Subj : Background Music To : Mike Dippel From : August Abolins Date : Sat Dec 25 2021 17:55:10 Hi Mike... MD> I run 26 online Directory websites that require a lot of my attention to ensure the listings MD> are always up-to-date. Normally, I will have the TV on, but it's hard to watch while doing MD> my web work. MD> I recently rediscovered my iPod with my favorites collections of Doo-Wop and classic rock MD> songs. It's comforting and entertaining to be able to listen to a customized playlist of MD> songs. It makes the work go by effortlessly. MD> In fact, I was working on several directories in my computer room when I realized I had to MD> post this message. Happy happy. MD> Mike Dippel Living in residence going through univerisity, I noted that several guys would "study" with hard rock or heavy metal in the background - and loud! I could never understand how they can do that. I have trouble reading a simple sentence when I have music with lyrics playing in the background. There is no problem when it is just an instrumental piece. I love to foil the bank tellers when they are counting my fiat money; as they count, I just say random numbers. Ciao! /|ug ( --- Want fido for iOS/MacOS/Android/Win/Linux? Info= * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256) .