Subj : Echo Rules To : All From : Moderator Date : Sat Feb 01 2014 00:00:08 Ruleset For The HOLYSMOKE Echo ============================== Last Modified: 05/08/2009 Moderator: Ross Cassell @ 1:123/500 --Purpose Of Echo For the free discussion both for and against the validity of any religious belief. --Swear Words The usage of swear words are not prohibited for purposes of exclaimation, however the usage of swear words: * To insult, flame or inflame if directed towards a member of this echo * As the sole or only content of your message or reply. * For only the sake of using them. Are prohibited, if in doubt dont do it, else when you cross this line, you will be cautioned. --Name Calling/Personal Attacks Messages that are designed to deliberately insult without conveying any relevant information are included as forbidden. Additionally echo participants are not to be made the subject matter of any message: Footer Tagline Sigline --The "I Hate You" Rule Disputes and personality conflicts that originated in other echoes or which have been long standing, regardless of origination point, are not welcome here. Do not use or enter this echo for the sole purpose of carrying out existing grudges. --The "Persona Non Grata" Rule Individuals banned or suspended from this echo are not to be included in debate within this echo, for purposes of this echo, if a person does get banned or suspended, they do not exist for as long as any ban or suspension is in force. If a banned or suspended person comes into the echo, do not respond to that person if their ban or suspension is still in effect. Violation of this rule can result in being sustended or banned. Explaination: If a person is prohibited from posting in the echo, be that prohibition short term, long term or permanent, then there should be nothing coming from this echo to compel that person to want to or have to defend themselves. --The "Non Echo Member" Rule Do not use this echo to convey information about a person whom is not actively using the echo, if such information is less than factual or is inflammatory. --The "I Twit Thee" Rule The usage of twit filters, assuming your message reader supports it, is encouraged in the event you encounter a individual whom otherwise causes you great irritation. However if you do decide on this course of action and you publically announce that you are twitting someone, you better be sure you live by that proclaimation, which includes up to you treating the irritant as if s/he doesnt exist. If you announce that you have twit filtered someone and in turn take pot shots at them in messages to others, either out of the blue or by seeing that persons messages quoted by others, you are as guilty of being annoying as the person you twitted, and may face risk of being suspended from the echo if not worse. --The "Liar" Rule If you are asking for someones opinion on something and they give it, do not proclaim it to be a lie, an opinion is what it is. If you can have an opinion on something, so can others, see how that works? Someone disagreeing with your viewpoint does not a liar make, if you proclaim someone to be a liar, be prepared to prove it as such or hold thy tongue by not proclaiming someone to be a liar. --The Posting A Lie Rule Do not post anything about another participant which is a deliberate misrepresentation of what they said or whom they are. If you post anything of this nature, it best be worded as an opinion unless proven or admitted to, if it cannot pass the test of proof, then do not present these things as factual. DO NOT POST LIES ABOUT ANYONE! Having said the above, the moderator is not your holy protector and is not responsible for for deciding what was a lie and what is the truth, do not expect arbitration on anything you feel said about you which might have been a lie. --Real Names This is a real names only echo, no handles, aliases without moderator approval. --The To All Rule Do not post messages addressed to all, unless it is to introduce subject matter you wish to have debated. Do not post any message to All, which is in fact a reply to a message written in the echo by another participant. Doing so by inference makes the person whom wrote the message as topic for debate, echo participants are not topics for debate. --Quoting and Quotations Do not over-quote your message replies, quote back that which is needed to specify those points in which your reply is addressing. Do not alter message quotes to change the meaning of the original posters points, this is not to say you are required to quote back every single thing the person said if you are not addressing every single thing they said, just dont make your quote back look as if the person said something they did not. No one is required to address every single point you made in any message. Continually harassing a echo participant with a message quote of what they may have said in a earlier point in time regardless of context, will be regarded as harassing a participant if done to excess. If the person refuses to acknowledge, concede or retract, dont think baraging them with said quote multiple times is going to change the status quo. --Moderation. Leave the moderating to the moderator. The moderator of this echo reserves the right to add, subtract or otherwise amend these rules as necessary up to and including taking action against an individual for something not currently spelled out within the current rule set. -The Moderator- --- * Origin: The Moderator (1:123/500) .