=============================================================================== CROSSED SWORDS FAQ/WALKTHROUGH v0.9 Written and maintained by SubSane Last updated August 22, 2005 =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Game Details 1.2 Story 2.0 THE BASICS 2.1 Game Start 2.2 On-Screen Display 2.3 Controls 2.4 Techniques 3.0 WALKTHROUGH 3.1 Disaster in the Poor Village of Dio 3.2 The Shaken Castle in Pulista 3.3 A Desperate Fight at the Matius Tower 3.4 The Fish Monster of the Gauda Fortress 3.5 The Attack of a Land Battleship 3.6 Entrance to the Devil World 3.7 The Devil Castle of Graisia 4.0 ENEMIES 5.0 EQUIPMENT 6.0 MERCHANTS 7.0 LEGAL / MISC. 5.1 Version History 5.2 Guide Credits 5.3 Contact Information 5.4 Legal Stuff =============================================================================== ===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ======================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Game Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game was developed by Alpha Denshi in 1991, and released for Arcades and Neo Geo consoles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story takes place in the ancient land of Belkana. It is a time when monsters and warlords rule the land and good people are at their mercy. One such warlord gathered his minions to terrorize the kingdom and capture damsels. Now only you, as the mighty knight of journey, can save the people of this land and defeat the evil warlord. =============================================================================== ===== 2.0 THE BASICS ========================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Game Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Start to begin the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 On-Screen Display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy ====== The bar along the top will display the remaining health for the current enemy. Level ====== The big number on the left is your current level. Experience Points ================== You will gather experience points as you defeat enemies. Once you reach the designated level-up number (the bottom number) you'll move up one level. Gold ===== Gold that is collected during fights can be used to purchase items from merchants. It is displayed below the word GOLD. Health ======= The red bars represent your health, and each time you take a hit some of the bars will deplete. Your maximum number of health bars will increase as you gain experience. Sword ====== The sword you currently have will be displayed in the yellow box in the right corner. The physical attacks are the same, but the magic attacks will vary based on the sword you're using. End of stage stats =================== At the end of each stage you'll get Level points, Enemy points, and Total points. These points are handed out by default as enemies and stages do not change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command | Action ----------------------------------------------------------------- Start | Begin the game, pause Control Up | Block high attacks Control Down | Block low attacks Control Left/Right | Move left and right across the screen A button | Normal attacks with the sword B button | Magic attacks with the sword A+B | Use a powerful spinning attacks Down+A+B | Create a counter-attack to push back the enemy Up+A+B | Charge and fire a strong blast A+Down | Thrust your sword at the enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Techniques ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fencing ======== Swordplay consists of two basic principles: block and attack. In Crossed Swords the enemies will usually try to pummel you with multiple attacks at a time and if you don't block the attacks you will simply not survive. Start by paying attention to the enemy's movements. An enemy will usually move from side to side and suddenly stop when he is about to strike. Then, watch the enemy's arms. If the arm raises high up then quickly hold Up to block, and if the arm is around the waist then block low. If you miss the block DO NOT attempt to switch to the opposite of the direction you're blocking. The enemy will usually follow through with a combo that can knock you on your armored ass. Stick to the direction you're blocking and when the enemy hits your shield he will be open for attack. Pounce Counter-Attack ====================== Some of the weaker enemies can be attacked at the point when they jump from the background to the foreground. By doing this you ensure a combo and can take away a good chunk of health before they even attack. A+B = Kick Ass =============== The A+B attack is extremely powerful, but you should consider using it only for bosses or other very tough enemies. It is more effective with humanoid enemies than it is with something like the giant caterpillar. C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker! ======================= Some enemies like the winged knights and blue