       ROOPHLOCH 2024
       September 21st, 2024
       It's ROOPHLOCH time, right? I'm pretty sure that's in september.
       Well, I hope so, cause this is a ROOPHLOCH post!
       I recently bought a cabin [0] and this weekend is the first the
       family is spending in it. My wife is up on the mountain behind us
       right now exploring some of the sheep trails that lead through the
       saddle. We hear there's a rumor of a mountain lake back there.
       Below me sits the valley lake and river. Off in the far distance
       to the south is Esja, the largest mountain in the capital region
       here in Iceland.
   DIR [0] we bought a cabin
       I'm on mobile internet here. I think that, together with the
       remoteness of the place warrants a ROOPHLOCH post. We have
       electricity and clean water utilities, but I also have a cistern
       fed by the mountain creek that runs through the property which is
       used to handle all the outside water needs: garden, mostly.
       It's a super cozy place, and very quiet. I took an 8 second
       exposure photo last night of the valley and still saw nothing but
       darkness. It gets proper dark here, which is going to be excellent
       for aurora viewing. It's also really great and inspiring for
       writing. The remoteness gives a quietude that lets the mind race
       with ideas. I'm going to put it some effort on the Solarpunk
       Prompts podcast [1] in a little bit.
  HTML [1] Solarpunk Prompts
       That series is coming to a close soon. I've got 7 or 8 more
       prompts lined up to write about and then record, and then I'll
       close it down as complete. But I'm not done talking about
       Solarpunk. I want to do something new on the subject. Maybe
       a discussion piece where I can interview people. Ideas are still
       percolating. I think the place I can be most helpful to the cause
       is in awareness, so interviews that amplify the voices of people
       making Solarpunk a reality today would be the best. But ideas are
       cheap. It's the doing that's hard. So lets see if I actually get
       this one off the ground.
       I think my track record for "getting stuff done" is pretty good.
       I'm not perfect at it. I had a zine idea that never really got
       anywhere, after all. But cosmic still exists, and tilde black had
       a good run. The podcast is real, and CYOA ran until a legal
       take-down. That's all in my favor. Sometimes I feel like I'm not
       really doing anything, though. I guess it's that whole comparison
       as the death of joy thingy. We can't all stand up in the face of
       cat's creations. :)
       Oh, non-sequitor: do you all know a good way to cut down on flies?
       The cabin has a lot of water sources nearby and a pretty large
       amount of native plants surrounding. The sunroom attracts flies
       and they eventually make their way inside. It's not at problem
       levels, but I'd like to minimize it. The former owner has a bug
       zapper and some fly paper out there, but I'm not sure if that
       helps or just attracts more. Isn't there something you can pour
       into stagnant water? or is that for mosquitos? We don't have those
       here (yay). Anyway, advice welcome.
       That's it for now. I'm gonna go use this fancy-ass espresso maker
       that came with the place and make a cappucino and sit on the deck
       with my Dashiell Hammett book. Enjoy, gophs.