       Fun Questions
       March 30th, 2019
       I'm in a fun mood, so let's do something fun!
       christyotwisty had a post on circumlunar not too long ago asking
       users a bunch of reading questions. I'd link to it, but I can't
       seem to find the phlog entry. Regardless, it was really fun and
       got a lot of gopherspace engagement. I miss gopherspace
       engagement! I want more. So, this is my blatant attempt to fish
       interaction out of you all.
       Who among you likes movies? How about music? Any readers? Good!
       I was thinking of a nice, difficult challenge to throw your way.
       1. Name one film that everyone should see at least once.
       2. Name one book everyone should read at least TWICE.
       3. Name one song everyone should listen to at least once a year.
       Why those rules? Cause clickbait, baby!
       Here's mine with no context:
       1. Mary Poppins
       2. Dune
       3. Harry Chapin - Cat's in the Cradle