Subj : Dosemu 2 issue... To : Nigel Reed From : Maurice Kinal Date : Thu Jul 18 2024 05:40 pm Hey Nigel! NR> You obviously don't understand how DOSEMU interacts with a BBS to NR> provide DOS emulation then. Nor do I need to. I don't plan on ever using it and only played with it way back when to run a 16 bit Maximus BBS on a 486 running linux (slackware back then) for the sole purpose of seeing if it was something worthwhile. I obviously didn't think so at the time given that I obviously don't know how DOSEMU interacts with a BBS. Oh well ... life goes on without it. NB> You should update doemu2 to a version built on or after 17th July NB> if there is one for Windows. What Windows? Only linux x86_64 here and none of it requires emulation of anything. It works great without vm's or emulators. NB> I know there was some issues with the linux version. That is what he is trying to get working. However if there are windows versions then it makes sense that he run that on his host machine rather than on the linux guest. Life is good, Maurice -o -o o- -o -o -o -o -o -o o- -o -o -o -o o- o- (\ (\ /) (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ (\ /) (\ (\ (\ (\ /) /) ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ .... Fidonet 4K - Sweet Sixteen Penguins of the Apocalypse. --- GNU bash, version 5.2.26(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) * Origin: One of us @ (1:153/7001.2989) .