knights have insane combos that seem to never end. To stop these you can hold Down and press A. This will thrust your sword forward and disrupt the combo, giving you a chance to attack. =============================================================================== ===== 3.0 WALKTHROUGH ========================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Disaster in the Poor Village of Dio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road to Dio ============ Watch the poor guy get stabbed in the back by a dirty rat and then get to work. The rat, much like most starting enemies, will be quite easy to defeat. Use your normal slash attacks to kill the rat and move on to the green ogres. Green ogres are faster than the rats so you will need to block an attack and use that to counter-attack with your normal sword or some magic attacks. Open Field =========== Here you'll be ambushed by more ogres. They are no different from the last ones so simply dodge and strike or block and strike. Considering the relative ease of these enemies you should save magic attacks and use your sword to kill them off. Back on the Road ================= Ah, more than one ogre this time. Now's a good time to utilize the pounce counter-attack. As soon as the enemy jumps forward slash and attack with a combo to take away a good chunk of health. Defeat the group of ogres to continue up the road. Village of Dio =============== Kill the one red ogre to fight the caterpillar creature that emerges from the cocoon. The caterpillar uses a powerful flame thrower that can kill you in a matter of seconds. To get away from this you will need to block high or low, depending on where the flame stream is. If you blocked in the wrong direction you can also move from side to side to avoid getting hit. If you saved any magic attacks now would be the time to use them. You all your magic to attack and then wait for it to come to the foreground. A good combo of sword slashes can really cause damage if not kill the caterpillar altogether. Once you defeat the giant caterpillar it'll be the end of chapter one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 The Shaken Castle in Pulista ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Forest =========== First you have to choose to visit a merchant or go faster. The merchant has some good stuff, so I'd stop by his place. Check out the Merchants section of the FAQ for details on each item. If you go faster you will be given a slight speed boost, but nothing too noticeable. Beat up the first few ogres and then move on to defeat an evil knight. evil knights are much like ogres except they have much higher defense and they will block your attacks more often than ogres. The same block and strike applies here, so fight your way through to clear the stage. Road to the Castle =================== Oy, more ogres and knights. The same exact block and attack technique will get you through the fight. Also use magic attacks or the A+B attack when the knights come up. Castle Gates ============= Beat up some more ogres and some more knights. Use magic attacks and A+B attack to defeat the knights and enter the castle. Inside the Castle ================== Just as you enter the castle some real evil guys will leap in from a window and kidnap the king's daughter. Defeat the ogres and knights and get ready for a tough fight with an evil goat. The evil goat will constantly attack, giving you very few opportunities to counter-attack. Start by using up all your magic attacks then switch to the A+B attack. That should cause massive damage, but after the attack ends it will be wise to block as many of the attacks as possible. The evil goat also packs a high defense and three times as much health as a normal enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 A Desperate Fight at the Matius Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Road to the Tower ====================== Sweet, another merchant! This one has the same stuff as the last one, so it's up to you if you want to buy something. Fill up your health if you can afford it. More ogres, so that's no big deal. However, between the waves of ogres some small blue bugs will appear and hit you once for a lot of health. Use magic if you see one coming to hopefully fight it off before it reaches you. Block low to escape the sting and move left and right as well. Once that's over the good ol' giant caterpillar will appear. Block the flames just like before and use A+B when it comes into the foreground. Cliff Road =========== Defeat the ogres and then use only one A+B attack to kill the winged knight. They gotta be kiddin'. Dark Forest ============ Man, they'll really pummel you in this one. The ogres are much as always, and the winged knights will be just like the last one. Some A+B will take of them easily. There will also be one round of those annoying blue wasps, so once you see the first one try your best to block the lot of them. The new guy here will be