stand Combos") With Stand OFF, the most hits I've put in a combo is 3. (Jump-in, chain 2 Weak attacks) High Weak x 4 - 3 High Weak attacks followed by a High Strong This combo is very easy to land and to pull off. It's very safe if you just do the first 3 High Weak attacks, so just tap the button 3 times and if it connects, press it a 4th time. Low Weak x 3 - 2 Low Weak attacks followed by a Low Strong The Low Strong does not actually combo, (at least as far as I can tell usually) but if you do this combo when you are a few steps from your opponent, the Low Weak attacks will not connect, but the Low Strong will come out suddenly and can catch your opponent off guard. High Weak, High Medium, High Strong, High Medium - Normal attacks but the last High Medium becomes upward slash This combo should be your main combo under most circumstances. It's easily expandable, (Can often do 2 or 3 High Weaks to start and can sometimes let the High Strong connect for 2 hits before pressing High Medium and it will still connect. (It misses more often than not, though.)) and the High Medium at the end puts your opponent in the air on connect, which can lead to juggles, especially in the corner. You can also replace the High Medium at the end with a Low Medium, which will hit if they are not guarding low. (It may be possible to follow it with kirenzan or kekkazan super. I've not tried it.) Basically, use this variation if they are guarding high with you begin the combo. Low Weak x 2, High Strong - Exactly how it sounds This is a really useful combo. While it doesn't do a lot of damage, it's very easy to connect with it. If you connect with a Low Weak, use this combo! =) It's particularly useful against Iggi, (I discovered this combo when fighting a turtling Iggi scrub) as his attacks come out somewhat slowly and higher than Chaca's Low Weak attack. High Strong, kirenzan or kekkazan - You can let the High Strong hit twice before following it As I said earlier, it's very easy to follow the High Strong with one of these moves. It's a free hit. Do it - period. Low Strong, walk forward slightly, High Strong - Opponent must have Stand ON for this combo to connect This combo usually hits, but not always. Not sure exactly why. It also will only hit for 2 hits, as the High Strong is too far way to hit twice. If this is in the corner, you can usually follow with more than one High Strong and/or a super. Advanced Combos: With opponent in corner, (Jump-in Air Strong), High Weak (x2), High Medium, High Strong, High Medium, juggle with High Strong (x2+), kekkazan super The items in ( ) are optional and in some situations, can cause the combo to fail. To insure the best chances of connecting with the entire combo, do not use the extra attacks listed in the ( ). This is the combo I use most often to connect with a super. (Besides High Strong into super) The only part that is difficult at all is juggle timing after you knock them into the air. You can either press High Strong immediately and then wait a moment before using the super or wait a moment before using High Strong and then use the super immediately. I find the latter to be easier. It may be possible for your opponent to flip out of the juggle following the High Medium at the end of the Stand Combo, but I have yet to have this happen when I've used it. It is possible to land this combo out of the corner sometimes, but only if the High Medium at the end Stand Crashes your opponent, which does not happen often. Also, often, if the High Strong juggle hits twice, the opponent falls straight down and can not be juggled. Thus, try to hit with the High Strong early enough that it only hits once or combo immediately into the super after the High Strong to make sure it hits. I usually hold back on the lever for just a moment before hitting High Strong as it decreases the chance that it will hit twice and also sets the super timing a little better. Almost every time I use this combo, the opponent falls straight down after the end of the super, so you can not juggle. This may not be the case if they have their Stand ON when the super connects. Any time opponent has Stand ON, ((Jump-in Air Strong), High Strong), connect with kekkazan super (will Stand Crash), walk forward, juggle with High Strong, kekkazan super If you are backed into the corner when beginning this combo, you do not need to walk forward before juggling with the High Strong. Yes, that's right, 2 supers in one combo, and it's really not that hard to do. Obviously, you must have at least 2 full super bars to perform this combo. Since Chaca switches sides when he hits with this super, you need to be in the corner yourself when use the super to have your opponent end up in the corner at the end of it. In general, it's much easier to pull off if they're in the corner when you juggle them with the High Strong, but not necessary. Thankfully, almost everyone, even the CPU will have their Stand on most of the time, so it's