       ssh keys
       April 14th, 2019
       I'm listening to Go Go Penguin's tiny desk concert [0] right now
       while I type this little phlog. You should join me if you can.
       They're incredible. 
  HTML [0] Go Go Penguin Tiny Desk Concert
       Yesterday I got snookered into starting up a new tilde [1] server
       called tilde.black. My reasoning was pretty simple: gopher.black
       is literally the only .black TLD site I know. I can't have someone
       else starting tilde.black! It must be me.
   DIR [1] The Tildeverse
       So I was going to spin up a general purpose thing in Ubuntu 18.04
       cause that's what I know best, but again I let myself get talked
       into doing more. So, the machine is running OpenBSD 6.4. It's
       going to be focused on privacy, anonymity, and security once
       I open her up to new members. And I was close today! I had web
       & gopher set up, lets encrypt all configured, tor worked on web,
       gopher and even SSH. All was glorious. But then something wonky
       happened with rcctl and a forum post I read recommended tossing
       some config line in place and restarting the box. Big. Mistake.
       So it didn't come back up and now I'm starting over. This time
       around though I wanted to give some time and consideration to my
       ssh keys and how I'm managing all that gibberish. One thing led to
       another and Michael W. Lucas's SSH Mastery book kept slapping me
       in the face. The way I had my keys set up was criminally simple
       and insecure. I needed to do something before I launch a project
       with security in the goals.
       So, I bit the bullet and dove in to posts on ssh-agent and using
       gpg-agent to interface with ssh and a host of other things. I can
       now say with the confidence of a person who skimmed web pages for
       an hour that all that shit needs some work. In fact, I hope it's
       something the community on tilde.black will do eventually. There
       should be simple guides for new people on these topics. There
       should be examples, recommendations, watch-outs, and more. Instead
       there's aging stack-exchange posts with scripts that throw errors
       in modern ssh-agent, hordes of contradictory blog posts, and
       worse. This is fundamental stuff for terminal work, guys! We can
       do better. The knowledge is in our circle, lets share it, okay?
       In the meantime I did what I always do. I said "eff it, I'll roll
       my own solution with a shell script". And I did! You can see it
       over here [2] if you want. Here's the gist:
         1) Every service gets its own ssh key. Period. 
         2) Every ssh key gets a password. 
         3) These passwords are not all the same thing. 
         4) Simple script to enable/disable the keys when I need them
            without having to memorize all the passwords.
  HTML [2] lssh
       What I wrote is a wrapper around Lastpass, the password manager
       I use. Lastpass has a cli tool called lpass which is great.
       I added entries in Lastpass for each of my ssh keys' passwords,
       placed them into a sync folder using Spideroak (my preferred
       secure sync solution) and made an easy shell wrapper to activate
       whichever one I need. The activated key goes into ssh-agent. I can
       easily clear ssh-agent with ssh-add -D, so that didn't need any
       special wrapping (though I may add a quick switch to my script
       anyway for that purpose). It's all very basic stuff, again, but it
       works well and brings me closer to "safe" for my threat level.
       I'd like to clean the script up more and put some bells & whistles
       on it, but that will come with time.
       Next week it's back to the grindstone at work, but after Friday
       I have a week off. My mother-in-law is in town and there's some
       things I really need to focus on for the move, though, so this
       break probably won't mean great investments of time into tildes or
       even writing on Cosmic Voyage. There's a couple more months of
       this ahead, and then craziness once we arrive in Iceland.
       Hopefully I'll be slowing down a notch or two mid-August. :)