Subj : Re: Help with sbbsecho wi To : Ian Segers From : Bill McGarrity Date : Mon Nov 06 2017 20:25:55 -=> Ian Segers wrote to Bill McGarrity <=- Sn> Thank you for getting back to me about this Sn> I had a look in sbbsecho.cfg amd the mailer is frontdoor/attach. Sn> I have changed the msg type to FTS-0001 Sn> the file attack, is there any other place in sbbs I sould be looking Sn> at. BM> Only other thing I can think of is to make sure in your areas.bbs the BM> correct uplink is specified for each echo area. That will tell BM> sbbsecho who to create the PKT for and generate a *.MSG to that BM> address. Sn> I give that a shot and let you now BM> Can you look in your Irex log and see if indeed pkt's are being sent to BM> your hub. If so, then it seems you have everything configured BM> correctly on his end. IS> here is part of irex.log ie my packet :- IS> --------- Internet Rex 2.31 (Win95/NT 32-bit), Sun Feb 28 16:30:44 IS> 2016. + 16:30:43 Command line: IS> - 16:30:43 Performing inbound mail scan. IS> * 16:30:43 Received 0 files (0K) IS> % 16:30:43 Starting rescan... IS> % 16:30:43 Done rescan IS> % 16:30:44 Starting thread 0 (4, 1877160, 4064e0) IS> % 16:30:44 Connecting to BinkP site IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: OPT LST UTF IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: OPT CRAM-MD5-bf32e2f7e6cfa2974207059d1150add8 IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: SYS Time Warp of the Future BBS, TCP/IP 1 IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: ZYZ Robert E Starr JR IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: LOC Cougar, WA. USA IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: PHN IS> % 16:30:45 BinkP: NDL IS> CM,IBN,ITN,IFC,IFT,IHT,ISE,IMI,INT,TCP,TEL,VMP,BND % 16:30:45 BinkP: IS> TIME Sun, 28 Feb 2016 03:36:19 -0800 % 16:30:45 BinkP: 1:340/0@fidonet IS> 1:340/400@fidonet 10:10/ 10:10/ IS> 45:45/2@beerme 201:1000/3@dbnet 782:470/100@xpresit 11:11/1@dovenet IS> 618:300/12@micronet 316:77/1@whispernet % 16:30:45 BinkP: IS> 24:140/0@sportnet 24:140/1@sportnet 24:140/2@sportnet * 16:30:47 Sent IS> to 1:340/400: 572d2d07.pkt (2400 bytes) * 16:30:47 Sent to 1:340/400: IS> 01aeffba.SU0 (621 bytes) % 16:31:12 Task 0 is done. IS> my link is 1:340/400 That looks perfect.... BM> IF your uplink is a hub to more than one network, IS> yes has other networks BM> his inbound folder BM> should be the same for all networks. His tosser will see the headers an BM> put them in the correct echoareas. If I can remember correctly you said BM> he had a separate folders with an extension.. like.. ../ IS> I think it was fd\inbound\ OK... then let Robert figure that out. BM> Really shouldn't be that way unless he is running different tossers for BM> different networks. Inbound, at least on my system, should only be one BM> folder. If you're operating FileAttach, then you'll only need one BM> outboud as well. Binkley/FLO will have individual outbound folders for BM> each zone. sbbsecho will create the proper files and deposit them in BM> the proper folders. IS> okay then should I have it as binkley/flo then NO!! Your fine the way it is. You can keep it file attach. The only thing I see is your compressing one network and not the other, which is fine. For now the one where you're compressing, change that to NONE. Exit Irex and post two messages, one in each network. Look in sbbsecho.log and see if they were indeed exported and look at the .PKT names. Your can OPEN each PKT and see the addressing format with a text editor to make sure the addressing is correct. -- Bill Telnet: Web: FTP: IRC: Ports: 6661-6670 SSL: +6697 Radio: .... Look Twice... Save a Life!!! Motorcycles are Everywhere!!! --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50 * Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404) .