Subj : 6to4 question To : Michiel van der Vlist From : Alexey Vissarionov Date : Wed May 04 2022 11:14 am Good ${greeting_time}, Michiel! 03 May 2022 15:10:18, you wrote to me: AV>> I have similar issue since I've migrated my server. Even more, AV>> my hosts are unreachable from some parts of the world. MvdV> I have been unable to make an IPv6 connect with your system MvdV> since you moved away from Hetzner. Ipv4 is no problem. IPv4 is native, IPv6 is tunneled. MvdV> So why did you move away from Hetzner? Were you forced? They become unable to charge my card since some unwise people in their government managed to join the so called "sanctions" against Russia (well, it would be really interesting to see the effect when fuqing humanists in our government will introduce at least some real counter-sanctions). Obviously enough, Hetzner just lost money. And the only side effect was some inconvenience for me, as I had to move the server instead of drinking beer. SM>>> Changing provider solved the problem. What could be the cause? AV>> Tried two different ISPs (yes, I have some basic redundance even AV>> at home) without any noticeable effect. MvdV> Too bad... :( The most annoying thing is it fails only for some networks, and I still can't find the reason. -- Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin!gremlin; +vii-cmiii-ccxxix-lxxix-xlii .... :wq! --- /bin/vi * Origin: ::1 (2:5020/545) .