                    __       __   ___  __     
                   /  ` \ / |__) |__  |__)   
                   \__,  |  |__) |___ |  \   
          __   __   __        __        ___       __ 
         /__` /  ` |__)  /\  |__) |__| |__   /\  |__)
         .__/ \__, |  \ /~~\ |    |  | |___ /~~\ |   
       It's quiet here, in the perpetual twilight of the
       Cyber Scrapheap. Once in a while you might hear
       the wind-driven creaking of an old case fan, or
       tiny claws scrabbling over bad sectors and broken
       traces. Out past the shards of ceramic substrate
       lies a vast body of water, in the depths of which
       an ancient fibre optic cable is all that tethers
       us to the mainland. And though at times we
       remember the endless fractal geometries of the
       great digital cities, a faint glow from beyond the
       horizon is the only evidence, here on the
       periphery, that such things might still exist.
       Latest phlog:
  TEXT ROOPHLOCH [2024-09-29]
   DIR Phlog
  TEXT Reading Journal
  TEXT Self portrait
  TEXT Compu-Cow Speaks!
       jdd at sdf dot org
       Last updated: Sun Sep 29 12:03:05 PDT 2024
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3