=============================================================================== EIGHTMAN FAQ/WALKTHROUGH, v0.9 Written and maintained by SubSane Last updated January 22, 2005 =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Game Details 1.2 Story 2.0 THE BASICS 2.1 Game Start 2.2 On-Screen Display 2.3 Controls 2.4 Pick-Ups 3.0 WALKTHROUGH 3.1 Stage 1: City On Fire 3.2 Stage 2: Jungle Complex 3.3 Stage 3: City Complex 3.4 Stage 4: Cyber Lair 4.0 CODES & SECRETS 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. 5.1 Version History 5.2 Guide Credits 5.3 Contact Information 5.4 Legal Stuff =============================================================================== ===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ======================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Game Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EightMan is a side-scrolling fighting game from 1991. The original EightMan was actually a Japanese cartoon series from WAY back in 1963. EightMan and his buddy NineMan are robots disguised as humans who defend humans from evil robots. So, yea... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EightMan was out on the town when some extremely pissed off robots appeared and destroyed the city! EightMan switched into his robot outfit to chase down the bad guys and destroy them all. So, yea... =============================================================================== ===== 2.0 THE BASICS ========================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Game Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Start to begin the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 On-Screen Display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI 10000 ========= The high score for the entire game. 1P / 2P 0 ========== The current score for the player. Scores are reset when the player loses a credit. LIFE ===== The life points for the player. Refill life points with L capsules. BOMB ===== The number of bombs you currently have. Refill these with B capsules. PLAYER = ========= The remaining lives for each player. CREDITS ======== How many credits ya have. ENEMY ====== This green bar appears when you fight a strong enemy. As you inflict more damage the bar depletes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command | Action | Other ---------------------------------------------------------------- Start | Begin the game | - Joystick | Move EightMan and NineMan | - A button | Punch | - A + B button | Special kick | - Down + B | Slide | - B button | Jump | - C button | Bomb attack | - C (2 player) | Bomb attack | - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Pick-Ups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P capsule ========== This powers up the characters' attacks. Collect more to get stronger. L capsule ========== Refill one life point. B capsule ============== Refill one bomb point. 8 capsule ================= Gain temporary infinite bomb attacks. =============================================================================== ===== 3.0 WALKTHROUGH ========================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Stage 1: City On Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the short intro to the controls and get ready to rumble. The guys that appear at the beginning are your run of he mill goons, and the most common enemy in the game. They will go down with just a few hits or one bomb attack. Make your way to the right and keep punching and kicking. To avoid getting hit tap the A button at all times. Also collect all P, L, and B capsules along the way. After you get past the wave of goons you'll meet the first strong enemy in the game. I'll dub it Predator because, well, it looks just like a Predator! Somebody call FOX. Anyway, Predator's an easy kill. Keep tapping the attack button and use one bomb attack if you want to quickly end the fight. The next area is a race along a trashed highway (very Mad Max). The easiest way to get through is to duck and keep tapping attack to destroy the guys that pop in. If any goons run up behind you simply jump over and to the left. Race to the end of the highway to face off against a moving tank with a glowing orb in it's rear end. Use a bomb and your strong (hopefully orange by now) attacks to deal with the damage and destroy the tank. Now it's time to face the boss. Boss: Super Robot 005 (aka FiveMan) ==================================== This guy is like a suped up version of EightMan, just a lot easier to beat. Duck next to his feet and continually use your attacks to easily beat him up. A few bombs will also make the battle quite easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Stage 2: Jungle Complex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it's on to a tour of the jungle. Plow through the goons as you head to the right, including the hew spiked armor guys. They should be easy enough to take care of. Keep running along until you see the pits. Wait for the fire blasts to shoot up then quickly jump over and continue. Those flying robots are safe to hit until they get on fire; let them fly away at that point. Eventually you'll reach the complex. Fight your way through and make sure to pick up the 8 capsule to temporarily have infinite bombs. Work your way to the end to reach the boss. Boss: Hurry Scuary =================== Run to the right and destroy the jets to cut off the jet blasts, then get to the green perch and destroy the gun. Wait there as the ship flys over a pit and then get off when you get back to solid land. Destroy the laser turret and those jets to get to the end of the ship. Blow up the monitor for some extra points. Now get to the top and run left, blowing up those bouncing bombs along the way. Get to the red orb on