/-----------------------------------\ | Bloody Roar Move List | | ver 0.01 | | Mantained by Ignacio de Lucas | \-----------------------------------/ Welcome to my Bloody Roar move list. I'm Spanish and English is my second language, so please forgive any type of grammatical or spelling errors that you may (will) find in this document. Thanks! Preliminary Stuff Beast Mode Under your characer's life bar, there is another one called Beast Bar. The Beast Bar increases over time, and every time you hit your opponent (even if he/she blocks) or he hits you. When the first blue bar fills, your character sparks and a orange bar with the letter B in it replaces it (in fact, it is in this status when you start a combat), which refills just like the blue one. You are then able to use the beast button to enter Beast Mode at any time. When you do so, the letter B dissapears and the bar stops refilling, and indeed it drains with every hit from your opponent (these have to connect, though). When it is empty, the next move that throws you off your feet will cause you to leave Beast Mode, and the blue bar will replace the orange one once again. While you are entering Beast Mode, you will be invulnerable to most attacks and in fact you will hit anyone attacking you, if only for around 5 points of damage (though they'll be pushed quite far). You can enter Beast Mode from the ground or while in the air, and even while running. In the last case, you will perform your RUN+B attack as you transform. Effects of Beast Mode: Beast button moves may be performed (duh). Specials moves may be linked in strings marked that way. Remember that this also applies to strings that can only be followed by one single special (ex. K,K,d,df,f+K can only be used in Beast Mode). High pounce (u+P|K|B) may be used. Character gradually regenerates "temporary" damage. Every time a character is hit, he/she will suffer both permanent and temporary damage. Temporary damage is marked by a lighter color that permanent, and regenerates when in Beast Mode. All temporary damage is turned into permanent each time you turn into a human from Beast Mode. Jumping ability is increased, from just a little (Greg) to stratospherical heights (Alice). Character gains the ability to wall-jump. Juggling attack juggle opponents a lot more. Pushing attacks push opponents a lot more. You may enter Beast Rave. Note that neither speed nor strength is altered. Beast Rave Whenever you are in Beast Mode, you may press the Beast Rave button (Triangle by default) to enter Beast Rave. Effects of Beast Rave: Beast Bar decreases slowly (in addition to when being hit). When it hits zero, Beast Rave is cancelled. General character speedup. Most attacks delay time is reduced to almost zero, so they flow into the next one like if they were a string. Other Stuff Training Mode: CPU controlled character's behavior A = Stand still, not blocking B = Block every move at every height C = Try to air recover after being juggled D = Jump constantly E = Block attacks after the first hit F = Dodge