Subj : UALR Ham Club Exams To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Wed Aug 05 2020 08:01 pm Due to the following factors, there is a HIGH likelihood that the UALR Ham Radio Club License Exam Sessions, that were set for Sept. 19 and Nov. 21, 2020, at the Amy Sanders Library in Sherwood, will be CANCELED...and exams for 2021 may NOT be able to be scheduled, due to lack of a test site, and payment of required fees. ! COVID-19 restrictions. Until further notice, the Central Arkansas Library System is NOT allowing meetings, exam sessions, etc. to be held. It doesn't matter at this point, if the dates are kept on the calendar, or removed. Even at the UALR Campus, MASKS ARE REQUIRED, like it or not. The campus considers us as "visitors", so that makes testing on the UALR Campus less likely. ! My continuing recovery from hernia surgery 2 months ago, and being told to "not lift anything heavy" (the 3 test cases, with the handouts and printed exam books, are well over 10 pounds each). ! The conduct of some examinees...either refusing to comply with the COVID-19 regulations (not wanting to wear a mask, etc.), or trying to bribe the VE Team to certify the exams fraudulently -- which means all examinees there to re-test in front of another VE Team, or the FCC...and all of the VE's involved would be stripped of their accreditation and ham radio licenses for life. Part 97.511 of the FCC Rules (which one has to agree to follow, in order to obtain a ham radio license), notes "Examinees must comply with the instructions given by the administering VE's". If you don't have the intent on following these, you need not even worry or consider becoming a ham radio licensee. ! Most of the VE's are in "the vulnerable age group" for getting COVID-19. So for all intents and purposes, until further notice, the UALR Ham Radio Club will NOT be doing ham radio license exam sessions. I had even seriously considered disbanding the VE Team, and sending back all the supplies, except for my VE badge, in case another area team needed me. Neither myself, my fellow VE's, or fellow examinees, need to put up with insubordination. In short, all those who were hoping to give the exams as VE's, and to take the exams as examinees...should prepare for the possibility (if not likelihood), that the Sept. 19, and Nov. 21, 2020 sessions are going to end up being canceled. If nothing changes by Labor Day, I likely will cancel one, if not both, sessions. As of now, I'm NOT optimistic of scheduling testing for 2021. Those wanting to take amateur radio license exams should seriously consider contacting another VE Team. Daryl Stout, WX4QZ, UALR Ham Radio Club VE Team Liaison .... Winter is a Sysops friend...Thunderstorms are the enemy. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .