# Day 2 Okay, I'm going to go install OpenBSD on the Secret Third Thing. Here goes nothing. Going to need to put a travel router to install due to firmware. Since I changed the Wi-Fi infrastructure recently, I'll need to set it up again. OpenBSD installed fine. Wi-Fi even works after firmware was applied. Now to install NetBSD on the NetBSD eeePC. I'm getting the hang of tmux. Hopefully the knowledge of how to copy and paste text will stick this time. Also, I made some aliases for command line usage. ``` sh alias fedinotifs="toot notifications -r" alias fediments="toot notifications -rm" ``` I found writing out "toot notifications" to be tedious, so I put these aliases in my SDF .shrc. I put them there as I've been using toot on SDF. I'm probably not gonna set up the computers until Thursday or Friday when I return home. I need to get some monitors from the basement. Since I'll be travelling part of this week, desktops aren't my primary focus. I'll probably extend this a week due to these circumstances. Also, I ate dinner with my mom. It's the first time in a while where I ate with family just because. In this case, we were talking about cartoons from her childhood as we were watching Gen Jones nostalgia bait on YouTube on her computer. She was surprised how many were unfamiliar to her, while I was surprised how much I, someone born in late 1997, recognized. This probably is because my dad was big into things from his childhood and even a bit before. Yeah, nothing like me at all. :-P Figured it was worth noticing this change in habit. I figured out how to block certain types of jerk from my website hosted on SDF. I have no love for fascists, which to me includes most modern day radical feminists. I also do not love the commercial endeavors of the modern internet. I'm not sure which way to license my content. I am specificly torn between CC BY-SA and CC BY-NC-SA. If you have any arguments in favor of these licenses, please email me at *sinza@sdf.org*. If you're mutuals with me on Mastodon, you can send me a DM if you want as well. Honestly, the credit goes to Starbreaker on that one. His examples[0] on the matter, alongside some Apache documentation[1] is incredibly useful. Through this, as well as SDF's wiki[2], have shown me how powerful Apache is. --- [0]: http://starbreaker.org/grimoire/webcraft/index.html#blocking-bots-in-.htaccess [1]: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_rewrite.html [2]: https://wiki.sdf.org/doku.php?id=website_setup_and_hosting_features#sugar_advanced_stuff