   DIR                          THIS IS A WARNING
   DIR                     I REPEAT, THIS IS A WARNING
   DIR                        YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
   DIR                                  .
   DIR                          THIS CHARACTER: /
   DIR                    DO NOT SEND A LEADING SLASH!
   DIR                                  .
   DIR NOTE: RFC-1436 says this about selectors:
   DIR                                  .
   DIR         ... an OPAQUE selector string ...  The selector string
   DIR         should MEAN NOTHING to the client software; it should
   DIR         never be modified by the client.
   DIR                                  .
   DIR (emphasis added)
   DIR                                  .
   DIR If you are seeing this page, then your gopher client is incorrect
   DIR and you should submit a bug report to the developers of the gopher
   DIR client.  Selectors are used to, you know, SELECT an item, and are
   DIR OPAQUE (that is, have no meaning to the client) and should be sent
   DIR AS-IS. No manipulations nor changes should be done to selectors.
   DIR                                  .
   DIR That does not mean the gopher client must remove any leading
   DIR slashes from selectors.  No.  It must NOT change the selector
   DIR before sending it to my gopher server.  If it makes ANY change,
   DIR the gopher client is INCORRECT!  Submit a bug report.  Use a
   DIR different gopher server.  But until you do, just know you are
   DIR using a bad gopher client.