9-24-24 - Major progress on my PunyComp game. The first room is generally complete. It contains two doors with complications and about six puzzles. The puzzles and compications are not too difficult. I have left enough clues that just about everyone will solve them pretty fast. My muse is on my shoulder! 9-23-24 - After PunyComp 2024 was announced recently, I began development of Jamjar in earnest. Per comp requirements, I am using inform6 / punyinform for development. It is fun to write and should be fun to play. (Most of my work with this new game is done right here on FPU.) Note: This game just seems fun than UnderKansas. So this one is on the front burner. 8-31-24 - Our beloved terrier, Dolcie passed away today. I am alone during the day. Without her and her companionship, I am so lonely. :( 9-16-24 - Back from emergency travel to Florida. I have started UnderKansas, a new IF game for entry into PunyComp 2024. Naturally, I am using Punyinform for development. 7-30-24 - First phlog post. More to come!