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            ==== Last Updated: June 12th, 2020 ====
   DIR About
       ==== Content ====
   DIR Phlog
   DIR Writing
   DIR Explorations
   DIR Choose Your Own Adventure (anonradio)
   DIR Story Time
   DIR Recipes
   DIR Games
       ==== Resources ====
   DIR The Bible (ESV)
   DIR Archives
       ==== Books ====
  TEXT Reading
  TEXT Read
       ==== Software and Tech Things ====
  HTML Burrow - Gopher Helper
  TEXT Phlog RSS Feed
       ==== External Resources ====
   DIR Phlogs
   DIR Gopher Places
   DIR Web Places
       ==== Websites ====
  HTML All Sites
  HTML Blog
  HTML Labs Blog
  HTML Resume
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3