or crouch every attack G = Perform random single attacks H = Block first attack, then counterattack I = Perform random strings J = Perform random juggling attacks K = Crouch L = Low crouch M = Try to air recover and attack after being juggled ----------- | Move List | ----------- Move Legend In Move Names: GB = Guard Break If move is blocked, opponent will be stunned out of his/her guard for a moment, allowing to connect with another move. JG = Juggle Move throws opponent into the air if it connects. Opponent can still air-recover to avoid being juggled. SPG = Spinning Juggle Move throws opponent spinning into the air if it connects. Opponent can't air-recover. BA = Back You'll be facing the opposite direction after this move. Most moves don't have a name yet, and most of the ones that are there are from the game's booklet. Since I can barely read Katakana, and take ages to translate Hiragana or Kanji, I'll only be translating the moves of the non-Japanese characters for now (not like I've done it already ^_^; I got somewhat tired of it after Fox). I've marked with a * the move names I've made myself (mostly for the sake of comprehension). In Move Motions: a,b = Do a, then b. a|b = Do either a or b. a+b = Do a and b together. [a] = You can do a if you want (optional) SP = Special Move. Any Special move (d,df,f+button or d,db,b+button) may be linked after the string, but only in Beast Mode. LC+ = From Low Crouch. Every character can press d, then press and hold d to crouch even lower than usual. This will only last about 1 and 1/2 seconds. While they are there, they will be too low to be hit with high or medium attacks, but they'll also be unable to block low attacks. In addition, they will be unable to do anything else than rise or use a LC+button attack. RUN+ = While Running. Push f, then push and hold f for a short while before doing the move. Not the same as f,f+move. JUMP+ = While Jumping. JUMP, = While Landing From Jumping. Do when you are about to land again from a jump. x5 = Repeat Five Times. Also in Move Damages and Hit Levels any punch|kick string = Substitute by any string that starts from P or K, INCLUDING the initial P or K. I have not included the U,D,F,B terminology for holding directions, because: A) it led to ambiguous situations (how long does the button have to be pressed), B) it conflicted with the Beast Button (B), and C) it is not neccesary, since all these moves can be done by pressing the direction again with every button press. For example: F+B,B can be done as f+B,f+B, and that's the way I have represented it. In Move Damages: x,y = Hits x and y do not form a combo (i.e. you can block y after being hit by x). x-y = Hits x and y form a combo (i.e. you can't block y after being hit by x). In Hit Levels: l = Move hits low (will hit standing opponents and crouching non-defenders, as well as low crouchers). m = Move hits medium (will hit crouching opponents and standing non-defenders). h = Move hits medium (will hit standing non-defenders only). SP = Hits as for the Special used throw = Move is a throw. Regular high throws (P+K) will hit standing opponents. Regular low throws (P+K) will hit crouching opponents. Special throws will only be performed after the move before them hits, and in that case they are a combo so will always hit. Exceptions to this are Bakuryu and Alice's air throws, which, as far as I know, can't be avoided if they hit. Note also that since all special throws are preceded by a regular low|medium|high hit, it is possible to perform them on jumping opponents and even as a juggle :) as string = Hits as for the String used ---------------------- | Jumping Common Moves | ---------------------- Oddly enough, all jumping moves except JUMP+b|f+B and JUMP,d+B are exactly the same for all characters (damage and hit levels included). JUMP+P 10 m JUMP+K 16 m JUMP+B 20 m JUMP+(f|b)+P 25 m JUMP+f+K 20 m JUMP+b+K 20 m JUMP,d+P 20 l JUMP,d+K 22 l ------ | Yugo | ------ Regular Moves P,P,P,K 10-12,14,25 hhmh Combo Extra (SJG) P,P,P,d+K 10-12,14,13 hhml Low Combo Extra P,P,P,d+B 10-12,14,20 hhmm Low Combo Slash (JG) P,P,P,SP 10-12,14,SP hhmSP P,P,f+P 10-12,20 hhm Wantsuu? Lead Body P,P,K 10-12,22 hhh Wantsuu? Kick P,P,d+K 10-12-12 hhl Wantsuu? Low Kick P,P,B,SP 10-12-14,SP hhmSP Fist Claw, Special P,K,K 10,15,27 hhh Knuckle Kicks P,K,d+K 10,15,13 hhl f+P 20 m df+P,df+P,df+P,df+P 15,15,7-7,25 mmmmm Final Machinegun Upper (SJG) df+P,df+P,df+P,SP 15,15,7-7,SP mmmmSP d+P,n+K 8,18 lm Squats Jab Riser d+P,d+K 8,20 ll db+P 16 l b+P,b+P,b+P 17,17,17 hhl Triple Knuckle Combo b+P,b+P,b+B 17,17,32 hhm Full Moon Knuckle Combo b+P,d+P 17-16 hl Low Spin Knuckle u+P 28 m f,f+P 7-28 mh (SJG,BA) RUN+P 28 m LC+P 22 m K,K 15,27 hh High Kick Twin K,d+K 15,13 hl Spiral Kick f+K 20 m (GB) df+K,K 18,15 mm d+K,P,K 13,14,18 lmm Hide Combo (JG) d+K,P,SP 13,14,SP lmSP db+K 20 l b+K 30 h u+K 24 m f,f+K,d+K 17,14 ml Low Jack Knife RUN+K 23 l (BA) LC+K,K 17-13 mm Heel Tusk B,B,B 12,14,6-8 mmmm Triple Slash B,B,SP 12,14,SP mmSP B,d+P 12,18 mm Twin Claw B,d+K 12,13 ml B,d+B 12,18 ml B,f+B 12,8-17 mmm Slash Dive B,any punch string 12-as string m,as string B,any kick string 12,as string m,as string f+B 8-17 mm df+B,d+P 18,25 lm d+B 20 m (JG) db+B,B 11,18 lm (BA) b+B 32 m u+B 26 m f,f+B 26 m b,b+B 14 l RUN+B 32 m LC+B 24 m (SJG) JUMP+(f|b)+B 25 h JUMP,d+B 25 l Special Moves d,df,f+P,f+P,f+P 15,18,27 mmm Final Elbow Strike d,db,b+P 33 m (JG) d,df,f+K 26 m d,db,b+K 18 l (JG) d,df,f+B 13-27 m,throw (BA) d,db,b+B - - Backwards Wall Jump * d,db,b+B,P|K|B 35 m Wall Beast Cannon * Throws P+K (Human) 30 throw P+K (Beast) 5,5,5,5,17 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 40 throw Turning Attacks P 10 h K 20 h B 24 m d+P 8 l d+K 18 l d+B 20 m Stomp Attacks d+P 7 down d+K 10 down d+B 11 down u+P|K|B 20 down ------ | Long | ------ Long can start a special series of strings, the "Six Goose Circle Ceremony", from some of his regular strings, which are marked with (Any), (For), (Neu) and (Dow). Regular Moves P,P,P,(Any) 8-8,11 hmm P,P,P,SP 8-8,11 hmm P,P,(For) 8-8 hm P,K,d+K, 8-13,10, hhl Sweeping Combo, * f,f+P 30 m Shoulder Slam * d,d+P 12,1x15,14 m Lightning Punches * f,f+K 36 m Splits Stomp * d,d+K 16 l Sweep * f+P,(Neu) 12 h df+P 12 l (BA) d+P 6 l db+P 16 m b+P 23 m u+P 16 h f,f+P 17 m RUN+P 28 m LC+P,P 17,22 mm K,(Dow) 13 h f+K 10-14 mm df+K 16 m d+K 9 l db+K 16 l b+K 22 h u+K 22 h f,f+K 18 l RUN+K 30 h LC+K 23 l (SJG) B,P,(Any) 13,11 hm B,P,SP 13,11 hm B,B,B 13,14,30 hmh B,B,f+B 13,14-20 hmm B,B,d+B 13,14,17 hml B,B,SP 13,14,30,SP hmhSP B,d+B 13,16 hl f+B 24 m df+B 21 l d+B 11 l db+B 14 l (BA) db+B,n+B 14,15 ll b+B 22 m (SJG,BA) u+B 24 m f,f+B 22 m (JG) b,b+B 23 m RUN+B 28 m LC+B 22 m (JG) JUMP+(f|b)+B 25 m JUMP,d+B 27 l Special Moves d,df,f+P 30 h d,db,b+P 28 m (EG) d,df,f+K 10-15 lh (JG) d,db,b+K 2-10-10-20 m,throw d,df,f+B 3-30 m,throw d,db,b+B, 1|2|3|4 l B,[B],[B],d,db,b+K 22,22,22,42 mmmm,throw B,B,[B],d+B 22,22,22,11,8,8-8 mmmmlll B,B,[B],d+B,SP 22,22,22,11,8,SP mmmmlSP f+B x6 16-12,6-6,14,18,11 mmllhml Circle String A * b+B x6 14,18,11,16-12,6-6 hmlmmll Circle String B * d+B x6 6-6,14,18,11,16-12 llhmlmm Circle String C * u+B x6 11,16-12,6-6,14,18 lmmllhm Circle String D * The four Circle strings may be followed or interrupted by an ender just like a regular Circle string. Throws P+K (Human) 23 throw P+K (Beast) 7-14-14 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 40 throw Turning Attacks P 16 m K 19 h B 25 m d+P 5 l d+K 12 l d+B 18 l Stomp Attacks d+P 18 down d+K 12 down d+B 11 down u+P|K|B 25 down The Six Goose Circle Ceremony (Roku Gou Kou Wan Shiki) I¯ Roku Six 1‡ Gou fit? 1a Kou goose IO Wan wheel, circle ¬ø Shiki ceremony, style ------- ------- ------- | P | => | f+K | | d+P | /--->| 18 |<------>| 14 |<------>| 6-6 |<---\ | | m | | h | | ll | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | || | | \/ | ------- ------- ------- | | | d+K | | f+P | | K | | \--->| 11 |<------>| 16 |<------>| 12 |<---/ | l | <= | m | => | m | ------- ------- ------- Strings ending in (Any) can be followed by any move in the circle. Strings ending in (Neu) can be followed by either P or K. Strings ending in (For) can be followed by either f+P or f+K. Strings ending in (Dow) can be followed by either d+P or d+K. Once inside the Circle, moves can be performed following any of the two directions indicated by the arrows, but no move may be performed more than once. The => arrows mark which links are a combo. In other words: P,f+k , d+P,K , f+P,K , and f+P,d+K are combos. The Circle can be followed, or interrupted at any time after the first attack, by an ender. Circle Enders f,f+P 30 m Back Slam * f,f+K 36 m Splits Stomp * b+P 20 m Shoulder Slam * b+K 8-12 mm Kick, Roundhouse (SJG) * d,d+P 12-1x15-14 m Lightning Punches * d,d+K 16 l Sweep * B,B 14,30 mh Claw, Whirl Kick (BA) * B,f+B 14,20 mm Claw, Lift (JG) * B,d+B 14,17 ml Claw, Low Claw * B,SP 14,SP mSP Claw, Special * ------ | Gado | ------ Regular Moves P,P,f+P 10-14,24 hmm Shotgun Combination Fire P,P,f+K 10-14,22 hmm Shotgun Comb. Drive (JG) P,P,d+B 10-14,23 hml Shotgun Scratch (BA) f+P,P,P 12-12,20 mmm Tomahawk Buster f+P,K 12,22 mh Tomahawk