Subj : Re: Famous Last Words To : Daryl Stout From : George Pope Date : Fri May 14 2021 08:59:21 > GP> You accelerate into a curve, right? > Only if you have a death wish. &/or you're a city bus driver going about 10-15MPH over the speed limit with sa bus filled with standees! I & my wheelchair weight 700lbs and are strapped down by 3 belts (L&R on the chair & a lap belt for me) & I'm holding on to an overhead(luckily I have long arms, & can reach while seated) strap for dear life, to keep from tipping! Thankfully they replaced that maniacal bus route with a lightrail option (25 minutes downtown here to downtown Vamncopuiver, vs 90-100 before) > Or the one where the police officer is standing, but the barrel of his > shotgun is propped up against his butt. The meme notes "Why Women Live > Longer". :P I had a group of about 10 of that category! Funny stuff, but only because theyere all true! > GP> DOS 4,01 to Windows 10.0. . . what a expletive-decorated journey that > GP> has been! > I started with 3.2, then went to 5.0, 6.0, 6.2, and 6.22 -- and I even > ran DESQView. Then Windows 95, 98, XP, 7, and now 10. Me, too, except I had 98SP & then, *grooooan* the dreaded evil Vista (I knew I was going to invent new swear words when first session I ran it, & finished with the new, built for Vista, MSIE, I closed it, with the 'x' & a popup said "Internet explorer has closed... restarting" &, in that same session found out that most of the included utilities weren't compatible with Vista! Was so happy to have found an old XP machine & gone back to the last stable Windows ever (I still call it that) I still miss DOS, but too busy &/or lazy to set up my old IBM MCA 486 PS/2, comes with SCSI drivce so I'm not stuck paying $3,000+ for a 2Gb hard disk. the original disk doubler that Microsoft stole for DOS 6.2 > GP> & was forced by a judge to remove and issue DOS 6.22 (when M$ & their > GP> million dollar lawyers lose a case, you KNOW the theft was bad) > Sounds like what they did with DoubleSpace and DriveSpace, which was > originally done by Stacker. Exactly the incident I'm referring to, yup. . . I now have the original Stac installed on the 486, doubling my 400Mb(C:) & my 80Mb(D:). (and data has multipled to fill all available space, of course!) > GP> We supposed Gates walked out of that courtroom, after being ordered to > GP> split Office & their OS(Windoze) into separate companies, asked out > GP> loud, "So, this means I now own TWO monopolies?" > Really. He has his hands in more cookie jars than Microsoft. He IS Microsoft! > Sounds like the song Tom T. Hall did -- faster horses, younger women, > older whiskey, and more money". I'll take all 4, but you can keep the horses, unless they're makingme good money at the races & someone else handles the business sde of that enterprise. . . > That's what the BBS is on at the moment (my late Mom's computer), but I'm > working on moving the BBS into the cloud by late next week. But 3 days of > thunderstorms will put the kabosh (sp?) on that. Once it's in the cloud and > set up though, I won't have to take it down for thunderstorms anymore. What if there's a storm wherever the cloud is hosted? (you HOPE they have lightnig rods & surge proectors everywhere, but don't assume they do); my company's IT dude assumed Amazon Cloud would have regular backups, but when Amazion lost part of our data, they lost it ALL! (whole company had been moved there, since we're 100% virtual now) We rebuilt what we culd from our own, slightly behid, backups. Thankfully I was paranoid & had a separate backup(unencrypted) of our key database that our IT guy could reconstruct & reinitialise. Else our company could've died right then. > > "This fellow Charles Lindburg will never make it. He's doomed." > > Harry Guggenheim, millionaire aviation enthusiast > To success. Funny thing, Lindbergh did nothing impressive; he was not the first to cross the Atlantic solo, not by about 400 others, & he waasn;'t even the first American to do so, but the media loved him since his kid was kidnapped, so a myth was born! Ditto Edison -- not an inventor of any note -- the incandescent lightbulb with tungsten filament had been in use for 100+ years prior to his claiming to have invented it! He msade a ig deal about his Menlo Park labs & the media ate it/him up; basically he had people doing everything for him then he put his own name on the parent as primary inventor. He was a conman! Now Nikola Tesla - THERE was an American genius & inventor, but they dumped him because he dared to discover/create a way to get electricity for free! Killed him, killed his lab, killed his notes. . . :'( (oh the wonders we might've had) > > "God himself could not sink this ship." > > Anonymous Titanic Deck Hand > To which, a voice from above says "Is That Your Final Answer??" Makes e think of John Lenon saying "We're[Beatles] bigger than God" then soon after being shot down. . . & Nebuchadnezzar saying he was like a God to this people -- a week later, his entrails are being lapped up by a pack of wiold dogs in front of everyone! Arrogance, vis-a-vis God, is not a healthy way to go. . > > 'Television won't last. Its a flash in the pan' - Mary > > Somerville, pioneer of radio educational broadcasts, 1948. "Video killed the radio star" --big "booya" hit on early MTV > There was a 45 RPM record I had a long time ago, which was > a compilation of their most popular songs in a skit. Hmm, can you recall the name of it or the producer? > > 'Heavier than air flying machines are impossible' - Lord Kelvin. > > President of the Royal Society,1890-5. > Physicusts have PROVEN (with math) that a bumblebee cannot fly (hey, nobody said they had to fly ELEGANTLY!) Also European scientists proved (using numbers) that a passenger train could never go faster than 30MPH, as all the air would be sucked out & everyone would asphyxiate! (true stories, both) > ... When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty. We avenged ourselves by hunting them into near extinction for their oh-so- delicious wings. . . Ordering KFC, and I ask for a chicken wing. Cashier asks, “ok sir, and which side?” I replied I had never thought about it before, but I suppose I’ll take the right side. Cashier: “sir, I meant mashed potatoes, corn, or beans.” -=- I heard that scientist are trying to genetically engineer a pig to have wings. It seems far fetched to me. I'll believe it when pigs fly [my response: if pigs could fly, seagulls wouldn't be our biggest parked car problem any more!] -=- Q: What has 2 legs but cannot walk, two wings but cannot fly, 2 eyes but cannot see? A: A dead chicken. -=- I was in a KFC in Prague, standing in line waiting to order my lunch when I noticed the beautiful girl wearing a black and white tiled apron who was giving the man in front of me a bucket of Buffalo wings..and then it dawned on me. I was checking out a chequered Czech check-out chick who was checking out some chicken at the checkout. -=- Q: Do you like ribs or wings? A: I like them both i am bisnacksual -=- Scientifically a raven has 17 primary wing feathers. The big ones at the end of the wing. These feathers are called pinion feathers. A crow has sixteen. So, the difference between a crow and a raven is only a matter of a pinion. -=- Brought my friend some chicken, told him I had 1 leg, 3 breasts and a wing. He asked “So how do you find clothes that fit?”. -=- Here's a fact for you: on average we all have 1 breast & 1 testicle! Your friend, <+]:{)} Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2) .