a red evil knight. The attacks are just like a normal knight's attacks but the health is one and a half times longer. Defeat him and the remaining enemies (including a rarely seen rat) to move on. Back on the Road ================= More merchant action, baby! If you've saved your gold you can now buy the shield axe which creates a shield around you when you use magic. This is great for defense-minded players, but offense-minded players would do better with one of the swords. Once that's settled it's back on the road time. The red wasps here are less attacky and more evady as they move around, but they're definitely easier to kill. Kill off all ogres and wasps to move on to a red version of the giant caterpillar. Much like other red enemies the only difference is higher HP. Tower Gate =========== One of those bad-ass winged knights will stand in the background while he sends out evil knights to fight you. They're the garden variety knights which means you can whoop 'em fairly quickly. Kill that winged knight when he finally comes forward and move on. Room 1 ======= Bah, kill of all of the knights. They're insanely simple now that you're at what, level 5? Room 2 ======= It's a winged knight ambush! Fight off the normal winged knights and then the red knight by blocking and using some well-timed A+B attacks. Remember not to attack until after you block a slash. Now you'll be faced with a choice between the Ammunition Warehouse or the Food Warehouse. The Food Warehouse has less tough enemies and will boost your health, and the Ammunition Warehouse has stronger enemies but you'll get a powerful sword at the end. If you bought the shield axe I'd say go the Food route, otherwise choose the Ammunition and get your new sword. Ammunition Hallway =================== Annihilate the few ogres and use an A+B attack to really beat up the evil goat. It'll take just two A+B attacks to kill it. Ammunition Warehouse ===================== The winged knights and occasional evil knight are much as always, but the red winged knight will pack more of a punch. Use some A+B attacks to slice him up and kill him. You'll then get the option to get a new sword or go faster. If you have the Shield Axe stay with it, otherwise get the Puppet Sword. Food Hallway ============= Kill the simple ogres. Easy stuff! Food Warehouse =============== Kill the simple rats and ogres. Easy stuff! Room 3 ======= Kill the few winged knights, which should go down with two or three slash combos. An A+B attack or two will help. Lion Crest Room ================ More winged knights! Block their low thrusts, bust out your slash combos, and use A+B attacks to kill them. It's more of the usual. Top of the Tower ================= Now you must face the Death Masquerader. Frankly it's nice to have a challenge after the repetitive easiness of the previous rooms. If you have the Puppet Sword the first part will be easy as cheese, while if you have anything else (Shield Axe!) the first part will be tough but the boss will be easy. Fight your way through the hordes of knights by blocking and immediately following up with a counter-attack. A+B attacks will probably be your strongest attack and the easiest way to mow down the knights. Once they're defeated you fight the Death Masquerader himself. Must I say it... Okay, I will. Use the A+B attack! One attack with the Shield Axe can kill him, and two or three with the swords should smack him down. Use your magic as back-up, but don't bother with normal sword attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 The Fish Monster of the Gauda Fortress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road to Gauda Fortress ======================= Oh joy, a merchant! He's selling a more powerful axe and other weapons that are priced much higher than they were before. If you have any weapon BUT the Puppet Sword then go for the Shield Axe Dx, otherwise stay with the Puppet Sword. Fight through the ogres and usual enemies, then prepare for a giant red caterpillar. This one seems more skittish than the last ones and he won't spend much time in the foreground. Use whatever projectile attacks you have available (either magic or Up and A+B attack) and use the spinning A+B attack when it gets close. Forest by the Sea ================== Kill the simple ogres then use the spinning A+B attack on the winged knight. It's no big whoop. The Beach 1 ============ Now you'll meet a new buddy I called armored frog. They're about as simple to kill as an ogre but they have an orange blast similar to the caterpillar flame. Block those attacks and use combos and your own projectiles to defeat them. The Beach 2 ============ It will just be a few more armored frogs and one red frog. You know what to expect with the red versions of anything by now, so bust out the spinning A+B attack to kill him off. Bridge Entrance ================ Fight off the few frogs then use A+B attacks to destroy the giant eyeball. Your reward for your progress thus far will be the Scale Shield. Bridge Crossing ================ More frogs, big whoop right? The star of this stage is the mace-toting fish man that breathes evil bubbles. Block the bubbles and attack with combos or A+B attacks when he comes to the foreground. It's like a stronger version of the frogs. Ahead of the bridge you will have the option of taking the Front Gate or the Back Gate. The Back Gate is easier. Front Gate =========== Destroy the many knights including the powerful black knight, but even then it's more of the usual. Kill them all and then block the fish man's attacks. Once you've blocked the bubbles and he comes forward use some A+B attacks to finish it off. Back Gate ========== It's just a bunch of rats. Slice 'em up! Courtyard ========== Man, you know the drill. Defeat the knights as they come with magic and A+B attacks then destroy the fish man with some hardcore A+B action. Yup, more of the same ol'! Dim Hallway ============ Kill the usual knights and a few fish men as your knight walks to the right, then face off against the mighty red fish man! Unlike other fish men, this one can block A+B attacks and magic. You'll have to block his attacks and counter-attack with a maximum combo to really do any damage. This will be a lengthy fight but not too long. Crab Lord ========== The giant crab I call Crab Lord will actually be easy as hell to beat. Wait for him to hop into the foreground then unleash your magic, A+B attacks, and even simple slash combos. He'll get some big hits but the battle is over quickly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 The Attack of a Land Battleship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Road ============ Bah, always with the road stages. Use magic and A+B to kill the caterpillar then handily defeat the ogres. They'll a new enemy called an undead warrior, but the only difference from other enemies is the magic attack. Block the simple attack and use A+B attacks to destroy it and move on. Forest Crab ============ Now big deal. Block the high and low strikes and use your magic attacks to defeat it. A+B attacks will get blocked most of the time so don't bother to use them. Ship Entrance ============== Block the attacks and use any magic attacks you have to kill the knights as they come forward, but A button combos will also work well. Save your A+B attacks for the red winged knight and the undead warrior when it comes forward. Ship Deck ========== Kill the knights and then carefully block the flaming skull attacks and counter with some magic of your own. Don't waste your A+B attacks on any of these chumpy losers since they tend to jump away when you use them. Keep on offense with the humanoids and block all the skull fire until you defeat them all. Now choose to go to port or starboard. Luckily you're reading this guide so I can tell you to take the port route for an easier time and more extra health. Starboard 1 ============ Block the undead warriors' attacks and counter with slash combos, but when the blue undead warrior comes forward stay on offense. His magic attacks are harder to block and take more damage than the normal red orbs. Starboard 2 ============ Fight off the undead warriors like before by blocking attacks and using slash combos, then easily kill the fish man with an A+B attack. Port 1 ======= Fight off the useless rats and then block and use slash combos to counter- attack the blue undead warrior. It's only one guy so shouldn't be a problem. Port 2 ======= Fish man be damned! Use an A+B attack on his scaly butt then block and counter- attack the undead warrior with slash combos. Sweet lord, man, it can't get no easier. Captain's Quarters =================== If you have the Shield Axe this will be a very easy fight, otherwise get ready to block and use the Down+A+B attack a lot. Start with the two variations of undead warriors and use the usual block / counter-attack method. Keep killing them and save your A+B attacks. When the captain comes forward he'll immediately start attacking with massive combos, leaving you little time to block. If he manages to hit you use the Down+A+B attack to push him away, then wait for the next chance to get him with a slash combo. Don't use the other A+B attacks as he will phase through them without a scratch. Keep using Down+A+B to get out of his combos and block his attacks to catch him off guard with a combo. The Shield Axe's defensive magic will be extremely helpful but use any magic attacks you have to hurt him as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 Entrance to the Devil World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Road to Devil World ==================== Dude, now they're really stepping up. First refill your health and purchase a weapon if you haven't done so in a while. The Fire Sword is pretty strong, but if you already have a Shield Axe Dx then definitely stay with that. Kill the knights with the usual block-counter dance then block the wasp stings or acid as they appear. The