Drive df+P,P 17,22 mm Shield? Smash df+P,d+K 17,20 ml Shield? Slash df+P,f+B,B 17,20,15 mmm Lightning Scratch df+P,f+B,d+B 17,20,23 mml Darkness Scratch (BA) d+P 8 l db+P 18 l b+P,P,B,B 18,18,15,18 hmmm Spinning Strike * u+P 30 m f,f+P 25 m RUN+P 1,25 m,throw LC+P,P 15-20 mm Site? Break K,K,K 12-14,23 hhh Trooper Combination K,K,f+K,K,K 12-14,12-15,20 hhmmm K,K,f+K,d+K,K 12-14,12-14,20 hhmlm K,b+P,P,B, 12,18,18,15, hhmm Hit Blaster Twin f+K,K,K 12-15,20 mmm Sky Launcher Strike f+K,d+K,K 12-14,20 mlm B 18 m d+B 19 l f+K,K,K 12-15,20 mmm Sky Launcher Strike f+K,d+K,K 12-14,20 mlm df+K 20 m d+K 11 l db+K 23 l b+K 23 h u+K 30 m f,f+K 16 m (JG) RUN+K 24 l LC+K 20 m (JG) B,B,B 15,18,18 hmm Triple Scratch B,B,d+B 15,18,19 hml Triple Low Scratch B,B,f+K,K,K 15,18,12-15,20 hmmmm B,B,f+K,d+K,K 15,18,12-14,20 hmmlm B,d+B,B,SP 15,14,18,SP hmm,SP f+B,B 20,15 mm Violent Scratch f+B,SP 20,SP m,SP df+B,d,df,f+B 22,20-5-5-11 mm,throw Bloody Rage d+B,B,SP 14,18,SP mm,SP db+B 23 l (BA) b+B 24 m u+B 24 m f,f+B 29 m b,b+B 10-15 mm RUN+B 32 m LC+B 20 l JUMP+(f|b)+B 25 m JUMP,d+B 25 l Special Moves d,df,f+P,K 8-7-7-8,20 m,throw,m d,df,f+P,d+K 8-7-7-8,20 m,throw,l d,db,b+P 52 m d,df,f+K 13-18 mm d,db,b+K 12-10-12 mlh d,df,f+B 15-5-5-5-11 m,throw d,db,b+B 38 m (SJG) Throws P+K (Human) 30 throw P+K (Beast) 11-3-3-3-14 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 40 throw Turning Attacks P 10 h K 18 h B 25 m d+P 10 l d+K 16 l d+B 18 l Stomp Attacks d+P 11 down d+K 14 down d+B 9 down u+P|K|B 25 down ------- | Alice | ------- P,P,P, 7-8,10, hhmm Upper Rush f+P,B,B,B,f+B 17,10,14,17,20 hhmh f+P,B,B,B,d+B 17,10,14,17,15 hhml f+P,B,B,B,b+B 17,10,14,17,26 hhmm f+P,B,B,K 17,10,14,13 hhl d+P 12 l Surasuto? Rush b+K 20 m P,K,K,f+K 7-15,18,23 hhhm Blitz Combo P,K,K,d+K 7-15,18,20 hhhl P,K,K,b+K 7-15,18,25 hhhh f+P,f+P 16,16 mm Suruu? Punch Upper (SJG) df+P,P,B,B,f+B 13,15,14,17,20 mmhmh * df+P,P,B,B,d+B 13,15,14,17,15 mmhml df+P,P,B,B,b+B 13,15,14,17,26 mmhmm df+P,P,B,d+K 13,15,14,13 mmhl d+P,d+K,n+K 7,14,15 llm d+P,d+K,d+K 7,14,14 lll db+P,K 16,13 ll Low Suuee? Combo b+P,P,SP 21-13,SP mmSP Suuee? Punch Combo b+P,P,K 21-13,22 mmm (BA,JG) b+P,K 21-17 mh Suuee? Kick Combo u+P 18 m f,f+P 16 l RUN+P 27 m LC+P 20 m K,K,f+K 15,18,23 hhm Heel Edge Combo Middle K,K,d+K 15,18,20 hhl Heel Edge Combo Low K,K,b+K 15,18,25 hhh Heel Edge Combo High f+K,b+K 22,20 mm Arc Drop Combo (JG) f+K,d+K,d+P 22,10,14 mll df+K 12 l d+K,n+K 14,15 lm Low-Middle Kick Combo d+K,d+K 14,14 ll db+K 13 l (BA) b+K 27 h u+K 15 m (JG) f,f+K 18 m RUN+K 23 l LC+K 17 m (JG) B,B,B,f+B 10,14,17,20 hhmh High Rabbit Combo B,B,B,d+B 10,14,17,15 hhml B,B,B,b+B 10,14,17,26 hhmm B,B,d+K 10,14,13 hml f+B 18 m df+B 28 l d+B,d+B,B 9,10,15 llm Low Rabbit Rush Fukku? d+B,d+B,d+K,d+P 9,10,10,14 llll Low Rabbit Rush Slider db+B 17 l b+B 21 m u+B 23 m f,f+B 26 m (JG) b,b+B,B 45 m Wait back, uppercut * (SJG) RUN+B 23 l LC+B 32 m (SJG) JUMP+(f|b)+B 25 m JUMP,d+B 25 l Special Moves d,df,f+P 10,4,4,18 mmmm d,db,b+P 27 m d,df,f+K 23 m d,db,b+K,b+K,b+B 15,20,30 mmm Triple Somersault d,df,f+B 