Subj : List of IPv6 nodes To : Tony Langdon From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Wed Jan 19 2022 12:21 pm Hello Tony, On Wednesday January 19 2022 18:18, you wrote to Richard Menedetter: TL> I know I can add a router behind the primary router. The main manual TL> setup will be to assign a /64 to the LAN side of that router. The TL> existing router will pick up the advertisements, setup routing and TL> optionally open the firewall for that /64 (so that filtering can be TL> controlled by the second router). TL> I haven't put that to the test yet, but tempted to give it a try TL> sometime, as a learning exercise. :) I did just that a couple of years ago to test prefix delegation. I connected a second router behind my primary router and IIRC it got a /61 out of the /56 assigned to me. Of that /61, one /64 was routed to the local LAN of the second router. I presume the process allows for cascading routers until the /56 is exhausted, but I did not explore that. I was satisfied that I demonstrated prefix delegation worked. Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: certified sage (2:280/5555) .