the left and use all your bombs plus some well-placed attacks to finish it off and complete the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Stage 3: City Complex ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The highway chase is exactly the one in the first stage, so just fight your way through. The new flying jet guys and helicopter can both be taken down with some quick punches in the air just as they arrive. Destroy the tank at the end by punching and quickly jumping before it attacks. Some bombs will easily take care of it. The complex part will show some new enemies. The drill hand joker guys will go away only after the top half is destroyed. Concentrate on the upper body and move along. The round armored robots will stop in their tracks if you duck and tap attack repeatedly. It takes quite a few hits but it shouldn't be hard. Eventually you'll reach the labs. Destroy the purple flying robots and then get ready for take on four more of those Predators. Use all your bombs to take out the first two, then duck and attack to kill the second pair. Once they're dead you can continue to the right and destroy any more of those yellow/blue bots by simply attacking the legs. At the end you'll face a large four-legged dude with mean teeth and some nasty fire breath. Duck and attack as he jumps around, then jump when you see him release the fire. Simply attacking as you duck down should take care of him. Oy, the next area. Now you'll be fighting zombies and avoiding acid pit monsters. Do not stop to attack zombies behind you. Just destroy the ones ahead of you and continue running. When you get to the acid pits wait for the green snake to jump out, then quickly jump across. Get to the end of the acid pits to move on. Boss: Kozuma ============= Sure, the robots and scientific freaks couldn't take you out, so how about a cyborg? This guy is quite like every other boss in that he likes to jump around, but he also packs some lightning strikes that blow across the ground. When you see him launch a lightning ball it's best to stay on the opposite side and wait for it to finish. Just punch him up and use all your bombs to kill this guy and proceed to the final stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 Stage 4: Cyber Lair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah yes, another highway chase. Just duck down and keep attacking as you run along to destroy pretty much every enemy in the way. When you get to the foot soldiers stay down, but jump to destroy the jet pack guys and those green EightMan clones that apear from the left and right sides. Blow up the tank at the end with a couple of bombs. The next area will be a reunion with many of the old enemies you've come to hate. Don't stop to hit the guys behind you, just go on. Collect any and all bombs along the way and save them to fight the guys at the end. The first returning tough guy is that four-legged monster with fire breath. Use a few bombs on him and duck to attack him, then use the same duck attacks for the twin FiveMan guys ahead. They're no tougher than before. Destroy the EightMan clones ahead (much jumping) and then kill the green clone of Kozuma (man, these guys love to make copys don't they?). Boss: Cyber ============ You start off at the guy's feet, so what does that tell ya? The long ride up to his ugly face will consist of wave after wave of average ninja (duck and kick to take 'em out), and a couple of flying enemies. Save your bombs for those flying guys. When you get to the stomach he will start to use his hands on the left and right sides, but you can see them coming before he attacks. Keep fighting to get to the top. Here it's just ATTACK! You're going to get hit no matter what, so make it count. Try not to get caught in a corner and use your bombs as often as possible. When the face falls apart to expose the brain keep up the same tactics. But is it over? Not yet! Now Cyber's ghost (or something) is trying to get away! Give chase across a highway and jump to attack. When he flys into the background stay on the left or right side and jump over the red fire when he throws it. It won't take many attacks to finish him off and move on to the final battle. Now he's at his toughest. The only way to get him is when his arms have floated high enough for you to get in and attack, but it's rare. Just use all your bombs and run in to stike when you can. After enough hits Cyber will perish and fall into the ruins of the city below. Congratulations, you've defeated Cyber and saved the world! =============================================================================== ===== 4.0 CODES & SECRETS ===================================================== None that I know of. =============================================================================== ===== 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 22: Version 0.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - Completed the entire guide and submitted it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Guide Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to... 1. Pallas and SNK for creating the game. 2. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants' guide. It is what inspired me to write guides for video games. 3. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own health... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The address is: subsane@gmail.com The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without a subject. Put 'EightMan FAQ' or something similar in the subject line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. "EightMan" is copyright © 1991 Pallas and SNK Corp. of America. 2. This guide copyright © 2005 SubSane. This guide may be distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that location.