Subj : The SouthEast Star To : SBL From : wkitty42 Date : Tue Mar 21 2023 00:30:00 Name: The SouthEast Star Birth: 09/22/18 Software: Synchronet Sysop: waldo kitty e-mail: Web-site: Location: central NC, USA Telnet: Network: DOVE-Net Address: SESTAR Network: FidoNet Address: 1:3634/12 Network: VKRadio Address: 432:1/139 Terminal: TTY Terminal: ANSI Nodes: 10 Megs: 36864 Msgs: 551428 Files: 15570 Users: 81 Subs: 281 Dirs: 392 Xtrns: 31 Desc: Formerly known as Waldo's Place USA, we are a Desc: top-tier Star-meshed Fidonet echomail hub & IFDC Desc: FileGate Project(sm) hub. Telnet/SSH/HTTPS UIs. Desc: Thanks Hurricane Florence (2018) for the push to Desc: set up this new system. Always a WIP ;) json-begin { "name": "The SouthEast Star", "sysop": [ { "name": "waldo kitty", "email": "" } ], "service": [ { "protocol": "telnet", "address": "", "port": 23 }, { "protocol": "rlogin", "address": "", "port": 513 }, { "protocol": "ssh", "address": "", "port": 22 } ], "terminal": { "nodes": 10, "types": [ "TTY", "ANSI" ] }, "network": [ { "name": "DOVE-Net", "address": "SESTAR" }, { "name": "FidoNet", "address": "1:3634/12" }, { "name": "VKRadio", "address": "432:1/139" } ], "description": [ "Formerly known as Waldo's Place USA, we are a", "top-tier Star-meshed Fidonet echomail hub & IFDC", "FileGate Project(sm) hub. Telnet/SSH/HTTPS UIs.", "Thanks Hurricane Florence (2018) for the push to", "set up this new system. Always a WIP ;)" ], "total": { "users": 81, "subs": 281, "dirs": 392, "doors": 31, "storage": 38654705664, "msgs": 551428, "files": 15570 }, "software": "Synchronet", "location": "central NC, USA", "web_site": "", "first_online": "2018-09-22T00:00:00.000Z", "preview": [ "!LZ", "AQcF7SOrZ+6IcpqXrZj2u5/vQg4o0k8syi6q2m+uxh5p1l9tzj7r3n/voIHChokeLGSJ0qbJ", "ny5ihcqWqV6tZo3atunfr2GDxo6ZPmzli9au2b9u44fPEAYQDQAe3cATdwFN3YHcAS3cAO3c", "ALiCgp3iXRITkpNSU9IEgA==" ] } json-end --- sbbslist.js 1.66 þ Synchronet þ The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705) .