Subj : Re: The Chili Judge To : George Pope From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue May 04 2021 21:27:00 George, > 1) You Can't Beat Our Meat. > 2) I Like My Butt Rubbed, And My Pork Pulled. GP> What a conkydink, so do I! And, having it done by a member of the opposite sex helps, too. Remember, dirty old Sysops need love, too. ;) GP> My doc looked at my gut & said I should diet. GP> I replied, "You told me to watch my weigt, so put it up front where I GP> can see it easily. What colour should I dye my belly to lose weight?" GP> Diet is just DIE with a T --Garfield My late wife said DIET is a 4 letter excuse to cheat...or an acronym for Did I Eat That?? GP> ok, dieting it is: GP> Did you hear about the guy who went on a fruit diet? In just 2 days, he GP> became completely obnoxious GP> Evidently, it is enough to make a Mango crazy My brother can eat mangoes, but he breaks out in a rash if he touches the outer skin. GP> After careful consideration, I’ve decided to go on an entirely GP> vegetarian based diet. GP> I will now only eat animals that are herbivores. How do you eat one of God's Creatures?? In a sandwich. :P GP> My friend Joe recently went on the Dolly Parton diet... GP> It made Joe lean, Joe lean, Joe lean, Joe lean! Keep me abreast of any developments with her and Morganna. GP> -=- GP> My wife says I'm on a seafood diet.... GP> When I see food, I eat it! Mine is the light version...when it gets light, and I see food, I eat it. GP> -=- GP> John Bon Jovi has started an extremely strict fruit only diet... GP> He's living on a pear. I thought his distant relative was Ann Chovy. GP> I have a condition that prevents me from going on a diet.... GP> I get hungry. You and me both. GP> -=- GP> I changed my diet... GP> ...the cookies now stand left of my keyboard. When someone said to delete the cookies, I ate another Oreo. GP> -=- GP> Mahatma Gandhi walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an GP> impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which GP> made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad GP> breath. This made him .. GP> A super calloused fragile mystic hexed with halitosis Cue the music!! GP> -=- GP> Diet Diary, Day one : Have just removed all the fattening food from the GP> House.. GP> ..and it was so delicious. Someone had to do it. GP> -=- GP> I thought about going on an all almond diet GP> But that would be just nuts Quite so. I prefer the Mounds, but don't care for Almond Joy...does that mean I'm not nuts?? Daryl .... Avoid that run down feeling. Stay on the sidewalk. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .