       A toast
   DIR                            >>>> THIS IS IMPORTANT <<<<
       iLispy gopher show 0000UTC Wednesdays
       iZhen House Zhen Bonkwave Lifestyle Show in LambdaMOO 1400UTC
       aNONradio: mpv http://anonradio.net:8443/anonradio
  HTML #unix_surrealism
                1111                           111
               1   1                           111111
              11   1                           111
              111  1                           11               1
               11111    11          1     1    11  11   1111   111
               111  1111  111111 11  11111  11111111  1111111111
                 11  111   1111111111 11 11   111111111111111111
                111111   11111  111 111 11  111111 11111111111
             1 1111111    11111 111 111 1111111111 111111111111111
         1111111111111  111 1111111111 1  111111  111111
        111 111111   11111111111 111111     11111111111
          11111         11111         11      1  1111111
              1111                            111
             11111                 11     11111111
            111 11           1   1111    11111  11     1    11
           1111 11   111  111111111 11   1111   11    111  111
          1111 11111111  111111111111111  11 1111    111  1111
          1111 11111111 1111 1 111111111  11 1111   111 111111
           11     11111111111  11111111   1  11  11111 11111111
           11     1111 11  1  1111  11  11       1111 1111
          11           1111   11    11111         11111
          11          1111   111    111             11
                       11    11
                        11  11                           11
                        11  11                          111
                       111              111            1111
             111      11111           11  1      1111  11111
           11 11       1111111111    11   1     11111  11
           11111       111    1111111    111   1  11  11
            1111       111   11111111  11111  1  1111111        1
           111111    11111  111   11  11 111 1111111 11       11
          11  11     111111111    1  11  11 111111    1     111
          1   11      1111111    1   11 111    1      1111111
          1  11111    11   11  11    1111111           1111
          1111 111          1111
   DIR Lisp calendar challenge gophers
   DIR 15 Apr 2024 org-based .emacs.d (no packages)
       iPhlog articles (hosted by the tilde.institute)
  TEXT 18 Jun 24 ; Violating LLM ethics one time - insane
  TEXT 06 Jun 24 ; sdl2 ecl lisp sffi comprehend keys ezily BUG
  TEXT 03 Jun 24 ; lisp game jam scores as sexp orgfile
  TEXT 30 May 24 ; lisp game jam popularity tallies
   DIR 23 May 24 ; lisp game jam sbcl executable build eg
  HTML 23 May 24 ; spring lisp game jam itch.io project
   BIN 13 May 24 ; Picture of my turtle drawing
  TEXT 13 May 24 ; back-of-envelope turtle drawing
  TEXT 08 May 24 ; A demon's calendar
  TEXT 04 May 24 ; Lisp calendar challenge
  TEXT 15 Apr 24 ; inferior lisp emacs lambdaMOO (rmoo)
  TEXT Dedicated to the two students yesterday
   DIR example org-based .emacs.d (no packages)
  TEXT terse explanation thereof
  TEXT Easy org-mode emacs customisation
  TEXT About the above easy file
  TEXT 03 Apr 24 ; Lisping sideways (towards a gentle onramp)
  TEXT 31 Mar 24 ; OFFLFIRSOCH common lisp moo room string parser
  TEXT 1 Mar 24 ; solderpunk announces OFFLFIRSOCH 2024
  TEXT 28 Mar 24 ; two notes on software freedom for tusharhero
  HTML tusharhero's new web log
  HTML Hayley's web log rather than gopher (?)
  TEXT 28 Mar 24 ; lambdaMOO daily phloging III MOO simulation
  TEXT 24 Mar 24 ; lambdaMOO daily phloging II MOO from jlamothe
  TEXT 23 Mar 24 ; lambdaMOO daily phloging I
  TEXT 18 Feb 24 ; why we need dynamic types, verisimilitude
  TEXT verisimilitude's perfection
  TEXT 18 Feb 24 ; re re re state of the gopher from lispy gopher climate
  TEXT 01 Feb 24 ; ~/common-lisp/sloppy-text/impl.lisp
  TEXT 01 Feb 24 ; ~/common-lisp/sloppy-text/sloppy-text.asd
  TEXT 01 Feb 24 ; sloppy-text note
  TEXT 31 Jan 24 ; jns' custom BSD Ps2 keyboard epic
  TEXT 29 Jan 24 ; VR or not VR
  TEXT 06 Jan 24 ; 2024 calendar and themes
  TEXT 02 Jan 24 ; 101 problems with LLM chat bots
  TEXT 25 Nov 23 ; Destroying the escapist and the future
  TEXT 16 Oct 23 ; kmp's underground mastodon notes on lisp's history
  TEXT 27 Synthember 23 ; 017/100 GNU40 + pretty gopher plaintext (still orgmode)
  TEXT 26 Synthember 23 ; 016/100 The Lispy Gopher Show as named by gef
  TEXT 25 Synthemer 23 ; 015/100 clim in emacs
  TEXT 25 Synthemer 23 ; 014/100 lisp intro in orgmode
  TEXT 24 Synthemer 23 ; 013/100 orgmode ansi experiments
  TEXT 24 Synthember 23 ; emacs orgmode phloging entrypoint!
  TEXT 23 Synthember 23 ; org-babel after matto's org primer
  TEXT 22 Synthember 23 ; back back back. Jung long dream phost
  TEXT 12 Synthember 23 ; I forgot what this one was
   BIN 12 Synthember 23 track ; I forgot what this one was
  TEXT 08 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep8
       908 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep8
  TEXT 07 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep7
   BIN 07 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep7
  TEXT 06 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep6
   BIN 06 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep6
  TEXT 05 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep5
   BIN 05 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep5
  TEXT 04 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep4
   BIN 04 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep4
  TEXT 04 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep4
   BIN 04 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep4
  TEXT 03 Synthember 23 ; thoughts on beep lisp beep3
   BIN 03 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp beep3
   BIN 02 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp gui interface beep2
   BIN 02 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp gui interface screenshot
  TEXT 02 Synthember 23 ; beep lisp gui interface thoughts
  TEXT 01 Synthember 23 ; writing about raw beep lisp
   BIN 01 Synthember 23 ; the raw beep below
  TEXT 01 Synthember 23 ; synthember, lisp for u8 1c raw beep
  TEXT 01  Synthember 23 ; synthember, 100 days 000 lisp beep
  TEXT 25 August 23 ; What phase 2 of generative glue AI is
  TEXT 18 August 23 ; using my smol clim2 example
  TEXT 18 August 23 ; my minimal CLIM2 code explanation
   BIN 18 August 23 ; my class/method minimal dynamic redisplay CLIM2 screenshot
  TEXT 16 August 23 ; hi jiangjun, others!
  TEXT 24 July 23 ; rlwrap repl terminal for common lisp
  TEXT 24 July 23 ; My environmental foment for NZ
  TEXT 23 July 23 ; McCLIM graphical lisp CLIM2 first steps
  TEXT 22 July 23 ; regretful journalism in Hamilton NZ
  TEXT 19 July 23 ; making an sbcl shell paste utility image
  TEXT 17 July 23 ; improvised yoghurt from probiotic+milk powder
  TEXT 17 July 23 ; garbage for data trackers, together in the dark
  TEXT 04 July 23 ; The LOOP facility is intelligent
  TEXT 01 July 23 ; Explaining real life night sorcery
  TEXT 30 June 23 ; Modern Night Sorcery Slavery vs Anarchy
  TEXT 29 June 23 ; Asking NZers about computers and the climate
  TEXT 26 June 23 ; I described my change in the README
   DIR 26 June 23 ; Juan's polynomial/bookberger package patch
  TEXT 23 June 23 ; Ecological proof software frameworks don't even
  TEXT 20 June 23 ; Meat Corporation Amazon Twitch Gambling Youtube Pornhub
  TEXT 18 June 23 ; lemmy.sdf.org/c/gopher forum for everyone's phlogs
  TEXT 17 June 23 ; asdf3 package inferred niceties
  TEXT 16 June 23 ; Failed commercial Tycho Brahe
   DIR 15 June 23 ; package-inferred-system binry-hop redevelopment
   DIR 6 June 23 ; embeddable common lisp sdl2 build tests
  TEXT 5 June 23 ; Game jam note and lisp metaphysics
  TEXT 4 June 23 ; jam-no-theme game source (please post screenshots of it)
  TEXT 4 June 23 ; SUBMITTED lisp game jam-no-theme beautiful high action
  TEXT 30 May 23 ; day 5 lisp game jam ACTUAL LISP JAM
   DIR 30 May 23 ; pretty much done lisp game jam
  TEXT 28 May 23 ; day 2 lisp game jam devlog
   DIR 28 May 23 ; day 2 lisp game jam, squeaky clean
  TEXT 27 May 23 ; my lisp game jam ->1 *annotated notes*
   DIR 27 May 23 ; lispgames day 1 : unhygeinic macros, drawing, color
  TEXT 27 May 23 ; wizards of liberation
   DIR 26 May 23 ; lispgames day 0 : ecl sdl2 game, can open and close and open a window
  TEXT 25 May 23 ; lispgames 10 day lisp jam starts tomorrow!
