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               Welcome to Gabe's Gopherhole Phlog!  __/ |
       Gabe is a product engineer in San Francisco. He goes to concerts and will
       talk to you about futurepop. He likes to work on lots of different
       projects, some listed here.
       I just (re)discovered Gopher via Mastodon in January 2019, so
       I'm still figuring this stuff out and learning how to get content onto
       a Gophersphere of my own.
  TEXT About Gabe
       Recent blog posts
  TEXT May 13, 2020 Blogs
  TEXT May 13, 2020 Some recent projects for my DJ mix hobby
  TEXT Mar 23, 2020 When work becomes life: A Pandemic story
  TEXT Dec 4, 2019 Goodbye Longtail Music
  TEXT May 20, 2019 It's time a for change: I'm trying Linux on the desktop
  TEXT Apr 27, 2019 I'm discontinuing work on Mastochist for Mastodon
  TEXT Mar 9, 2019 A journey through my music tastes
  TEXT Feb 16, 2019 Working with others on personal projects
  TEXT Feb 1, 2019 Can we encourage Facebook employees to go elsewhere?
  TEXT Jan 13, 2019 New web site for 2019
       My projects
  TEXT Projects
                                   Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3