Subj : The Sodomites To : ALL From : TIM RICHARDSON Date : Sat Mar 08 2014 14:42:00 A couple of things; Firstly, the sodomites of America calling for `rights' is really strange, since they already HAVE all the `rights' everyone else have. But they also want certain speech classified as `hate speech', and that steps over the line. Where it may not set well with sodomites to be called certain things, society needs to remember that most of those terms have been around since sodomy has existed. Where sodomites regularly refer to `hetero'sexuals as `straights'...`heteros'. ...and in more recent times `breeders'; they object to being refered to as `homos' (although *I* do not object to being refered to as `hetero'); and more base terms that refer to sodomites which there is no need to list here (everyone is quite familiar with them all, and the last time this discussion took place in this echo, they only enflamed the entire echo). So, `sodomites' will do nicely, and isn't in any way inflamatory (at least it SHOULDN'T be), as it is an accurate and to-the-point term that conveys the full context of what, exactly, we are talking about. I know....I know....sodomites like to be refered to as *gay*! But the word *gay* is not an accurate discription of what we're actually talking about at all. The word *gay* was hijacked by the homosexual crowd to refer to themselves, because it is a soft, non-threatening term that does not convey the true meaning of `sodomy'. In fact, the word *gay* doesn't convey `sodomy' at all. What the word *gay* conveys in its true meaning and intent is a bunch of people sitting or standing around, happily enjoying each other's company, living in the moment, and deriving happiness and joy from their social communion together. There is nothing *gay* about sodomy. It is an insideous, despicable, desease- causing, and desease-spreading activity, about which nothing *gay* applies. Sick and disgusting would be far more accurate. Which, of course, is why the sodomites hijacked the word *gay* to refer to it. It conceals all the nastiness and humiliation, the desease and sodomy-unique injuries it entails. And, when you consider fairly all the aspects of `sodomy', and all it carries with it, its entire meaning and intent, you can't possibly apply the word *gay* to it in all honesty. Secondly, the meaning and intent of the word *marriage*, has, since the time of Adam and Eve, been the joining of a Man and a Woman in the physical\emotional bond of a lifetime commitment to each other and the family unit they create by physical love\procreation. The very notion that two sodomites of the same sex are `married' in any sense of the word is a travesty; a bastardation of the entire concept of what a `marriage' stands for, its true intent. And the very idea that a governing body (state OR federal), or those sitting on legal forums (judges on court benches) administrating law over us, would allow the bastardation of one of the bedrocks of civilization; marriage between a Man and a Woman), by lending credence in any way to the sodomite's campaign to over-ride our society's repulsion toward it, and force it into the mainstream as `normal', fly's in the face of our entire nation's self-pride. It attacks our national self-respect. It destroys the seperation between normal, righteous civilization, and the bestial, mentally-ill. For nobody can say that a person who is so totally confused as to what their sexual gender is, even though all they have to do is look down between their own legs while in the shower and see for themselves, they can't even marry a person of the opposite sex, is in their right mind. Another thing; if these two sodomites prevail against this bakery, then no business anywhere in this country can EVER lawfully refuse service to anyone for ANY reason! And government or legislature can force an entire society to accept the un-acceptable for very long. True...the Soviet Union forced Russians and peoples of their satelite nations to the will of the `Soviet' for 70 years or more. But America's a little different. And at some point, someone in the crowd is gonna shout out `the emperor isn't wearing any clothes'! --- *Durango b301 #PE* * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 Join Us: (1:123/140) .