6,28 h,throw d,db,b+B,SP 13,SP mSP Throws P+K (Human) 30 throw P+K (Beast) 24,10 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 20,20 throw d+P+K (In Air) 40 throw Air Raid Turning Attacks P,any punch string 7-as string h,as string K 18 m B 14 m d+P 7 l d+K 15 l d+B 15 l Stomp Attacks d+P 7 down|m d+K 8 down|m d+B 10 down|l u+P|K|B 35 down|m --------- | Mitsuko | --------- Regular Moves P,P,P 12-13,18 hhm P,P,K 12-13,20 hhm P,P,d+K 12-13,23 hhl P,P,B,B, 12-13,13,15, hhmm f+B 20 m d+B,B,u+B 18-20-20 lmh SP SP SP P,K,P 12,17,20 hhm f+P,K 10-24 hh f+P,f+K,K 10-16-18 hmm df+P 16 m (JG) d+P,d+K 8,12 ll db+P,P 21,22 mm b+P 20 m u+P 22 m f,f+P 26 m RUN+P 26 m LC+P 24 m (JG) K,P 17,20 hm f+K,K 16,18 mm f+K,d+K 16,16 ml df+K,d+K,d+K 13,13,16 lll df+K,d+K,n+K 13,13,18 llm d+K 12 l db+K 22 l b+K 23 m (BA) u+K 30 m f,f+K 20 m RUN+K 30 l LC+K 25 m B,B,f+B 13,15,20 mmm B,B,d+B,B,u+B 13,15,18-20-20 mmlmh B,B,SP 13,15,SP mmSP f+B 20 m df+B 18 m (SJG) d+B 23 l db+B,B,u+B 18-20-20 lmh b+B 18 m u+B 30 m f,f+B 16 m b,b+B 25 m (SJG) RUN+B 25 m LC+B 26 l JUMP+(f|b)+B 30 m JUMP,d+B 25 l Special Moves d,df,f+P 8-32 m,throw d,db,b+P 30 h d,df,f+K 18-22 h,throw d,db,b+K 1|2|..|33 l d,df,f+B 8-15-19 m,throw,h d,db,b+B,Bx9 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-20 hhhhhhhhm d,db,b+B,f+B 30 m (BA,SJG) Throws P+K (Human) 30 throw P+K (Beast) 6-6-6-13 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 40 throw Turning Attacks P 13 h K 18 m (BA) B 25 m d+P 10 l d+K 14 l d+B 20 m Stomp Attacks d+P 15 down|l d+K 8 down|l d+B 18 down|l u+P|K|B 22 down|m ----- | Fox | ----- Regular Moves P,P,P,P,SP 7-7-11,18,SP hhhhSP Needle Finish, Special P,P,P,K 7-7-11,(8) hhh(m) Needle, Fake knee (???) * P,P,P,d+K 7-7-11,22 hhhl Low Spin Finish P,P,K 7-7,25 hhh P,P,B,B 7-7-18,22 hhmm P,P,d+B 7-7-7,12 hhll P,K 7,16 hh f+P,P,P,K 10-11,13,(13) mmm(m) f+P,P,P,b+K, 10-11,13,8 mmmm [ub+K]x3, 8,8,8 mmm ub+P 13-16 mm u+P,u+P 13-16 mm u+P,n+P 25 m u+P,B 23 m f+P,P,P,d+K 10-11,13,14 mmml f+P,P,P,u+K 10-11,13,22 mmmm df+P,P,SP 15,15,SP mmSP d+P 7 l db+P 10-10 ll (BA) b+P 20 h ub+P 13-16 mm u+P,n+P 25 m u+P,u+P 13-16 mm u+P,B 23 m f,f+P 16 m RUN+P 25 l LC+P 27 m K 16 h f+K 25 h df+K 18 m d+K,n+K 12,20 lm d+K,d+K 12,20 ll db+K 22 l b+K,K,d+K 30,25,22 hml ub+K,[ub+K]x3, 8,8,8,8, mmmm ub+P 13-16 mm u+P,u+P 13-16 mm u+P,n+P 25 m u+P,B 23 m u+K 22 m uf+K,[uf+K]x3, 8,8,8,8, mmmm (BA) uf+P 13-16 mm (BA) u+P,u+P 13-16 mm (BA) u+P,n+P 25 m (BA) u+P,B 23 m (BA) f,f+K,K 17,15 mm RUN+K 25 m LC+K 10-13 ll B,B,B,B,u+K 13-13,14,22,22 mmmmm B,B,SP 13-13,SP mmSP f+B,B 18,22 mm df+B 19 l d+B 20 l db+B 24 l (BA) b+B 29 m u+B 29 m f,f+B 24 m b,b+B 20 m RUN+B 31 m LC+B 23 m JUMP+(f|b)+B 25 h JUMP,d+B 25 l Special Moves d,df,f+P,P 10-10-16,25 mmmm d,db,b+P 28 m d,df,f+K 26 m (JG) d,db,b+K 17,6-6-6-7 lmmmm (Same stance or far) d,db,b+K 17-6-6-7 lmmm (Mirror stance and near) d,df,f+B 30 m d,db,b+B,B 30 m Roll back, surprise leap * Throws P+K (Human) 30 throw P+K (Beast) 6-29 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 40 throw Turning Attacks P 13 h