Subj : Re: 2m to light the world To : Daryl Stout From : Jimmy Anderson Date : Tue Apr 16 2019 12:20 pm When I was in Memphis during drive time I would hear stuff and chew a little, but locally it's just not there... -=> Daryl Stout wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=- DS> Jimmy, JA>There was a 'dicussion' on Facebook yesterday about 2 meters not getting JA>much traffic locally. In part of it, someone mentioned the 26th at 7 pm JA>your local time, go to 2m Simplex and just call out... Well, I did, but JA>I never got a reply. Not sure if this was something that others heard JA>about or tried? DS> It used to be locally that during drive time or nets, was the only DS> time the repeaters were busy. Now, it may be just on nets. DS> When it's good is when there's fog around here, and we get some tropo DS> and skip. DS> Daryl, WX1DER DS> === DS> = OLX 1.53 = What color is a chameleon in a mirror?? DS> --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32 DS> * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .... Does the Little Mermaid wear an algaebra? --- MultiMail/Darwin v0.49 * Origin: Lean Angle BBS * Southaven MS * (1:116/17) .