  TEXT 20 May 23 ; software, hardware, wetware, socware
  TEXT 18 May 23 ; bunny hop interlisp dwim- do what I hop! Dreams
   DIR 17 May 23 ; three ascii illustrated binry hop rememberances
  TEXT 11 May 23 ; (old, boring) Rough and dense chapter 1! Probably healthy
  TEXT 11 May 23 ; chapter-1
   BIN 10 May 23 ; Lispy Gopher Show Special nonlive live ogg
  TEXT 09 May 23 ; Cyberlife plan perma ai SUDs + kitchen sink
  TEXT 08 May 23 ; tycho brahe 6 years ago on gen x being fine (topic closed)
  TEXT 08 May 23 ; Dear pizzapal i havent read
  TEXT 08 May 23 ; Tycho Brahe Gets Real
  TEXT 01 May 23 ; asciified dandelion from dokuja
  TEXT 30 Apr 23 ; about pbm images
   DIR 30 Apr 23 ; Common Lisp native pbm dense bitmap image util
  TEXT 25 Apr 23 ; Good-universe-Lonny read this ai letter
   DIR 18 Apr 23 ; binry-hop common lisp package
  TEXT 18 Apr 23 ; binry-hop deep hopfield net package phost
  TEXT 07 Christy's Christy's 5 questions
  TEXT 07 Apr 23 ; Christy's 5 questions
   DIR 07 Apr 23 ; make, C lib based embeddable CL storm filename filter
  TEXT 05 Apr 23 ; lisp understanding names from jns' storm radio
  TEXT 03 Apr 23 ; macro hard on fire vs LLM bots
  TEXT 03 Apr 23 ; defmacros of ^
  TEXT 03 Apr 23 ; #[ macroexpand ] dispatch macro
  TEXT 02 Apr 23 ; Effective interlisp ; Twitter scala junk 2 interlisp day 1
  TEXT 01 Apr 23 ; A Twitter Darkly
  TEXT 23 Mar 23 ; ai product prey
  TEXT 22 Mar 23 ; my show audio flow
  TEXT 19 Mar 23 ; ai business layoffs vs art authorship
  TEXT 11 Mar 23 ; medley interlisp's ancient mech position in the universe
  TEXT 10 Mar 23 ; how I gpg in emacs (easy but lots of chords)
  TEXT 10 Mar 23 ; a signed text file
  TEXT 4 Mar 23 ; Common lisp machine learning princomp eg
  TEXT 1 Mar 23 ; Dreaming an ai environment
  TEXT 28 Feb 23 ; tooter cl mastodon utils
   DIR 27 Feb 23 ; thick ecl sdl2 cts read-chars 2 lisp src
  TEXT 27 Feb 23 ; thick ecl sdl2 cts read-chars 2 lisp manifest
  TEXT 25 Feb 23 ; dependencies generally and common lisp
  TEXT 24 Feb 23 ; signify + sha512 phost + video
  HTML 23 Feb 23 ; test video postage stamp
  TEXT 23 Feb 23 ; un/live coding video peertube (unfed..)
