Batman: The Caped Crusader Level 1 - The Penguin: A Bird in the Hand You start in a computer room which message in the upper left corner says, "insert disk". Go left to collect the false nose. (The false nose can be used at any time. It turns you pink and allows you to be ignored by enemies. It also gives you 2 percentage points.) Go down the next door and go left to the next room and collect the boomerang. Equip it and you will receive 4 percentage points. Go right two screens to get the lock pick. Go right two more screens to get the hand grenade. Go left, up, left to get the control disk. Go up and get the set of tools in the "4 broken machines..." room. Go down, left to return the computer room. Open your menu screen and try to use the control disk. Nothing will happen. Return to the game and you will get a new message that says, "BATCOMPUTER OUT OF ORDER!" Use the set of tools, and the message will now be, "Computer operational." Finally, use the control disk to get the message, "The GAMES people play..." You get a percentage point for repairing the computer and a percentage point for using the disk. Time to leave the Batcave. Go right, up, up and you will reach the outside world where villians will fight you. It's really hard to fight, so it's best to spend your time stunning your enemies and moving to the next screen. If you go right 3 screens, you will run into the door key. After that, five more screens to your left is a building that has a climbable wall. You have to get Batman to face right as you hold down and right to get him to start climbing, then just hold up till you reach the top. Once you reach the roof, move right two screens and you will find some lemonade. An item like this can restore your energy. Keep moving right by two screens to find a flashlight. Go back left four screens and descend the wall. Go left two more screens and climb the wall in the middle of the screen. On the top of the roof, go left four screens, ignoring the door. On the fourth screen is the rope, which you will need soon. Go back right two screens. You should have a message that says, "Take your PICK." Use your lock pick on the door and enter. You will receive 7 percentage points, brining your total up to 13. Inside this building, you will find many closed doors. To open them, use the door key on each of them. You will get 8 points for the first time you do this, although none of these doors will appear to open. Anyway, use the door key and go up, right, up, right, right to get the lift key. Return left, left, down and you will be in a large, two level room with a lift. Stand on the lift and use the lift key. You will receive 6 percenatage points and be on the lower level now. Go up, right, right, down, left, down, left and get the toast (restoring item) and a dart. Go right four screens and get the games disk. Go up, left, up, left and reach the "two halves" room. Take the egg (restoration item), but you made need to use one of your other restoration items at this point. Use the rope and you will get 12 percentage points. Take the rope up and you will be in a room with the magenet and a dart board in the background. Stand in front of the dartboard and use the dart. You will get a passcard and 18 percentage points, bringing your total up to 57%. If you use the magnet, you can get an additional 9 percentage points. Leave using the rope from the right side. Now you must leave this place. The fastest route is right, down, right, down, left, left, left, up, right, up, left, left, down, use the lift key, left, down, down. Outside, go left two screens and climb down. Go right one screen to get candy (restoration item) and right again to get the trainies. These shoes can speed you up temporarily and earn you an additional 2 percentage points. Now it's time to go left eight screens back to the "Don't PASS door" screen. Enter the door with the passcard. You will get 9 more percentage points and will be in a dark room. Use the flashlight and you will be able to see and get 9 more percentage points. Go left two screens and get the video tape. Go right, right, up, right, use the door key to go up, left, left. In front of the television, use the video tape to get a single percentage point. Go left, up, left, up to find a cup cake (restoration item). Go right. (If you go down, right, down from here, you can pick up the knife, but I haven't found a use for it. Neither have I found a use for the grendade. I think they are red herrings meant to clutter your inventory.) Go right, right, down, left, down, right, right, up, right, up, right to get a banana (your last chance for a restoration item.) Go left, down, right, and you'll be in the "9 steps to hell" room. You're almost done. Up, left, up, will get you the trumpet. This trumpet does nothing but plays the 60s Batman theme briefly. To your right is the final room, with the message, "The big turn off". Use the games disk to complete the level and get 10 final percentage points. Your final score should be 99%. Unfortnately, I'm not sure how to get the last 1 percent. The knife and grenade might have a use, but I have no idea where. :Level 2 - The Joker: A Fete Worst Then Death Go right, right, down, right to get the light bulb. Go left four screens and you will be in a dark room. Use the light bulb to get 9 percentage points, a gask mask, and a flash light. Go right, up, right, right, up and get the batarang. Equip it for 6 percentage points. Descend to ladder into the sewer. Quickly reach the bottom and put the gas mask. You will keep your energy from falling so quickly and net an additional 15 percentage points. Take the ears. The ears will give you a clue to Robin's location and give you an additional 4 percentage points. Go right, down, and use the flashlight. You will get 7 percentage points for this. Go left, down, left to get the toilet roll. Go right, right, right, up to get a fish (a restoration item that you can't use yet.) Go down, right, up, up, left, climb down, and get the shades. Go left, left, down, left to get the false teeth. If you use these, you can use any restoration item you find. You also get four percentage points. Your total should be 45 at this point. Go right, down, right, up, right, down, right, right, up to get a cola (restoration item). Go right, up, left and climb out of the sewers. You should now be at the "Ghost in the house" screen. Go right, down, left, to get the wire cutters. With these, you can get rid of all 12 bombs in the sewer. First, go down, right, up to reach some circus tents and the clogs. This screen should have a message that says, "Roll up! Roll up!" The clogs are a worthless item that actually makes you slower for a limited time and are worth no percentage points, so leave them alone. Go left, up, up to get a coconut (restoration item.) There's nothing to the left, so go back by going down, down, right, and now go right, right, right, up to get the money. Go down, left, left, up, up, left and you will see a slot machine. You can make it work by using the money (3 percentage points). Keep doing this several times until you get three of a kind. You will be rewarded with the joker card. Leave by going right, down, down. Now go right, right, right, right to a tent with a clown face on it. Enter it. Use the sunglasses and earn another 5 percentage points. Go left, climb up the rope, go right, up, up, left, left and you should find a camera. You can use it to snap a picture of a few foes and earn 4 percentage points. Head right, down, left and use the Joker Card. This will allow you to go through certain previously locked doors and you should now gain 8 percentage points. You should now have 65%. Go down, left to a screen with a caption that says, "Bust!" Climb down. (If you go right at this point, you will find a door that will lead you to a harmonica and pint of milk. The milk is located at right, up, right, up, and the harmonica is located at down, right after the pint of milk room. Leave the way you came.) Go up. (If you go left, down, you will come across an elephant. Since I have no idea what it's used for, let's skip it.) Go up, climb up, go down, left. (At this point, you can go down, left, left for a restorative item, in this case a carrot.) Go left, up, left, down, climb down, and get off the rope at this floor. Go up, right, down ("Dealer's Call" caption), down, left, down, and you will be outside of another clown face on a tent. Head right, right, right for a chicken leg which can restore your health. Head left, left and climb up. Go left, grab the nail and hammer and use it for 7 percentage points. It doesn't appear to do anything, but I believe it helps you rescue Robin. Climb up and you will find a dagger. I don't think this item does anything. To your left is Robin. Believe it or not, you can't save him right now, nor do you have to be on this screen to save him. Head right, climb down, left, climb down, left, and enter the clown face. Right, up, up, left, down, climb down to head back into the sewer. Now it's time to disarm all the bombs. Remember those? Go up, right and you'll reach the first bomb. Use the wire cutters to remove this bomb and get 10 percentage points. Head right and disarm a second bomb. Go right and disarm the third bomb. Go right, climb up, go right, down, down, left, up and disarm this fourth bomb. Go down, left and you'll find the "Confused?" caption. Disarm the bomb here. Five down, five to go. Go left, up, right, up, left, down, left to disarm bomb number six. Go up to find bomb number seven. There are three more bombs to go, and you need to backtrack a bit. Go down, left, up, right, down, left, down, right, right, right, up, up, left, climb down, left, left, down, down, right, up, right, down to reach the eight bomb. Phew! Go right, up and disarm bomb number nine. Finally, go down, right, up, right, up, left to reach the final bomb. This level is almost done. Climb up and you'll be back at the "Ghosts on the haunt" screen. You're remaining goal is to find The Joker. The best thing to do is go right, down, left, down, right, up and you will be back in front of the circus. Joker can show up on any screen here, so I can't give you any more directions. You need to fight The Joker until he drops a rope item. The best way to fight him is to get him into a corner and repeatedly kick upwards, which will knock Joker back. Joker will walk towards you again and meet your foot several more times until he drops the rope. Grab the rope, use it, and you will rescue Robin and complete the mission with 93%. I have no idea how to get the remaining 7 percent. Copyright 2006 of Thomas Krug