       The Boston Diaries
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  TEXT /2024/10/16 I think people may be taking the LinkedIn questions not as serious as LinkedIn would like
  TEXT /2024/10/16 Unit testing from inside an assembler, part V
  TEXT /2024/10/13 Unit testing from inside an assembler, part IV
  TEXT /2024/10/13 A benchmark of three different floating point packages for the 6809
  TEXT /2024/10/01 “What were the skies like when you were young?” was not asked by LeVar Burton
  TEXT /2024/09/30 Ch-ch-ch-changes
  TEXT /2024/09/29 “It's 250 miles inland!  What do you mean it was hit by a hurricane?”
  TEXT /2024/09/11 This could maybe explain some of the emails I received, but not all of them
  TEXT /2024/09/09 How?  How do people not know their own email addresses?
  TEXT /2024/08/27 The programmer's obsession with version numbers
  TEXT /2024/08/24 How to run valgrind on a CGI program in C
  TEXT /2024/08/23 Sigh
  TEXT /2024/08/23 Murphy's Law as applied to bugs:  it is easier to find bugs in production than in development
  TEXT /2024/08/23 PUT an entry on the ol' blog
  TEXT /2024/08/22 How to meaure ⅚ cup of oil, part IV
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