  TEXT 22 Feb 23 ; gopher VR notion HIGH SCHOOL MATHS
  TEXT 21 Feb 23 ; deps / tooter / eve quine vignette
  TEXT 21 Feb 23 ; do-tooter.lisp shinmera tooter + eve-quine example
   DOS 21 Feb 23 ; deps.tar for tooter / eve quine example
  TEXT 17 Feb 23 ; The future of systems systems and AI secrets
  TEXT 16 Feb 23 ; eve-quine w/ examples of cloning and pubsub at the end
  TEXT 13 Feb 23 ; Introducing beautiful oop eve quines
  TEXT 13 Feb 23 ; Notes on eve quines
  TEXT 12 Feb 23 ; Insane quine stream of consciousness
  TEXT 11 Feb 23 ; Funny Common Lisp loopcar macro
  TEXT 09 Feb 23 ; Hacker Public Radio episode on lisp acl2 game
   DIR 09 Feb 23 ; Institute gopher ->
  TEXT 07 Feb 23 ; Writing .. response to cybernetic forest's 1st ai class
  TEXT 07 Feb 23 ; sauerkraut recipe
  TEXT 02 Feb 23 ; Ascii oval, Christy's 5 qns, more about the ascii oval, thank-yous
  TEXT 31 Jan 23 ; secret secret alien technology relief
  TEXT 30 Jan 23 ; Do not touch chatgpt - an essay
  TEXT 29 Jan 23 ; gopher serving chat with xwindows, other topics
  TEXT 29 Jan 23 ; Hopefully better ACL2 useful thm starting eg (you tell me)
  TEXT 28 Jan 23 ; Impromptu bagel recipe
  TEXT 25 Jan 23 ; Summary of acl2 game hpr and plan for hpr game build/packaging
  TEXT 24 Jan 23 ; First HPR submission on CL games, ACL2 verifications
  TEXT 23 Jan 23 ; A smol biography of tycho brahe
  TEXT 22 Jan 23 ; Young Feynman Repaired Radios: A Reply Reply Reply Reply Reply
   DIR 17 Jan 23 ; [gone] beastie openbsd readonly memory lisp gopher
  TEXT 17 Jan 23 ; Dynamic timeout for gopher server
  TEXT 17 Jan 23 ; tiny lisp openbsd cooked data gopher server (again)
   DIR 16 Jan 23 ; car-game - hypergrids ACL2&CL ASDF project
  TEXT 14 Jan 23 ; acl2 non-oop, wumpus hunting niceties
  TEXT 13 Jan 23 ; acl2 lemmas as reusable game caps
  TEXT 6 Jan 23 ; lispy brain sampler
  TEXT 5 Jan 23 ; C sqlite3 (help?) and a note to Robert about csv sql
  TEXT 5 Jan 23 ; Earthquake, christyo's questions
  TEXT 5 Jan 23 ; Lisp arrays were not weak
  TEXT fetch synth
   DIR fetch synth source (includes track listing)
   DIR simple-lisp-synth-tool
  TEXT 6 Dec 22 ; Knocking it up a level in common lisp
  TEXT 3 Dec 2022 ; raw and deeply circular wumpus.lisp from Land of Lisp
  TEXT 1 Dec 2022 ; Note about lynx cookies
  TEXT 29 Nov 2022 ; Return of ACL2 game design faux circles for wizard game
  TEXT 29 Nov 2022 ; Actually speccing some LISP electronics
  TEXT 28 Nov 2022 ; Just fwrite(3) int16_ts to stdout | aucat or mpv for synth C
  TEXT 27 Nov 2022 ; Comparison of our games wizardly
  TEXT 27 Nov 2022 ; Items for wizard game; comparison with lol soon
   DIR 26 Nov 2022 ; Wizard game start from Land of Lisp
  TEXT 24 Nov 2022 ; Wait is OpenBSD incredibly important
  TEXT 23 Nov 2022 ; best-game.lisp
  TEXT 21 Nov 2022 ; lisp col of last tsv row
  TEXT 20 Nov 2022 ; gemini, security, the gopher
  TEXT 20 Nov 2022 ; Inaugural synth-synth
  TEXT 20 Nov 2022 ; A gopher synth listing
  TEXT 19 Nov 2022 ; Something good
  TEXT 19 Nov 2022 ; Note about the sbr thing.
  TEXT 19 Nov 2022 ; Well known sndfile usage I start from.ecl
  TEXT 19 Nov 2022 ; What I was writing throughout my turn in SBR
   DIR 16 Nov 2022 ; asdf example that works with ecl recent
  TEXT 15 Nov 2022 ; home-made bread
  TEXT 14 Nov 2022 ; common-shell.lisp amazing common lisp shell macro
  TEXT 13 Nov 2022 ; emacs tramp eshell elisp versus ssh ecl headless tmux
  TEXT 06 Nov 2022 ; build.ecl for counter.ecl
  TEXT 06 Nov 2022 ; Visit the visit counter mole here!
