Subj : Re: KC1RGS Intro To : Lon J Seidman From : Daryl Stout Date : Sun Nov 27 2022 02:05 am Lon, LJS> Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I will definitely look you up LJS> on QRZ! There is a hyperlink there for links to several files, including: 1) Excel Spreadsheets in the 4 main US Time Zones (Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific) of selected D-Star, D-Rats, and Echolink Nets (over 200 nets in a month). 2) PDF files related to ham radio, including my ham radio bio, and selected ham radio humor. LJS> HamTestOnline is great - that's how I passed my tech exam. I like how LJS> it helps you build confidence and presents the test as you can expect LJS> it on exam day. I was making progress on the General portion but things LJS> got a bit busy here with the kids back in school, etc. I have a 9 year LJS> old and a 6 year old so as you can imagine things are a bit crazy ! Life does get in the way of our hobbies...although at times, I wondered if it actually was "Do You, Ham...take be your lawfully wedded spouse??" (hi hi). The beauty of HamTestOnline is that they offer a money back guarantee if you fail the exam -- normally, once you buy a study guide, it's refunds. As a Volunteer Examiner (VE) Team Leader, I highly recommend it to everyone coming for a license exam. LJS> I'm going to start setting aside some evening time after the kids fall LJS> asleep to push through the studying. I'm very interested in exploring LJS> digital modes on the HF bands. I've also had a few great phone QSO's on LJS> the 10 meter band including a few occaisions where I hit South America! With winter, the HF bands tend to open up more...but as fast as they open up, they can close up tighter than "a frog's butt underwater" (hi hi). Due to medical issues, I have to operate "internet only", but even with doing so, I am on the air daily...mostly for nets, but at times, for sked requests. This means that my license "isn't just a sheet of paper". Daryl, WX4QZ .... Ham Radio QRP: When you care the most to send the very least. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) .