first bunch of enemies will be typical fare until the armored caterpillar appears. This thing is like a caterpillar but faster and much uglier. Block the streams of blue flame until it gets close then use an A+B attack to slice its face up. Keep blocking and using A+B attacks to defeat it. Forest Near Devil World ======================== Kill the rats and use an A+B attack or two to kill the eyeball. Whoop dee doo. Your reward for your progress will be Tule's Shield. Cave Entrance ============== Kill the few frogs with simple blocks and combos, then kill the evil goat with a well-timed A+B attack. The weapon you should have at this point can turn these ol' school enemies into mush. Lava River =========== Easily kill the first few frogs then prepare to block and counter-attack the red fish man. Magic works best with these enemies that can block A+B attacks, as well as the Shield Axe's magic shield. Just keep blocking and following up with combos to defeat it. Lava Bridge ============ These giant knights are slow but very strong, so don't allow them to hit you when they get near. Their magic attacks will alternate from top to bottom which makes them easy to block. Once they finish that the giant knights are open for magic attacks or some good slash combos. The blue crab... same ol' thing. It just has higher health. Block the pincer strikes much like before and then slash the head, much like before. Keep blocking and slashing at the head to defeat it. Lava Cave ========== A few frogs and an eyeball. What is this a witch's brew? Do your usual song and dance to kill the frogs and an A+B attack to destroy the eyeball. Devil World Entrance ===================== Kill the first few flame skulls and undead warrior to get to the true guard of the entrance: Satan Goat! This goat will block A+B attacks so don't even try. You'll have to block all of his stabs and attack after each hit you block. Magic attacks will also work and the Shield Axe defense shield is a great way to block all of the strikes. Use normal slash combos to defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 The Devil Castle of Graisia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Pathway =============== Two winged knights... that's it? Block their attack and use magic and slash combos to easily kill these two guys. Foggy Path =========== More simple knights and winged knights. Block their attacks and even use your A+B attacks to get through these guys as quickly as possible. The spinning one should handle them all in one attack. Castle Gate ============ Block the cheap knee shots of the first two giant knights then prepare for the golden winged knight (a somewhat new face I suppose). This one can block A+B attacks which means you're stuck blocking his strikes and using magic against him. If you have the Shield Axe it's easy to block attacks and perform combos, but other weapons may have a tough time. Just block and counter-attack like you've done so many times before. Ogre Hall ========== Hey, it's the ol' merchant guy. Pick up some health and a good weapon if you STILL haven't purchased a good one. After that just kill the many ogres and move on. Knights' Hall ============== One ogre and a lot of knights. The usual knights are a cinch to kill but the blue knight at the end won't be as easy. Block his many attacks and hold Down + A button to thrust and stop his combos. Keep doing that and using magic attacks to defeat him, just like last time. Fish Man Hall ============== Attack of the funny looking fish men! Kill the simple blue fish men with a couple of sword slashes then use magic and the Down+A thrust to kill the red fish man. Easy stuff. Winged Knights' Hall ===================== Block and thrust the winged knights, and use some magic if you need to. However the tough fight is the golden winged knight who can block A+B attacks. Block his strikes and thrust to get a few hits, but if you have the Shield Axe it'll be much easier. Block and counter as well as use magic to kill this guy (it seems like we've already killed him a few hundred times, no?) and move on. Undead Warrior Hall ==================== Kill the easy undead warriors without a hitch, then block and counter the red warrior with thrusts. Per the stage boss pattern this guy will block A+B attacks which forces you to only block and counter. Final Battle ============= Here we are, atop the tallest tower on the tallest mountain in Devil World. This evil warlord must now pay for his actions... but first you have to fight through his minions. - Death Masquerader will go down with one or two A+B attacks like before. - Red fish man will be a bit tougher, but your block and thrust will make quick work of him and his smelly hide. - Blue knight is a real bastard, as always. Just block his attacks and move left and right to land a thrust on him. Follow that up with a combo. - Winged golden knight is slightly easier than blue knight and will fall to the same block and thrust technique. - Red