  TEXT 06 Nov 2022 ; counter.ecl minimal ecl hit counter mole
  TEXT 06 Nov 2022 ; tmux.ecl drive tmux from ecl package
       ymmv below if not using lynx and gophernicus.
  TEXT 05 Nov 2022 ; minimal gopher search example
  TEXT 05 Nov 2022 ; Multidimensional array to similar list
  TEXT 28 Oct 2022 ; go1.ecl just prin1s game-state.lisp
  TEXT 28 Oct 2022 ; prin1 of com munity debugging goban
       fixed typo in the post below
  TEXT 28 Oct 2022 ; add a goban mole to your gopherhole
  TEXT 27 Oct 2022 ; go.ecl re:gef
  TEXT 26 Oct 2022 ; Get and build ecl matched filter from scratch on debian
   DIR 25 Oct 2022 ; Matched filter ecl lisp packages
   BIN 25 Oct 2022 ; example mf response png
  TEXT 25 Oct 22 ; wav striding fft matched filtering
  TEXT 16 Oct 22 ; Book Review: Carry On by Schneier
   DIR 09 Oct 22 ; sdffft lisp package files!
   BIN 08 Oct 22 ; Unlabeled png matched filter responses
  TEXT 08 Oct 22 ; Two matched filter responses lisp
  TEXT 08 Oct 22 ; both-kernels-data.txt
  TEXT 08 Oct 22 ; cl-wav-agnostic-deps-clone.lisp
  TEXT 05 Oct 22 ; matched-filter.lisp party
  TEXT 02 Oct 22 ; proxied emacs tramp to sdf with org-babel
  TEXT 01 Oct 22 ; trivial stream-like csv processing
  TEXT 01 Oct 22 ; streamcsv.lisp
  TEXT 21 Sep 22 ; ffmpeg icecast of lispy gopher show in detail
  TEXT 17 Sep 22 ; First sbr!
  TEXT 12 Sep 22 ; web miseries
  TEXT 07 Sep 22 ; First lispy gopher show
  TEXT 30 Aug 22 ; lisp libsndfile sine wavs
  TEXT 30 Aug 22 ; NetBSD Portable Operating System
  TEXT 29 Aug 22 ; Analog synthstems
   BIN 28 Aug 22 ; test mp3
  TEXT 28 Aug 22 ; Lousy synth mp3
  TEXT 27 Aug 22 ; sndiod flags to set up system sound monitor
  TEXT 24 Aug 22 ; Breaking up and recombining files with ffmpeg
  TEXT 23 Aug 22 ; Listening to, maybe streaming (ffts) to anon radio
  TEXT 20 Aug 22 ; Two ecl C compilations, in which I am better again
  TEXT 18 Aug 22 ; Compiling not/to C, in which I have contracted the coof
  TEXT 14 Aug 22 ; Not really de-internetting
  TEXT 13 Aug 22 ; nc socks5 proxy ssh command
  TEXT 11 Aug 22 ; Collection of stray thoughts
  TEXT 21 Jul 22 ; org-plot gnuplot shell oneliner
  TEXT 21 Jul 22 ; sample.csv data for above
  TEXT 20 Jul 22 ; Deploying software to others
  TEXT 19 Jul 22 ; Phamiliar phlogging phace
  TEXT 18 Jul 22 ; Remembering how to make moles do my bidding
  TEXT 17 Jul 22 ; Planning some homelessness
  TEXT Drop Out Of Society
   DIR common-lisp
   DIR 18 May 22 ;org drafts
       iReverse chronological phlogging
  TEXT 20 Jun 22 ; 3harder mirror: syntactic sugar for eclcblas
  TEXT 18 Jun 22 ; 3harder mirror: Notation for eclcblas?
  TEXT 17 Jun 22 ; Using my 3harder.lisp gophereepboard from another boxen
  TEXT 17 Jun 22 ; 3harder.lisp gophereepboard and other news
  TEXT 14 Jun 22 ; cherry game org-mode sdl2 template
  TEXT 12 Jun 22 ; ecl blas
  TEXT 05 Jun 22 ; trying factorial in python and lisp
  TEXT 03 Jun 22 ; openbsd ports tools like pkg_info
  TEXT 30 May 22 ; Some openbsd features that are sort of gotchas
  TEXT 27 May 22 ; Simple to set up lynx gopher i2pd proxychains chat (say hi!)
