       January 01st, 2020
       I've got a little history [0,1] of making new years resolution
       posts on this phlog. I suppose I'll continue the trend. Three
       years in a row makes it a tradition, wouldn't you say?
   DIR [0] Resolution (2018)
   DIR [1] Resolution (2019)
       In 2018 I resolved that I'd try to avoid time traps and spend time
       on things that matter. I picked up a few new hobbies and did
       pretty well with the effort. In 2019 I taught the phlogosphere
       about my buddy's ridiculous resolutions and said that it would be
       the year I was impeached. While I didn't manage to get impeached,
       at least someone did.
       This year I haven't really been thinking about it much, so as the
       fireworks go BANG in the background I'll do some real-time
       pondering. Perhaps it might be a good opportunity to affect some
       sort of ridiculous word usage, like 'whilst' or 'whomst'. That's
       pretty saucy, but is it resolution material? What about something
       more serious and purposeful, like de-googling completely. But one
       of my contract gigs uses Google apps for everything, so that's
       probably out. I could pick one of my hobbies, like yarn spinning,
       and set a public goal. That might be good.
       I should probably start with the silliness, though. Those come to
       me more easily anyway. Lets see... what's something that would be
       impossible for me but is definitely attainable by SOMEONE. Hmmm...
       I've got it!
       2020 will be the year Taylor Swift releases an album featuring ME!
       Perfect. I'll just practice my hip-hop stylings by singing my own
       name over the start of her songs. This is gonna be bangin'.
       As for a real resolution, I could stand to burn some weight, pray
       more, eat better, walk more. That's all a constant goal, though.
       It doesn't need a special new year kickoff.
       I think 2020 will borrow some sentiment from 2018 and a bit from
       Dune. This will be the year of my Butlerian Jihad, if you will.
       I don't want the computer to be my default place to hang out. As
       much as I love you guys, it's an easy trap for me here in Iceland.
       I don't need to work to inculturate, practice my language skills,
       or any of that jazz. I am instantly connected to everyone and it's
       too easy to let that fill my day.
       So there it is, my 2020 Resolution is "Thou shalt not make
       a machine in the likeness of a human mind". In this case I'll use
       a (very) liberal interpretation of that to mean my own mind shall
       not be trapped by machines. (Yeah, yeah, I know that's not what it
       means. Shuddup!)
       Never fear, dear gopherites. I still work on the computer and will
       surely be around plenty even with this goal. It's inevitable.