Subj : Re: File down loads total on webv4 To : Nightfox From : Gamgee Date : Tue Sep 10 2024 07:31 pm -=> Nightfox wrote to Rixter <=- Ni> Re: File down loads total on webv4 Ni> By: Rixter to echicken on Tue Sep 10 2024 12:41 pm Ri> Guests on my bbs are not allowed to download. Only authenticated users Ri> can. Ni> If you want people to be able to freely download files from your BBS Ni> via a web link without having an account on your BBS, you'd need to Ni> allow the guest account to download files. Sometimes it's useful to be Ni> able to share files with people that way. For instance, other BBS Ni> sysops might be interested in downloading BBS-related files from your Ni> BBS, and they might not have a user account on your BBS. Personally I'd have to disagree with that policy. I don't even offer a web interface, but web/telnet would be the same for me - as in : If you want a file from my BBS, create a user account and get it. Otherwise... get it from somewhere else. .... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705) .