  TEXT 22 May 22 ; Another, less strange time program
  TEXT 22 May 22 ; i2p item type 7 clock!
  TEXT Fri May 20 ;make your time lisp
  TEXT Thu May 19 :Somewhat peevish and historical unplanned post about shells
  TEXT Wed May 18 ;sdl2 org eg and more thoughts
  TEXT Mon May 16 ;New sdl2 org phlog
  TEXT Mon May 02 ;install gentoo
  TEXT Sat Apr 30 ;orgmode game SDL2 C
  TEXT Sat Apr 23 ;Historic food styles
  TEXT Thu Apr 21 ;computers and computing
  TEXT Mon Apr 18 ;Books I want to read
  TEXT Thu Apr 14 ;Experiences teaching from those org-drafts/
  TEXT Sun Apr 10 ;justify/Digging my way out of deep learning remarks
  TEXT Sun Apr 10 ;Emacs orgmode and separately CSG
  TEXT Sat Apr 2  ;Logical tic tac to
  TEXT Fri Apr 1  ;In which I worry and fail to complete my game
  TEXT Mon Mar 29 ;Just like make game (acl2 edition)
  TEXT Sun Mar 28 ;An old modernity
  TEXT Wed Mar 23 ;Writing meta paradise
  TEXT Tue Mar 22 ;phormal methods phlog
  TEXT Sat Mar 19 ;clearnet:-(; problem windmills
  TEXT Fri Mar 18 ;clearnet:-(; dogfooding i2pher.lisp
  TEXT Thu Mar 17 ;i2pher concise example
  TEXT Thu Mar 17 ;i2pher gopher server!
  TEXT Mon Mar 14 ;obsd i2pd 4 rfc1436
  TEXT Sun Mar 13 ;Built in openbsd voicechat
  TEXT Thu Mar 10 ;No more shilling
  TEXT Wed Mar  2 ;feedback on ecl/png
  TEXT Thu Feb 24 ;c ecl sdl2 png
  TEXT Mon Feb 21 ;c libsndfile lisp
  TEXT Sat Feb 19 ;sym2voice.txt
   BIN Sat Feb 19 ;sym2voice.ogg
  TEXT Thu Feb 17 ;writing and sending an email with sam-d.lisp and mail-demon.lisp
  TEXT Wed Feb 16 ;sam ple ed iting
  TEXT Wed Feb 16 ;mail-demon.lisp
  TEXT Tue Feb 15 ;back, gopher demon
  TEXT Tue Feb 15 ;test-post
  TEXT Tue Feb ;test-post
  TEXT Tue Feb ;test-post
  TEXT Tue Feb ;test-post
  TEXT Tue Feb ;test-post
  TEXT 28-Dec-21 Power words are a psy-op
  TEXT 26-Dec-21 Vignette on my nondeterministic search
   BIN 21-Dec-21 vphlogging programming a blips typing speed test
   BIN 16-Dec-21 vphlogging a quick processing4 game
  TEXT 19-Nov-21 What graphics to use
  TEXT 16-Nov-21 High text context
  TEXT 31-Jul-21 Weight of secrets
  TEXT 24-Apr-21 Simple common lisp texas hold 'em
  TEXT 31-Mar-21 Added a GPG key (and some plaintive thoughts)
  TEXT 24-Mar-21 Everything about gemini protocol is bad
  TEXT 15-Mar-21 The lack of a prolog DSL in lisp
  TEXT 9-Mar-21 Gopher text forum in common lisp
  TEXT 6-Mar-21 Book Review: Peter Thiel's Zero to One
  TEXT 6-Mar-21 Book Review: Gad Saad's The Parasitic Mind
  TEXT 1-Mar-21 Fixing phlog line widths
  TEXT 28-Feb-21 Review of an awful but sporadically wonderful outdoor orchestral performance
  TEXT 25-Feb-21 RFC1436 dreams
  TEXT 24-Feb-21 Browsing gopher nightmares
  TEXT 23-Feb-21 Pitching someone on gopher
  TEXT 23-Feb-21 Sdf files and shells
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3