       Welcome to
        _____                 _            _   _ 
       |  __ \               | |          | | | |
       | |  | | ___  __ _  __| |_ __   ___| |_| |
       | |  | |/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __| |
       | |__| |  __/ (_| | (_| | | | |  __/ |_|_|
       |_____/ \___|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__(_)                         
       My hole in the gopherspace! 
       This place was born thanks to me giving in to peer pressure from
       people in the old-computer-challenge IRC channel on Libera Chat.
       Me being me, of course I couldn't let the thought go really,
       so here we are!
       I will be adding stuff here as I go. According to the future,
       this place is always under construction. -Headcrash
   DIR Misc files and docs
   DIR Phlog
  TEXT Old Computer Challenge 2022
   DIR Official Old-Computer-Challenge Gopher page
       Other fun places:
   DIR Floodgap
   DIR mozz.us
   DIR gopher.quux.org
   DIR telefisk.org
   DIR gopherperdia.com
   DIR Veronica-2 Search
       You can contact me either on IRC, where I go by 
       the nick Headcrash.
       I'm usually on DALnet, Libera Chat and Quakenet.
       Or #deadnet on Libera Chat.
       You can also email me at electricguy@stuxnode.com
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           dZP          qKKb
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       Server uptime:   47 days
   DIR cgi-bin                               2024-Jul-11 16:04   --------
   DIR filestore                             2022-Dec-09 15:54   --------
   DIR guestbook                             2022-Dec-09 15:54   --------
   DIR occ-articles                          2023-Mar-01 22:13   --------
   DIR phlogdoc                              2023-Feb-13 20:27   --------
   DIR users                                 2024-Jul-15 12:15   --------
   DIR wiki                                  2023-Mar-03 10:48   --------
  TEXT files                                 2022-Dec-09 15:54     0.1 KB
  TEXT ghpython.txt                          2022-Dec-09 15:54   375.7 KB
  TEXT index.gph                             2022-Dec-11 12:27     2.3 KB
  TEXT occ.txt                               2022-Dec-09 15:54     0.9 KB
  TEXT phlog.txt                             2023-Feb-12 22:07     0.5 KB
                       Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.5