Subj : Re: Thanks see forward to maybe have fmail as well from git ? To : Benny Pedersen From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Wed Jul 24 2024 08:59 am * Originally in FUTURE4FIDO * Crossposted in FMAIL_HELP Hi Benny, On 2024-07-24 05:12:02, you wrote to me: WvV>> I could try, if it's not too much work to familiarize myself with WvV>> gentoo... BP> BP> this solves gentoo compile of fmail, add this patch to sources I'll test it on my systems first! BP> i will make a gentoo ebuild later Thanks! How many gentoo fido users are there? Maybe just 1 ? ;-) Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .