Subj : arnewsline To : all From : ARNewsline poster Date : Sat Apr 14 2018 10:32:52 Thank you, are excellent. 73s to all MikeUK From: ARNewsline To: Sent: Saturday, 14 April 2018, 15:16 Subject: You have been added to Hello,The owner of the arnewsline Yahoo Group has moved the group to, a new Groups service. You have been subscribed to the new group using your email address The name of the new group is ARNewsline, and messages can be sent to it at The group homepage is located here.Groups at are similar to Yahoo Groups, but we have several new features and we encourage you to explore the website. If you have never registered with before, your account will not have a password set yet. To log in, you can use the 'Email me a link to login' button to have a link emailed to you that will let you log into the website.You do not have to do anything to continue being a member of this group. If you do not wish to be a member of ARNewsline, click here to unsubscribe and you will be unsubscribed immediately.NOTE: You have also been added to the updates group. The updates group occasionally sends out updates about the service.If you have any questions, please contact, The Team *** As a Service to the HAM Radio Community and HAM Operators all over the world, this Amateur Radio Newline(tm) message has been gated from the internet and posted to you by Waldo's Place USA, fidonet node 1:3634/12. We hope you enjoyed it! Please address all comments and questions to the ARNewsletter editor as described in this posting. If you have any specific questions related to the actual posting of this message, you may address them to hamfdn(at) Thank you and good day! -73- ARNTE-0.1.0-OS2 build 42 (text/plain utf-8 quoted-printable) * Origin: (1:3634/12) .