undead warrior is on par with winged golden knight, so use some magic and block/thrust action to kill him off. - Purple/red Death Masquerader is like the last one except he's faster and has a higher health meter. The same A+B spinning attack can kill him off in two to three turns. Then, it was time for the dark warlord himself. His only attacks are to jump forward and punch the hell out of you, though he will create a shield to block A+B spinning attacks and other slashes. Much like many other tough bosses the best thing to do is hold Down+A to thrust and disrupt his combos, then follow up with a combo of your own. If you have the Shield Axe or Shield Axe Dx you can easily block most of the attacks, but if you don't just use all of your magic attacks and block what you can. It really is quite a repetitive fight and will just be a matter of wearing down his health. But hey, that's just the start! His second phase is a lot like the caterpillars. Block his flames then use a spinning A+B or magic attacks to really do damage. Block high to avoid damage from the falling fire then combo him or use magic when he comes forward. He'll also try to slash you with the claws but if you get him with a combo it will stop any slash attempts. --- As some say at this point in a FAQ... this is the end. DUN DUN DUN... my only friend, the end... this is the end... And so on. Congratulations for beating Crossed Swords! It certainly wasn't an easy journey but you came out on top to defeat the warlord and save the kingdom. Check out Crossed Swords 2 for more first-person sword action on the Neo Geo. =============================================================================== ===== 4.0 ENEMIES ============================================================= Armored Rat ============ A rat with a lance, shield, and armor. Easy to defeat. Red rats have slightly higher HP. Ogre ===== Ogres use a club and are fairly fast. It is best to first block an attack then counter-attack. Red and purple versions have higher HP. Giant Caterpillar ================== This thing shoots a powerful flamethrower that you must block with your shield. Use magic to easily defeat it. The red versions have higher HP. Evil Knight ============ Attacks like an ogre, but has higher defense. The red versions have higher HP than usual. The black versions are more aggressive than the others. The blue version has very high HP and can block A+B attacks. Evil Goat ========== A goat that constantly attacks and has very high HP. Use the A+B middle attack to defeat him, as well as magic and blocking. Satan Goat can block A+B attacks. Winged Knight ============== Bah, this guy's a push-over. He's just like the evil knight. The red version has higher HP. The golden winged knight can block A+B attacks. Death Masquerader ================== Moves around a lot but dies quickly with a few spinning A+B attacks. The purple/red version has higher HP and is much faster. Armored Frog ============= Moves around and shoots fire from their mouths. Use projectiles and the usual slash combos to defeat them. Red frogs are more aggressive and have higher HP. Giant Eyeball ============== Produces smaller eyeballs around it and fires them at you. Block the eyes and use magic or A+B attacks to attack. The pink version has higher HP than the normal version. Fish Man ========= A stronger version of the frogs. Just block blue blasts and attack with combos or A+B attacks. The red fish man can block magic and A+B attacks. Crab Lord ========== The giant crab is easy to beat. Simply attack with combos and magic attacks. The green versions have more HP but the same attacks, and the blue version has the highest HP. Undead Warriors ================ Skeleton warriors who attack much like ogres and knights but they also have magic attacks. Block the simple magic attacks and use A+B or magic to defeat them. Blue warriors have a more powerful magic attack that is harder to block. Red warriors can block A+B attacks. Flaming Skull ============== These guys shoot, guess what? Fire! Block the fire and attack with magic or combos. Purple flame skulls have more HP. Armored Caterpillar ==================== This guy packs a giant armored head and is faster than the other caterpillars. But like before block his flames and use projectiles to reach it in the background. Wasps ====== Blue wasps fly straight at you one at a time. Red wasps sting you but first fly around the screen. Green wasps fly around the screen, sting you, and can also spit acid. Simply block all their attacks and slash when they get near. Giant Knight ============= These big slow guys are strong when they get near. Avoid that attack and block the alternating up/down magic attacks to await a chance for a sweet slash combo. Dark Warlord ============= The final boss. In his first phase he will simply punch you and block attacks, much like many other common enemies. His HP is very high and the best way to combat him is to thrust to disrupt his combos