       offline for a bit
       May 23rd, 2019
       gopher.black will be going offline for a couple months sometime in
       early June. We're packing everything up to put on the container to
       ship to Iceland. That includes my lovely little pi here. Once we
       have a long-term place to live with internet access and a router
       that I can set up port forwarding on we'll be back in business.
       Until then, my lovely Moku Pona feed will disappear for a bit.
       The good news is my high quality phlogging action can still be
       found at the 3 mirroring locations I have:
   DIR sdf mirror
   DIR tilde.town mirror
   DIR yourtilde.com mirror
       I'm not sure when this site will be back. I'm guessing sometime in
       August. You can find me on IRC still during the break. 
       þetta reddast!