not a big issue. Almost every time the second super finishes, the opponent falls straight down and can not be juggled, plus, they will always have their Stand OFF (you Crashed it with the first super), so it is not possible to juggle anyway. (Note: If you read v1.0 of this guide, you would have see that I had a section here about performing a combo with 3 supers in it. Since then, I have determined that it is not possible to juggle someone after this super if their Stand was OFF when you connected with it, regardless of where on screen they are, even in the corner. Thus, the 3 super combo is not possible under any circumstances.) Obviously, there may be other combos, especially of the chain variety, but I didn't feel the need to try and put down every single combo he has. These are the ones that I use the most and are the most useful of the ones I have discovered. As there are no combo guides online that I know of yet, (besides the 2 combos listed on Capcom's site which aren't even that good) I have had to discover all these combos myself through experimentation and spending of many quarters, so cut me some slack. =) If you have improved on any of these combos and are sure they can be reliably pulled off, send me an e-mail and I'll mention it in a future version of the guide and give proper credit. VIII. Strategy Ah, this is always my favorite section to write for a guide. In here I will put the general strategy (and some specific ones) when playing Chaca, and you can do with this information what you see fit. Abuse Chaca's fast combos, especially those starting with High or Low weak. They're very easy to connect and even if guarded, you are almost 100% safe, as long as you don't throw in any slower attacks until you hit with the Weak attacks. The Low Weak combos seem to be especially useful against scrub-friendly Iggi, and his very powerful combos. (To any Iggi players out there, I'm not calling you scrubs. =) Iggi's supers are lousy, so it balances his other moves, but landing a High Weak, High Medium, High Strong combo with Iggi does as much damage as Chaca's supers do.) Chaca's High Strong is a great move, as I've said many times. It is so easy to combo off of it that it's stupid not to. I can't repeat that enough. Be careful with it, since you can be punished if it is guarded, but the range and speed is such that you can use this attack a lot without much concern. Chaca's throw conveniently puts your opponent up in the air, though it's easy to flip out of it. However, if they don't, (the CPU often doesn't) you can juggle if you're near the corner. You can even juggle with a super if you hit with a High Strong or even by itself if you time it right. I say again, do not try to use the Air Strong in an air to air fight. It is really terrible for this purpose. The only time you have a chance is against another Chaca. You must try to use another attack, either a Air Weak or Air Medium or Air Strong with Stand OFF. Any time someone is Stand Crashed on the ground, you have time to hit with a High Strong and combo from it. So, if you do a combo such as Jump-in Air Strong, High Strong, and their Stand Meter is low, try to watch to see if you Stand Crash them with the High Strong before comboing into super. If you Crash them, you can land another High Strong before you use the super. Stand Crashing someone in the air is good for juggles, but not quite as exact as on the ground. Chaca has good combos and attacks, but don't be overly aggressive. You have a great attack reversal, a move I don't even use enough. Try to gauge your opponent's style and adjust accordingly. Afterall, this is Chaca's method of fighting. Let it be yours as well. Keep your Stand Gauge high. If you are knocked into the air, flip out to safety, then put the Anubis Sword in while in the air to replenish it while you fall. Don't do this if your opponent has you pinned in the corner, though. Being Stand Crashed is dangerous and embarrassing for stylish Chaca. =) Any time you can, put the Stand OFF to replenish it. Even if only a small amount is gone, it never hurts to get it back. Chaca's Oboeta zo move reversal is very important. If you memorize your opponent's main Jump-in and High attacks, especially those he uses for starting combos, then he has to completely change his style of attack or taste the cool edge of your blade. If you are playing another Chaca that knows what he's doing, be careful. If he memorizes your High Strong, you are in trouble. The High Strong will be very easy to counter if memorized as it's slow enough to react on reflex. If this happens, just use combos starting with High Weak. (You can combo off of High Weaks into super) Also, of course, memorizing another Chaca's High Strong gives you the same advantage. If he's not as good as you are (And face it, who is?) then there is a good chance he will slip up and attack with High Strong on occasion anyway. Guard, counter, and slash him to ribbons. Don't ever