and follow up with your own combos. His second phase is a lot like the caterpillars. Block his flames then use a spinning A+B or magic attacks to really do damage. Block high to avoid damage from the falling fire then combo him when he comes forward. =============================================================================== ===== 5.0 EQUIPMENT =========================================================== Normal Sword ============= You start with this one. It has low attack and has red fire orbs as its magic attack. Normal Shield ============== The default shield. Low defense. Mist Sword =========== Purchase from a merchant for 500G. Its magic leaves a twister that damages enemies for 6 seconds. Mist Sword Dx ============== Purchase from a merchant for 1500G. Has more ammo for magic attacks. Thunder Sword ============== Purchase from a merchant for 900G. The magic attacks can kill enemies in one shot. Has very limited ammo. Shield Axe =========== Purchase from a merchant for 2000G. It is a very strong axe that uses magic to create a temporary shield and offensive boost. Shield Axe Dx ============== Purchase from a merchant for 5000G. A much stronger axe that has more ammo for magic shields. This is the second best weapon in the game next to the Fira Sword. Puppet Sword ============= Get it in chapter 3, in the ammunition warehouse. Its magic attack turns common enemies into weak puppets. Old Man's Shield ================= Get it in chapter 3, stage 3. It provides more defense than the normal shield. Scale Shield ============= Get it in chapter 4, stage 5. It has more defense power than the old man's shield. Tule's Shield ============== Get this in chapter 6, stage 2. It is the strongest shield in the game. Fira Sword =========== Buy it from the merchant in chapter 6 for 9000G. This is the strongest physical weapon in the game with an okay magic wall of fire, but the magic ammo is very limited. =============================================================================== ===== 6.0 MERCHANTS =========================================================== Merchants will usually appear at the start of each chapter after chapter 2. Chapter 2 Merchant =================== Meat - 100G - Refill three health bars Mist Sword - 500G - Magic leaves a twister that damages enemies for 6 seconds. Thunder Sword - 900G - Magic that kills enemies in one shot. Limited ammo. Shield Axe - 2000G - Strong axe that creates a defensive shield. Chapter 3 Merchant =================== Meat - 100G - Refill three health bars Mist Sword - 500G - Magic leaves a twister that damages enemies for 6 seconds. Thunder Sword - 900G - Magic that kills enemies in one shot. Limited ammo. Shield Axe - 2000G - Strong axe that creates a defensive shield. Chapter 4 Merchant =================== Meat - 100G - Refill three health bars Mist Sword Dx- 500G - Magic leaves a twister that damages enemies for 6 seconds. Shield Axe - 2000G - Strong axe that creates a defensive shield. Shield Axe Dx- 5000G - Stronger axe with more magic ammo. Chapter 5 Merchant =================== Meat - 100G - Refill three health bars Mist Sword Dx- 500G - Magic leaves a twister that damages enemies for 6 seconds. Shield Axe - 2000G - Strong axe that creates a defensive shield. Shield Axe Dx- 5000G - Stronger axe with more magic ammo. Chapter 6 Merchant =================== Meat - 100G - Refill three health bars Shield Axe - 2000G - Strong axe that creates a defensive shield. Shield Axe Dx - 5000G - Stronger axe with more magic ammo. Fira Sword - 9000G - Strongest physical weapon, but not good for magic attacks. Chapter 7 Merchant =================== Meat - 100G - Refill three health bars Shield Axe - 2000G - Strong axe that creates a defensive shield. Shield Axe Dx - 5000G - Stronger axe with more magic ammo. Fira Sword - 9000G - Strongest physical weapon, but not good for magic attacks. =============================================================================== ===== 7.0 LEGAL / MISC. ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 22: Version 0.9 - - - - - - - - - - - I crossed swords for the last time... this guide is complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Guide Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to... 1. Alpha Denshi and SNK for creating the game. 2. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants' guide. It is what inspired me to write guides for video games. 3. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own health... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The address is: subsane@gmail.com The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without a subject. Put 'Crossed Swords FAQ' or something similar in the subject line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Crossed Swords is TM and © 1991 Alpha Denshi and SNK. 2. This guide copyright © 2005 SubSane. This guide may be distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that location. End quote: "I, Satan Goat, cannot be defeated!"