K 17 m B 18 m d+P 12 l d+K 17 l d+B 25 l Stomp Attacks d+P 4-3 down|l d+K 5 down|l d+B 8 down|l u+P|K|B 25 down|m --------- | Bakuryu | --------- Regular Moves P,P,P,P,f+P 8-7-9,12,20 hhhhm P,P,P,P,SP 8-7-9,12,SP hhhhSP P,P,P,u+P 8-7-9,12 hhh P,P,[P],d+K,P 8-7-9,20,15 hhhlm P,P,K,K 8-7,10-12 hhmm P,P,K,d+K 8-7,10,18 hhml P,P,d+K,P 8-7,20,15 hhlm P,K,K,K 8-11,14,22 hhmh P,K,K,[f+K],b+K 8-11,14,16,17 hhmmm (JG) P,K,K,SP 8-11,14,SP hhmmSP f+P 15 m df+P,P,SP 19,20,SP mmSP df+P,K 19-22 mm (JG) d+P 5 l db+P 15 l (BA) b+P 20 m u+P - - f,f+P 21 m RUN+P 25 l LC+P 21 m K,K,K 11,14,22 hmh K,K,[f+K],b+K 11,14,16,17 hmmm (JG) K,K,SP 11,14,SP hmmSP f+K,b+K 21,17 mm (JG) df+K,n+K,K 12,7-15 lhh df+K,f+K 12,13 lm df+K,d+K 12,15 ll d+K 7 l db+K 15 l b+K 18 m u+K 20 m (JG) f,f+K,K,K 12-9-14 mhm (JG) f,f+K,d,db,b+K 12-9-30 mhl RUN+K,K 30 h LC+K,K 21-16 mm B,B,B 11,9,25 hhm B,B,d+B 11,9,10-7 hhll B,B,d+K,n+K,K 11,9,12,7-15 hhlhh B,B,d+K,f+K 11,9,12,13 hhlm B,B,d+K,d+K 11,9,12,15 hhll B,d+B 11,15 hl f+B,B,B,B,B 12,12,8-7,25 mmmmm (JG) f+B,B,SP 12,12,SP mmSP f+B,K,K,K 12-12,14,22 mhmh f+B,K,K,[f+K],b+K 12-12,14,16,17 mhmmm (JG) df+B 15 l d+B 9 l db+B 19 m (JG) b+B 23 m u+B 19 m f,f+B 25 m b,b+B 25 m RUN+B 30 m (BA) LC+B 22 l JUMP+(f|b)+B 25 m JUMP,d+B 27 l Special Moves d,df,f+P 1-47 h,throw Air throw * (best as juggle) d,db,b+P 8x9 mx9 d,df,f+K - - d,db,b+K 40 l d,df,f+B 26-16 m,throw d,db,b+B 33 m (SJG,GB) Throws P+K (Human) 30 throw P+K (Beast) 8-8-8-8 throw P+K (Back) 37 throw d+P+K (Crouch) - throw Turning Attacks P 6 h K 18 h B 20 m d+P 4 l d+K 12 l d+B - - Retreat * Stomp Attacks d+P 5 down|l d+K 6 down|l d+B,B,B,B,B 9,2,2,2,2 down|lllll u+P|K|B 25 down|l ------ | Greg | ------ Regular Moves P,P,P 12-11,18 hhm P,P,d+P 12-11,16 hhl P,P,f+P 12-11,21 hhh P,K,d,db,b+K 12-16,32 hhm (JG) P,d+B,d,df,f+P 12,7,1-52 hll,throw f+P 21 h df+P,P,P 17,14,14 mmm d+P,d+K,K 8,7,13 lll db+P,d,df,f+K 19,1-22-22 mm,throw b+P,d+P 6-15,15 mml b+P,f+K 6-15,17-17 mmlm u+P,P 12,21 mm (SJG) u+P,d+P 12,19 ml f,f+P,P 13,18 mm f,f+P,d+K 13,15 ml RUN+P 24 l LC+P 24 m (JG) K 16 h f+K,d+B 22,18 hl df+K 13 l d+K 12 l db+K 14 l b+K,K,B,B,B 20,15,18,18,23 mmmmm (BA) b+K,K,B,[B],d+B 20,15,18,18,20 mmmml (BA) u+K 21 m (JG) f,f+K 36 h (BA) RUN+K 30 m LC+K 18 l B,B,B,B,B,B 14,12,16,18,18,23 hhmmmm (BA) B,B,B,B,[B],d+B 14,12,16,18,18,20 hhmmml (BA) B,B,SP 14,12,SP hhSP B,f+B 14,20 hm B,d+B 14,17 hl f+B,SP 16,SP hSP df+B 23 m d+B 10 l db+B 21 l b+B,B,B,B 18,18,18,23 hmmm (BA) b+B,B,[B],d+B 18,18,18,20 hmml (BA) u+B 19 m (SJG) f,f+B,SP 17 m b,b+B 31 l RUN+B 31 m LC+B 1,45 h,throw JUMP+(f|b)+B 30 m JUMP,d+B 27 l Special Moves d,df,f+P 1-52 l,throw d,db,b+P,b+P... 40|75|110|145|180 m Windup Punch * d,df,f+K 1-22-22 m,throw d,db,b+K 32 m d,df,f+B,B,B... 1-12-19-32 l,throw Feint, Whiplash Throw * d,db,b+B 1-25 h,throw (JG) Throws P+K (Human) 8-20 throw P+K (Beast) 6-10-17 throw P+K (Back) 40 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 40 throw Turning Attacks P 12 h K 20 h B 24 m d+P 10 l d+K 18 l d+B 20 l Stomp Attacks d+P 10 down|l d+K 21 down|l d+B 19 