       webmentions and microsub
       December 23rd, 2019
       This phlog is about web stuff. Specifically it's about Indyweb
       things and microformats.
       I use my website https://tomasino.org as an IndieAuth [0] portal.
       When logging into sites that understand the IndieWeb concept,
       I provide my "Home" URL as an identifier. Then the site scrubs
       through all the various links I have on that page and picks out
       those that it can understand for authentication. In most cases
       I get GPG and GitHub hits, though occasionally a site will support
       more. I oAuth in, and bam... identified. It's pretty neat and
       requires very little effort on my side.
  HTML [0] IndieAuth
       There are much fancier IndieWeb doodads though, and I wanted to
       start taking advantage of some. In particular Webmentions had
       drawn my attention. It's a different way to handle commenting
       that, honestly, reminds me of what we do here in gopherspace.
       Instead of leaving a comment on a post somewhere, you just write
       your own blog post and "notify" the original. The original page
       can then choose whether to add a link to yours or ignore it or
       whatever. Everyone maintains control of their own words and all is
       So I opened up the IndieWeb sites and went digging into
       Webmentions [1]. I was immediately reminded why I abandonded this
       the last time around. While the concept is incredibly simple, the
       implementation is annoyingly complex and the terminology for
       things is as bad as git [2].
  HTML [1] Webmentions
  HTML [2] Git Man Page Generator
       Since my sites are all static I wasn't looking for a plugin or
       even something that automatically displayed anything on the
       front-end at all. I just wanted something to process webmentions
       and give me a way to see that they happened. For my low traffic
       sites, a Webmention-to-Email system would have been perfect.
       There are a number of things out there already. Some support the
       Webmention client role and others the server because--did I not
       mention this?--you need webmentions set up on both sides for it to
       work. So to actually do it you need reading, writing, discovery
       and parsing. There are a handful of projects doing the various
       points and most of them are "in development" to varying degrees.
       Almost all of them have complex esoteric documentation that only
       makes sense if you're already familiar with the protocol enough to
       write your own software. Lovely!
       There are a few 3rd party services that offer the basics without
       charge. I don't know if they work or not, but that's what I ended
       up trying. I really don't want to spend the whole Christmas break
       figuring this stuff out. I don't expect to get many, if any,
       mentions anyway. Webmention.io is the service I went with. I used
       IndieAuth to log in and then grabbed the links it gave me to paste
       on my various blogs. I have no idea how to "use" Webmentions from
       the other side, and no idea how to test if I'm set up correctly.
       I wonder if I need to IndieAuth with the blog URL itself and then
       use webmention.io directly to that property only and then repeat
       the process for the other site. It says I should be able to use it
       on many sites though, so hopefully it's fine. Time will tell.
       Webmention.io provides a microformat feed of the mentions you
       receive. I was going to grab the RSS one and plug it into my RSS
       reader until I noticed the mention of this other IndieWeb format,
       Oh joy! Another one. :D
       Microsub seems like an abstraction layer above microformats that
       can be interpretted as feeds or notifications. RSS and Atom are
       valid inputs, but so are other bits. Like other IndieWeb things,
       there's a big push to separate client & servers. In this case
       I found Aperture [3] as a server and I'm using a couple different
       clients to see the front-end.
  HTML [3] Aperture
       Most of these projects are also "in development", but they seem
       functional enough that I was able to dupe my tt-rss contents over.
       As I mentioned in my last post [4], I'm looking for a replacement
       for that software anyway so maybe this will work out.
   DIR [4] Poisoning the Well
       Eventually I'd like to run all these services myself (though
       I have no desire to write the software to do so myself). I have
       nginx running on this webserver already so if I can dockerize the
       bits & pieces together into an IndieWeb multi-container and
       reverse proxy everything that would be perfect. For now I'm
       putting a pin in it. Things are good enough.
       - - - - -
       Are any of you running IndieWeb goodness? Have thoughts or
       suggestions? Wanna vent? Send me a mention in the lovely gopher