forget about the slide and the impact guard. Both performed by pressing all three attack buttons. To slide, you must have the Stand OFF, press all three attack buttons and you will move forward a good distance, impervious to any attacks. This is most useful against Vanilla Ice / Iced and his red ball Stand attack. If you use the slide anywhere near the ball as it comes at you, it will pass harmlessly through you. This makes him trivial to fight. Just make sure you remember that your Stand must be OFF to perform the slide. The impact guard doesn't serve a huge purpose, but it's especially useful for people trying to pressure you, often in the corner. You can perform it with the Stand ON or OFF, just press all 3 attack buttons immediately after you guard an attack. Easiest to use on multi-hit moves like Jotaro and DIO's multi-punch attacks. IX. Style O.K. Everything in this section is completely optional, of course, but playing a fighting game, especially with Chaca, is not just a battle of skills of the hand, but also skills of the mind. Throwing off your opponent's concentration can be signficant in helping you attain victory. Chaca's Stand especially allows for stylish play, as the motion of sheathing and unsheathing the sword looks really cool. =) Whenever you are not in attacking distance, keep the Anubis Sword sheathed. There's no reason to have it out at long distances unless you are fighting an opponent with a projectile. (Kakyoin's projectiles, including the super, do little or no guard damage if you have your Stand ON when you guard.) Put the sword back in after a super when you can not combo afterward, or after a throw that you can not juggle, or a combo of the same sort. Basically, if you knock your opponent far away, put the sword back in. All this not only looks good, but will keep your Stand Meter as high as possible. Purely for style, there is exactly enough time after a round ends to return the Anubis Sword to its scabbard, taunt (press start), then pull the sword again before the next round starts. This looks very cocky =) and can entice your opponent to attack as soon as the round begins (if he is close to you), which you will be waiting for with an Oboeta zo move reversal, of course. =) Try to walk instead of jump when you can. This leads your opponent to try and jump-in, which is easier to counter, and also makes it easier to throw him if he remains on the ground. X. Intro / Ending Here's a transcript of Chaca's Intro and Ending. They should be correct verbatim, but I may have missed a word or punctuation mark here and there. (I just wrote it down as I watched it) Any time the same person is talking from one screen to the next, I didn't repeat their name, even though the game often does. I hope to have Chaca's pre-match and post-match dialog with every character eventually. INTRO - The Anubis Sword was created by a swordsmith over 500 years ago... When the swordsmith died, his Stand continued to live... It lived as a Stand with no wielder... Anubis Sword: Sir DIO rescued me from the darkness of the museum warehouse. His Stand is so powerful, I don't stand a chance against it! For that reason, I swore my loyalty to him... One day, a man pulled the ancient sword out by mistake... Anubis Sword: Chaca, you released me... You must be my wielder now! Wield me to kill Jotaro and his men! You are the unrivaled master! ENDING - After beating DIO - Chaca: I'm stronger than anyone else! DIO: Guh... Guh... Perish! Chaca! Chaca: It is you who will die! (Chaca proceeds to slash the hell out of DIO) DIO: No... It can't be! How could I lose? DIO can not be beaten!! (Chaca is seen standing in front of his normal stage background (the one with the pillars) clutching the sheathed Anubis Sword) After defeating DIO, Chaca now travels in search of stronger opponents. (A close-up of Chaca's head, bobbing up and down as he walks in front of a backdrop of sand dunes) The Anubis Sword continues to whisper to Chaca... Anubis Sword: Chaka, you're the master of the blade! Anything can be yours for the slashing! (We see Chaca standing on a sand dune with really lousy animation to simulate him walking into the distance) Chaca: I feel like slashing anyone... I don't care who it is... I must slash flesh! Anyone is fine with me... Chaca has never been seen since then. No one knows if he was ever released from the power of the Anubis Sword. XI. Conclusion Not much to say here, but I hope you've enjoyed and learned from this guide. There is always more to learn, but using this guide, hopefully it can help you become the unrivaled master of the blade! XII. Version History Version 2.1 - 12.22.01 Various edits Fixed some minor mistakes Updated personal info Version 2.0 - 4.20.99 Various edits and additions to several sections Debunked the 3-super combo in VII. Some Useful Combos Version 1.0 - 2.28.99 First version Thanks for reading. Do me a favor and don't modify this guide or reproduce it without letting me know.