down|l u+P|K|B 25 down|l ------- | Uriko | ------- I've been able to play as Uriko via an Action Replay / Game Shark code I've made. It does not work too well in practice mode, graphically at least, but if you choose her with the Square button it work fine in all other modes. Well, except when the game crashes ^_^; but it happens rarely, and never (as far as I've seen) in VS mode (unless both characters select her, in which case the game will ALWAYS crash). This seems to happen if you try to fight the CPU controlled Uriko with her, too, so there's no way to end the game with her. The strangest thing is that all seems to work fine for the most part: she can be played in VS mode normally, and she has moves that can be performed just like any other character's. Is there a way to select her normally, then? Now, about the codes: since I had to modify "who do you have your cursor over", there is a set of codes for Quick select (including VS and the other modes) and another one for Arcade or C.G. select. Try to use just the one you need, since the other one may glitch the selection screen a bit (nothing serious, though). 1P Chooses Uriko - Shortcut Select 301FF8D4 0008 2P Chooses Uriko - Shortcut Select 301FF8D5 0008 1P Chooses Uriko - Arcade or C.G Select 301FFB5C 0008 2P Chooses Uriko - Arcade or C.G Select 301FFB5D 0008 Remember not to select her with both players at a time! As Human Regular Moves P,P,P,K 10-10,13,22 hmmm P,P,P,d+K 10-10,13,19 hmml f+P,P,P,d+K 11-11,13-17 mmml f+P,P,P,u+K 11-11,13,22 mmmm df+P 19 m (Bakuryu-like) d+P,d+K,n+K 7,14,15 llm (Alice-like) d+P,d+K,d+K 7,14,14 lll (Alice-like) db+P 10-10 ll (BA,Fox-like) b+P 20 m u+P 24 m f,f+P 28 m RUN+P 28 m LC+P 10 m K,d+K 13,18 hl f+K 17 h df+K 22 m d+K,n+K 14,15 lm (Alice-like) d+K,d+K 14,14 ll (Alice-like) db+K 15 l b+K 24 h u+K 24 m f,f+K 13-15 lm RUN+K 23 l LC+K 18 m Special Moves d,df,f+P 1|2|...|26 l d,db,b+P 9-9-9-9-9-9 mmmmmm d,df,f+K 15-17 m d,db,b+P 25 m Throws P+K 15-15 throw P+K (Back) 30-10 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 25-20 throw Turning Attacks P 13 h K 18 m d+P 11 l d+K 16 l Stomp Attacks d+P 7 down|m d+K 7 down|l As Monster Note : As there is no way to make her turn into her monster form in practice mode, I haven't been able to include the damage points for this form's moves. Note also that she can't use any P or K attacks while in this form, except the jumping ones and the throws. Also, her low crouch stays just a split second, making it a bit difficult to do her LC+B. Regular Moves B,B,B,B ??,??,??,?? hmmm B,B,B,d+B ??,??,??,?? hmml B,B,d+B ??,??,?? hhl f+B ?? m df+B,df+B,df+B,df+B ??-??-??-?? mmmm (JG) df+B,d+B,d+B ??,??,?? mll d+B,d+B,d+B ?? lll db+B ?? l b+B ?? m (GB) u+B ?? m (GB) LC+B ??-?? mm JUMP+(f|b)+B ?? h JUMP,d+B ?? l Special Moves d,df,f+B ??-?? m,throw d,db,b+B ??-??-??-?? lmh (SJG) Throws P+K ?? throw P+K (Back) 30-10 throw d+P+K (Crouch) 25-20 throw Turning Attacks B ?? m (BA) d+B ?? l Stomp Attacks d+B ?? down|? u+B ?? down|? Well, that's all. I hope this list was useful to you. Bye!